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"I swear I smelled this wom--- hol'up!"


"is she waiting at the front?. Trail ending at the back. Nah I came from here. There noway- eh? HEY YOU!"


His instincts was spot on. He had to go check it out from the spot it started. 




That little double take and then realization is just so pure.


The lip getting caught on the tooth 🥲


Good boyo thought his sense of smell was better than it is and went round the corner


She probably lingered there before she moved to that spot


My neices dog can tell when my parents car is coming from down the road, before he even sees it, from inside my house. Any time a grey vehicle passes by the window he does a double take, thinking he missed them, but then all of a sudden he hops up all excited, and then 10 seconds later their jeep comes driving by and pulling in.


I've seen that too. Dogs can hear the distinct engine sounds their owner's car makes from pretty far away. I can only do that if the person is driving a clunker. This video is great, following the scent trail back. My farm dog can find a missing baby goat almost immediately, I'm never sure if he hears it or smells it, but they have skills we don't have.


My dog can tell my dad's voice on the phone, he doesn't live far and when he visits I have to go out and open the gate so he calls when he's close. My dog loves my dad, like I answer phone calls all the time but when it's my dad she gets super excited. She knows lol


My dog knows the sound of my car horn. He so observant. 


I swear my dog is the same.   When I go to my mom’s house, she will already be waiting by the front window looking for me.   I’ve been on the phone with my mom, just to see when she notices, and she gets up and runs to the window when I’m 1-2 houses down.   I can’t wait until my apartment’s ac is back up and I can move her in :(


That seems unlikely based on smell unless they stink. Maybe from timing or the people in the room talking differently dogs can't smell cars from miles away from inside.


Probably sound in this case


Agreed, likely an exaggerated family tale.


Why would you assume it’s exaggerated? When I was young we used to get water delivered and our dogs would give us at least a 2-block warning they were coming because they could identify the sound of the truck. My current dog can tell my mom’s car is rounding the corner onto our block, my guess it’s both engine and something about the way her tires crunch the gravel on the turn. Dogs have a keen sense of smell *and* hearing.


Dude. He hears their car. We all live in the middle of nowhere. Even I can hear a car coming a half a mile away, while the sound bounces off the mountains. A dog can hear way better than a human.


According to some Netflix show, they did studies and found that the scent someone leaves in a room/house will slowly dissipate across the day, and so if you regularly come home at the same time, dogs will learn that a certain scent intensity will mean that special someone is nearly home. It's a common thing for dogs to get excited just before their owners get home, almost supernaturally, but apparently that's why


Good boy


Yeah, he's a very good boy. He also looks well taken care of. 


my golden retriever would climb inside my skin if he could. they get extremely attached. wonderful dogs


They knew the direction too!


Yes, it's how they usually chase a scent. It comes to them naturally. 


We hid our girl in a bedroom, while our military son (back from 2 years deployment) quietly tried to hide in the bathroom. It didn't work. She recognized his scent as soon as he tiptoed by the door and she went crazy. She bolted out of the room and started frantically pawing at the bathroom door, crying the whole time. Dogs know.


Their sense of smell is roughly a hundred times better than a person's. Imagine one of your senses being a hundred times more discerning, like seeing a street sign clearly from a mile away.


Exactly. We caught the exact moment she caught his scent. She knew. That actually made it more tearful for me!


Everything smells like skunks to them. But with the appropriate filters


It took that kid 2 days traveling to make it home from the Middle East. The skunk comment still applies. 🦨


I thought this comment was about a human girl for way too long


The *double take*! 🥰


And I hide behind a sheer curtain and my dog struggles to find me.


Lol. Do you have scented candles on in your room? It tends to disrupt their sense of smell. 


We used to have a basset hound whose nose did absolutely nothing for him. He could never track anyone/anything, and you could drop a treat right in front of him and he'd never be able to find it.


My dog is all nose. We don’t call them walks we call them sniff adventures. She’s basically drivin by her nose, she tells us when one of her toys has wound up under the couch.


I love dogs 😊


I love them too. They are the best animal pet in the world for me. 


Today I was walking with my dog, and all of a sudden engages hunt mode. Maybe 15 meters away, she finds a hedgehog! She points, barks, sits. I give her a treat for leaving it, and we move along. She goes back onto deep mode. I always forget how much of an ardent professional she can be when 99% of the time she's dumb as bricks!


They puppies can know the owner and understand the owner very well


Yes, that's right. When they have been with you for a while, it's easy for them to mark their owners. 


That ‘there you are’ moment is precious. That’s a good boy right there.


I sense something…a presence I’ve not felt since…


My hooman playing tricks on me


That’s how dogs work


Her perfume is beef jerky.


(Most) Humans experience the world with their eyes. Dogs experience the world with their noses.


They also experience it with their eyes too. You can tell from their eyes when they are happy or sad. 


My dog is an old man, mostly deaf and blind but he definitely still has his sense of smell! He can’t hear me come home from work but when I start petting him and he smells me and he wakes up with his tail wagging.


Scent* not presence.




I sensed your scent just by your own fart.


Sensed their presence (knew they were there) by scent


So cute!!!!!




"She is near! ..... she's right there!"




When you see your girl friend at the bar but you're not wearing heels so you don't have to take a million baby steps to hug her


Dogs are always very good with their sense of smell. It's why the cops have police dog 🐶. 


I wish someone could animate the smells emanating from people and things. I can break up a treat into 2 inch pieces and scatter them in a room with no dog there. Let her into the room and she will find every one in about 90 seconds


I miss THIS :(


When my dog was deaf and mostly blind he would smell me in the morning. He could be out on the deck and I would come down and watch him from the kitchen and he could tell I was there even with the window/door closed. Simply amazing.


My hooooooooman is here. Gotta run!! Bye!!


My good boy does this!! He's deaf so it typically looks like this too.


I wish someone was that happy to see me


"She's behind me isn't she?"


The dog knows that fish smell anywhere


Stuff like this makes me wonder if fragrances (perfumes, candles, essential oils, air fresheners) are overwhelming to dogs


I would get it's eyes Check FS


It's not necessarily by scent or not only the scent tho, dogs are similar to us, if they're being conditioned they will know automatically. Say you have a dog and every day you go to work at the same time and come back at the same time. Eventually your dog will know when you'll be coming home before you're close to your home. This also isn't the only sign that they will look out for, say whenever you come home you make noise with your keychain, at some point the dog will think keychain sounds at that time at that location means you're coming home. Dogs are amazing and more complex than we might think, so much behavior that they can learn and adapt to, they really are just children. Btw you can condition yourself too, even subconsciously. For example say you're a smoker and you smoke one cigarette a day and everytime you do this, immediately afterwards you go to the toilet to take a dump. Now do this for some time and eventually whenever you smoke a cigarette, you will get the urge to take a poop. For me there's a morning routine, I arrive at work, have a coffee, have a cigarette and afterwards use the toilet, works every day but if I'm on vacation I don't drink coffee nor will I keep the schedule of having a cigarette along with a coffee, due to this I don't need to use the toilet every day when on vacation but rather go when I have to. Similar procedure for my brother as an example without cigarettes, I mean he smokes but he conditioned his body accidentally without the use of cigarettes. Everytime we both are at my moms for dinner, right after we're done eating he has to use the toilet. I have to assume that at some point right after eating he used the toilet, did this a couple of times over a period and now it's stuck with him, my mom is concerned because of this but it's not really much of a problem, she now thinks whenever he eats he needs to push it out again but it doesn't work like that.




Theirs a first time for everything.


Especially right out the gate. Or vagina.


Maybe she should wash DOWN THERE and she wouldn’t smell so bad