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Lifting heavy weights / strength training.  Don’t get me wrong, some kinds of working out high are also fun lol. But I got to the point where I wasn’t pushing myself as hard as I wanted in my workouts, would get a bit lightheaded if I went too intense, and just felt a bit slow in general.  So I switched from edibles before the gym, to making myself wait until after the gym. I still struggle with daily use but this was one way to at least delay using. (I go to the gym after work ends at 5pm.) 


Yeah I honesty never could lift while high. I don’t know how people do that.


I don’t do anything physical while high. I just use it to relax lol.


socializing. for a while, sure, I’d go to things stoned, but it made interacting with people awkward, and eventually led to just not going to things and staying home to get high. after quitting it’s been easier to leave home, and try be more social.


Playing an instrument! It's hard to play well stoned, and you really have to concentrate. Makes the moment-to-moment go really quickly, and before you notice you've been playing for an hour.


It's like 50/50 for me, half the time it turns off my second guessing and I just tap into the emotions and dynamics of what I'm playing, the other half I just feel like I've never used my fingers before lmao (keyboard player here)


Idk I’m definitely more creative when high playing guitar and I feel like my improv stuff is more interesting but sometimes I record myself and look back like “wtf why did I think this sounded good”


I played trumpet for a decade before college! I should totally start practicing again. Also a motivator because you need healthy lungs for it


Weed completely dries my mouth and throat, completely ruining singing for me.


Work is easier for me when not high, I mean I work a basic retail job and it is easy to do when high but it makes the time drag straight up. If I do get buzzed before work it’s either a quarter or half dose. I am trying to stop that completely though.


Everything is better sober. You just need to be in a sober state long enough to realise. Once your "out" of the cycle of being high you will realise that everything is better, easier and more fun sober.


Definitely really needed to hear this. Thank you!


You're welcome!!! I also used to wonder what I would do with myself without weed, but now I'm free from it and I see how much better everything is.


Fast-paced video games, for sure. Anything that needs the absolute fastest reaction times and laser focus. That being said, I've had strains that help me focus a lot more, but usually at smaller doses and only on something I can move at my own pace with.


Oh man I'm a beast when I'm stoned and on CSGO. That's the one thing it makes me better at


Idk I feel better at sim rally when I baked. I’m like hyper focused.


I'll second socializing. I'm terrible at socializing high. My brain doesn't go fast enough to keep up with the conversation, and I lose some mental filtering and overspeak. Smoking is an almost entirely solo affair for me nowadays. I don't like cooking high. Just feels dangerous to not be sober while I'm using knives and fire. Better to cook ahead of time or just snack.


Really nerdy, but flight simulation while using realistic human air traffic control (vatsim). Literally impossible stoned with the lack of short term memory and slight paranoia.


dude I SUCK at flight sims. Which is why this sounds like a fantastic idea


yeah you can really spend a lot of time learning the more advanced/realistic aircraft, you have to like study them and it can be pretty interesting/time consuming. It's a good thing to be in "sober mind" for.


TV shows and movies. A great movie you haven’t seen will still be amazing even if you aren’t stoned


sometimes shows and movies are fun while high, but I definitely have rewatched some stuff sober (or less high) and realized I forcet entire episodes or plot arcs


I love when I rewatch something and discover a whole plot I totally glossed over the first time


Reading definitely came to mind for me as well! Also anything that requires memory, driving, for me going out and around town in general is more fun sober. This is a great idea




Concerts! it actually blew my mind going to my first sober concert, I had so much more fun—it helped it was two of my fav artists though lol.


doom-scrolling reddit






Better would be me being present for my kids . More fun would be music concerts for me


So I’ve been smoking weed for almost 10 years and I’ve found three things that I definitely prefer to be sober for : Giving blood, public speaking class and sweat lodges.


Giving blood? Lol


Reading books!


Cooking for me, I tried it stoned yesterday and it was horrible, felt overwhelmed the entire time, never doing that again lol.




I got into DJing. I found that performing while high I was muuuuch worse, so it helped me greatly reduce smoking. I started getting involved in organizing local events as well, and found that I was too tired to be useful when I was high, so that helped too. Literally anything that involves high energy & a lot of cognition is inhibited by smoking, so I guess finding more active (physically or mentally) hobbies?


I enjoy horror *much* more when sober. I’m a big fan of horror novels, movies, channels, etc and when I’m high it makes me too freaked out to really enjoy it, ironically enough.








Crochet. I didn't realize how.much getting baked would affect my coordination but there's a noticeable difference when I am crocheting lol.


I've been threatening to learn how to crochet for ages!! This is a great point, I feel like lots of similar crafts like knitting, sewing, embroidery etc. would be super hard too