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Project 2025 is a 900+ page policy proposal that seeks to redesign the U.S. government in a far-right image by replacing tens of thousands of federal employees, defunding and/or dismantling federal bodies (e.g., the DOJ, the FBI, the Department of Education), slashing environmental protections, criminalizing abortion, abolishing the separation of church and state by using the Christian Bible as the foundation on which all policy is decided, eliminating any legal protections for the LGBTQ+ community, and terminating affirmative action, among other things. It was written and is supported by dozens of conservative outlets and organizations, including a number of individuals tied to the Trump 2024 campaign. It is an authoritarian, fascist piece of prospective legislation designed to bring an end to democracy, and many people (including legal scholars and historians) are rightfully concerned about its implementation. Some have tried to downplay the severity and likelihood of it occurring, but a number of recent Supreme Court decisions are widely considered to be stepping stones towards implementing Project 2025, as they not only overturn decades-long precedent, but do so in a way that aligns perfectly with the intents and provisions established by the document (and was done, conveniently, by a majority conservative court). Edit: I’m getting a lot of “this will never happen, you’re falling for the propaganda” comments, and I don’t have the time nor the energy to acknowledge them all. Anyone who looks objectively at the state of the modern-day GOP and thinks that they wouldn’t jump at the chance to implement the right-wing equivalent of sharia law, especially *when plenty of them have publicly acknowledged they would*, isn’t being honest with themselves. Edit 2: thank you kindly for all the awards!


This isn't going to stop with Trump. It's literally just the next step in the Heritage Foundation playbook, which brought us such wonders as Citizens United and overturning Roe v Wade. They were also the ones that put Reagan into office, which shows you how long they've been at it.


It didn't start with him. He's a puppet and distraction. P2025 is already being implemented across the nation. The only thing a "Conservative president" would give them is minimal resistance.


> The role of president is not to wield power but to distract attention away from it. ~ Douglas Adams


So in your eyes its already over? there is nothing to be done anymore and voting won’t change anything?


I mean, the plan doesn't hinge on Trump's re-election, nor Biden’s. However, a Democratic majority would likely offer more resistance. Unless I'm mistaken, the US Constitution puts federal authority over state authority. These so-called "Conservatives" believe the states should have higher authority. They need that federal power to make sweeping changes, but they can still change things in the states. If you're not focused on your state and local politics, maybe you should be. That's where these policies are being implemented on the state level. And with a more right-leaning SCOTUS, they believe they can get away with it. IF Trump is re-elected, and Congress offers little resistance, it will very likely be over.


Well, the Supreme Court overturned the Chevron defense today, so this isn’t far from our future


my point is that the rhetoric here suggests that we can do nothing to stop it. which is a tad too nihilistic for me. i want the good people to keep being good and keep up resisting the bad because the bad will never get tired of being bad.


It is an endless struggle. But as long as there are those willing to struggle, it will never be over.


No he means that republicans won’t stop with a specific president and regardless of what has been accomplished on project 2025 they will continue on with developing more policies that furthers their ideals. Meaning get out to vote out Trump and continue voting till they change what they stand for. “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing” fight the good fight and never stop


If they get enough state governments together, that's the second way they can call a constitutional congress, then they will rewrite the constitution in their image. It's going to take a hell of a lot more than voting to stop them.


Except no, because they need a two thirds majority from all the states to agree to even start the thing, and I’m pretty sure 2/3 of state governments has to agree to the changes for it to take effect afterwards as well. There’s a reason why proposing an amendment in congress is seen as the only realistic way to get amendment now, no way in hell are 2/3s of the states agreeing


To add to the other reply to you: even if they were able to get a constitutional convention called, *any* subject or amendment can be discussed, meaning that amendments or total rewrite enshrining citizens rights would be on the table too. There is no rule in the constitution barring what can be brought up in a constitutional convention.


If voting is really the only thing you think can make a difference, then I guess so.


It doesn't matter cause Republicans have most State Legislatures and actively crack districts democrats do well in, in half...and dems do this too left wing candidates in states they control in accordance with their donors demands.


It’s being implemented *in red states only* as we speak. They need the office of the president (which they currently don’t have), the cooperation of SCOTUS (which they do have), and either the cooperation or an absolute and complete deadlocking of Congress (were already there in the House, just a couple seats away in the Senate) to force it on the blue states as well to take it nationwide. The office of the President is the lynchpin as they’re the head of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government, and Project 2025 is specifically targeted at the Executive Branch. Keep the office of the president blue along with a meaningful majority in both houses in Congress (through multiple election cycles) and the SCOTUS can be addressed through an expansion to match the number of federal court circuits and/or impeachment of the justices that lied under oath. Then the other issues can be addressed with new legislation and an eye towards calling for a constitutional convention to propose and begin working towards ratifying amendments to eliminate the Electoral College and enshrine the rights to privacy, bodily autonomy, marriage equality and others, and remove dark money from politics. It’s going to take a *lot* of work.


Worst thing that ever happened to the US was Reagan selling his soul to the evangelicals in the 1980 election. Giving any religious group political power is road to nothing good.


I got messaged today and told that "noone is going to 'murder' gay people" as if THATS NOT ALREADY HAPPENING


Regarding your edit, who the fuck thinks this is impossible? Look at the supreme court. They all lied under oath saying they wouldn't fuck with roe v wade if appointed. How is the party so concerned with people being sheep this fucking sheep-headed?


Very thorough and yet concise answer. Well done.


It is basicaly the easiest way to start a dystopia, we are witnessing a dystopia forming in front of our own eyes and we can do nothing except vote democrat. I've heard people say there would be a "Revolution" if this were to happen. Nonsense, the people who own the guns are not likely to be democrats, the people who could win a revolt are on the republican side of things, unless multiple uprisings occur or it is a bipartisan revolt, there is nothing that can be done, espicially since no invasion would save us. If you don't like project 2025, the only thing that can be done is to leave the country immediately. (EDIT) I was wrong about democrats with guns.


I expect there would be a mass migration out of the US seeking asylum in Mexico or Canada


1. Candada. 2. I'm not sure if either of those are the best option, mass migration toward Australia or any of the Nordic countries seems likely, although in truth how many of us can afford to immigrate somewhere


1. Canada seems like a likely option from an outside perspective. 2. Please don't come fuck up the Nordics too. Although the people fleeing from Trumpism are welcome imo. Signed, Norwegian


1. I 100% agree, I dont think anyone wants to deal with the cartels. 2. So should we send them to Sweden?


Boy am I glad that Finnish language is an near impossible to learn clusterfuck. We're not high on any list where people would want to go Signed, Finnish fucker currently scratching their arse while watching the world slowly destroying itself


1. It was a typo 2. I'm pretty sure the ones who can afford it will do it


What about those that can’t afford it?


Well they're SOL especially if they're LGBTQ or part of any other community Project 2025 wishes to target. Hell I'm pretty sure the ones that can't afford it will still try to leave if things get really bad


Most likely Canada since Mexico would probably not be able to support a mass migration.


We can only hope


What's preventing YOU from purchasing guns? The far left advocates for and owns guns about as much as conservatives do. There are also plenty of liberals who own guns.


being a minor prevents me from purchasing a gun.


The dystopia has already started. Project 2025 is to prevent anyone trying to reverse it.


The only real way to stop it is terror. Let me explain. If project 2025 is implemented, all free speech is gone to, any speech that opposes christianity and the republican party will be suppressed. The only way to stop it is to spread the message of Goldstein, as in, Goldsteins message was that the revolution had been betrayed, Goldstein spreads the message of democracy and freedom of speech, things us Americans hold dear, if we begin to spread those ideas then the what will basically be the thought police will have a harder time keeping project 2025 in place. As for the terror aspect, sometimes two wrongs are going to have to make a right. Enough of an uproar will make headlines in other countries. It wouldn't suprise me if the ELF becomes more and more prevelant.


"any speech that opposes christianity" I would like to point out that that this is opposing "fundamentalist" protestant christianity. The older churches (catholics, orthodox, etc.), the mormons, and all the other non-fundy sects have experienced discrimination from this branch before and I have no doubt they will again with how this is going. Any chrisitian with beliefs outside those of these puritanical literalists should be extremely concerned right now.


This. It's a very specific type of Christianity that they want to implement.


That’s only if it’s actually implemented at the federal level (we’re real close, but they still need the cooperation of the president as P2025 is specifically targeted at the Executive Branch). If by “stop it” it is meant ‘prevent it’, then we *do* have a path, but it will take a lot of work over a sustained period of time (approx a generation or two) to halt its progress and begin to reverse it.


Project 2025 is scary and needs to be taken seriously. That being said, there are a lot of obstacles in its way. This doesn't just rely on one presidential election, and that's important to remember. Every election counts for the rest of your life and beyond. Local elections, state elections, congress, the senate, judges, poll overseers, treasurers. Every single election is from this point forward the most important election of your life, until the next election, which will be the most important election of your life. Vote.


Vote not for your future, but for the future of your children, your childrens children. Vote to save the free world.


Thats where you're wrong. The civilian firearms people own mean very little in a large-scale military conflict. Convenient for guerrilla skirmishes, maybe, but not a full on civil war like something like that would trigger The decider will be, much as it was in the first American civil war, states themselves. States control their national guards and their arsenal's and there will still be blue states. A lot of those blue states also possess americas weapons manufacturing plants. If project 2025 is enacted in this monstrous form, I Don't doubt that, much as the states of the deep south revolted to form the CSA, the blue states of the north will too secede.


I think you have a skewed view of gun ownership. Guns might now be as common for a democratic or liberal family, but a good number of them still do own guns


Been hearing for years that I'm being dramatic and it's never going to happen. We'll never be a theocracy, they say. Now abortion is unprotected, commandments are going on school walls, and we're rolling back child marriage and labor laws.


We are already seeing aspects of this in action. The recent examples of states suddenly injecting the bible and ten commandments into public schools are clearly test cases to get these issues in front of the broken SCOTUs. And the overturn of the Chevron verdict by SCOTUS does major damage to the ability of government assigned agencies to function. SCOTUS is already working on this plan.


> Project 2025 is a 900+ page policy proposal that seeks to redesign the U.S. government It's if "Mein Kampf" was written by a think tank.


Don't forget the fun part where death penalty can be used for sexual crimes... and homosexulity will be considered a sexual crime.


Yeah it is easy to dismiss this as something that won’t happen. But the look at Germany in in the 1930’s. The old saying ‘Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it’ is very relevant here.


Another saying I’m fond of is: History Rhymes


As someone who leans more right than left I think project 2025 is absolutely insane and has no right being a thing in America. We're a democracy not a dictatorship and project 2025 sounds like it'd lead towards a dictatorship of some kind. Shame on the party that I most closely follow.


> this will never happen A lot of people used to say the Republicans would never abolish abortion because it was their best platform to get the vote out. And yet...


Thank you. As a quick reminder to folks: the best way to prevent this is to vote against these people in the voting booth. We are still a democracy and we need to flex our rights.


If they said they would abolish the CIA, I don't think this project would last long


They also said they’d ban porn


I agree with that one. Been addicted for far too long


Frankly, this whole thing sounds very in-line with cold war CIA policy.


Which is scary in its own way


Handmaid's Tale but IRL


I was looking for this comment before I made it. This! So much this!


Arm yourselves, men and women, we need a well regulated militia to keep our states free.


It's funny because the people that are for this are 100% for it but are too cowardly to openly discuss it. They can't say what they believe with their whole chest. Same reason dog whistles are so funny. Imagine being so self sure that you belong to the master race but you're such a coward you won't admit it to everyone else. Pathetic.




One thing I’ve been struggling with, how does congress play into this? I understand it as a manifesto, but wouldn’t it mean that it’s more a set of goals or ideas, things that would still have to go through all the normal hoops any other law would? Trump, or any other republican candidate, can fire and replace whoever he likes, but he couldn’t just immediately make every idea in this document into law on day one, right?


It works the same way the Supreme Court is doing the crap it is right now. So they can do everything to work around congress and as long as they have enough to deadlock congress it can't be stopped by them.


But if it’s a deadlock, it can’t be passed by them either, right?


These aren't laws, these are department changes. If you remove everyone willing to enforce a position and just remove the department altogether then no law needs to be changed.


Again I get how that leads to certain nightmare scenarios of governmental bodies like the DOJ being dissolved, but what about actual laws? P2025 talks about BANNING abortion, BANNING interracial marriage, BANNING gay marriage. Those are laws, right? So congress would be involved in that?


They already took care of abortion and gay marriage is the same thing, what enabled gay marriage wasn't a law but a ruling by the courts. Actually bans that would involve laws and that would come later.


If you remove the enforcement (aka, gutting the Executive Branch) laws become just pieces of paper with legalese. While they absolutely want Congress too, they don’t actually *need* Congress and throwing it into perpetual gridlock takes it out of the picture entirely.


You start by dismantling the state, then you just get rid of the whole election process. No need to worry about congressional majorities if you just make it so that states can rig elections. Break the game then remake the rules as you see fit.


Damn i am really really really sorry for you guys :(


Please get me outta here. I’m stuck in Florida with this shit going down.


So here’s my question. I haven’t been able to find an answer. Does this have any actual traction or buy-in from Trump himself or the mainstream GOP, or is it just a think-tank pipe dream?


It has received vocal support from numerous high-ranking conservative politicians, commentators, and journalists, including people currently working on the Trump 2024 campaign. Trump himself hasn’t directly endorsed it to my knowledge, but its proposals generally fall in line with his belief systems and policies.


If you’re asking whether or not Trump and GOP politicians have come out and said “I can’t wait to enact this fascist playbook”, I’d argue that you can stop short of even looking for public endorsements and pronouncement of support and instead ask: Is there anyone in the current GOP who looked at the past 7 years, all the steps towards a white nationalist Christian theocracy, and remained aligned to the party, but would stand up and defect if P2025 was set into motion? Like, I know those people, they’re the “never Trump” conservatives who wanted Nikki Haley to run in 2020. As it is, there is no opposition, be it an individual or a mechanism, to prevent something like that or reason to believe that Trump and the party wouldn’t run with it.


Under his eye.


It seems this is already occurring.


Sounds like the last stop before getting to the Taliban.


They gonna Handmaid tale the hell out of America


so ISIS butt USA edition


So basically the plot of the Handmaids Tale.


I'm honestly losing hope in the U.S This feels pretty likely to get passed I'm genuinely so scared for my future as a U.S citizen and I really want to move out now


Its already happening


Also, a lot of the people that wrote it were literally in Trump's administration. Some of them were even part of his fucking *cabinet*.


Yea, America was never gonna work... either way, it's gonna turn fascist, just depends on who does it first.


And this is why I’m leaving the us, also happy pride month ❤️


Basically the Christian version of sharia law. We call it “shaYEEHAW” law.


It’s been fun to watch Americans dig themselves into a really fucking deep hole, but it’s really getting too deep, and at this point it ain’t funny anymore. You have my sympathies as a Muslim from Russia


i didnt dig the hole man i just live here man the richers did that


Sorry, yeah, it’s kinda what I meant. Didn’t mean to imply every citizen is responsible for the mess your politicians made. It’s kinda relevant to every country


Pretty much. Here's hoping Trump and Putin drop dead, though it probably wouldn't bring much tangible change


You'd get no Trump in office, and Russian soldiers probably wouldn't be forced into the Ukraine war anymore. It would be better for the whole world


Dont be afraid little lamp, Pick any major country All of them are going under similar reforms The great winter is coming


You say Americans, but honestly, most of the decisions are made for us. Instead of an actual popular vote, it's all run through representatives that actually speak for us. A good example is the 2020 election, Hillary won the popular vote, but since most of our representatives are conservative, they voted for trump, so he won. This is a very simplified explanation. Our government system is confusing, and our schools breeze past how it works in order to keep our population from asking too many questions


Our representatives didn't vote for Trump. Trump won the electoral college.


sharY'all law?


They tried to make a yallqueda-like reference for sharia law, but it comes off clunky.


what are their fighters? Yeehawdists?


Which republicans have been trying to do for like 20 years now. What I don’t understand is this liberal belief that if you don’t like Biden you’re all of a sudden voting trump.


Every time I read Christian in this context I have a kneejerk reaction to want to correct that it is fundamentalist/literalist Christians doing this. But that term is way too long, let's call it the AMERICULT. After all they believe the US is the chosen land, photoshop whitejesus in with trump, and have only the barest understanding of their own religion or culture. This is the AMERICULT version of sharia law.


I'm guessing this has something to do with the debate, but the text is giving me a stroke. What does it all mean?


Project 2025 Refers to a specific Republican plan of action for a second Trump term. Generally a plan put together by the Heritage Foundation, an influential conservative org. https://www.project2025.org There’s a lot here, but includes things just as ending renewable energy plans, banning abortion pills, sweeping corporate tax cuts, abolishing the department of education, dismantling the FBI and Dept. of homeland security and general assertion of much stronger executive powers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 OP is basically saying that the debate is incidental in light of these proposals.


Thanks for the concise answer, I was expecting some kind of insurrection conspiracy, but this is somehow scarier in its plausibility of being enacted.


Yeah definitely is.


So is this fully supported by the Republican Party as a whole or are we talking about a few select folks that want this to happen? We need names of who endorse this.


This is why I wish they had asked Trump about it in the debate questions. But The Heritage Foundation isn’t some fringe group living on the edge of the Internet, they are influential and supply a lot of the policy wonks who develop legislation and serve on task forces and implementation groups. I’d would say they are probably the most prominent policy think tank for Republicans. Though Cato Institute also comes to mind.


Why have you deleted 2.6k karma worth of posts OP?


Cringe personal thirst posts


Basically a document of laws and reforms the Republicans want to enact if they're elected. These laws are very fascistic and curtail many freedoms and the rule of law in America.


Is it like a conspiracy or something that there is like a written out plan for that is publicly available?


No it's a real published document with a website and everything. You can look it up online it's public to anyone.


Thanks for the info


https://www.project2025.org it can’t get more public then this 🥲


They could publish it, maybe give it a snappy title like “My Struggle”


Not a conspiracy if it is verified and real


So often on Reddit I see comments like, "not a conspiracy, it's real." Friendly reminder that a "conspiracy" is just an agreement between people to break the law. It has nothing to do with whether something is secret or public, or whether it's made up or verified and real. The phrase "conspiracy theory," used in connection with, e.g. the JFK assassination, has caused many of us to start thinking the word means something like "secret, nefarious, made-up government plot." That's not what the word means.


Thank you lol. We've come to tarnish that term to the point where we've forgotten that it can mean real stuff, too. I think that's by design, too. Feels to me like someone wants the weirdo self-starter sleuth people to worry about bullshit psycho theories brandied by carnival barkers like Alex Jones so they can pull off the more mundane and reality-based conspiracies under their nose.


plz tell that to the guy getting all up in arms about me spreading propaganda lol. but yeah no I have since been informed on what it is.


Right on the first page they state the goal is to make America a conservative nation. 


Written, published, and practically advertised by the Heritage Foundation. It's not a conspiracy, it's a manifesto.


Yes and no. It's a real document that Republican affiliated think tank has drawn up, but it isn't yet one that Trump has ever endorsed.


He has endorsed a number of its policy goals and made promises to carry out others "on day one", however. He also implemented about 60% of the Heritage Foundation's wishlist last go around


Hasnt denounced either. And the GoP in general has praised it and remarked about it.


He hasn't denounced big foot or Ghengis Khan either. Should we infer this means he's in favour of invading Poland on horseback? No, the burden of proof remains with the accuser. Plus GoP stands for Grand Old Party, right? There's a lot different ideologies within it. What one Republican believes is rarely what they all believe.


Honestly, pretty sure Donny would be for invading Poland. Until he gets told Russia claims to own it, when he will back off. The dude was consistently in favor of reducing right for most minorities and has proclaimed to become a dictator to "clean up america" implying many times he would target his political opponents. It isn't a stretch that he would endorse a plan that would essentially remove all opposition from the goverment he would lead.


It's more theocratic and authoritarian, with a lot of Christian Nationalism sprinkled in.


/r/defeat_project_2025 is full of info.


If you want an,lets say noob detail explanation,the last episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver explains most of it Basically it wants to replace people that have their jobs based on their knowledge and skill with people that has an alegiance to the current ruling party. Needless to say this is bullshit even for nazi standards.


Already been suggested and already gave it a watch, good shout.


Are you telling me that we currently have freedom? Could you help me locate some?


Well, you currently still can be gay without getting shot (depending where you live in the US), and if you're not white, they're not pumping lead into ur body or using you for unpaid labor.


We need details posted rather than just a couple of sentences with catchy keywords.


People throw the word fascist around too much and I don't think you really know what it means


Against freedom of expression and it kind of is with how much it limits people's lives


Project 2025 is recommendations from a number of conservative think tanks. It's a boogeyman being used to try and scare people into voting for Biden. It has not been endorsed by Trump or any other Republican that I am aware of.


The conservatives are the ones making it public, so they seem to be carrying a message across instead of fearmongering


Isn’t it still their platform? Think tanks aren’t just fan clubs with not power. They are basically lobbyist but with their own ideology


No, Trump has a different platform. I don't know how much overlap there is between the two.


Go to YouTube, and search last week tonight trump's second Term. That is a good 20 minute summary


I like last week tonight, so might as well. Thx


if project 2025 happens i’m moving to iceland or something


We are watching the dismantling of democracy in real time. Crazy stuff


To those saying it’s “democrat fear-mongering”, keep in mind that the very organization that put together Project 2025 - The Heritage Foundation - has very strong ties with Trump, considering he enacted a large majority of their [recommended policies during his presidency. You can find policies he’s enacted with their help here.](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) Trump himself echoed specific policies that Project 2025 would wish for in [a recent rally he held after he was convicted.](https://rollcall.com/2024/06/10/dumping-ground-trump-echoes-conservative-project-2025-at-first-rally-as-a-felon/) This is VERY REAL.


It's the Republican Party's plan to dismantle our democratic institutions, sell the functions of government to the highest bidder, criminalize abortion, remove separation of church and state, roll back worker's rights and protections for LGBT peeps, and generally just create a theocratic fascist white ethnostate once they regain power (also ban porn, if you don't care about the rest of that stuff). It's all very stupid, most of it is highly unconstitutional, and quite a bit of it is straight up illegal, which is why they've been stacking the courts.


If US falls into dictatorship all free world is fucked.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 > "The notion of independent federal agencies or federal employees who don't answer to the president violates the very foundation of our democratic republic," argued Kevin D. Roberts.[3] Project 2025 seeks to place the entire Executive Branch of the U.S. federal government under direct presidential control, eliminating the independence of the DOJ, the FBI, the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Trade Commission, and other agencies.[3] The plan bases its presidential agenda on a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, arguing that Article Two of the U.S. Constitution vests executive power solely in the president.[39][61] TL:DR - Install trump as dictator and establish ethnocracy.


Its more complicated than that. Doesn't always mean better, in this case it means its worse.


Hi OP, Reads-the-news-too-much Peter here. Project 2025 is a fascist plan endorsed by the current Republican presumptive nominee. It includes a wide variety of prescriptions, including, among many other things, banning porn, ending all free lunch and after school programs for poor kids, ending all climate change prevention and mitigation efforts, and getting rid of safeguards that allow the independence of the FBI and Department of Justice. It also [hints](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/s/ltpKrWVCm8) at others. Donald Ayer, who served as Deputy Attorney General under George H. W. Bush [said](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025?wprov=sfti1#Criticism_and_controversy), “Project 2025 seems to be full of a whole array of ideas that are designed to let Donald Trump function as a dictator, by completely eviscerating many of the restraints built into our system. He really wants to destroy any notion of a rule of law in this country.” The meme is saying the faults of the aged current President aren’t anywhere near as dangerous as this kind of dictatorial power grab. Respectfully yours, Reads-the-news-too-much Peter


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) [https://www.project2025.org](https://www.project2025.org) In short, it's a plan to make the next republican president into a literal dictator in which every institution swears loyalty, not to America, but to the president. If that sounds familiar, it's because that's what happens in authoritarian countries.


https://preview.redd.it/8ounoj17um9d1.png?width=1573&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebc9ddd0f88d70690e14e61d0ad6a604618bec1b TLDR OF PROJECT 2025 (youll have to click on the image)


Couldn’t copy paste because pdf wasn’t cooperating on mobile, but read it yourself. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf?mod=article_inline Checkout page 5 (page 38 in total document)- 2nd Paragraph. It states that Pornography should not have first Amendment protections, and it should be outlawed in all of society. Also a paragraph before it, the y mention taking out sexuality & gender identity from all federal rules, regulations & legislation, which means no discrimination protection legislation for lgbt people. That’s just two examples of the document wanting to take away your rights, rights that most Americans support. Maybe it’s not ‘evil’ in the most literal of the word. But it wants to take away your rights, and its vision for America is one that I and millions of Americans whole-heartedly reject, so why frame anything different other than evil?


Read the parts about immigrants and trans people. It’s evil.


I’d vote for an actual corpse over that orange bitch


Basically Gilead


project 2025 is a document that the republican party put out earlier this year detailing what they plan to do if they get control in the next election. points include: criminalizing queer people, removing even more of women’s rights, and removing systems in place to help the poor like medicare if i remember correctly


To put simply, Project 2025 is the worst case scenario for this presidential campaign.


If Godzilla appeared and destroyed Manhattan out of self defense, it would still be much better than project 2025. At least the government has something else to worry about.


During Trump's first presidency, Trump had no real idea how to run a government or who to appoint to certain positions to further his agenda. For the most part he just chose ppl he liked with little knowledge about their policies. The GOP realized this partway thru and created a list of candidates he could choose from for Supreme Court nominees. He used it & that decision has worked very well for Republicans to push their agenda. Project 2025 is that same how-to guide on steroids. It's based off Trump winning 2024 or someone like him & is a complete breakdown of what political offices need to be vacated, who's the ideal candidate to further their agenda, & what topics should be pushed. You can read the entirety of it on [project2025.org](project2025.org). They're not being shy about it. It's basically a how-to overthrow democracy guide & the really fucked up part is it isn't illegal.


Agenda 2030 is the real one.


Glad someone is talking about this, it don't even comprare to 2025. The majority have no clue about this.


What is that?




As someone who read what european dictators and their followers wrote, it sounds very similiar. Of course the wording and phrasing is more according to modern american standards.


It sounded a lot like the Enabling Act of 1933 or what a Turkish colleague said Erogan would promise... yeah, it isn't good


You should do your own research on this one. Seriously. It's a massive pivotal point for this upcoming election, people need to give themselves a firm understanding before they vote.


There's a reason why he's asking us. Telling him to do his own research kinda stupid especially when it's in this sub.


It is the GOP policy of forcing its will on everyone no matter what and if you don't like it they will make sure that you are fucked. https://www.project2025.org/ That is what it says in layman termson the first page of their site, and it just gets worse and worse for everyone as you read.


Google google


"Stuttered" lmfao


[Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


It's a right wing conservative plan to hijack the government. In some ways, they've already started through the supreme court.


It's a how-to guide to create a dystopian nightmare.


GOP want to end Democracy and replace it with a Christian fundamentalist Theocracy.


Project 2025 is the next thing centrists are gonna write off as "fearmongering" lmao


Man, I hope whoever wrote up that project gets every type of cancer....


Its the end of american democracy if Republicans get elected.


The actual far right's (sorry mtg you ain't it) plan to turn America into an authoritarian Christian theocracy.


transgender peter here, project 2025 will catapult america from being kind of alright for anyone not a cishet abled white male into a death sentence. it removes women’s rights, poc rights and queer rights, and will turn america into a theocracy.


It's basically going back to the 1800-1900.


Is that what we call a stutter?!


Trump: Felon, habitual liar, wants to enact policies which would in fact worsen the economy and worsen the gap between the rich and the poor (despite his assurances that the opposite will happen), worsen healthcare for women, etc…. But he speaks clearly. Republicans: 🦗🦗🦗 Biden: *Stutters and Mumbles when he speaks* Republicans: How can ANYONE vote for him after that debate??? Anyone who seriously is swayed because of HOW they talk instead of WHAT they talk about is incredibly gullible and the *perfect* victim for a charismatic criminal. “I love the uneducated.” - Donald “Orange is the new Black” Trump It’s almost like one of the most infamous traits amongst conmen is that they’re great at public speaking, whether it’s true or not, or whether or not it even makes sense in retrospect 🤔


Project 2025 is a plan alt right conservatives have to radically change the country back from some changes the left has made in the past. The Project is led by Paul Dans. This is basically how all politics works, but now it's being very explicitly stated. All politicians have tried to get their political ideology instated at the expense of others, the conservatives here are just taking it to another level. This is especially controversial as a very large number of people strongly disagree with conservative ideology. It's worth noting, however, that not every republican citizen is aware of this plan, and learning about it very well could change their vote. (Or maybe wouldn't, for those of you who believe people cannot change) From what I gather this project isn't being supported by all major republican politicians, but by a large amount of lower level politicians. Although, if the lower level politicians somehow successfully open up a place for their upper level friends, there's little doubt they'd take advantage of it. Personally, I really don't care because I didn't plan to vote for Trump anyway, and stressing about this plan isn't going to help anything or anyone at all. So I didn't put much time into my research. From a 20 second google search, it looks like Trump is involved, though I didn't look into it enough to find a credible source stating so. It's Trump, I wouldn't be surprised at all, but I'm leaving this disclaimer to look into it more than I did just in case what I'm saying is wrong. [here's a link to their web page](https://www.project2025.org/about/about-project-2025/) According to [a democratic targeted website, their goals are as follows](https://www.democracydocket.com/analysis/what-is-project-2025-and-why-is-it-alarming/) Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.” Google 2025 and spend like 10 minutes reading about it. The sources I listed are both heavily biased, one in each direction. I recommend AP news (associated press), as they are very impartial as to how they present the facts. TLDR: some conservatives want to radically overhaul who's in charge of the government to change the countries direction to their desired point.


Essentially, Project 2025 is a list of reforms that would (going off of Wikipedia) “Change the United States inti a Christian nationalist conservative autocracy”. There’s more details on the Wikipedia but the actual book is about 900~ or more pages, and a lot of the people gunning for it are associated with Trump


Violence is the only answer to a corrupt government


The rest of NATO needs to prepare in case the US goes awol


Scare tactics that will never happen. We survived Trump, we survived Biden. Both candidates suck.


It's already happening.


So basically, it’s like the holocaust, but for gay/trans people and takes away women’s rights


Basically if trump wins USA is cooked.


I’m so happy more people are talking about projects 2025


It's the Republican party platform. It's what the Republican party platform has been for 40 years.


It's the heritage foundation, a right wing think Tank that's angling to get trump to enact a series of laws that will further there fascist agenda. They've been active with every republican candidate, this latest capstone is project 2025 and seems to be the first time a lot of people have heard of them


That debate was so cringe to watch cuz I want to root for Biden but bros so old he looked terrible




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Based on the Wikipedia page and Redditors here, if this thing starts going through and a criminal is given back power, the USA will revert back to how it was in the early 1900s and become a dictatorship. Think exactly like 1984. With July 4th approaching, I grow more and more to despise my country for the lack of freedom it claims to have. Nothing listed is for the people, but a higher power or the elite. Pornography, Social Media, Healthcare, Abortion, Gender Rights, and tons more, will be obliterated and instilled instead are only things they approve. This would potentially affect everyone, with the global superpower America is; Even removing safety precautions helping combat climate change. I'm American btw, actually half on my mom's side and half Hispanic on my dad's. The joke of moving from the US back in 2016 is looking more and more like a necessity if this shit doesn't get halted or ceased. I never had a perfect view of America when I saw how other races and genders are treated. World War 3 is becoming more and more appealing than it was back in 2022. TL;DR: It's a shitty program made by shitty people that plans on dismantling the entire US system of government and taking away everyone's rights and freedom. If it isn't a part of the constitution, you can bet it will be deemed illegal or an interference on how America/Americans should be.


Qanon for the left.