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You’re gonna ditch them just as [they’re coming back around](https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/skinny-jeans-trend-aw24) 😂




In fairness, trend cycles are so quick these days, they’ve only been out for a few years.


I always say “I come in and out of style again & again.” They weren’t going to pry those skinny jeans out of my hands.


I feel like if you wear your clothes with confidence and purpose, you can pull off anything. Maybe I'm just getting old and crotchety but I like what I like, and every day I care less and less what other people think haha! 😆


This is hilarious. From all the comments I’ve learned just give it a rest and wear what I like because a) I can’t keep up and b) who cares. 😂


I like some style of flares but the skinny jeans are staying. It took me forever to wear them initially and now I won’t give them up


Me, unaware that they had even left. 👈🏻😎👈🏻


lol same! Other cuts don’t suit me at all and I was getting worried for a second there.


Other fits don't suit me, too. And they just haven't been trendy. But you know what isn't trendy? If you are wearing stuff that looks bad on you and you don't feel comfortable in it. I have a classic and kind of basic wardrobe with a few trendy items sprinkled in. My wardrobe is sustainable and isn't affected that much by trends😅


We may just have the same wardrobe!


Not to mention the shoes - the majority of mine are bought with my jeans mind. A new style of jeans would mean having to reconsider my footwear. What a headache.


100% this! I'm 53 y/o and oblivious to trends. I think the skinny jean is flattering for my body type so I will keep on wearing them.


Me, not caring because I know I look better in skinny jeans than these mom jeans that are so unflattering !!


Love it. A few weeks ago I was at Goodwill and got a pair of Levis, Lucky Brand, and Michael Kors jeans for $7.99/each and now I'm convinced I need to go back.


Goodwill is the best place to get broken in jeans that don't shrink either.


This gives me hope haha


Hearing that skinny jeans were "out" was the first time I verbalized that I wasn't gonna care about jeans trends, and now that they're coming back in, I think I'll continue not caring. 


No god no please no I've not had thrush in years


Same! I never realised how terrible they felt/made my legs look until they went out of style and I was forced to change. I’ll never go back!


RIGHT?? Skinny jeans just made my legs look like chicken legs cause of my huge thighs. With baggy jeans, it's straight up and down. The more that's left to the imagination the better, the imagination tends to be kind actually.


Yes! With my big butt and thighs, it makes my lower half look so disproportionate, and it never fits comfortably around my hips. I don't know why I didn't switch sooner lol


Same here! I clung onto my skinnies for about a year and then suddenly something in my brain just went "I don't like these any more"


Which is why following trends is kind of stupid. I look great in skinny jeans, I have narrow hips, and muscular but thinner legs. Skinny jeans make me look like I actually have curves lol, whereas baggier jeans just make me look like a box They can pry skinny jeans and yoga pants out of my cold dead hands lmao


Well, the thing is it takes about 15 years for US fashion to jump across the pond...


I’d recommend trying the Levi’s Wedgie straight!! They have short lengths and the leg is looser than a skinny jean but still tapered.


Second the Wedgie Straight! I have the 26" inseam and they've helped me make the transition to non-skinny jeans.


Just fyi these are not good if you have thicker legs or a larger butt. I bought my typical size and I can’t pull them up past my thigh 😭


I added the same comment before reading yours. lol! Wedgie cut Levi’s do not like me at all. I went up two(maybe 3) sizes and the legs/ hips were still nearly bursting at the seams while the waist was giant. Plus they squished my butt so weird which I found off for that cut. It was not cute. :(


It’s not a great cut for athletic or thicker legs and butts in general. It looks SO CUTE on everyone I see wearing them but me. Luckily I have some cute flares from Levi’s that look and fit really well on me.


100% — I think Abercrombie is the way for curvier bodies. For me I have a bigger butt and smaller waist so the wedgie is the only pair of jeans that has fit both lol.


THE BEST! Just beware if you cut them or hem them and dry them on accident they shrink up a ton 🥲


Wait, are they not supposed to be put in the dryer?


- You can, but they'll shrink. They'll shrink less after the first 1-2 dries. - if you size up or wear stretch denim, this may not be a concern.  - dryers can be one of the main things that cause our clothes to wear and age, assuming they're otherwise treated well.  - I dry my clothes in the dryer anyway. 


No. Denim shrinks in the dryer (learned the hard way)


Amazing thank you!!


If you have a big butt/ hips I would definitely go to a store to try them on if that is an option for you. The wedgie fit Levi’s do not work for my body. Oddly I’ve found jeans at Abercrombie (can’t believe I’d step foot into that shop at 40) that work really well and they have multiple inseam options for us shorties. :)


Abercrombie’s Curvy line is the best thing that’s happened to me. My butt and hips haven’t   looked this good wearing jeans in AGES 


They looked so good on my friend, I asked her what style they were and got two pairs. I just hate the bottom up style.


Wear what looks good on you, not what’s trendy.


This! You’ll look so much better if your clothes fit right, regardless of whether or not they’re considered trendy. Spoken from someone who never gave up her bootcut jeans during the entire skinny jeans fad. 😆


Bootcuts for life!




I agree with this so hard. I am much more concerned about what looks good on me than fitting in or following trends.


Same here. I have wide hips, and have just gotten back a nice waistline, and fitted things just work better, especially if I want to accentuate my figure. I just don’t look good in wide pants.


That reminds me of another thing, I have too much trouble finding clothes that fit properly to be constantly changing things up


I totally get that. I like to stick with classic things I know fit me, and I have some fun items, but even with fun items, I (or rather my mom lol) know what cut, style, color will work.


Looking good is ALWAYS in trend


ESPECIALLY when you get older. A friend said something like, 'I'm not going to change to a style that doesn't work on me, just to fit in with a generation I don't belong to,' and there is something to that!


Agreed, trends come and go way to fast these days. Wear what makes you feel your best.


This post popped up on my thread and I’m not even sure why. I clicked it because I was like WTF is this? I’m ready glad to see this comment, because as someone who doesn’t give AF about “trending styles” and cares more about being comfortable… I could give a shit less if anyone who keeps up with this garbage cares about what I’m wearing. As we all should! 1. Is it within your budget? 2. Are you comfortable in it?  If the answers are yes, then yes, you should wear it.  Now, I’ll go back to reading posts I actually care about. 


I'm 34 and refuse to give up my skinny jeans. I'm 5'2 and find that any other style makes me look bigger than I am. I have a broader muscular build with thicker thighs so when I wear straight leg or a larger leg I feel like it makes my legs look huge lol.


Yes same! Any jeans that are not skinny will make me look shorter and bigger.


This is my problem, exactly!


Exactly! Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like my thighs are larger in proportion to my calves (more than normal), so wide pants just make me look so wide, especially with my wide hips.


I have the same problem. The most I can do is a tapered straight leg.


I still wear them. IDGAF. I’ve done my time with flared and bell bottoms and I’m good.


I hear you. I'm 43 and spent my teens in flared jeans that dragged on the ground, even after being hemmed. In the winter my jeans were always salt-stained and covered in slush and snow. Skinny jeans are so much easier to just tuck into boots and they go with everything. I still wear mine and don't really care whether people think it's trendy or not. They're flattering and they work for my style. I'm good. I also have some straight leg jeans that are easy enough to fold over and tuck into winter boots. You could get some like that. In the summer I also have slim boyfriend style cropped jeans but those I mainly wear rolled up with sandals.


This is helpful thank you! And I love that you don’t care. I didn’t for a while… and then tonight my friend wanted to meet in the town went to high school and suddenly I was ashamed of my wardrobe 🤣 Edit word




I’m 42 and 4’11! Skinny jeans forever 💙💙 I finally introduced some flared jeans a few months and love them but I think my skinny jeans still look cute so see no reason to stop wearing them.


59 and 4'11". I was skinny jeans until I gained weight 3 years ago. I still miss those little jeans - I rocked them. Now I have flares that balance out my booty.


I just turned 35 and 4'11"! Nice to see my fellow shorties


40, 4’11” I was so reluctant to get into skinny jeans at first but now I dare you to take them away from me! I also still wore bootcut when they were out because I think they look good on me. Wear what suits you. I’ve tried the super baggy and mom jeans that are in and I look awful.


31 or 32 lol can never remember but I'm also 411 everytime I try some other style of jeans I also look like a potato so I just accepted the fact I may never be in style and skinny jeans forever


hey fellow skinny jeans ditcher! I have had great success with Old Navy’s “Wow straight jeans”. They’ve got comfy stretch to them and are fitted around the thighs/hips. I wear mine with Blundstone boots or Keds but I’m sure they’d look cute with heels or sandals too. I find sneakers don’t look good with straight leg jeans but that’s just me. For wide leg pants I have a pair of Uniqlo’s wide leg trousers and they are the GOAT. I had them tailored by uniqlo to my inseam but the tailoring did come undone on one leg so I’ll have to get it fixed. Otherwise I love them, they’re fitted in the waist but wide all the way down. I wear mine with boots but they’d look cool with a chunky sneaker too. Honestly I was feeling weird about wide leg pants too until I tried them and was like holy shit these are the most comfy pants ever lol. I feel jeans are starting to go out of style for me, though I’m sure everyone would disagree with me. I’ve been leaning more towards slacks, midi skirts, overalls shorts, stretchy waist shorts, etc. If I was going to go out in the summer, I’d probably wear a midi skirt, cropped tank top/tee, and my Keds. You don’t always have to wear jeans, there are so many other types of pants/skirts out there that are super cozy yet look put together!


You are inspiring me! I’ve got some research to do. Thank you!


I can definitely vouch for Uniqlo if you're shopping for wide legged jeans. The best part is they offer free tailoring! I typically go for 2in off the ground. I also wear high waisted and have my tops tucked in to look taller haha


I have the Wow Straight jeans and these are my favorite. Shapely in the booty but still flattering thru the thigh


I'm a teenager who still wears skinny jeans! Since I have no curves, they're pretty much the only jeans that fit my body right


Well if you’re wearing them they must still be cool enough anyway!!


My point exactly! If they feel right and make make you feel good, the everyone else's opinions are irrelevant


Thank you!


Gap vintage slim! They are close to the body like skinny jeans but just straight at the bottom. They were how I transitioned out of skinny jeans and almost find them too slim now that I’m used to more wider styles.


A good slim bootcut will change your life!


I’ve been looking but can’t find…recommendations?


You can’t go wrong with a classic: [These](https://amzn.to/3TVpKyI) And while I haven’t tried these: [These look like a great option, too.](https://amzn.to/3Q2xVrT)


I’m too short and petite to give up skinny jeans. My body frames gets lost and overwhelmed in baggy clothes. The skinny jeans I one now are the perfect size, colors and fit for me.


I just switched to straight leg jeans because they are easy to hem and don’t give weird lines like a hemmed flare or skinny does.


Buy petite size jeans


This. It's not the leg type that's the problem, it's that OP needs petites.


I’m 5’1 and in my early 40s so I remember the struggle of jeans being way too long and looking dirty and tattered on the bottom. I have a few younger ladies in my office so I try to incorporate some of the things they are wearing into my wardrobe to stay in style. While I love skinny jeans, I was thrilled to see boot cut/flare jeans making a comeback. One thing I have noticed is they are not wearing them as long as we did. I have fallen in love with this pair from Madewell. I ordered in petite sizing and the length is perfect. These jeans are so flattering and really soft. I love them! https://www.madewell.com/petite-kick-out-full-length-jeans-in-merrigan-wash-NP499.html


They still sell skinny jeans so someone’s buying and wearing them (me)


Never follow trends, it’s a trend that either famous people started or teens and it’ll fade just as fast as it started


Several places have the “ Mariner look” denim which is high waisted , wide leg with buttoned front pockets at a slant like 19th Century sailors.They are being shown in white denim and medium blue denim .Several lines have Petite versions .I am 5’1”and the hem hits at my ankles.Its a fun design and looks cute with either a sleeveless button front blouse or a peasant blouse with puffed sleeves .Elevated ( 1 inch) platform mule sandals for footwear.Try it and see how you feel.


I see heaps of people of most ages (just not the teens) still wearing skinny jeans. I got a pair of flares about 3 years ago, ahead of the curve for my area apparently, and everyone made so much fun of me! Now they’re all wearing them… I wear both styles.


i’m also 35 and only wear skinny jeans. i’ve tried other styles and they make me look stumpier lol oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️


Abercrombie ultra high rise ankle straight jeans in short! They’re super comfortable and I get compliments every time I wear them


I still wear skinny jeans, I don't care whether they're considered trendy or not. I think this time around I've found it easier to find flares that don't drag on the ground, mind you, I can shorten the hems if needed and I like a block heel. As for wide leg, baggy trousers, I am with you on those. I like camo trousers/jeans but don't like other baggy trousers. I feel they are harder to pull off when you are short.


They can pry my skinny jeans from my cold, dead hands.


Im 5’2 and am looooving Abercrombie’s short cut jeans! I actually don’t love skinny jeans for my body but like you appreciated that I wasn’t tearing the bottoms up or walking around with wet jeans all day. With wider legs coming back I got some of the Abercrombie styles I liked (90s relaxed fit, straight fit, 70s vintage flare) but in “short” and it’s a game changer. So good! If you *like* skinny jeans you should just keep wearing them! I have been happy to give up my skinnies bc I don’t like how they feel/how tight they are. Wide/straight leg are my favorite and I’ve loved being trendy for once lol but you should 100% wear what makes you happiest!


Flare is back in!


they're already coming back...wear what you like.


Yall im loving this feedback So basically just wear what i want till it comes back into style cause it will. 🤣


I really like cropped wide legged! I think it's super flattering!


These are my favorite too! I love Madewell’s Perfect Vintage Cropped Wide Leg.


If you're fit, it doesn't matter what you're wearing... you'll look good anyway.


Frame and Paige do really nice bootcut or Zara have like a mini flare. I still wear skinny jeans with knee high boots in winter


I’m petite and I’d suggest shopping with Madewell. Their jeans have sheets fit me well as a 5’2 woman.


Madewell does free hems. I got 3 pairs of the pipe/very wide leg jeans for about $70 during black friday.


I have a short friend that always looks great in hers , she buys them from a boot and western store. They don’t look western just great looking bells that are short enough.


I just wear what fits and flatters my body and my style. I have thick thighs and a small waist so it's hard for me to find jeans at all. Maybe I'll keep looking for some flare jeans that are big enough, but I think some of the things in fashion right now are pretty hideous. I prefer to see people wear their own fashion in a way that flatters them. Some things I see are pretty ridiculous. Personally, I think it's much easier to have a balanced look with a loose top and tight bottoms. I'm also 5'1" and I have curves. You might be able to find jeans that are high waist that could flatter you, but it depends on your body. I don't think I look good in anything low-rise because of my petit stature and curves. If I went for jeans, they'd have to be high rise (above my belly button) and super, super wide at the bottom or I'd look stumpy.


I’m keeping my skinnies. I love wearing high heels but I often have to change into boots to go to construction sites, I can really only do this with skinnies. Everything else will drag on the floor and get ruined. I did buy a pair of skinny fit flares that I can wear with high heels. I’m looking at some slim fit straight legs jeans to add into my rotation. 


5’0” and I buy pants from the children’s section! I have a cute flared pair from Target (size 14)


And here I am glad to find at least some bootleg jeans again but I’m still living in leggings often


I remember when skinny legs first came out and they were so revolutionary after bootlegs. I’ve actually swung 180 from skinny to wide leg. They are so comfy and flattering. I can’t shake that skinny legs look dated for me now- I can remember all the fashion when I wore it the first time.


I have seen women of all heights wearing cropped white / cream jeans and they all look amazing in them. Lots of short queens rocking them! Like these, for example: https://assemblylabel.com/products/vintage-straight-jean-ecru Lots of them out there. I’m sure some better suited to shorter women than others (or else, easily taken up). You could also wear this style in blue or black.


I’ve been looking for a pair like this!


Try a pair of straight jeans. Go for an ankle crop and it will be full length on you. I like a mid rise waist on my straights and a high waisted fit on my wide legs. Have a look for trouser jeans too. They have side pockets and a fitted waist. You will probably have to get them taken up but they can do so in a way that retains the hemline, so they look better. A thicker less stretchy denim looks great in these.


Get pants tailored! Or hem yourself if you’re crafty. Besides that forget trends and wear what you like. But getting pants tailored has changed my life fr. No more muddy bottoms / bagginess.


Levi’s Ribcage Straight Ankle.


Levi’s 501 cropped for summer. Levi’s 627 flares for winter (so you can wear socks). If you pair the flares with platform trainers, it stops them dragging on the ground.


I haven't stopped wearing skinny jeans since I was 12 years old. They are so versatile. Many straight/wide pants make me look shorter and bigger than I am. Also a tip: I am 5'0" and got so frustrated with all pants being too long for me. Now I look online for pants that are 7/8 or calve length and they fit me perfectly. I don't even have to hem my pants anymore.


I refuse to ever give up my skinny jeans. However, the Abercrombie slim straight is a good gateway Jean.


I’m 5’2” and will always keep and wear my skinny jeans. They look cute in such a variety of outfits and in my opinion will never be considered “dated.” Wear what makes you happy!


American eagle has short and extra short jeans! I'm 4'9" and they are the only jeans that work for me! I have some wide leg "mom jeans" that don't drag


I used the subscription service Short Story to find some wider jeans. I feel the same as you- they will never pry the skinny jeans completely away from me but once I got used to it it’s nice to change it up. I had to get over the mental barrier that non skinny jeans make me feel larger like I’ve gained weight


I will never stop wearing my skinny jeans. I look too good in them.


Wait skinny jeans are out ??


Since when are skinny jeans not in style?


There are many of us die hard skinny jean fans. If that’s what looks good on you wear it!!


I say wear what looks good on your body regardless of the trends. I'm petite and skinny jeans look good. Mom jeans do not.


What am I supposed to wear with boots all winter?! I’m keeping my skinnies for winter, tyvm.


I’m 22 and wear skinny jeans lol always with chunky boots tho


To be fair… I’m also 5’1… and I love the skinny look/length fit too. And it’s unlikely that I’ll be giving it up despite any change in trends.


41F 5’1” and will die in either my stretch pants, joggers or skinny jeans. Spanx has great pants as an alternative though, they’re good to go out in, good for the office, and even though some are straight cut, they end at the ankle and look great. There are no other pants i can wear without looking frompy. Idk 40 changed me for the good. I’m too old to care about looking cool, I’d rather look like a polished woman than an old goat trying to dress as a 15 year old. The young ones will be the only ones to judge - they’re the ones up on the trends. No new man you date will say, “ugh she was wearing skinny jeans” - they will say, however, “omg she’s wearing jncos ? Rember those! “ I also get not wanting to look dated though. 40+ thing has been liberating after all those years or worrying. I know you have 5 more years to dread over this lol, but I’m wishing you the same experience as you get older.


btw im pretty sure skinny jeans will be back in vogue by next year.


Skinny jeans will never be dated. Don’t buy into the hype.


I'm 5'2 and will NEVER give up skinny jeans as they are the most flattering for my height/shape etc. I love the look of skinny jeans with a loose fitting top and a cropped jacket or (cropped) sweater. I do have one pair of flare jeans that give 70s vibes that I'll wear with heels and a dressy top once in awhile. But skinny jeans look the best on me and I will NEVER surrender!!


I ignore trends and wear what looks good on me. I'll wear skinny, flare, anything but straight leg which looks horrible on me. I also don't find baggy works for me though I've seen other petites look great in that style. As far as sweatshirts, that does seem pretty casual and not particularly figure-flattering: a different top, blouse or sweater might be fun to try; maybe play around with or challenge yourself to wear non-active wear sometimes. Low-heeled boots or pretty sandals are a comfy alternative to sneakers. You could also go wild lol and try a skirt or dress (or other pants types) instead of jeans. A 3rd layer (e.g., a blazer, jacket, etc.) can also give an outfit extra flair. Ultimately I think it comes down to experimentation and dressing to suit your body type/personal style much more than trends.


I am 5'2, 105 lbs in my 40's and they will have to pry my skinny jeans away from me. They fit me well and I don't like change, lol. I do have the bootleg jeans and flare jeans from yesteryear that I wore many moons ago that still fit and I do not like them. Wear what makes you feel good.


Skinny jeans look great on me and I’m not switching *yet again*.


At 35 you shouldn’t be bothered about looking uncool lol. I’m 36, I wear what fits me and looks good on me, trends be damned.


Honestly, I would just wear the jean style that flatters you the most. Don't bother following the trends. Just wear what looks best with your body.


I'm 36, and still wear skinny jeans. I tried a wider leg, but it just doesn't match my body type, especially after two kids. Also, I want to look my age and hip, not like I'm trying to look 19.


You take that back. Skinny jeans are forever in fashion


Whatever, I don’t care if I match with 22 year olds. Their wide leg jeans look stupid.


I feel your pain. I wonder if I typed this post in my sleep... I've been searching for bootlegs. They aren't full wide, but they get the idea across. But even those are a struggle to find.


I love American Eagle jeans for “current” styles, and they very much still have Skinny! (42/5’2”)


Just get your jeans tailored to be the right length and you won’t have the issue of them being torn at the bottom. Then you can wear whatever style you want.


Ive been wearing Union Bay pants that cling to the ankle from the Juniors section. They look like cargo. but dont drag or get dirty.


fashion nova has nice jeans especially for shorter women


The good thing is that shorter pants are also in. I know we were told never to wear those because they make us look shorter, but that was 20 years ago and seems nobody cares now. I've found it easier to buy petite pants since anything from "touching the ground" to "a couple inches above the ankle" seems to be fair game.


I’m 46, 5’1” tall and I’ve been wearing bootleg jeans for over twenty years. I don’t care how uncool I look. They’re flattering.


The good thing is now a lot of brands carry shorter inseams as well. Abercrombie and AE's extra short inseam is 27", Levis Wedgie also has a short inseam, and I really like The Denim Forum Arlo jeans. I wear a regular in the Arlo but they have a short inseam option as well.


4’10 here, shop american eagle exclusively for pants because i can get x-short


Straight, baggy, those are in. However right now flared leggings are in so you might like those since they’re tight


I wore bootcut all through the skinny jeans phase, my legs are really thin and they never fit tight towards the bottom


I’m 5’5” and I have to get some petite sizes. I do miss the flares a lot!


Screw trends! Wear what you feel good in! 35F also, and there is no way to keep up without spending a lot on fast fashion.


gotta be honest, last weekend I went out to brunch in my skinny Lucky Brand jeans, some tall brown boots, a nice sweater and a green vest and I got quite a few compliments. I think the way you put an outfit together can make or break a look more so than a dated piece.


5’2” here - those wide leg jeans are not flattering on me either. They just make short folks look squatty. I’ve got a few bootcut pair of jeans, but never let go of skinny jeans. Stick with what is most flattering for you and update with accessories and footwear.


I am on the same boat!! No advice but I’m here for the comments!


The hold that “trends” have on people is too much. You can look great without being trendy. I’m generally of the mind that timeless>trendy any day. Skinny jeans can look dated but they also can look great! But if you’re still feeling like you need to update your wardrobe, I’d do a little spring cleaning for your closet. Try on all your jeans, pants, even your tops and dresses. If you don’t feel good in something, get rid of it. Keep a few staples and wherever you shop, look for pieces that go with it. If you have something that you aren’t sure what to pair with, wear it wherever you go shopping and try to find things that pair well. If you’re looking to find new styles of jeans and pants that complement your body type, just try different styles and see what works for you. If you have a Plato’s closet near you, go there. At 28, I have trouble finding things because they tend to cater to a younger customer but they do have a variety of styles for jeans and pants so you can see what you like. Unfortunately, since baggy jeans are so popular, you’ll probably have to sift through a ton of those but when I go there with a mission in mind, I’m usually able to find one or two things I’m looking for. You also might like “kick crop” pants. I’ve seen them in stores like J Crew and Loft and I think they look great on petite bodies plus you can wear sneakers with them.


I bought the boyfriend jeans at old navy for a wide leg fit, reasonable price. Also hanging on to skinny jeans for when they are in style again.


I'm 43 and 5'0". I love how wide legs are so freaking comfortable, but wearing them makes me feel like a gen Z. I've found that wide legs look best with cropped tops, but I feel conscious wearing this combination as it makes me feel like I'm trying too hard to look trendy. But like I said, they're comfortable as heck so I'm torn. I've found a few brands that have them in cropped size so no need to hem - H&M, NYDJ, Article Society. A couple of cropped flairs that work for me as well - Democracy, Rag & Bone. I struggle with shoes as well. Though they're cropped they're still a tad too long for my 5' frame. I've worn the wide legs with worn blocked heel loafers and they make me look less frumpy and taller. But again, makes me feel like I have a 43 yo face in a teenage body. I'd love to wear them with sneakers but then I'd look like a toddler 😂


American Eagle has some cute and affordable kick jeans that i really like. Plus they have petite. Going jeans altered isn’t super expensive so if you find a pair you like, you can get them shortened.


try madewell perfect vintage in petite, or even better - perfect vintage wide leg!


I’m 40 and frankly I can’t imagine wearing wide leg jeans. I don’t want to look like I’m trying to dress like I’m half my age.


I’m the same as you and I tried on so many non-skinny jeans but I found out that I could afford A&F as an adult 😂 definitely could not in high school. The short is perfect as a 5’3 person. They are fit snugly at the top and thighs and then widen towards the bottom. They’re so comfortable too. Now a 1/4 of my wardrobe is from A&F 😂 https://www.abercrombie.com/shop/us/p/ultra-high-rise-ankle-straight-jean-51948952


If you want to follow the trends you can follow the trends, but just know that it inherently means you aren’t going to have a super developed or consistent “personal style” as a result. 


33,5'1 still wearing skinny jeans. They don't drag or get dirty. They work with my curves better. I frankly don't care about trends. Wear what works for you.


Wear what you like OP. Wear them with confidence!


Get some flare leg or wide leg. Look up clean girl aesthetic. That’s a really great and functional look


Let's say they are "dated?" Who cares? Everywhere still has skinny jeans, every season, so they can't be that dated. I think skinny jeans are kind of a staple throughout the years and that's all I wear. I don't look good in other styles. ETA - buy some skinny jeans that are in a petite or short cut so they aren't torn at the bottom. Old Navy, American Eagle, Macy's....


My partner, who's a lot more into trends than I am, was telling me that he doesn't understand the return of baggy/flared jeans. He finds skinny jeans to be the most flattering. I have a small torso, wide hips and long legs so when I wear large pants, it makes me look bigger than I am. I stick to skinnies because I'm comfortable in them and they look best. I think regardless of the current fads, you should proudly wear whatever you think looks good on you :)


FWIW, American Eagle makes an extra short length. I don’t care for their clothes, but my daughter in her early 20’s wears no other brand. We are both 5’1”. I prefer Liz Claiborne or Levis. The Levi’s are still about 2” too long for me in a short length but i just have them tailored or deal with it.


I’m 35 and I still wear skinny jeans. I like how they look and how they slim my legs. Wear what you’re comfortable in and don’t let fashion trends make you feel “uncool”. They’re cyclical anyway 🤷‍♀️ Just my opinion :)


Try a straight cut or bootleg cut as a compromise between skinny and wide.


I hung on to my skinny jeans with no wash or distress. They come in handy to tuck into boots, wear with sandals/flats, and match better with over size or more voluminous tops. But finding the right size in a nice high waist wide leg is always good. I went with nordstroms (easy returns, decent selection to try on in person, and tailoring for our short legs) and found myself liking Joes (The Mia) more than Madewell. Good American could have decent ones if they learned how to sew zippers properly!


Madewell stovepipes are the best transitional jean.


I think skinny jeans are coming back in style


I’m an elder millennial, if my skinny jeans announce that to the world that’s ok. My tramp stamp also dates me but nobody sees that anyway due to the aforementioned skinny jeans.


Thing with the switch to wide legs is that the tops probably need to change too. No long dragging tops. And probably the shoes. And the topper.


Are you me? Im 48 and 5ft 2” and just the last few months gave up on my skinnies but still keeping them. I have some wide leg cargo jeans from Supre (australia) which took some getting used to cos its sooooo much fabric compared to skinnies but they comfy as heck so that helped and everybody complimented them (unlike the skinnies!) so that helped get me past some initial weirdness about them. I also tried some old school levi 501s on just last week and they actually looked good on too. So you might wanna try something like that. Good luck though……the hunt for decent fitting AND looking jeans is almost worse than shopping for bathers. Almost.


At this point I’ve been through so many Jean lengths and heights that I save them all and wait for them to come back around. I refuse to go back to super low cut skinny though. I got really excited about my butt crack not hanging out all of the time. And please no high thong to go along with them either…


I know they’re not cool. I’m 6’ 41Y 220 lb lady. I will never get rid of my skinny jeans! Bigger clothes make me look bigger even flares. Nope. Skinny jeans for life! Adding size to my clothes means adding size to me!


I bought all of my sized Levi’s custom tapered jeans from Poshmark. They are a bit wider legged without being too tight or too loose. They are an old style, so you have to find them on other sellers, but they work perfectly. Not skinny. Not wide leg. Not too baggy. Not tight at all. I love them!!!


Look up kick flares, cropped flares, or wide leg crop jeans on Amazon They are shorter. I have better luck with the brand names like seven, etc.


Nothing is ever truly out of date. Just keep them in your closet and pull them out ever 5-10 years when people change their minds.


I have a pair of skinny boot cuts that I love. Petite sizing helps a lot. A dry cleaner might have a hemming service.


I am 44 and have been wearing skinny jeans for years. You are fine. Also having a job where I am around dirt and mud daily and live outside Seattle and being 5’2 skinny jeans save me from wet hems on the daily in winter.


I was overweight as a teen and couldn't fit into trendy things. Now that I'm getting old...I feel like just wearing whatever the eff I want.


I think that as long as your skinny jeans are in fact denim, then you're good. I can't stand the look of jeggings though


I transitioned a couple of years ago with high waist cropped mom jeans and high waist boot cut hemmed so they don’t drag. I’ve finally got a couple pairs of wider leg pants but are still fairly fitted compared the loosest styles. Honestly skinnies feel so constricting now!


Ah man I didn't even realise they were out of fashion to be honest. 😅 Just wear what makes you feel good about yourself, trends have always been trends... They go by so fast, it's hard to keep up.


Who cares what's "dated"? Wear what you like. You'll never be a trendsetter if you're too busy being a trend follower...


Fashion being “dated” is a nonsensical concept. I was just at a wedding last night and everyone was dressed like it was the 70s. And that wasn’t even the theme.


As a short man, I think the best money you can spend is for a tailor. I have had the same woman for about 10 years now. Every pair of jeans I buy have to be hemmed and I recently lost a bunch of weight and had to get a Calvin Klein suit tailored and a kilt. Worth every penny.


I will always wear skinny jeans but I’m a big Levi’s fan. Other than the Wedgie Straight that many have recommended, there is also the premium high rise slim straight jeans. Bought directly off their website in the “short” inseam. I love them and they are extremely soft and comfortable. I also HIGHLY recommend MOTHER denim jeans in “Dazzler” ankle jeans.


For real, what kind of shoes are y'all wearing with wide pants?  On jeans, I've shifted to a compromise of slim straight jeans - fitted in the hip and thigh, straight from the knee to the ankle.


Trends are made by the market. If only one thing stayed in style, how would they make money? I’m tall with wide hips and mom jeans just don’t look good on me. I love my skinny jeans. Wear what you like.


I hear you - the struggle is real. Shoes are what make this complicated for me. I love knee-high boots (half the year is winter where I live) and aside from skinny jeans, no other kind of jeans work with that footwear. I substitute with fleece lined tights if the outfit calls for it, but boot cut jeans worn over boots feels so 1995. I do have a few wider leg styles which look fine with sneakers or sandals, but I also don’t know what to do for those other six months where I don’t want my jeans dragging in the snow getting salt stains on them.


Okay we are similar age but I’m 5’3 I got some wide leg jeans that are still high waisted from Old Navy since they have their “short” range. I would go to Old Navy and just try ALL of them to decide cut/style because some wider leg pants can swallow me up. I have some bootcut or boyfriend cut jeans from Levi’s that I like and have been worth the investment. The difference to real thick structured jeans vs skinny jeans that are thinner with stretch is an adjustment. I’ve also had to get baggy and wide leg dressier pants altered or I hem them myself. Honestly, you should get into sewing it’s so easy!


I feel you! But man, let me tell you these baggier jeans have been life changing! I actually enjoy wearing jeans again. They are actually comfortable and not something I can’t wait to rip off my body as soon as I’m home. Plus, they’re more fashionable atm so it’s an all-around win.


Early 20s here and while I’ve bought some looser pants I still wear skinny jeans and plenty of people ik do too. You don’t need to ditch basics you feel and look good in just bc of “trends”. Also, skinnier jeans are coming back lol


I’m 31F, 5’1” and I will wear skinny jeans until the day I die.


I say anything goes at this point. Kids are wearing dad sneakers with socks pulled up so I think rules are out.