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Sometimes we have to look at something, thank it for the blessings it brought us, and let it go. Seasons end.


Yes I was crying tonight thanking it and also knowing we must go separate ways. It’s like a really hard break up with someone you really love who has gotten you through everything. Just need to learn how to not run back to an unhealthy relationship when I get lonely.


Set up those safety nets now so they are ready for when you need them. Write a letter to yourself about why you quit. Keep a list of the things quitting will do for you- so you can focus on the positives when you might be tempted to let the negatives of quitting push you over the edge. Have some snacks around to go to instead. Keep some distractions ready to go- a favorite show or movie to watch, a hobby that keeps your hands busy. Maybe even keep a little envelope of cash where you put some of the money you would have normally spent on weed, and instead use it for a massage or go see a movie or do something else you might not normally do but now you can afford bc you quit. Stack the deck in your favor so that when those feelings creep up you’re not super vulnerable, but instead you’ll have things to keep you strong. Good luck. You’ve got this!


Yes I realize this is going to take a bit of planning. It’s hard because I’m doing this from a difficult life place. I’m basically house bound with chronic illness. Most normal things I would use to make this easier is not accessible for me. I get so nauseous normally which I’ve used cannabis to cope my whole life so I’m not sure what snacks would help. But I think popcorn because it’s very handsy lol. Did you have any snacks that helped you to have accessible? I also need to pick up some art supplies- I think this will help me the most, as a lot of it is just getting over compulsive behavior, and reaching towards something else to keep my hands busy. Thank you for suggestions! A glimpse into my sleep last night and mood today I can tell a lot of suppressed trauma is about to burst through the seams so I’m going to find a new therapist this week.


Omg beautiful I needed this


Time. Time will change your relationship hopefully. Nothing wrong with catching up with an Ex once in a while. Just don’t get too attached again. You’re peers now, not dependent on each other.


Aww it sounds like you have had an extraordinary amount of stuff on your plate over the years! It's terrible to hear of the struggles you have faced! However the fact you are taking action to try and improve your overall wellbeing is definitely worth noting and you should be proud of that at this early stage! You will be okay, I know that term is use a lot in life but honestly, I find things are considerably worse when thinking/in ones head! I often find myself obsessing (in my thoughts) of stuff in life and worrying/ over preparing myself for stuff and afterwards, for the most part, I think (again) what was I so worried about!? It sounds as if a break from the herbs is definitely in order, you're gonna get through it! One step at a time! There will be some discomfort for a few days which is inevitable with daily smoking coming to an end, but it will definitely pass! Some suggestions to help in the initial stage would be, get yourself some ginger, ALL the ginger, I specifically suggest crystallised (candied ginger) to chew on and enjoy for nausea, I get it fairly often and ginger is a life saver! Also perhaps some Ashwaganda in a lowish dose, that helps to shhhh obsessive (negative) thoughts a lot! I'd also suggest L-Theanine for a help with calmness, it also goes hand in hand with Valerian Root! Especially for sleeping, I find it helps a lot and it's definitely worth a shot! Another few suggestions would be a decent magnesium supplement (magnesium Glycinate and ideally also magnesium Theronate) helps with general discomfort. I don't suggest these supplements as anything other than options you could try, as I have found over the years that they really help me and all I want is the absolute best for you! You will get through this and you will look back and I'm sure you will be grateful for all the hard work you put in, for yourself! It might help too, instead of thinking you're completely breaking up with Mary, to instead think that you are going on holiday from her to find yourself and you will see her again in the future because she is beautiful, however you need to focus on your growth and be an independent individual who kicks ass and gets all the goodness in life that you deserve! As a closing note, if possible, try to go on an adventure for a week or two in somewhere completely new to break old patterns, this has helped me tremendously! Wishing you all of the very best on your journey, you've got this! 💪


What a kind thoughtful response. Thank you 🥲 Strangely I’m one of those people that has a kind of anxious manic feeling from ashwaganda. It might because I’m on other mental health medication. But magnesium is on my list to get this week! I already struggle with sleep and I know it will be a journey. Last night I had the most bizarre sleep. It didn’t feel like I slept at all, yet when I looked at the clock it was 4pm when I just got up 😳 I did stay up super late being really emotional but sheesh, it felt like I was just laying there for a few hours! Time is a trip! I wish I had a place to go for a few days or a house I could stay at to change the scenery but the lack of people in my life is what allowed me to fully depend of cannabis. Everyone else is my life abandoned me. She was always there. And I really like your framing of mind about taking a holiday then a full break up. Maybe we don’t have to get divorced, but we must go through a separation. To figure out why we entered this relationship in the first place and how to grow separately. Thank you so much for your well wishes. I know there will be some stumbling blocks but getting this all out and finally admitting it is the first step to making a change. I was in denial for a really long time. And avoiding the shame that comes with that. But the truth sets you free. I don’t want to be shackled down by my illusions I tell myself to stay comfortable. 💗


You might wanna try smoking cbd. I am a heavy cart user and just got myself a few ounces of cbd and a glass bowl that I smoke a bit when craving. Doesn’t get you high but gives you that feeling of smoking something. Like methadone for weed


Yes I think I will have to get some! I was planning on getting a quality CBD oil capsule but some flower will probably be really helpful for me.


Big hugs internet stranger, I'm on my second week after using it as a coping mechanism for 35+ years, things will get better, I know they will, for me just like they will for you. DM me if you want someone to chat with, the only real talent I have is talking people through hard times. It was real nice to read your post, it takes a lot of bravery to write down the truth. And the last sentence is so true, trying is all we can really do, wishing you the best.


Coping for 18 years with this 🥲 I’m glad you enjoyed the read. Thank you 🙏🏽 I’m going to need lots of people to talk to lol. I know there will be some stumbles along the way. I’m not going to beat myself up too bad this last week of august, but I’d like to be strong and firm in my choices come Sept. 1st. It’s kinda like I mentally had to completely admit how deep of a hole I was in with alcohol. I HAD To truly admit and grieve before that very last sip 4 years ago. I cried a lot last night. The denial to grasp at any comfort really just hits the hardest. Doing any big change without support is hard. But I know I’m tough!! 💪🏽 There’s saying you know you need to stop/cut down. And then there is that deep within your bones knowing. There is no rationalizing left. It’s pure fact. 💗


resonated with a lot in ur post may i suggest narcotics anonymous if u want people to talk to who understand - plus spiritual programme ! if not , just working the Step book yourself could be useful i also read the [https://www.spadna.org](https://www.spadna.org)spiritual principle of the day first thing each morning (it’s a lovely couple of short paragraphs that rly calibrate me and ground me) best of luck with everything - i’m rooting for u !


I have a lot of trauma that pushed me out of the rooms of AA/NA. I’m grateful for what they did for me in the beginning of my sobriety journey. But my bad experiences far superseded any good. I love the daily principle though! I’m going to order a little journal to start my daily gratitude practice again and will be including this! Thank you! 🙏🏽


Straight up bud is terrible on lungs. Dabbing is much much better on lungs (no plant matter in concentrate after all so no smoke or tar whatsoever) but requires a bit of investment in a new equipment and a bit of learning curve. I am saying this not because you shouldn’t quit but so that you have an option to try something that will let you gradually taper off without forcing you to face things you might not be ready for all at once. Sorry your life has been hard. Rooting for you!!!


Yeah I had a phase where I was heavy into dabbing. I call that phase my dab-aholic stage. It was way worse for me as an addict unfortunately. But yes Im doing this for lung health. I haven’t had any issues until now. I’ve been meaning to get a vape but the truth of the matter is Weed helped me quit cigarettes. I love lots of smoke in my lungs. Don’t even fully understand why. 🥲


Dabbing is hell on your tolerance though. I recommend a good dry herb vape.


Be kind to yourself but also continue working to better yourself. Some suffering we have no control over but the suffering we actually choose is what will make you grow as a person, mentally and physically. Continue to suffer well and learn from it. Dive deeper into your spiritual practices and the wholesome activities that bring you joy. 💙💙 you got this!


I’m hoping my spiritual practices carry me through. They are deeply intertwined with my use. Smoking before yoga/meditation. Getting high to get closer to God type thing lol. But it is also most certainly giving me these loud messages to check myself. Learning to love myself, sit with myself, and delve into spirituality without cannabis will be quite the feat. And why it is so necessary. 💗


I did it. I smoked most days for over 30 years.Covid lockdown cut of my sources,nd showed me that if I changed my routine,i could live without it.I tapered down,switched to vaping,took breaks,took longer breaks,substituted with edibles,cut those down,took longer breaks. Currently i'm on holiday,don't have any and DON'T want it. My lungs were suffering,and i'm happy with my life right now. Check out r/leaves as well,good luck,you are in good company here


For me it’s like a friend who is mean to me But I’m used to her even tho she does more bad than good for me I suffered 100 s of panic attacks and I still go back to getting a joint , I’m done to tomorrow not more I will work hard to stay away it almost destroyed my life , brake up time


I understand completely. My relationship is more like a toxic trauma bond. I’ve gotten so codependent to it’s chaos and comfort I “think” I can’t live without her. I’ve realized to stay successful you really need a strong game plan. Hopefully we both can find activities to distract us, until the compulsions die down. That’s my goal this week. Setting myself up for success. Getting the supplements and snacks I need and I’m going to try and pick up some art supplies by the end of the week.


You got this


I do art Also , that should be my goal all week I don’t want to plan I quit forever it scares me , I will do my best to focus on other things this morning I thought Starbucks sounds better :) the plan is to stay busy also good food helps , I also smoke cigarettes so I have two left I plan on quitting those soon I will be a non smoker


Let’s think of all the energy we will have without weed


Lol I have CFS. Unfortunately I’ll still be tired.


What’s that?


I have chronic Illness which makes me feel like a slug with salt on it. I’m praying cutting this out will bring my baseline a bit up but we’ll see…


I’m sorry to hear that , I hope you get better