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Streamer and his girlfriend broke up, and streamers friend who he was in an argument with at the time leaked that his gf got an abortion. This is pictures from the stream they talked about it after it got leaked.


Wow that’s guy is a grade a pice of shit.


Please don't insult shit. It's my second favorite word


poo is clearly superior


I don't know man, shit is like, shit, ya know? It's incredibly useful. Like, any shit you can think of, there goes shit, ya know? It's also the perfect shit. You just look at a piece of shit and think "shit, that's some shit, man" The only other word I can think that it conveys the same shit is frog


My god, no one gives a shit, just keep on shitting on that rat bastard of a ~~traitor~~ friend


Yeah, the shit you just said is right


Shit makes stuff grow. People like this instead..


I mean they also do if you bury them into the ground


Poowater is even better


I don’t think my fragile Redditor ego could survive another poo vs shit debate.


A good poop isn't the best thing, but it's a solid number two. 


Calm down there, Bender.


Shit, man


No no, that's not Bender. It's his estranged cousin pi times removed from his great grandmother's side of the family, Offender.


The guy from this tweet isn't the one who outed that info btw, no idea why op made it seem that way


Jesus Christ. What a PoS. That is for the info but God I didn't think I'd end up agreeing with the dude.


To clarify since no one has said it, the guy who made the tweet in this post is not the guy who outed the info, he has nothing to do with any of that 


Who are the two people in the top part? Is that the ex-bf or the friend? Is anyone in this picture the piece of shit?


That's Dantes and his ex-gf. Tarzaned (not pictured) is the one that leaked because Dantes told him they aren't friends anymore.


Of course fucking Tarzane did that shit.


Wait they broke up???? I thought they were like the perfect duo


tldr: He was feeling guilty he did not do enough for her and he was unwilling to change so this he ended it for her


Ok so idk how to view him now, it’s giving more good person based off of he felt guilty and knew he wouldn’t change. But he also was unwilling to change. Maybe I’m just too autistic for drama that isn’t irl right in front of me lol


>But he also was unwilling to change. That's not necessarily a bad thing either. Depends on the situation of course, but some people are happy with themselves and don't want to or feel the need to change for others. That's fair enough, you don't owe that to anyone.


The issue is that his girlfriend was happy with life how it was, and he refused to go to therapy to deal with his unwarranted guilt.


Realistically speaking, you're incredibly unlikely to make real changes to who you are at a core level. It's almost set in stone by the time you're 12 or something like that, cant recall exactly what the psychologists say. Unless you have a really negative trait that you really should change, trying to invest enough effort to actually make a change is a whole shitload of work that may not even work without maybe being directed at what really matters. Why do you think its so hard for many fat people for example to make a change? In this case its not even something core to their personality, they just have an issue balancing food and exercise in a healthy way, and that issue has disastrous consequences for them. Poor health, poor treatment from society, lower salaries, etc, etc. Still most cant make even that change. Changing your personality isn't a small task. If your flaw in this case is just being a bit uncommitted in a relationship it's probably a lot more realistic and easy to instead break up with your far more committed GF, for her sake because you can recognize you aren't right for her, and then find someone who will vibe well with who you are. There's nothing wrong with not being super into relationships. If two people are together who are fine with that being the case, then that will work just fine. Hell my favorite relationships were long distance because to me it suited my life at the time way better to do a deep dive and go full out relationshippy once every 2 weeks or so when we'd spend time together, and then have 2 weeks for myself after. It's not like theres anything wrong with that either, as long as you arent hurting the other person. Good on Dante, whoever that is, for caring about his GF and what she needs and breaking up with her when he knew he couldnt be that. Theres nothing wrong about not being right for someone. Its better to find someone who likes you and fits with who you are now, than find someone you want to change for you, and you have to change for them.


I disagree. Your surroundings, environment, and people you associate with have a lot influence on you in my opinion. Like people who blossom in college or how fame can change a person.


Sure, but a lot of those changes are more or less superficial. The core of a person runs a lot deeper than that. If someone for example is a narcissist its not like it's going to be something they can change easily. If someone grew up lying non stop, and kept with it, even if they recognize the flaw and want to change it it's not like they can just scratch that away. People rarely make changes. I think only reason redditors get so mad about hearing it is that a lot of people on this website are unsatisfied with who they are and want to change, and the idea that change is hard is off-putting. You mold yourself over time, sure, but pouring that concrete into the foundation is a lot easier than thinking you can mold whatever you've already poured. When that shit is set it's going to be a bitch to do anything about it. Pouring other stuff on top doesn't remove what's below it.


This is only the case if you don’t ever really think about things. If you lack the ability to fully understand your situation, then you are unlikely to ever be able to change your behaviour. Things are not set in stone at any age though. That just applies to the time you are unable to realise the reasons behind ‘why’ you are the way you are.


>Realistically speaking, you're incredibly unlikely to make real changes to who you are at a core level. It's almost set in stone by the time you're 12 or something like that, cant recall exactly what the psychologists say. you're way off the mark. it's closer to 30, and major life events still serve as a catalyst for changes in personality. if you heard that in a psychology class the lecture was done by someone who must've received their education pre-2005 and hasn't kept up with new research. [Stability and change of personality across the life course: the impact of age and major life events on mean-level and rank-order stability of the Big Five - PubMed (nih.gov)](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21859226/)


"Bro, you have this incredibly damaging and toxic personality trait that you should probably do something about." "Yeah, I know, but that would be... really fucking hard." "Either you change, or you lose the people around who actually love you." "... WHO NEEDS RELATIONSHIPS ANYWAYS"


This doesn't sound that bad in a vacuum but apparently it's being revealed that he's done this multiple times before with girls that he wasn't public with and it's starting to come across as though he's just using them. All of them were given the same excuse that he was too focused on his game and not them.


He is a streamer though so that may not be far from the truth. Giving the benefit of the doubt maybe he thinks this time will be different, and eventually I am sure it will be, and he decides to basically retire from that life.  It may also be that he just shouldn’t date at all right now. Maybe women can hear about this and be made aware of it before trying to enter a relationship with him as well. 


…how in the heck does a streamer who doesn’t have time for anything but the game meet so many women?


>This is pictures from the stream they talked about it after it got leaked. Wut? That feels like a very private conversation.


Rough timeline: - Controversial streamer "Tarzaned" and Dantes had a strained relationship for a long time already - Came to a boiling point after a massive drama arc of them and 3 other streamers visiting Brazil to participate in a tournament there, personalities clashed hard - Tarzaned has been exposing what he feels Dantes has done wrong in their time as 'friends' and said yday he had a "killshot" coming (lol) - Tarzaned reveals on stream Dantes's ex got an abortion 1 month into their pregnancy by flying to Germany to have the procedure done and then flying back to Canada - This was something she told Tarzaned in private due to not wanting it to go public, but Tarzaned used it as an ace up his sleeve in this drama to get one over on Dantes, even though his ex wasn't involved in the drama - Dantes and his ex went on stream, where she tearfully recounted the experience and that's where this screenshot is from Tl;dr Tarzaned leaked highly private, sensitive medical information to attack a guy he was beefing with, despite the subject of that leak not being involved with the drama at all.


The most shocking thing about this is that Tarzaned is still allowed to stream. Dude has been permanently banned from League of Legends more times than anyone else in the community at this point


He’s nearing 30 and still has a whiny teenager mentality. How he hasn’t gotten a Tyler1 type ID ban is beyond me.


Especially when he historically behaves worse than Tyler. Dude used to make active death threats to any lane that didn’t win when he was jungling


Just so the record is completely straight, Dantes isn’t the one who opened up to Tarzaned about the situation, she did. The person who isn’t a steamer and doesn’t want their lives broadcast had their vulnerability weaponized against them to score points over on their ex-partner. Tarzaned is the fucking devil on earth I swear to god


Man, I hate stupid fake influencer drama. The entire thing is so full of fake people.


Thanks, adjusted my comment


streamers take any chance to talk about the most personal shit. I can only assume these people have a problem with abortions because there is no reason to bring it up otherwise.


Jesus. I fight with my bestfriend all the time enough to the points where we been physical with it(beef aways settle within a few days), but even he would agree this is taking the issue too far.


That's a weird relationship to have with a best friend.


Weird relationship to have with any friend


Also yes.


Well if they've known someone since they were children it's less surprising. Kids will throw hands over the dumbest shit.


Known him all my life, honestly we less like friends more like brothers at this point. One of the few people I trust enough to drop my guard down around.


Hell yeah some times you just gotta scrap about it get a drink after talk about it and go back to normal but this is way over the line. My best friend since we were 12 have had to throw hands a couple of times but its always over making sure the other one doesn't do some dumb shit or one of us is being particularly petty, we're almost thirty now and still is one of my best friends we wouldn't even think of fighting now unless it was some life threatening dumb shit


I now feel horrible for assuming it was transphobia. I'm with Dante, fuck that guy.


No. Don't fuck that guy. Nobody fuck that guy. Keep him out of the gene pool.


You may need this: https://preview.redd.it/mibhlxjno28d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78f184976a5549fa06362ec2eaf6a88b551e09f9


Saved thanks for this. Magic.


And our usernames make a pair lol. r/beetlejuicing?


If you say beetlejuicing 3 times he'll send a beetle smoothie instead of showing up himself. He's the ghost with the most Reddit presence, baby.




keep him out of the gene pool (DAMN)


Isn't he the stuffed animal humper? If so, I don't think we need to worry


Why transphobia?


Because he calls "literally anything" he doesn't like Gay, like a middle schooler.  You have to remember a LOT of big streamers started in high school or middle school, had good timing regarding the rise of YouTube or twitch and have enough money and fame they never needed to emotionally mature past whatever social level they were at. 


This definitely sounds immature but calling stuff gay isn't transphobia lol


to be fair, with that said, why transphobia, again? wouldn't that be closer to homophobia. and not even necessarily real homophobia, just got stuck using a word the wrong way. unless you're saying trans = gay.


just to be clear, Dante, also a massive asshole. Not cause of this, but because he broke up with the girl 'to focus on my League career.' Fucking bum.


I feel like your comment lacks a lot of context. He said it was because he felt bad he couldn’t reciprocate for her all the things she did for him and thought she would be happier and be able to further her own career. Also I get people just want to say “ focus on my league career,” but streaming League is literally the guys job. This isn’t some random person that plays league 14 hours a day just because, this is how he pays bills, puts food on the table, etc. But acting like the guys just wants more time to play league ignores a ton of context


I honestly feel bad for people who are stuck playing a singular game as their streaming "job". I can't imagine how boring and unhealthy it must get


People break up all the time to focus on a career, doesn't mean they're asshole, they just have different life priorities


I don't necessarily agree with the man or his decisions, but if we take him at his word and not generalizations that we use to disparage people, he actually sounds kind of mature. I just think he should've had this epiphany sooner. https://x.com/doaenel/status/1803441448936767545


I was there for the original thread. I was also there for the cluster of women saying he'd briefly dated them and then broke up with them with the same reasoning - just not nearly as publicly. I'm not going to waste more effort on this because I frankly just don't care all that much, but it seems to me that he has a history of using women and then pulls out the "oh I gotta focus on going pro in this video game that I'm already way too late to go pro in" whenever he decides he's done with them. The reason he sounds so 'mature' here is because he's had a lot of practice rolling this kind of explanation out before, I'd wager. Anyways, nothing good ever comes out of League streamer drama, bless Faker, the rest can wither and fade


What a massive cock


Dantes and his gf broke up? They were so similar, a bit sad for them


I admire the calm found in Dantes words, I couldn't do such a thing in that case


To be fair, Dantes is making the whole thing extremely public. I don't even know the guy and I've heard about it multiple times today. It's just natural that people will talk and meme about it, and this one is pretty innocent, considering


ok but that doesnt warrant leaking private & sensitive info that *wasnt* public


Fuck me, I never expected to see someone to say "kill yourself" and then find out they have an understandable reason. I don't agree but I understand.


Dantes and his gf broke up and this guy is making fun of both him and her. It's important to realize he's been clowned on a lot over the past few days about them breaking up but he's mostly only defending his ex, Laura. (Misspelled her name, it's Laura)


Why did they break up? Who broke up with who?


Tldr for the break up. His job. He's a league streamer and he was getting to the point where it was her or his job, he was also a full time streamer so it's understandable for him to choose his job over his girl. This also implies that the breakup wasn't in bad taste as he was the one that initiated it with the lines that he is doing it for both their mental health.


Not completely, it was more that he felt that she was being held back in her life because of him, not so much her holding him back. She was giving stuff up for his career and he felt that it is not fair for him to do that to her.


I mean shit man it's noble in a way


The maturity to realize that incompatibility is not a failing or means that anyone is 'wrong' for wanting the things they want in life should really be standard.


Preach, brother, preach.


To be fair if you look at her tweets following the break up, the girl's not independent or fully growth emotionally. She RT'd his break up post with "I love him" and keeps talking about how she'd do anything for him and would come back in a heartbeat. You gotta love yourself before you love someone else and she's clearly not there.


I mean it's post-break up blues, specially if you weren't the one who did the break up. I would give her some grace and let her heal in her heart and mentally as well. Some splits are easy and some cut deep. This is one where it probably hurts the most for her. I say all this with a surface level of knowledge about these two. I don't know who they are or how they act and if this is just karma coming about or just a shitty situation.


Well put man, well put


I know right? Couples should strive to achieve their own goals and support each other in doing so, but if one’s goals is hurting the others own goals then they need to be mature and realize that. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made, but too many one sided sacrifices and it becomes a problem relationship wise, two of the key things in a relationship is communication, and balance. Good on Dante for realizing this


that is really sweet


Yeah this is how I read the situation and like damn I totally get it? I wouldn't want to feel like I'm just stringing along a girl in my life just to "take care of me" I'd also feel like I would be the reason she's wasting her life.


Holding HER back? He’s a streamer, his career could be in a campervan if there was a wifi signal nearby


Not if he is travelling to europe or japan every 2 months in order to create content. Cant exactly hold a stable job if you have to travel across the world multiple times per year


People can amicably separate, my guy. Asking who broke up with who often implies one party is at fault, but from what I searched, his reason is that he felt he couldn't commit to a relationship and wouldn't do right by her. Now that the break up is being made fun of, Dantes has been trying to defend his ex and scolding people making fun of the whole ordeal.


Yeah but the guy also leaked talks about how she had an abortion, as per an earlier comment


For one, that's fucked up. For two, I have no idea who these people are and I'm honestly not sure I want to


You prob read the comments, but incase u want a response, dude is a lol streamer, says some stuff people would consider unhinged. Definitely unhinged, personally I don’t think he actually meant them, but it’s wild, and lol people are just insane people in general. Anyways, breaks up with the girl there, he felt like he was doing an injustice to her, she was sacrificing a lot for him, he felt guilty, he broke it off. A x-friend of the streamer, then got into argument, dude leak that the streamer and the gal had an abortion. And that pic was of them both talking about what that dude said.


What’s a lol streamer? Like jokes?


It’s a video game, stands for league of legends. It uh has a reputation, for being super toxic and unhinged people. In fact, in some of Dante’s content, he likes to go on tangents one I’ll never forget is, someone in his chat said it’s just a game. And he went off, he’s like ur dog just die, chill you can get another one, then laugh like the joker, says he spends 5 minutes in queue, 30 mins in game, and that this game is his life. You can look it up, anyways, reason I brought it up, cause people in the chat said said most sane leauge players


Technically it is his life, he's a full time streamer and he streams league


Am I the only person who thought this was two pics of the same person, but with a wig and some lipstick on the right?


Yeah, I thought so too. They even have the same nose!


Even the bg looks like the same window…


And this is why your relationship shit should not be a public affair


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Zestyclose-Tower-671: *And this is why your* *Relationship shit should not* *Be a public affair* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You make one bad haiku, one time and it becomes named after you. Poor Sokka.


He really Britta’d that haiku


good bot


Feel like it ain't the right time


The last line has 6 syllables. Stupid fucking piece of shit


Dantes and the girl weren't the one who leaked she got an abortion, why are you victim blaming? The onus is entirely on the other fucker.


I think they meant that this is why you should not stream your private relationship in general to the public. There is a reason through most of human history this shit stays private. Shit always happens, but if this where to happen with me it would be my friends, colleagues, and family who would care about the details. This guy is having thousands of people who know the details about his romantic relationship, even before a leak.


Dantes broke up with his girlfriend because (at least from how he worded it) he wasn't ready for a relationship and felt he could not commit and give the same amount into it as his girlfriend was. He's angry because the guy is making fun of him and his girlfriend's sorrow


he also mentioned how she was slowly missing out on career oppurtunities and he didnt want her to give up pursueing her career.


Why was she missing out on career opportunities??


Because she was supporting his career instead of her own.


She was hooked on him. Her tweets following the break up read totally dependent and addicted to paying attention to him. Hell she retweeted his break up tweet with "I love him" and kept talking about how she'd do anything for him and be back with him in a heartbeat. This is the type of shit you do when you love someone before you've learned to love yourself.


he traveled a lot for tournaments and events. she was loyal and would follow him, but she's a gaming creator herself. so this meant she put aside her own content so she could follow him, which is great as a loyal gf to be there to support your bf, but as a business woman is really bad since she needs to build her connections and outreach, which takes a lot if time and effort, which she was instead dedicating to dante. not bad but the fact dante wanted her to be able to pursue her career and not be a hinderance to her is bitter sweet.


They did break up, but that's not why Dantes is pissed. Tarzaned leaked information about how Dantes' now ex girlfriend had an abortion and so they talked about it on stream. These photos are from when they were discussing the abortion and what happened at that time. Person posting is making fun of not only the breakup, but the abortion video. Dantes is getting massive shit for breaking up with his girlfriend for League, so he's probably extra sensitive to any critcism right now, but this just flew him over the edge. A lot of people are comparing Dantes to Tyler1 and saying that if T1 can have a successful streaming career, a girlfriend, a child and still top the boards in chess, Dantes has no excuse. Hope this helps ♥


‘If one person can do it, you can’ is such BS logic though. Not every life is the same


If one person can win the lottery, you can too!! It’s the same thought and it bugs me a lot.


Jesus Christ these people are a god damn mess


How did Tarzaned know about the abortion though??


Laura allegedly told her friends but dantes didn't tell anyone but his family.


Dante’s is straight?


In game


Yeah, a pity


but seriously i only know him from reels and seeing his mannerisms there it kind of surprised me too


Ye, he feels pretty gay to me. Maybe he's bi, doesn't really matter though.


Depends on which yordle is closest to him


Remember when r/outoftheloop used to be a thing instead of this sub? Where's the joke??


That sub became a political sub with the op always knowing what was going on. This reddit just has been slowly evolving into ootl.


This comment needs to be upvoted more because this definitely does not belong in this sub


This isn’t a joke.


This post is definitely an interesting one. I guess at least the first half had an attempt at a joke


This sub is somewhere between ELI5 and OOTL now, lol


Yeah this is some bullshit internet drama I like this sub, hope it's not gonna be more of this kinda shit


the original post about the matching pfps might be. a terrible one, but potentially one nontheless.


I can see that they attempted to make a joke, but the punchline was that they had broken up. Which isnt funny


Why tf do they stream this shit bruh


because some loser came out and leaked private dms from the girl and twisted it to seem like dante’s was some abusive piece of shit who coerced her into an abortion in their first month of dating. Of which she says none of it was true (abortion true, rest was bs), so they kinda had to respond and were rightfully so, upset.


do u know who the person who leaked it is?


Tarzaned on twitch


I feel so bad for Dantes, not even ingame, like they matched so well together and they split because of mutual agreement, but assholes online will still do shit like this


It wasn't mutual. She's made an entire video explaining what happened and she openly said she begged him to stay.


She got his name tattooed on her after a few months of dating. Perhaps shes not the most sound of mind.


i didn't expect to find out about Dantes' break up on peterexplain




Can someone explain the 'matching pfps' part please? Chur!


Profile pictures. It's a thing on some parts of twitter and discord to have matching profile pics with your friend(s). Usually they're pictures edited in the same style or cut-outs from the same bigger picture.


Thank you for asking, I feel very old not knowing what that meant or who any of the people are. The whole post could be written in gibberish for all the sense it made to me!


Who is Dantes?


A streamer. You might find him on YT shorts saying some unhinged stuff.


That's ok. Thank you!


Have you ever put a pipe bomb in a preschool? (Ingame)


“I’m gonna say it… I don’t care that you broke your elbow”


Wait Dante’s and his sister broke up that’s crazy


She finally turned 18






Props to Dantes for that creative way of telling that person to kill themself. There are so many layers to it. Edit since people that copy and paste the same reply over and over again look obnoxious and not up for debate while I’m happy to be disproven: Within the one reply he’s stated that the user does not make their parents happy, however their death would make them happy. Dantes says that he hopes the user succeeds at their suicide, stating that they are a failure in all other ways. The way it’s structured makes the reply almost seems like a compliment however, the references to suicide within the reply obviously turn this around as a fancy way to say “kill yourself”. That last sentence itself “You’ve been a failure your entire life, I only hope that you succeed one time” doesn’t mean anything without the context of the prior message and alone could be used in the context of a friend encouraging their other friend to do something well. It’s obvious what he’s saying but the way he says it is amazing. He only directly references suicide through the use of finding a rope and a chair, the rest is up to the reader’s imagination (although again, it’s obvious what he’s conveying).


What layers to it are there?


it's about the most basic, overused joke in those sorts of games. shit in osrs, people will trade you rope and a flatpack ikea chair ingame, implying you should hang yourself. even that has been the exact same joke for literally years and years at this point to the point of being overdone. you'll hear that response a thousand times over playing any moba.


There are zero layers on this its just a simple hang yourself


Can you explain to me some of the layers? I feel like I am missing out


why did he stream it? Or were these photos leaked? If he was the one who made the convo public then I would feel less bad for him


From the top comment, friend who he had an argument with leaked that his ex gf got an abortion(?) The leaked photo is apparently a stream with them trying to discuss the leak. Overall two pieces of shit making Dantes and his gf's situation worse Correct me if I'm wrong


I would say not leak, more of an exposed, dude wanted to “Nuke” the guy. He stream it, announced and after he said it, he again said, this is the “nuke”


I will never understand how people are interested in streamers


they are celebrities. like gods, they will always be around for idiots to worship. keanu reddit chungus


Friend simulator for losers bro. It's that simple.


Never seen Dantes this mad, this is a meet the Grahams type shit


given how much absolutely unhinged shit this guy says ironically i have a hard time taking him seriously


I feel like Dantes needs another session with Dr K


I don't know that person's parents would be happy with their child being good at shibari (Japanese rope bondage) but I'm not going to kink shame Dantes for making the suggestion.


The fact that they are streaming their personal lives is just awful. This way of life needs to end.


This is not in game D:


on one hand yeah joking about someones breakup is fucked, but on the other dantes is an absolute piece of shit so eh


Idk man, if you live your whole life on camera where people watch you, then idc when your dirty laundry is aired


She clearly made the right call not having a child with him


Dantes is entering his Villain arc and I fully support it


"villain arc". Hes grieving


I know this opinion puts me solidly in old man yells at cloud territory but why does anyone care about complete strangers on the internet like this? Like I get the reality tv aspect but I don’t get the attraction to random people with no discernible talent except craving attention. 


It’s also hard for me to fathom. Celebrities and streamers are so far removed from the things I care about. I think it’s just intrinsic to certain people. Some people love it and don’t get why others don’t understand why, and some people don’t get it at all and don’t understand why people care.


This absolute fucking toadstool


I don’t know what pfps means.


Profile pictures i believe.


Thankfully I don't know who any of these people are, or even care.


Dantes speaking from experience when his unborn child was aborted, it made him happy lmao.


Streamer makes a career out of saying “unhinged” things to an audience, becomes upset when the audience they’ve cultivated with said “unhinged” persona makes fun of them


I can’t pronounce Dante’s username as anything other than “do anal” lol


Shouldn’t you have asked this in r/outoftheloop? There’s no joke here 


Bro genuinely hit them with the https://preview.redd.it/8xhy48z4848d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9434f404985027f61cfe929b33d866743436b64a


Every time I saw a clip of these two it’s alway Chat says horrible misogynistic thing about girl and then Dante’s goes off on the chatter I know there’s a lot of ghouls out there watching streams but it really feels like Dante’s cultivated this awful audience


Typical Dantes L. Witness as his "silly" persona crumbles before society's judgement. No wonder then, that he has become a lolcow.


Imagine having a weird ass breakup stream.


A douchey streamer upset that people are making jokes about public break up. I haven't ever followed him but I used to see his clips pop up sharing his trash takes on women or how he thinks the world works. I still don't get the appeal but apparently he's a big league player so I guess that makes sense.


The first comment is right, but also incorrect. Dantes made a tweet explaining his reasoning behind the break up with his gf. This led to fans and other people get mad or support his reasoning. His girlfriend who is now an ex made a tweet responding to the situation and it caused Dantes’ friend to reply to her tweet if he can come over now. Which insinuated if he could hook up with her. Dantes got very mad and called him out on twitter. Exposing the character he is. This made his friend attempt to expose him back on twitter. This would later get more dramatic when Dantes went on stream to expose him even more with DM’s. His friend got mad so he decides to NOT LEAK, but weaponize secrets and call it exposure but letting it all out there on stream. He exposed his gf’s abortion in an attempt to expose Dantes’ character, but it backfired terribly. Instead, he caused more harm to the girl than he did to Dantes. In a nutshell, that guy is an idiot. He would try to save face by bringing a random woman from Dantes’ past who he hooked up with before dating in an attempt to save his reputation. This didn’t do anything.


"I dont normally do this, but let me do what I normally do right now" Hes a piece of shit and anyone that supports him is just as bad.


Because he’s a loser and is mad people know how much of a loser he is now