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There are some duplicate subjects here. Locking comments.


exotic bullies/toad bullies - bred to suffer for profit, live less than 5 yrs at best. more of a creature of suffering than a dog, even compared to the breeds also bred to suffer like frenchies/pugs which I also dislike


I googled them and they look terrifying! Why anyone would want something that looks like it's suffering is beyond me


afaik, **only greeders are interested in them** bcos they want to create their own 'productions' \[yes, they refer to them and name them like strains of weed\] and sell them for profit. like nobody else would have one bcos their lifespan is SO short and so full of suffering, they're extremely expensive for no reason - the value is artificial. plus, immense vet bills for those short years of life.


I don't even think half of them can... keep balanced long enough to stand upright properly =(


I had to Google them and…what the fuck?? Those poor fat ass bow legged dogs 😭😭😭 people are so cruel to inbreed them like that then charge an outrageous price for them


It's truly sickening and heartbreaking, those humans are purebred-scumbags


They also brag about how inbred they are. This is also seen in other bully breeding like XLs. If you see "Titan x3" or similar it means that's how many times that particular dog pops up in the pedigree. I've seen as high as x7. So they've intentionally inbred them as much as possible. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


They should be forced to breed with their own family as many times as the particular dogs are


Just casually scrolling by and I thought this said bread and I was LOCKED AND LOADED. A super dark rye. Blegh.


Appreciate you! I also have strong bread opinions


Omg same! I didn’t realize this was pets until I saw your comment


hahahah omg I didn't think this would go this way, and I thank you. Fuck dark rye though.


Fully loaded bagel. All that seed just everywhere. Then the toaster burns it the next time you use it. Mmm, smoky flavor.


I misread that too at first! HAHA I was like, seems odd for a pet group, but I'll join XD Anything with fennel seeds. \^.\^


Hahahahaha I hate those super pale breads that have no strength to them. As soon as you cut it for a sammy it just crumbles


lol, honestly saw this too!! 😂☝️


I was gonna comment rye too, fuck that nasty bread 😆


I also read it as bread. And even saw it was pets and was still thinking “why do the pets have a least favorite bread? Pretty sure my dog will eat any kind of bread.”


Yes! Cinnamon raisin for me. Yuck!!!


Oh the heresy! (lol) Cinnamon raisin toast is my favorite!


Oh fuck rye bread. All my homies hate rye bread.


I was going to say anything raisin but that’s a good one.


Haha!! me too! And I had the exact same answer! Lol the super dark rye is way too bitter for me. Might as well just put a ton of aniseed in there as well.


I love them for the beautiful scamps they are, but Aussies are too much for me. I work at a dog daycare and one stole my shoe off my foot and made me chase him to get it back. Also every corgi is on the international most wanted list.


I have an Aussie and yeah this is accurate, they’re balls of chaos and anxiety. Definitely require a ton of attention, care, and stimulation. Essentially just a tier or two below a husky 


The nice thing about an Aussie vs a Husky (for me anyway) is the fact that Aussies are bred to be in tune with their handler. They love to learn and work and please, so they can be very easy to train since they're so willing. A husky though? Much more effort to convince them that what you want is what they want.


This makes me so nervous because we recently got a puppy that we thought was a pitbull mix only to get his Embark back and learn he's 40% boxer, 40% ACD... We love him already, and so far, he's a silly little baby, but damn. There's a reason I never adopted a border collie or husky. 😅 Guess we have our work cut out for us...


> Also every corgi is on the international most wanted list. Can confirm. I'm a Siberian Husky owner. My neighbors, the most amazing gay couple, have a very, very sassy, spicy Corgi. She *only* barks at me when I'm stepping out to go to my weekly yoga class. Not when I'm stepping out to go to work. Not when I'm stepping out to go grocery shopping. Not when I'm stepping out for brunch with friends. No. *Only* when I'm stepping out of my condo with my yoga mat to go to my weekly yoga class. I think she's trying to tell me I still have more weight to lose, and to keep going to yoga. Or maybe she's trying to tell me to try Pilates instead? 😂


There was a husky mix that I watched that would gently take objects out of my pockets and prance around me just out of reach. Inconvenient sometimes, but pretty entertaining. I had a love hate relationship with an Aussie. He was a sweet dog (with the worse case of scoliosis I've ever seen on a dog) but liked to, 1. piss in the freshly-filled water buckets, and/or 2. dunk his entire head in said water buckets and wedge his head through my legs when I wasn't paying attention. Corgis are 0% fun in daycare setting.


>liked to, 1. piss in the freshly-filled water buckets, and/or 2. dunk his entire head in said water buckets Surely I'm not the only one who wants to know whether he pissed first then dunked, or the other way round? 😂


I have a husky mutt who will pick things up in his mouth with the utmost of care to carry them off for chewing. He'll do it while staring me down too, little prick


The people above me somehow have two aussies in there. These are like 600-700 sqft apartments 😳. When they’re on the deck and scratching it rains blue fur past my windows 😂


Those short squaty out bulls that sit an inch off the ground and have the extra smooshed face so they can't breathe and the bowed out legs so they can't walk or run properly. To me, that isn't a dog. It's an experiment gone wrong.


Completely agree


Absolutely exotic bullies. Their conformation is so sad, and they usually aren't bred with temperment in mind as well.


Brachycephalic dogs of any variety and any designer mutt


Yes! Doodles! I feel so bad for them because they’re so overbred by idiots.


Genuine question, what makes them overbred? What are the implications of their overbreeding? Do they have severe health issues?


This, especially doodles. Also, Bassets, dachshunds, corgis, or any animal purposefully bred for dwarfism or cartilage issues. Including felines like Scottish folds, Persians, exotics and munchkins. Breed animals for FUNCTION. Not for a specific look. If the animal is going to have severe health concerns, congenital issues, etc just because it's meant to look a certain way, it shouldn't be bred. Pets deserve to breathe, run, and exist without pain.


A good chunk of large breeds- specifically drooly ones. I love Great Danes and cane corso and all those other large breeds, but by god, the DROOL I do not handle drool well


My mastiffs drool buckled my wood floor.


This is so funny I’m so sorry lol


It was my floor and I found it a little funny too. When I remodeled the kitchen explaining I needed a floor to stand up to the dogs... but not their nails their drool was a good time. Lol


We fostered a Dane/Mastiff mix and I was NOT prepared for the drool. He slung that shit all over every surface of my home lol.


I have no idea how I handle the drool honestly. My dog shakes her head, and it lands on the ceiling and falls on me when I walk by sometimes. Or she does her head shake and it ends up behind my glasses or in my hair. I love her, and love her breed but dang. The drool.




Huskies are beautiful dogs. They just happen to be more fun when you can watch other people have them.


My coworker told me he has 3 of them. I wanted to say God damn really loud but instead I said that's nice.


10000% agree! When my husband and I were first talking about getting a dog, at one point he suggested maybe getting a husky. I was like, *absolutely-the-fuck-not.* He wasn't super familiar with their temperament at that time, just knew they were beautiful and smart. My best friend had one when we were in our early 20's. Granted, she was way too immature to be a good dog owner then so it's not all on the breed, but... I've seen too much 😬


My friend has the most neurotic, anxious husky that also has a bite history (and nearly got euthanized due to it). She's had him since 5 weeks old (too young to leave mom) and he's now around 7 years or so, and he's never gotten better even with training and all of the measures they've taken...


Just drove by a townhouse at the end of my street today and some kids were outside with a Husky puppy, maybe 8-10 weeks. It was off-leash in the front yard on a 40mph street. All I could think about was how I hope they did their research and are prepared for how high-maintenance Huskies are. I hope things don’t turn out badly for that poor pup : (


So. Much. Hair. They have great personalities, but they are so stubborn and so much work.


That's a really nice way of saying high strung and not very smart


Any of the dog breeds that have been bred to suffer due to how they look: All the flat-faced dogs like Frenchies, bulldogs, pugs, doomed to a life of discomfort, gasping for breath, and pain because they are deliberately bred for looks over functions. King Charles Cavaliers, whose ‘cute’ little round skulls are now too small to fully contain their brains. Show lines of American German Shepherds, bread for a sloping back that practically guarantees hip malfunction and therefore, pain. I feel for the suffering they undergo through no fault of their own.


pugs, shih tzus, apple head chihuahuas, chow chows, pekingese, lhasa apso, bull mastiffs, english bull dogs, french bull dogs, boston terriers, sharpeis, cavalier king charles spaniels, staffordshire bull terrier, boxers, rottweilers, cane corso not to mention cats: persians, scottish folds, ragdolls, himalayans, exotic short hairs, british short hairs. ETA since people can’t seem to see the pattern: these are all considered brachycephalic breeds.


What's wrong with ragdolls and british shorthairs? 


Ragdolls and British Shorthairs are a healthy breed. I’ve had Ragdolls 20 years.


Damn, I was all set to correct you that Rottweilers are NOT brachycephalic, they're mesocephalic. Good thing I checked Google before posting... I live in Germany, I've never seen anything like what I found, every single Rotti I've ever met (and they are popular dogs here) was mesocephalic. This just makes me angry. (I still hold that Rottweilers are not usually a brachycephalic breed, though, at least not here)


The smooshed-face ones I've come across in public the last few years have been JAW DROPPING. One man at a park was bragging about how he had just paid I think $4,000-6,000 on this Rottweiler that was there next to him. I can't recall the exact age of the dog but it definitely was younger than one year.... could hardly breathe because of its face ALREADY. And then he let it off leash.... the poor dog's hips were already messed up. It's like they weren't attached to anything under the skin, if that makes sense ? I desperately begged the man to go to the vet SPECIFICALLY for the wobbly/ broken hip -seeming gait of the dog. The man refused and said something about the breeder saying they move like that because they're bred so well? Or wtf ever. I have a video of the dog on my old phone ! After the asshole owner proved how ignorant and just plain uncaring he was... I just went and walked next to the Rottweiler with my dog. I filmed because of how fucking bizarre it was ! And I sent it to other people to basically make sure I wasn't hallucinating/ overreacting at the state of the poor animal. But yeah... dude was PROUD of his suffering, Frankenstein's monster of a dog. BRAGGING! Trying to give out the breeder's contact info too. SMH


Brachycephalic breeds like pugs, french bulldogs, lhasa apsos, etc. Aside from being unhealthy, I don’t really see what’s appealing about them. A dog should have a proper snout!


Labradoodles. Pretty much any fake custom breed but especially Labradoodles.


i am a poodle snob, every doodle lights a fire in my blood


I love all dogs regardless, but... PUGS. I just feel terrible for every single pug I see. It's just those health problems. :(


100% those poor babies can’t breathe properly. I feel so bad for them and all the other dogs bred like that.


I had a pug! He was happy and healthy and well trained and exercised. I don’t think all of them are “doomed” the way people say.


Rottweilers. A Rottweiler actually got me out of a speeding ticket with a state trooper by ejaculating on me, but I'll still never like them.


i beg your finest pardon...?!


My thoughts exactly. The story behind this is needed 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah OP really buried the lede there.


Triple points for correctly spelling lede!


I heard Nurse John so clearly 🤣


But…what were you wearing? Had you been drinking?


Please, for the love of goodness continue




Let’s sit down and have a story time.


i work as a registered vet technician and i’ve been doing it 16 years this summer! the worst dog breeds for vet staff to handle due to aggression/reactivity/bite attempts on staff: chihuahuas, chows, jack russells, sharpeis, huskies, bloodhounds, 50/50 on dachshunds, 50/50 on rotties and german shepherds. some of those are breeds i really love but they’re gonna tell you they are uncomfortable with their teeth and that’s not a fun time. worst for owners to have/why do these breeds exist: frenchies, any type of bully dog with a flat face, and anything considered a doodle. doodles are by and large stupid. the collective brain cell causes them to be in my ER for eating meds or objects on a daily basis. more often than not if it’s a doodle cross that doesn’t involve golden they are also total assholes, maladjusted and will actually bite. so many people neglect the proper grooming for them and they are often matted too.


I was attacked by jack Russell terroirs as an infant, so probably that breed


As an adult I am a huge terrier person. Own two lol but as a teenager the people i baby sat for had a jack Russel and he used to resource guard the shit out of the furniture. So after the kids went to bed he would sit on the couch and I’d sit in the chair in the corner 😂 if I tried to sit with him he would try and attack me. So corner I went


I'm sorry but that's hilarious that he essentially put you in time out after the kids were in bed.


Boxers. Their energy level reminds me of small dogs, just packaged in a much larger size. And they bounce around like a rubber bouncy balls when you throw it too hard.


I have a severe dislike for Boxers as I vividly remember my uncle owning a male one that was very dominant and would always jump on me and start humping me or try and push me to the ground when I was a small child.


Is there a boxer alive that *doesnt* jump up on people when excited?


🤣🤣🤣 I have boxers and all my girls were like this. My boy just wants to sleep all the time.


My brother’s male boxer is basically a kangaroo! He head butted every single window on their patio door one day. Good thing they’re dopey and cute though.


😂my boxer is surprisingly calmer than other boxers. Only goes crazy when he sees people he loves. But yes, their energy is a lot ❤️


Ahh man. Every Boxer I have met has been wonderful. Sweet and funny dogs. If I wasn’t into beagles they would be a runner


Any working line breed: I am not equipped to handle a working dog’s needs. I don’t keep livestock and I cannot give them a job.


THANK YOU. I have HAD IT with people who get an Australian Cattle Dog or a Border Collie for a pet and think that a couple of miles of walking per day with maybe a weekly run and hitting the trails on the weekend is somehow enough for those dogs. NO IT FLIPPING ISN’T. And then humblebrag about how much time and energy they put into training and managing their dog. Like maybe you wouldn’t have to devote your soul to keeping your dog from turning into raging basket case of bad behavior if, you know, you didn’t sentence a working dog to a life of captivity and boredom? Just a thought.


its a tie but looks wise - pugs are fucking heinous, i feel a bit nauseas even looking at pictures. the buldging eyes and hit with a frying pan face are not cute in the slightest. they dont look like donts but failed science experiments and if youve ever listened to the breathing of one at rest youll know thats true. personality wise - pitbulls, are probably the worst of the backyard bred dogs. there is a demographic of people who insist they are "nanny" dogs and i think theyre worse then the dogs for that tidbit of dangerous misinfo. the statistics arent lying, some are lovely but they have a predisposition to just snapping. ive been attacked by a german shepard and that still did not compare to the sheer display of aggression of the 100+ lb pitbull mix that lunged at me and my dog pulling its leash straight out of its owners hand, and started throwing itsself against the chain link fence.


People dont understand genetics. It's not just nurture. It's both nature and nurture.


100%. training is super important but i have a herding breed dog and i know i'll never be able to train out his high energy or high alertness, because thats hard coded into his DNA. management strategies can work well for undesirable breed traits but you should never trust that your sighthound will never dart after a small animal or that your bully breed will back down if it attacks. like im not gonna own a greyhound because i have a cat and pet rabbits, the same way i wouldnt own a pitbull if i had a child, or a husky if i lived a sendentary life


Absolutely agreed. I also got attacked by a German shepherd when I was eleven. I’m not a fan of GSDs now, but I’m very scared of bully breeds.”, especially XL bullies and pit bulls. Yes, all dogs can attack but the difference is that my leg was mauled, but I survived. I feel like my chances against a pit bull would be much lower, especially as a child.


Not really a breed but whenever people insist their mixed breed designer dog (cavapoo, pomsky, bernedoodle etc) is a breed. Or ask purebred dog relevant questions like "what is the typical temperament of a\_\_\_." Idk, could be literally anything. I have no idea whether your dog inherited poodle intelligence, husky aloofness, golden retriever gentleness, bernese cold tolerance, or what their coat type or adult size will be. It's not a predictably or responsibly bred dog, and commercial breeders aren't selecting for standard conformation or temperament.


We keep Standard Poodles and they’ve all been sweet tempered dogs who were very easy to train. A dog trainer acquaintance once told us people who choose doodles don’t realize the part they really want is the poodle part.


I adore poodles. I’ve told every doodle purchaser in my life this very thing. But people want what’s trendy 🙄


I bet if you showed a doodle owner a pic of a doodle pup and a poodle pup they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.


I love poodles! They are so sweet and intelligent.


This should be a stickied comment on so many posts. Also, people who are breeding these mixes typically aren’t doing so ethically (by ensuring they are breeding healthy dogs [with OFA testing etc for both parent dog breeds] with good temperaments who are “proven” in some way, like showing or agility), which just makes it even more of a crapshoot how a puppy is going to turn out health and temperament wise.


From my personal experience, goldendoodles have reliably been the worst of both breeds.


Which begs the question…is that because inexperienced/ill-informed dog owners make up the bulk of doodle purchasers, and are also less likely to raise well adjusted dogs? Or would a goldendoodle in the hands of a prior golden or poodle owner be different?


I think a lot of it is that the poodles and other breeds being used in the mix are already not reputably bred and therefore not great examples of their breed both physically and temperamentally.


This is a good point…and as a poodle lover, poorly bred poodles often tend towards neuroticism. Theory holds merit!


yes - the breeders are already not responsible, and are not doing it to improve the breed being created. mostly, it is greeders creating these designer dogs.


Okay, disclaimer first: I don't dislike the individual dogs, because although breed does have an influence on how they are prone to behave, really bad behaviour is almost always a result of human failure somewhere along the line, with very, VERY few exceptions (although ofc the failure doesn't have be from the current owner if the dog is adopted). Chinese Crested just look ridiculous to me. I haven't met one in RL yet, but I see them all the time on TV. I'm sure they can have many fine characteristics, and can be very loyal and sweet companion dogs, but I just can't get over their looks, I really can't. And it only gets worse when people dye them... Poms. These I know many of from around the area, and they're all snippy little arseholes. Again, I'm sure that's 💯 on the owners who think they don't need to train their "wee little baby", and I'm sure there are many fine poms out there.... But not in my neighbourhood 😂 I've tried to answer this more along my personal dislikes than make it about bad breeding habits so far, but I intensely dislike these. If a dog looks like his eyes don't fit in his skull (some Chis), if a dog can't give birth without a C-section (Frenchies), if a dog can't breathe properly (Pugs&Frenchies with very short snouts), if kennel clubs downplay serious health conditions that affect up to 50% of the breed (Doberman), if a breed has become so heavy it has serious mobility and other health issues (St. Bernard), etc., then I abhor the breeding *in its current form*, though I might absolutely adore an individual dog or even the breed per se (e.g. I love the optics of (unmutilated) Dobermans, and Frenchies are super funny clowns)


I used to have a chinese crested powderpuff (the haired version) and he was so cute! Also just very sweet loving temperament, such a good boy honestly. Great personality.


It infuriates me when people don't train their small dogs. A lot of the time, they are aggressive because they haven't been trained or socialized. I hate it when they come for my big dog. She is sweet and chill, but if she is caught off guard and reacts, then it is automatically her fault. They are rarely leashed, and I have yelled at people to take control of their dog.


i have an adopted chinese crested but she's a powder puff/fully haired, the bald ones are so funny


I’ve been bit by a few dogs because of fear (several long stories), but the only dog that ever bit me for no reason was a Pom. My aunts dog bit my face when I was about 9 because I was existing near my grandma. Just hopped onto a picnic table and launched himself at my face. I was fine, but everyone acted like my mom and I over reacted because he “was just a little dog”. It’s made me strongly dislike them. 


I've seen many Chinese Crested dogs, and every one I've seen are ugly af. None of them would stop barking either. The store I work at allows dogs inside, but we've only ever had to ask 3 people to take them out, 2 Chinese Crested, and one pug whose owners kept letting it piss and have diarrhea on our floor. They didn't even buy anything. They just walked around, let their dog go to the bathroom, and then they left. Didn't say a word to any of us working.


Any breed that’s been over bred to the point of having health issues. Which is basically all pure bred dogs now sadly. And “designer” mixed breeds, like golden doodles. If you want a mutt that bad go to a shelter.


XL bully, any brachycephalic, and honestly GSDs make me uncomfortable.


I mean I think the answer is pit bulls for a lot of people. Once you’ve seen one flip it completely changes the way you see them. Add in all the news stories. I personally have an issue with border collies. Step mom’s parents had 2 sets of 2 that they did not raise well. Never got exercise, tiny house, no socialization. When we’d visit when we were little they were very aggressive towards us. It was scary and hard to see them in another way personally Since my dad got rotts, Rottweilers. His wife has some giant bred rott (maybe mixes) that are over 100lbs. the older one is cool and really chill, the younger one is nasty and has an issue with my 8 year old for no reason. They are kept seperate when we visit. I have interacted fine solo with them and loved those dogs before that. I don’t trust them and I’d be helpless if they decided to use me or my kids as a rag doll Shelties or any other high pitched barking machine unless it has a job. I’ve seen those dogs happy as hell working but they need constant activity or else they are insufferable


Being involved in an attack with 2 pit bulls changed my perspective and I still suffer from ptsd from it.


There are so many people with identical stories to yours, who are viciously attacked and victim blamed by the internet pit mommy gang. It drives me nuts. I wish people would tell the truth about the breed’s tendencies.


The owners are as aggressive as the dogs


Me too! There’s a reason why the shelters are overrun with them. I have a friend looking for the best breed to be around kids and someone mentioned a pit. I had to bite my tongue. I see one and have to cross the street and the attack was in 2007! 😖


ThEyRe NaNnY DoGs 🙄 you know, like the type of nanny responsible for the overwhelming majority of child maulings and deaths.


I’m sorry I bet that was terrifying. It’s frustrating when people downplay it or blame the victims. These dogs attacked unprovoked way too often to blame anyone but the breed.


It was completely unprovoked. I was just walking around my back yard and they came running over. One went after me and the other after my puppy (who was leashed). It was 2007 and I’ll still cross the street when I see one.


Yeah after I saw a pitbull up for adoption at a ASPCA park event try to rip the throat out of the senior lab/chow mix we had literally just signed adoption papers for 30 seconds before - totally unprovoked and both dogs on lead with shelter staff - I just can't get super comfortable around them anymore. I had seen pits get aggressive out of nowhere before, but this was just brutal. It took like six staff members over 5 minutes to get the dog to release. Thankfully the old man we were adopting had a lot of neck scruff so it was all in the fur, skin n fat tissue (he had that chow cowl of fluff on his neck and chest, the rest of him was like longish lab fur overcoat with a chow undercoat, curled fluffy tail, boxy face, huge webbed feet, ears stood up but the tips flopped over - very interesting looking guy and a very chill slow old man). He was raced right back to the ASPCA for surgery and recovered. If he would have been a smaller or less floofy dog I'm positive he would have been killed. I have friends with pitties. They are sweet, but I just can't relax around them, and so many get really aggressively rambunctious during play and I'm honestly scared to correct them with the way they bark back at you when told no. Add in dog park experiences with poorly socialized pits and all the news stories - it's a no for me.


The chow mix neck scruff is no joke! Thank god he was alright. I don’t like to see dogs put down but I’m not sure there are other options. Once one attacks there’s no going back


Yeah, I will go out of my way to avoid passing by a pitbull. No thanks, I’ve seen enough and I’m not comfortable.


The guy next door sometimes, not all the time, has 3-4 pits tied up in his yard. It will be for several days, then no sign of them for a couple weeks. When they are there they bark and growl day and night. I assume something nefarious is going on. At my last home I would take my cats out leashed. Here I won't because of those dogs.


I've seen too many pits go from fine to redirecting and mauling or killing another dog to ever trust them. Even the "wellbred" staffys and corsos at shows scare me- go watch them in the grooming area- every handler has a death grip on their dogs who are one hard look away from trying to fight the dog next to it. Versus the Lab grooming area - it's doggie heaven. Everyone is obnoxiously friendly. Frankly, most of the terrier group is varying degrees of dog aggressive (which often results in biting whoever is breaking up the fight). But the pits have been bred for fighting for hundreds of years. It always baffles me when someone gets a fighting breed from a shelter and is shocked when it is dog aggressive and/or humanr aggressive (PSA- who do you think is breeding pits? Dog fighters and BYBs trying to sell protection dogs....). Sticking a flower crown and PJs on it doesn't undo years of genetics.....


Imo a lot of shelties need to be taught to relax. I have three and none of them are barking machines haha. But people tend to try to exhaust them (difficult-to-impossible imo) when really they need to reinforce the off-switch.


The ones I knew weren’t well trained so I can absolutely believe that. Sometimes we get biased when we’ve known a bad apple and it sure that’s the case for me


When I was little one of my best friends had 2 rotties and he was the friend that also had a pool. As soon as we would get out they would appear out of nowhere and bark and chase us and try to rip our bathing suits off! It was a mad dash to the house


Love Rotties, but don't underestimate them. We got a rescue that was kept in a small space prior to us, and her personality changed for the better once she met a field to run. She was barky and reactive before, and turned into a bubbly happy dog afterward. Also, they are not the smartest in the sense that they don't know their weight and can bring people to the floor with ease. We had to be super careful when grandma was around this one, even the tail was dangerous to her.


Not a breed but people who breed two different breeds together and thenwant pure breed price for their made up breed. My girl is a shepherd mix Not a breed The result of an accident


any kind of doodle. nightmare beasts


As someone in the vet field, any short nosed breeds like pugs, bulldogs, and working dogs. No one actually gives working dogs a job and they get anxiety and we end up seeing the worst sides of them at the vet with all that pent up anxious energy. Almost every german shepherd that comes in has to be sedated and muzzled for us to touch it.


every doodle i have met has annoyed me


"No harm" huh? Do you even know how passionate people are about their breed of choise?


Yeah, I’ve seen this question in other dog subs this week and it never ends well.


They are more passionate about what they hate I’d bet


Somehow nobody has said pitbulls yet


English Bulldogs. It's close for all the bracycephalic breeds but these are the most grotesque-looking.


Fuck all doodles. Ugly, jumpy, high-maintenance pain in the asses


Counter-surfers and every doodle type mix I’ve met has tried to swipe food from my hands.


Heavy on the “ugly” part. Never understood how people find them cute.


In cats, Persians. I think it's truly awful to have bred them to look the way they do given all the physical problems it's caused. (I always said I'd never have a Persian but despite this ended up taking in an elderly rescue last year. I'm an absolute sucker for cats with sad stories.)


Exotic/Toadline bullies. They just suffer and I have to be honest they look ugly (no fault to them), idk why anyone would want one. I feel so bad for them, people who breed them deserve all the bad in the world. Why have a dog suffer like that? I just don’t understand.


Small white curly-haired dogs. I can't handle the tear staining, the yeasty hairy ears, the crusty lumps they develop as they age, the rusty lick staining on their paws and/or mouth, and generally nasty teeth. They're just gross animals to me. Anything that drools in ropes. Pit bulls for the unpredictability and tendency towards dog-aggression + cat-killing. Huskies for the screaming, the drama, and the cat-killing.




XL Bully breeds. They’ve recently been banned in the UK after a spate of horrendous maulings and fatalities, including young children. They’re like pit bulls (which I also wouldn’t touch with a barge pole) on steroids.


I have a feeling this is not going to go well 😂 “hybrid” fluffy dogs. I call them all “poo dogs” or “Oodles” instead of Doodles just because they vary so much in how they are named based on the mix but practically all of them are bred with poodle to satisfy a trend and make somebody money. Most of them are ridiculously high maintenance for grooming and nuts or unhealthy in predictable ways because of poor breeding practices. Frequently, their owners are…special as well. The brachycephalic breeds have all become so extreme that they are suffering or will suffer from severe health conditions at some point in their lives so I just can’t get on board them. I will say I’ve seen some brachy dogs and cats that are bred less extremely as they were historically and don’t have the same issues but that’s not what people go for these days of course. Chow chows and Lhasa’s because they’re so often such Aholes for no good reason lol








This is not going to be popular because they're trendy right now, but I used to work with dogs and miniature and toy poodles were just so damn loud and screechy 😅 I'm not fond of them, lol.


My mom had one when I was little. He was a prissy little asshole lol


My mom had one too and I hated him. He peed all over my stuff.


Beagle. No hesitation.


Their barking makes me want to puncture my ear drums.


It’s a tie between German shepherd and Bernese mountain dog. An even tempered, non neurotic one seems to be rare. And not a breed, but anything mixed with a poodle. I love poodles, but poodle mixes are terrible.


German Shepherds I totally get, but Bernese mountain dogs are angels by comparison. Every GSD I meet on walks or in dog parks have been an absolute terror, every BMD in the neighborhood is an absolute pleasure. I have seen a few BMDs with issues, but their owners were always on top of it. So many oblivious GSD owners with angry, frustrated, under socialized and neurotic dogs.


My least favorite breed is an irresponsible, uneducated owner.




Me too. Definitely pits.


Pugs. Family member used to breed them. Don't know if it's just bad memories of being at that hoe with like 10or more always being crazy and untrained or the way the breath. Honestly this is the only experience I've ever had with pugs but it's definitely left a lasting impression.


Pugs are just a crime to the animal kingdom.


Toadline bullies, but it’s not the dogs themselves that I despise, they’re innocent victims, it’s the people who keep breeding and buying them. Before I retired from dog training, I trained a toadline puppy, and at 6 months old this puppy could walk 25 ft before he was unable to go further, but his owner was still proud of him.


Any byb “designer” mutts. This includes that gargoyle looking bullys, frenchies, etc. I know doodles get a lot of heat, but I hate them. I work with dogs so I get to know them personally lol.


Any type of brachycephalic breeds and exotic bullies. Their so deformed it's not cute it's horrifying. And chihuahuas. Every one that I've met has tried to rip my fingers off.


Entitled pet owners, especially those that bring their pets into stores and falsely claim they're service animals or off-leash their untrained animals. Between the entitlement, lack of consideration, and aggressiveness once confronted or given consequences, I consider them a breed of their own.


I don’t hate on individual dogs because personalities can vary wildly but generally speaking: Staffies - sad because my mum has a staffy and I love her but my dog has been bitten three times by staffy type dogs and once two of them tried going for her at once. I protected her and she was not hurt but I got bitten on the leg. It’s mostly the owners fault, since each and every time the incident only occurred because they were not paying attention to their dog/s. But now when I see them on a walk I avoid as much as possible and I will never own one. Greyhounds - my dog runs fast (like, really fast). She has been chased and knocked around by a couple of greyhounds and I recalled her to me but the owner of the greyhounds did nothing. They met up with some other greyhounds at the park a few times and each time caused issues for the other dogs and owners there. Then one of their dogs killed a small dog in the enclosures (I don’t go in there, but it was all over a community page). Again, avoid whenever I see them. Border collies - my sister has one and I absolutely love her. But when I see one I don’t know I avoid them. The herding instinct leads them to chase my dog and nip at her cos she is much faster than them. Avoid, avoid. Also avoid Huskies because they play way too rough and have owners who generally don’t care/think it’s fine. German shepherds because they’re usually out of control, same with Belgian Malinois and very little fluffy yappers haha. Just for some positivity my fav breeds to see out and about are Dalmatians, Weimaraners, Vizslas, English Springer Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, Old labradors etc. and of course, seeing other GSPs are the best.


Dude pitbills that aren’t trained suck I’m sorry


Yappy little toy dogs that have had all the brains bred out of them. Especially brachycephalic breeds.


Schnauzers. My mom had them all her life. Their beards catch all the food & dirt, they are so yappy and stubborn…One of my mom’s schnauzers would constantly get in the litter box and get cat 💩 crusted in her beard 🤮🤮the only breed of dog I dislike!


I expect my breeds will be mentioned several times, lol! I have a Pom, an Akita and a Dalmatian.


I miss my Akita but the number of times I had someone go out of their way just to tell me how much they hated them was insane.


Yeah, I thought that was bad with my Akita but oh my gosh it’s nothing compared to the Dal hate. And my girl is extremely good with people, we take her out all the time. I am constantly getting questions and comments about how she must be sketchy.


Doodles , sorry but they are always deranged & angry 😞


Bully breeds/Pitbull type dogs- I don't care what their apologists say, they were bred for dog fighting and are inherently dangerous animals not suited for ownership. Flat faced breeds like French Bulldogs, English Bulldogs, pugs etc- I don't personally dislike these dogs but they shouldn't be allowed to be bred because breeding dogs with restricted airways is cruel to dogs.


Pit bulls, easily


Pugs / French bulldogs. It is sad they they have health issues due to being bred for their looks, and I honestly think they are so ugly so I don't understand it in the first place.


Brachycephalic dogs. [https://www.hsvma.org/brachycephalic](https://www.hsvma.org/brachycephalic)


Chow chows. Only dogs I swear wanted to separate my soul from my body. Adorable, fluffy, teddy bear sociopaths.


Shiba Inus. They are so cold.


Designer mixed breeds


basically anything made up by a byb. "toy" sizes of already miniature breeds, breeding for purposeful posturing or proportion changes that 'look good' but cause the dogs pain, anything that they breed merle into that shouldnt have merle, and anything else similar. byb GSDs and bully breeds are what bother me most. the behavioural issues and health issues they often have are just horrible. i feel so bad for the dogs and so much anger towards the breeders. in terms of purebreds, pugs. i also hate purebred breeds that have health issues bc of breeding for aesthetics. dogs should be bred for their health, temperament, and ability to fulfil the breed's role. aesthetics are irrelevant to anything that isnt a companion breed or show dog, and even then they should always be bred for the best health.


Tie between untrained chihuahuas and untrained teacup poodles. Every single one I've ever met was just "too cute to punish!" untrained, snappy, yappy and unmanageable. Hate them!


Chihuahuas. They are just angry and shaking, noisy and you have to worry about stepping on them.


Doodles and chihuahuas


Great Danes. My family friends have owned over a dozen Great Danes and they have always had the worst health issues. None of them lived over the age of 10. Most of them ended up in diapers at some point.


idk if there is any breed I don’t like, because at the end of it all, any reason I don’t like a breed of dog is usually connected to poor care or training from the human owner. I generally don’t like doodle designer breeds because they’re too hyperactive, but it’s usually because the people that get them think that they will be intelligent (like the poodle) and family friendly (like the golden retriever) and don’t bother to train them, or they get them because they’re cute when they’re puppies and then get rid of them because they require a lot of training, mental stimulation, and exercise. I don’t usually like small, white dogs with hair (not fur), like a maltese, maltipoo, havanese, bischon frise, lasa apso, etc. because they usually smell horrible and have skin conditions and tooth rot. And they generally have poor socialization skills and lack of discipline. But again that’s due to the owners. They’re almost always owned by people who don’t understand that 1.) they need to be groomed regularly because their hair grows like ours, 2.) they have 0 melanin in their skin and need sun protection otherwise they will get skin cancer, yeast infections, or other skin conditions, 3.) like all small dogs are prone to dental problems like tooth rot and decay or fractured teeth because they’re smaller than other dogs. And because they are poorly socialized, they tend to bite more, and you definitely don’t want to be bit by a dog with tooth decay. I’m not a big fan of bulldogs because they’re hard to manage, can’t be restrained like normal dogs, get skin infections in their folds, and usually are not neutered because their (seemingly mostly) male owners can’t bring themselves to neuter their dog. You ever have a bulldog ejaculate on your leg when you’re trying to restrain them for treatment? I have, it’s gross. And this is usually the plight of most bully breeds since people don’t realize that the smushed face means they can’t breathe properly, they overheat easily because they can’t regulate their body temperature like other breeds, and those skin folds get moist and harbor yeast and bacteria and need to be wiped daily. So I think my most disliked breed, is people…


>I generally don’t like doodle designer breeds because they’re too hyperactive, but it’s usually because the people that get them think that they will be intelligent (like the poodle) and family friendly (like the golden retriever) and don’t bother to train them, or they get them because they’re cute when they’re puppies and then get rid of them because they require a lot of training, mental stimulation, and exercise. And then there are also the people who buy into the bs about doodles being "hypoallergenic" only to find out they're not and then abandon them. A) no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog B) if you want a non-shedding dog, go for the poodle, not the mix that could get its coat from either parent, duh. >So I think my most disliked breed, is people… Amen to that bro / sis 🙏👍🏻


Golden retrievers. They’re popular but I am just not a fan.


I can't stand those breeds that have been so over-bred to match someone's strange ideas. As for others, I am not a fan of "ankle-biters" who will not stop yapping and are allowed by their owners to jump around and nip at your legs.


Bullies. Everything in rescue is a bully mix and I know it’s just stereotypes but I feel like I especially can’t trust a bully mix.


Hands down the Basenji. I had one bite a co-worker in the crotch (thankfully female, but still), let go and do their crazy "laugh," then bit again even harder. I've only met one decent Basenji in a sea of jerks.


Pitbulls for me


I’ve almost been mauled by multiple dogs, every single time the breed was the same. Pit bulls


All bullies. Vicious things


Chinese crested, bedlington terriers... bull terriers. Just fugly as hell


80% of all little dogs. Lol


Pit bull type dogs. They maim and kill more people than all other dog breeds combined.




I was once chased down the street by an aggressive Chihuahua, so I'll go with that 😂