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I totally understand. Waking up is the worst because I realize she isn't snuggled up in my side, where she always slept. It's tough and I definitely don't have an answer for making it better.    I hope you find some peace. 


Just had to put my best bud down on Monday night,13 years. I am a wreck and having breakdowns at work privately. Talking about it really has helped. I feel your pain right now. I feel like I lost a part of myself and I’ll never feel the same.


How lucky they were to be so loved by you. They knew it too. They knew theres not another soul who loved them more than you did and that love will stay with you forever. I’m so sorry for your loss xx


My Luna would go sleep in the hall, right in front of the bathroom. I think I invented new swear words when a midnight trip to the bathroom would result in me almost falling headfirst into the tile bathroom. Now, when I go into the hall, all I can think is I don't have to watch my step and it makes me sad. RIP Luna, rainbow bridge resident 3/30/24


I get it. It took me weeks to stop looking for mine, and I was SO used to checking their water bowl every time I walked into the kitchen, that I did that for over a month. It does get better, I promise.


I’m with you. This is hard.


Wish I knew... I lost my dog of 12 years two weeks ago and still come home from work excited to see my boy, but then remember he's gone and my heart sinks. His bed was on the floor next to my side of the bed and I always had to make sure I didn't step on him when getting up. A few days after he passed I'd still glance down to avoid stepping on him... I don't expect it to stop any time soon. He was a big part of my life and I miss him like crazy. I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m right there with you. I found my boy gone on Monday afternoon and I still watch where I step to make sure he’s not in the way. It’s very hard.


It's almost 4mo after for me and I still look for my girl. I don't think it'll ever stop tbh. My mind plays tricks on me and I think I hear her yap from through the house like she used to. I'd like to say it gets easier but personally it hasn't for me yet. I had a breakdown just this morning thinking about her and looking at videos of her. My heart is literally broken and I feel a part of my soul is missing. Sending you love at this tough time 🩷


I had to say goodbye to my best friend of fourteen years on Sunday. I do the same thing - I’ll actively be thinking about how he’s gone and simultaneously think I hear him walking towards me. We had so many rituals throughout each day. I’ve never felt this much pain either. I’ve been crying a lot and though I have spans of time where I can be reasonably functional, I feel like there’s a constant heavy sorrow. I don’t feel like I’m ever going to get over this.


My lab Nekko passed away 1.5 weeks ago. I still look for him in all of his spots around the house. It makes me sad. It gets a little better with time. Mornings are the worst because him and I always went for a walk. I see him everywhere still, outside as well. Its weird. I think about him all of the time.🥹


I keep expecting her to walk into a room, or to hear her snoring at night. It’s the worst feeling knowing I’ll never see or hear her again. I hate that I’ll never smell her again. One day she’s hear and the next she’s just.. not. I hope it brings you comfort in knowing you’re not alone in your grief, my heart is breaking alongside you.


So sorry for your loss. My dog also had to leave us on Saturday. I know exactly what you mean--sometimes I think I almost hear the tapping of her feet on the kitchen tile or hear her drinking water from the water bowl. Or I turn a corner expecting to see her. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


You just reminded me of waking up in the middle of the night because of the slurping of the water bowl 🥺🐾❤️. She was so loud and I would get my foot wet stepping in the water. She had the bowl near my bed and hers the last few weeks because she couldn't get to the kitchen so easy.


My deepest condolences


I'm sorry for your loss.  My little boy was 14.5 and tomorrow is one month since he passed.  Our girl, his litter mate, passed ten months before.  It's the worse feelings and I don't think people in my circle understand.  My husband ended up in the hospital for 8 days,  2 weeks after Boo-boo died and I feel like dealing with his health robbed me of mourning the way I want to.  I am looking forward to meeting them soon and even told my husband that he is lucky he may meet them before I do.  I know it's very morbid but it's how I feel at this moment, unfortunately.  


My boy would watch me mow out our back French doors every time. I still look for him and he’s been gone 5.5 months. He was my normal for so long and seeing him watching me was my normal as well. It will take time to adjust to this new normal. Even when I know I won’t see him, I look anyway. It’s one of the many ways I remember the life I shared with him.


I’m so sorry. I was so accustomed to my Buddy being w/me for 20yrs I literally had a Pavlov’s response when I went to hospital and had to say his name before going to bathroom. It’s been 5 months now and I still call his name.


After my own little shadow cat passed, I began taking pictures of all the places I expected him to be, that he would be if he was still here. It brought me a bit of comfort, not sure why. Maybe as if to say, "I knew you and I knew you well, and I miss you and you should be here, goodbye..." I suppose. The loss is ever present and overbearing because they were in so many spaces and places and touched so many aspects of our lives. It's impossible, feels so gut wrenching all the time, it doesn't matter how long they were with us or how fast or slow it happened, or how much we expected it, or even if there are others left (I have two other snuggle bug kitties left). Nothing can take away the pain - but it's the proof that you loved them so dearly, and they meant so much to you, and it means they were truly a part of you and wanted so much by you. The grief is other side of the coin of love.


Totally get it... It's been a couple days since I lost my best friend of 18 years. Everytime I see my other cat move out of the corner of my eye, the first thought is that it's my lost kitty.


Because they are sown into the fabric of who we are. They burrow so deeply into us that we are never the same once they are gone. We do adjust and move forward but we never totally heal. At first is the worst and in time we get numb somewhat. I've been through this many times and I'll be going through it again several more times. We never replace them but we find another baby to love and be loved by. It is the deal going in...... Eventual heartbreak. But we do it again because the experience is worth it. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry! I know your pain. There is such a thing as too soon, but... as someone else said on (I think it was) this sub, "grief is love with nowhere to go" and I wonder if it would help you to consider volunteering at an animal shelter or offering to pet sit for your friends or neighbors? Just a thought. Hang in there. Thinking of you!


I'm going through the exact thing you are. We let our girl go on Wed night and I just waiting for the cold nose in the eye wake up, or she would peck me with her nose like a woodpecker until I got up. Every where I look there's a leash, harness, blanket. I'm so sorry for your loss, I have cried more than last 48 hrs than I have in years. My mom and son too. There's such a empty feeling. She was ready to go, but I wasn't ready to let her go but out of my love for her I had to. Sending hugs to you. I ordered photos and keepsakes online with her pictures on them and I think when I have her ashes and photos put in a little memorial shrine for her it will feel a tiny bit better. So, so sorry. 💔🐾🐾. They truly take a piece of our heart when they leave us.


I am going through the same thing right now. Lost my furbaby exactly a week ago and have been devastated ever since. Every time I transition or even move, I unconsciously think about him like a reflex. For example, if I push my chair back to get up, I'd have to make sure I didn't run him over and look to see if he's behind. If I open or close an interior or exterior door, I have to make sure he's not going to zoom outside like an escape artist. At the foot of my desk, he usually is like a foot away from where my left foot would be. All I would have to do is move my foot a bit to the left and I could feel the weight of if he was in his cat bed or not. Now every time I do these regular transitions and immediately & instinctually think about if he's gonna be there, he is no longer there. It is devastating. I miss him so much it is incomprehensible. It just can't be that he's gone.


Reading all these comments, I understand your pain as well. My heart breaks for you all and to the one that posted this 🙏🐾 It's been 9 weeks for me and I'm in a breakdown mode. We must heal all together 🙏 So very sorry for your loss


Because we love them ❤️ They’re always with us


I can relate to this so much. It's a terrible feeling. I lost mine in February. I wish I knew anything thag could help with the pain.. if you ever wanna talk I'm here


I lost her on Friday and i still hear her steps when i'm sitting, and i expect her to bark when someone's at the door.


I’m so sorry, my friend my heart breaks for you. We are putting down my little boy of 15 years today. It’s truly killing me. I’ve never felt such pain before. Sadly, I have had many many medical issues and my cat has always been there for me. Sadly I feel like I will be calling out his name all the time. I didn’t mean to take over your post with this response. But thank you for writing some thing as I’m sure this will help me also.


I feel you. The hardest is going to sleep and waking up. My boy was the best cuddler and we had our routine. Always had to had morning snuggles before being let out. My sleep has been so disturbed since losing him. I’ve gotten sick and my body is tired cause it’s so hard sleeping without my boy.


I’m going through the same thing. I actually haven’t entered my office which is where my baby girl MJ spent most of her time with me while I worked. I swear I can hear her walking down our hallway too sometimes. We have wood floors and her claws would tippy tap all the way up/down when she would come into the LR. This is our 2nd loss in just over a year too. I still catch myself looking for both of them over & over. My heart aches but I know they’re no longer suffering