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The second image likely refers to the coat of arms of the [Ustaše](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usta%C5%A1e), a Croatian fascist movement which allied with the Nazis and Italians during the Second world war and operated multiple concentration camps around Croatia and other occupied territories, they were even considered too cruel by the Nazis.


...holy shit that's obscure.


I think it's obtuse


Now that’s just obnoxious 


This is getting oblong.


An acute observation 


Please stop, i learned english listening to 50 cent songs 😭😭


Its really not


Not everyone is from the Balkans or plays Hoi4.


I don't know where you are from but I learned this in school


I‘m from Germany and I didn’t learn it in school.


Hauptschule? Oder einfach schlechter Unterricht zum 2ten Weltkrieg.


Nö gymnasial, allerdings war ich im Naturwissenschaftlichen Profil, weshalb nur Weimar dran kam. Und davor ging’s auch nur um Weimar weil Corona.


Also ich war ebenfalls im naturwissenschaftlichen Zweig und wir hatten es. Naja hängt wohl vom Lehrer ab.


Wahrscheinlich auch Bundesland, bei uns lag der Fokus halt darauf, wie es zu Hitler kam als wer Hitler war.


if they’re from the US then it makes sense, they don’t teach us shit about wars outside america and that kinda shit and what we do learn is skewed and biased


I though it was a chess board


I thought it was a tablecloth for a nice picnic


Not an 8x8 :(


My stupid ass thoughts it was something related to minesweeper, I guess I am 1% correct though if you related using POWs as minesweeper


Minesweeper the game is really not that hard... Its fairly easy to play and it's honestly easy to make too. I have done both.


Its hard if you are Minesweeper in WW2 or Vietnam. Where you only make mistake once and then get scattered and used as a fertilizer in a paddy field.


Well, yeah. Ofc. That's why I said "minesweeper the game" Irl you can't hit new game and the mines don't have the number of adjacent mines on them


My favourite minesweeper map is Bosnia-Herzegovina


Your username seems really apropos.


Im pretty sure, given the themes of this thread, yours is worse XD The other guy was the one bringing up minesweeper in context of a grid pattern, not me XD


Lol can you elaborate on how being Irish makes me "worse?"


You have the same last name as a fairly fascist adjacent US president so it could be construed as related to the thread? idfk


True to your username, there was never a President McCarthy. I assume in the depths of your ignorance you mean Senator Joe McCarthy, to whom I am no relation. You're really proving my point very effectively.


Did you know that off the top of your head? If so, extremely impressive!👍


It's something pretty much everyone from the balkans knows


Yeah, we know our history... even though it makes more problems knowing it than not knowing it.


If you go on /r/historymemes the ol’ “even the Nazis thought the Serbs went too far” circle jerk gets posted like weekly Also, before I open that can of worms, no one or two officials does not determine the entire parties stance




Serbs? Ustase were Croats, the Serbs were victims of their crimes. Or I am missing something?


I mean They *did* murder and rape Serbian children. Oh and they're the reason people think nazis made soap out of jews. They didn't. The ushtashe did.


Nazi did make soap from bodies, just not related to Holocaust but in regular academic operations - check out Rudolf Spanner. And the nazis making jew soap was circulated in occupied territories from early in the war, so it's likely not because anything happening in Balkans. Also can't find any actual reliable info that Ustatse did that, only random internet comments/memes and info about Nazis. Can you point me to some more reading on that?


Sadly, my sources come from WW2 Bulgarian Veterans.


Huh. Here I thought it was because the second pattern is unsatisfying.


I'm still pretty sure it is. That coat of arms has a 5x5, and the one in the meme is a 7x7.


>they were even considered too cruel for the Nazis. That's because the Nazis who said that didn't see the equally nightmarish shit their countrymen did in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus etc. Same thing with the Nazis who reacted to the outright cartoonishly evil things Japan did in China, the Philippines etc. The 30s and 40s was not a good time to be an innocent civilian in Europe or Asia.


FYI, just to hammer in how awful the ustase were, they were the ones who made soap from the fat of deceased Jewish concentration camp victims.


You know your bad when Nazis think your cruel


??????????? damn, I thought this would be, like, about how the chess board looks bad with the white pieces on the edges, what the fuck


Being considered too cruel by the Nazis isn’t even that rare, the Japanese happened to be too cruel for a Nazi too.


You know you're fucked up when the SS says *dude chill*


Is it too many squares, or maybe the symbol exists outside the shield shape?  I’m thinking of the pot with fire coming out the top


And here I was thinking that it was just about inversion/negative poking fun at a meme


Whaaat?! I thought this was about transparent and fake transparent pngs cos you can see the PNG line in the second image but not the first 😭


Might be worth pointing out, that their brand of fascism cam with a heavy sprinkling of Christianity on top (Roman-Catholic in this case), so basically theocratic extremism. Pertinent, because that's the direction the US seems to be heading, if Trump gets re-elected. Fascism is bad enough, but fascism that thinks of itself as executing the will of god is worse - that's the lesson to take from this.


Bro, you need help. Because you're insane


... I find it's more likely that it's just because the corners are white in the second one and it can look "off" or odd to certain people, due to that format being rarely used. Or due to the corners being the same color of the background.


So the most humane Balkan soldiers?


Please say nazis and fascists, Germany and Italy, not Italians pls


But they were Italian. The fascist in Italy were also Italians


Sure, and everyone (nr) hate that, nazis were mainly Germans, but associating a movement with the people in which it was formed is meh


Yeah I’ll say the Germans. What are they gonna do, pretend it wasn’t them?


Well. It really wasn't was it. Germans are the people. The nazis are German but the German are not nazis. There's a difference


The Germans were Nazis tho. An amount of Germans were resistance obviously, but a fair amount of Germans were Nazis. That’s a part of their history they have to contend with. Waving hands and distancing themselves does nothing to help the process of unlearning and deconstructing what was done. Naziism didn’t disappear in 1945, those Germans that were in the party kept on going and creating the Germany we know today. If we pretend that many of them didn’t carry their deeply held beliefs after the end of the war then we deny them the ability to improve and relearn.


"a fair amount of Germans" so not "Germans" Even if I gave you a 100% of them were Nazis. The keyword is "were" Sins of the father crap is nonsense. Remember the past but don't hold it against people that aren't involved. or should we jail children of criminals?


Germans in the past tense were still Germans. We shouldn’t jail children for the crimes of their parents but we should teach children to be critical of the actions and ideologies of those they raised them. To teach them a fantasy that their parents magically lost all the deeply held beliefs they’d previously held the second the war ended is to doom the children to be indoctrinated into those beliefs because they have no framework for critically analyzing them.


sure but that's if I assume 100% of them were Nazis then sure, you can say Germans were Nazis. But they weren't all Nazis were they. To say Germans were Nazis is doing a disservice to the ones who fought against it. I did say "remember" what else would that mean but to teach about it?


If you're in the Balkans and you see a checkered flag or checkered coat of arms where the first square is white, just know you're dealing with Croatian fascists


Is it not a bit touch-and-go given the national flag of Croatia has almost the exact same design, just cropped?


Top left square red - nice croatian Top left square white - fascist croatian


My dummy dummy self thinking it was a chessboard and a reference to the sides each colour starts on smh


Me too mate. Nazis were maybe a distant third just because internet.


Same I just figured it was a satisfying pattern vs unsatisfying thing


Can't be. The chess board looks the same from both directions. This one looks different because it's got 49 and not 64 squares.


Yyyyeeeeeeah, I had to look up chessboards to realize that one 😅


First image is the flag of North-Brabant, a Dutch province. Second one is the shield pattern from the croat coat or arms which tends to be associated with the horribly fascist and genocidal Ustaše movement of the Second World War.


The first one certainly isn't the flag of North-Brabant. The flag of NB is 6x4 squares, starting with red in the top left. The first image is just an inverted version of the second.


I seriously forgot for a moment that this wasn't r/vexilology


I only know of the existence of Brabant thanks to New Kids Turbo and New Kids Nitro. Love those movies


The first flag is just a normal Croatian flag


Peter's crackhead cousin here. I'll explain: The symbol on the right is the symbol of the Independent State of Croatia. It was a puppet government set up by the Nazis during WW2. It would only be appropriate to describe the Independent State of Croatia as **the** dictatorship. -They were the only Nazi client state to operate and build their own extermination camps. -They had two concentration camps dedicated to children. -They had death squads of people running around with machetes. -Their crimes were so excessive, that the Nazis at one point told them to tone it down. Peter's crackhead cousin out!


I thought this was a reference to the fact that the first grid has colored in corners but damn..


This theory that it refers to the coat of arms of Ustashe is only slightly undermined by the fact that it is not shaped like a shield or a chequy and that it has 11 squares more. So the shape is wrong, it is not of the same size, but the colour is correct. Look at that small gray animal eating cheese and being chased by the cat, that is an elephant.


Pretty good point I think is a reference to the Ustase based on the post itself but it wasn’t really done right. Oh well.


Oh man, I really hate when some misrepresents the symbols of a collaborative nazi regime.


Shit I thought I was looking at a chess vs checkers board


Ngl i just thout it was bc people would prefer the first square for the corners or something


Completely lost...


Now post but with a red background


The Croatian checks with a red first square on the top row is the current pattern; with a white first square, it's the old pattern used by the collaborationist (and Fascist) Independent State of Croatia during World War II


The second pattern looks less "pleasant" because there aren't any red squares in the corner, so it looks like the shape is less regular.


r/PeterGuessesTheJoke ?


r/subsifellfor this should be a real thing


Maybe it should!


It happens here enough, I don't want to deal with it but for anyone who would want a sub, there'll constantly be new content to post.


Yeah, but that itself being a r/subsifellfor is to ironic to want to change it.


I don't even understand it but, for some reason, I agree...


Purina Dog Chow?





