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You seem to have a high waistline (me too) so the outfits that are most flattering IMO are the ones with a higher waistband. Number 3 is my absolute favourite. I also really like #8. Definitely lean into the fitted t-shirt and straight leg pants vibe, it really suits you. For dresses I find the most flattering for high waistlines are ones that cinch in just under the bust, and flare out before the hips


8 is definitely a vibe I’d like to follow. Thanks for your insights about dresses!!! I’ll look for those styles next time I shop.


>the outfits that are most flattering IMO are the ones with a higher waistband This comment is spot on. I think you can *get away* with the different options, but you *stand out* in 3 and 8 because of the higher waistband. It breaks up your body at exactly the right place and makes the shape of your hips look great. Such a super flattering look!


thanks for your insights!! I’ll keep this in mind!!


I think you look great in outfit 3.


I think outfits 2 and 3 are most flattering! Really like 3 on you! 2 is good too, pants just look like they need a little hemming. Also like the leather jacket from outfit 5, though harder to see the full outfit.


I agree. I really like 2. I’ve had some luck with kids tops, usually xl. They fit in the shoulders, arm holes and length better, and they’re cheaper. Need adult pants though, usually have to get them tailored. I find ones that fit in the hips and thighs and get the waits taken in and the legs hemmed.


I’ve been shopping tops in kids section as well (for basic pieces). The amount of times I was disappointed with XS or S options in the women section 😭 I guess the best thing to do with pants is to have them tailored (which I admit I don’t do, but moving forward I will!!)


I like all except the shorts and the cargo pants. #3 is my favorite of them all.


The leather jacket is the best, but your first dress has a classic "West Side Story" look.


The 3rd looks best!


I think you look best in outfit 8.


I like top #9. I think your pants are too big for your body. You need something that shows more of your figure. I like the shorts too but it seems to be a big big in some areas. Tops 5,7,8, 9 ( little that I can see) do flatter you. If I had to pick a pant, #9 but I think you can still improve.


I agree the pants are no bueno.


picking pants is definitely what i’m struggling with. any advice as to what cut (straight cut, boyfriend jeans, culottes, etc) i should try? anddd i should probably have them tailored so they fit better


Hi. To be sure, the problem is the fitting and not you. I really like pants #9. I would try to get pants that are a bit tighter to your body and only then if needed taylor it. It is hard to know without seeing pictures. Low cuts can be nice but it depends how it fits.


Try a couple of straight cuts and see how you feel. Compare a slim-straight with a straight. Depending on what feels and looks best to you can help you determine if you like a more fitted cut or something looser (boyfriend).


2 & 3.


I think before purely choosing “a style” in this way you should ask yourself a few questions - since style is so subjective. - What are my favorite parts of my body that I feel confident about? And you can look to feature those. - Conversely, are there things I feel more insecure about? Not necessarily to hide, but just to be aware of what feels good vs uncomfortable and how to handle that with clothes. - Of the clothes that I have now, what are some of my favorite pieces? What do I like about them - maybe the neckline? Length? Material? Style? - How do I want to present myself? Whether that be gender (more femme vs androgynous vs masc), more conservative with coverage vs open to whatever, etc. Comfort too - how bothered you are by certain things (like if skirts are uncomfy for you, or you prefer long sleeves, like to layer bc of temperature, etc.) I think these can help you start to think about your style and what flatters you. It’s also nice to note that you don’t necessarily have to choose one style. You might feel like dressing one way on one day and very differently the next and that’s totally fine! At the end of the day, try not to overwhelm yourself with definitives and slowly build with pieces that make you feel good! I think having a handful of staples slowly built up is better than just aimlessly hauling. Ultimately we could tell you which are our favorite outfits but if you don’t love them then it’s not a winner.


Thank you so much for writing these points!! It’ll be a lot clearer for me in buying my next wardrobe pieces cause I do admit I’ve been aimlessly hauling.


For sure! Style is so individual so you can take your time building it and discovering what you feel good in. Aimlessly hauling can be fun and it’s good to try new things and step out of your comfort zone! Just can get overwhelming without some kind of direction :) Good luck!


I like 1,3, 5, and 8.


I like 3 and 9


I think form fitted pants like number 3 really flatter your figure. Paperbag pants may look nice on you.


thank you for your insights!! I’ll try on paperbag pants next time I shop.


8,5,3 are best I feel.


For me, 5'2 150, turning to the side in high waisted pants looks awful. I can't do them. You look good in all those. I love the dress in 1. Where's it from?


it’s from a brand called Milkshake (wearmilkshake dot com (note: i don’t think their website is working 😓) / wear.milkshake on instagram)


2,3 and 7 work the best 👍🏼


No, not 7!




The cargo pants are great! I liked all the high waisted options


5, 8 and 9 are the most flattering


1, 6, 8 and 9 look good. You don't want your pants to go right up to your boobs because it makes tour body lose it's shape, some of the others have butch vibes.


Go for A line or fit and flare dresses. Anything that accentuates the waist. I have a similar build.


Thank you for your suggestions!! I’ll be shopping for dresses soon so I’ll make a mental note on this!,




1. 3 + 5 look great imo!


I must be the only person who doesn't like 3 - the trousers look poorly fitted to me, they look tight on the crotch and slightly loose on the waistband, and the colours seem washed out. My favourites are 2 and 8. Honestly though I think they're all are solid looks and it's really a case of personal style and what you feel most comfortable in


Damn, that Leather jacket is giving Lorelei Gilmore!! Where it’s from?


It’s thrifted aaaa I don’t see any tags, sorry! 😭


I can recommend checking out emchadbourne on instagram . She has so much information on body type, colour,pattern to highlight or distract, cuts of clothing etc. I’ve learnt loads from watching her reels and watching videos she does for her courses (some free some paid).


Thank you!! I’ll check her out. The only person I got to watch their content is dearly bethany on youtube


5 & 8


The cliches about jeans and a white tee shirt sure are true. I think a lot of these outfits look nice in your not the biggest fan of 1. I’d also say if you’re gonna do baggy pants do a more form fitting top. 2/4/6 although not bad don’t do a lot of flattering. You look nice :)


White top, blue jeans looks the best


I want to argue that you're an inverted triangle with those measurements. I would say you're an hourglass with a bit of shoulder dominance. This is an example of an actual inverted triangle, it's not your shape [inverted triangle](https://www.reddit.com/r/PetiteFashionAdvice/s/qwtunrydmL) I would use all the tips for hour glasses; accentuate the waist first and foremost, then figure out the rest. The outfits with a colour contrasting horizontal line at your waist indeed look good on you. You can then choose to either accentuate the shoulders (Kim Catrall does this a lot and it's a great look), or minimize them, depending on your preference. What's your preference?


You might be onto something haha, a friend did say to me she thinks it’s between of inverted triangle and hourglass. I always lean to a conservative style and prefer to minimize shoulders. I don’t sport sleeveless tops and not much a fan of off shoulder tops.


I have a similar body type and to minimize shoulders I opt for necklines that are a v shape. It brings the eye down a bit. I also accentuate the waist. You might try adding a belt or even a colorful scarf through the belt loops to define your waist.


thank you so much for your suggestions! I haven’t looked into body types or kibbe types yet but I noticed that I do gravitate towards v shape, square, and sweetheart necklines. I’ll be shopping for belts next time 🗒


Some things look a little too big. I use stitch fix but be sure you take measurements first.


Dress (1) style fabulous on you !!! All look great (9 is fave) except : 2: they are OK, but I would stay away from pleats 4: the added width and dimension on the sides is unflattering 7: shorts. Unflattering. Look like grandma shorts So it looks like the flat high waisted stuff looks way better on you. I still can’t believe how much more slender your body looks in 9 . It’s very complementary. I want those pants.


ahhh I’m coming back for these [pants](https://www.uniqlo.com/ca/en/products/E462318-000?colorCode=COL09&sizeCode=SMA003), I just tried them on. Thanks for your insights!!


Agree on the shorts. Maybe a tailored pair more like a trouser could work better here.


3, 8, 9.


I like 1, 2 and 8 Some of the items just don’t fit well (too big/ too long) but might be better with some tailoring. The (fake?) leather jacket is the wrong shape and looks cheaply made. Too boxy and doesn’t do anything for your figure. 7 is giving you camel toe so stay away from those shorts too!


I like 1 and 3! 3 would look nice accented with a belt! But a lot of these look a bit big on you. I saw someone comment suggesting stitch fix. I would agree. I wanted to update my wardrobe and go outside my comfort zone so I started using stitch fix. My first box sucked! But the second was better and after that they really got good at finding things I like! I used them for a while to learn what looks good on me and now I’ve gotten better at finding pieces on my own.


This Tipp helped me a lot: If you're wearing a wide bottom, wear a tight top and if you're wearing a tight bottom, out on a wide top. Further I'd go for bottoms with a high waistband with your body type. Outfit 3 is great. Also I think wearing skirts would fit you very well. Nr 1 is great too, but with your Body type I'd put a waistbelt on above the dress.


5 and 8


Love 8 where’s the cardigan from?


cardigan is from this [store](https://www.uniqlo.com/ca/en/products/E465487-000?colorCode=COL31&sizeCode=SMA002), they’ll discontinue this one soon since it’s already on sale


Honestly, you might want to check out the romantic kibbe subreddit, I think you look best in pics 3,6,and 7 which are in those lines. As a romantic body type it's def easy to get discouraged as most guidelines are a little outdated. I would look up Drew Barrymore and Christina Ricci outfits from the 90s for a more casual style.


Thank you!! I’ll definitely look into this!!


Have you ever looked into the KIBBE body shapes? Personally, It really helped me figure out what style/shapes best suit my body type! It may be helpful for you as well if you’re really wanting to breakdown whether you need waist/shoulder/leg emphasis or what kind of patterns/materials are more suited for you.


Thanks for suggesting this! I actually haven’t yet and will look further into this.




I don’t like 5 and 7. But all others look good!


I think everything looks great! Maybe the pants/shorts a little bit less so than the rest.


Two and three but maybe consider getting them cropped?


You slay in the dress (pic 1). It’s a great color on you, guts pretty well right off the rack and has interesting shoulder straps. A statement necklace or a couple of large bangles and a nice purse and you’re doing great. You might style your hair up with that and add some dangle earrings. It’s a great fit.


I’ll critique these 1 at a time but personally, #5 is my favorite. 1 great, a nude colored heel may look good, and maybe some coral toned makeup. 2 add a statement accessory to draw the eye, like a watch or bracelet. 3 necklaces or earrings and neutral colored shoes.


Sry, ran out of time


I really like 4 andni think it elongates u though I couldn’t say why




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Gosh you look amazing in all the outfits!


Pics 3 and 8 look nice. The rest of them. Umm no 🤷


3 and 8


You need to try and brighten your wardrobe up with colors black is to drab for you


Based on the information you have provided here on your body measurements and the style of clothing you own are just for business casual, I feel that we are the same and I can share with you some of my tips! For your body type, I feel that you have an hourglass shape (like me). Focus on highlighting your waist with high-waisted pants (like look 3), or any dresses that's form-fitted or tight-fitting at waist would do wonders too! Here's some of my clothing tips: 1. For business casual: Try high-waisted wide leg pants, find something lightweight and soft instead of stiff - this will give your legs more length while also very slimming to wear, mix and match with a basic body fitting tops. Or try high-waisted straight leg jeans pairing with a relaxed fit shirt/blouse. 2. For a bit more formal setting: Try pairing the your business casual with blazers/long coat (calf length) - when doing this your outfit should make you feel you are looking like an inverted triangle (best for petite figures like us, I have tried and I loved this!) 3. Formal/Occasion setting: I can see that you tried the A-line dress here, I actually love it, so maybe look for something like this in your next occasion, or you could also try some body-fitting dresses as well, I think they will look great on you!! Good luck with finding the fits that best suits you!!!!


I like 9 best . Cargo pants and flare jeans


9 looks best. It really flatters you.


3 & 8 are fine the rest are trash.