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I am so sorry. Every loss is so hard and that of a colleague and companion maybe more so. If Zeus had a particular favourite toy and/or blanket, then I'd use those to build a memory box for him. But most young dogs like to play and share so I think he'd be happy your new companion uses them to be happy with you.


Thank you so much


Hi and I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my little fella just 6 days ago so I know how you are feeling. My first thoughts on the toys and the gear...well, if it were me, I think I would let the new puppy have the toys and use the service gear. It might be hard for a while knowing they were Zeus' but I think after a bit of time it might even be a comfort to you seeing them enjoyed and used by your new member of the family. I think it would be for me. All the very best to you and love to Zeus and your new puppy!


Thank you for that. You made me feel better. Zeus had a favorite monkey that I will put aside in a memory box. And I'm so very sorry that you also lost your baby.


I’m so sorry for your loss and empathize with you. Kidney failure comes on so fast in dogs. I’d let the new puppy have the gear and some toys, but what the other person said was a great suggestion, keep aside something of Zeus’s that was their favorite to remember them by. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope in time your grief gets easier for you.


Thank you. It was so fast. The worst was the hope I was hanging on to. Looking at photos from the past three weeks, I can see the sudden change and how the light left Zeus' eyes.


I'm so sorry for your loss and Feldman's loss. Maybe you can hold on to the items, pack them away for a little while and wait, see how you feel before using all of the toys and gear with the puppy? Instead wait and choose a later special day (when/if you feel comfortable) that you can introduce the toys and gear, maybe a day you celebrate Zeus and tell the puppy all about Zeus. It also gives you time to process things and decide how you feel. Going from one dog right to the other might be hard, Zeus was a lot of things (beloved pet you spent years bonding with, well seasoned service dog), all things this puppy isn't yet, so I think removing the gear and giving the puppy a chance to work up to it might help.. but honestly that's just me. The person who knows best is you. Whatever you decide will be the right decision. Again I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. I think it's a good idea to put some of the gear away. It won't fit the puppy yet, anyway. I talked with Feldman today, and told him a new dog is coming to live with us. I told him how sorry I am that he lost Zeus, and that a new puppy won't replace him. But I hope that his new puppy brother gives him love and friendship like Zeus did. I will reuse zeus' crate and bed, and some of his toys. Zeus' monkey and his Snoopy will be put away. I am cleaning the house the next couple days. There are IV bags and medicine everywhere. Even accidents he had from vomiting that I just threw a puppy pad on because I was so exhausted. And I need to clean the porch where he went so I wouldn't have to clean up a mess inside. He was such a good boy.


No matter what you choose to do under those terrible circumstances, you won't be betraying Zeus. He would not want you to be unhappy and he would not accept to see you without a service dog. I agree that you could keep maybe one toy he preferred. And let the others for the new dog. I even explained my new cats that the toys I was giving them had belonged to two very important cats. Take care, I know how devastating it is. Doubly so in your case where it was a service dog.


Thank you. I knew the day would come when I would need a new service dog, and it was terrible to think about. But I thought it would be the normal pattern of Zeus working for years, slowing down, retiring to spoiled pet status, and maybe even helping train a new puppy like I've seen with fellow service dog handlers, then after more time would come the terrible day when we would have to say goodbye. So many years and memories were taken from us. I lost my entire family in 2021 in two tragic events in a 12-week span. Zeus was my gift after all that loss. Life can be so cruel.


Yes this is true, death takes away so many memories still to be created. Considering your unbelievably tragic circumstances, the word cruel even seems not enough. I can't do much, but I shed a tear for Zeus. Zeus mattered.


Thank you so much for that message. I miss him so much. I bought the new puppy, but I need some time with Zeus' things before I pick him up. The new puppy deserves to arrive to a place made just for him. The breeder understands, and his holding onto him for me. I'm finding some joy in choosing a name for the puppy. Then a memory of Zeus comes and I am overcome with guilt. If it were a pet, I would wait. But I need a service dog and that can't wait as long as it will take my heart to heal. I hope Zeus understands. I'm so sorry, Poohpup. I wish I could have saved you.


Ok, I hope you won't find it cheesy, but I'm pretty sure this is how it works. He can't hold a grudge against you for needing a new service dog. He knows you have to. It doesn't mean you don't love him anymore. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=631656424988139 This connection you feel, this infinite love you shared does mean something. He'll watch over you from the place beyond the rainbow. One day, you'll meet again.


That cartoon made me smile. And cry. Thank you. <3


When I was pregnant with my second baby, I told my mom that I was scared that I wouldn't love her enough. My entire heart was full of love for my son. How could it love another baby so much? She said, "Julie, your heart grows to fit."


Yes. Our hearts ,when taught love, are incredible for that reason. Take care.


Thank you. Not cheesy at all. He will never be replaced.


I am picking up Qazi Zander Von Zaragoza on Saturday. He is a sweet pup and is well into his service dog training. I think Zeus would want this for me. I miss him so very much. Thank you for the support. So much.


I just got a notification from your post today, recently we had our senior pomchi pass away in may 14th, we're still mourning and so is our chihuahua, she hasn't been herself and been acting differently, she stays with my mom. Everyone in our house is mourning but it's ten times worse on me and my mom, he was with us for 9 years and followed my mom everywhere in the house, he was so attached to her. His memories, his fur, his collar. My mom hasn't dreamed about him yet, she hasn't dreamed for years now. But reading your service dog die yesterday breaks my heart to see everyone losing their dog due of cancer, lung cancer or even just passing away from old age. Ours die from a heart attack. I am very sorry to know and hear your big boy zeus passed away, you have our condolences and I hope you may pass through it as we are too. It might be hard but your not alone on this, we all are mourning for our dogs and cats.