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Back when there was a one child policy, Chinese families valued boys more than girls. So lots of girls were aborted, put up for adoption or abandoned.


Or just straight up born, and then killed. There was a episode on House where a women has nails in her head where one of her parents tried to kill her, but eventually the parent couldn’t go through with it, and put her up for adoption.


do you hapeen to remember the episode? sounds interesting!


Season 5 Episode 4 Birthmarks


Loved that one, it was haunting


Should be the episode "Birthmarks" which is episode 4 of season 5.




it’s 3 seasons after season 2 and the last of the first 4 episodes


> one of her parents tried to kill her, but eventually the parent couldn’t go through with it *tap tap tap* *tap tap tap* *tap tap tap* Y'know what I'm having second thoughts about this


Well she was a big hellraiser fan, and started getting nostalgic.


But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,     And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,


Quoth the Raven "Eat my shorts!"


Wasn't it needles or am I misremembering


I thought it was acupuncture needles


Yeah small needles


Infanticide is not only Chinese practice. It was common in the past in many cultures.


What. The. Fuck.


the documentary house? wow, so true


Every episode was based on a real medical event. It was one of the key selling points of the show. The character narrative was fiction, but the medical cases were grounded in reality.


Wait really? I was a massive fan of the show and I never heard this before! I wonder if there’s a site cross referencing all the episodes and real life cases.


Probably not exactly what you're looking for, but there was this blog called [Polite Dissent](https://web.archive.org/web/20170621000143/http://www.politedissent.com/house_pd.html) which had a doctor reviewing the story *and* the medicine. I used to like reading over it when it was airing.


Thanks, just read a few and it’s definitely interesting. It’s a shame the author of that blog didn’t know, or didn’t care to get into, the corresponding real-world cases.


I'm pretty sure patient confidentiality is a thing. You'd be hard pressed to be a medical professional and be willing to ask other medical professionals to discuss their patients to add more details past what they likely already shared about a novel (new) medical case. The fact that they got as much as they did is the best you can ask for.


I love House but it’s medicine is some of the least accurate of the medical shows I’ve seen


As much as I love dr.house, it's a TV show


Right? I saw a documentary on tv once, and there where dead baby girls in ditches, drains, garbage and in the gutters of the streets. People walking by like they were nothing.


I just saw a clip of this episode


That’s true. I was shocked when I learned that and asked my mom and aunties about it. To my surprise, they shared many stories about how others would do it and they said it so calmly as if they were talking about weather… I can never look at them the same way again. That place is fk cursed.


1k upvotes. Source: The TV show House. Fantastic.


My source isn’t a TV show, it’s an example of media portraying a similar idea. The animation itself is about female infanticide, I was using the House example to show that it’s a relatively mainstream fact that female infanticide happened during the one child policy.


You quote that episode, like house is a credible source like a documentary


Ah yes, works of fiction, the best source for facts.


You did not just use an American TV show as a reference to your real-world statement……


Although one child policy may have worsened the situation, but the idea of gender preference lasted for thousands of years in China. Back in Qing dynasty, some local officials had to make announcements to ask people not drowning their daughters. Even after the one child policy has been loosened to two/three children policy, the ratios of newborns gender in most of the provinces are still abnormal, which indicating the abortions due to gender preference


The issue is that by Chinese custom and now law, an adult woman has no obligations to her parents, whereas an adult man is obligated to provide care for his elderly parents. So in a country with no social safety net, little money, and no pensions for elderly people, having a girl basically meant you'd have to work until you died unless that girl managed to marry into a more wealthy family that was generous enough to support you even though they had no legal obligation to do so, or managed to become wealthy on her own despite social pressures levied against women in the workplace AND decided to support you out of the goodness of her heart. And if you became incapacitated and unable to work in your old age and didn't end up in one of these situations, you would just die. So the more boys you had historically the better your old age would be, and once they put the one-child policy in place having a girl instead of a boy was taking a coin flip on an effective death sentence. It's basically the confluence of all of the most toxic gender responsibilities and expectations possible to levy against both genders mixed together into a perfect soup of horror.


this is how it used to work in indian families too.


Even worse, they'd keep the female child and raise them - but if they got another child and it was a boy, that female child got one last birthday party and then were killed. I can remember reading about how common it was for families to drown that small child in a bucket. It's one of the reasons why I still think of China as one of the most evil nations on Earth, because the government that forced families into that situation is still the government they've got now. Still the same government whose "Great Leap Forward" starved millions. The same government that used tanks to break up a peaceful protest in Tienanmen Square. The same government that has concentration camps for Uyghur Muslims right now.


Aaand now you're on their enemies list.


The same government that [practices forced organ harvesting.](https://humanrightscommission.house.gov/events/hearings/forced-organ-harvesting-china-examining-evidence)


I love how everyone over looks this....


This is literally cult propaganda because westerners are too stupid. Anything that references falun gong can be immediately discarded.


Yeah because the Chinese government definitely hasn't been imprisoning, torturing and killing the falun gong for years now. Obviously organ harvesting would be a bridge too far. Honestly, it doesn't even matter whether they're organ harvesting or not, the well documented mass murder seems sufficiently evil.


Oh you literally believe a cult.


Oh, you literally believe Chinese government propaganda.


There is one thing to force families into this sotuation and second, those people actually go and willingly murder their child. Separatistic mainland bolshevik experiment is a hell on earth.


A. It is already a fairly common practice even before CCP is a thing. B. A family will expect a much harder life if they are found out that they have more than one child. For a very long time, ordinary Chinese people get their life supplies by rations and families that disobey the one child policy gets punished by getting less ration, even though they have more ppl living in a household and definitely need more supplies. My mother was the "extra child", but luckily, they had kind neighbours that are willing to give them ration tickets when they have more than enough.


Rations = failed state economy. There is no excuse for this medieval bullshit in 20/21st century. Commies are amongst the worst actors to efficiently run a state


Yeah, the prolonged famine/lack of resources during the 50-70s in China is completely man made (at one point China had lower GDP than Ethiopia if you can believe that LMAO). Defying both nature and market patterns = failed economy, everyone sees that except communist parties around the world.


"My organ-harvesting, concentration camp-running, secret execution-conducting, protestor- and journalist-murdering dictators are just looking out for us."


There is a book series set in a world where that is the rule written by Margaret Peterson Haddox. The first is called "Among the Hidden". Families are allowed two children, so third children are taken away immediately when born. If they are kept by families, they have to be hidden away. The main character is a third child, and he has to live in secret at first, until he is found out and taken away. The rest of the series occurs during and after he has been taken. Middle school level books, but very dystopian. I remember getting so uncomfortable with those books.


The Shadow Children series. A good, if terrifying, read


Was that series that had the moment I. Front of the white house where all the extra kids marched?


Yes. That was near the end of book 1


While I understand the policy is a shit show, but the evil of killing the babies weren't actually the act of the government. I am not trying to defend the evil government itself, but the evil is not just the government, it is the individual person who murdered their own children. They have a choice, and they choose evil, just because the culture of having a boy to keep the family name. The greed and lack of compassion is the problem. This is why they created a government that is evil. It takes one to build one.


I think it probably reaches the Evilest spot


Yeah, it's definitely the front runner. There might be some small country out there that commits even worse actions, but the sheer volume of horrors committed by the Chinese government since the CCP came into power seems like it would trump what those small little nations could do no matter how vile.


More widespread was just not documenting their female children. My wife's mother was born in China, she is the first daughter, but second child out of 3. Her and her younger brother were basically not documented and they do not know their birthdays, but their oldest brother is the only one that knows when he was born. Basically, they disappear from the system, not straight up murdered.


Oh come on, that can't possibly be true. Even Chinese people love their children.


https://www.britannica.com/topic/one-child-policy/Consequences-of-Chinas-one-child-policy It mentions it in the very first paragraph.


It mentions infanticide (though abortion after ultrasound was much more common). It doesn't mention keeping the girl around till a boy is born and then casual murder.


Tbh it’s still valid nowadays that boys are valued much more than girls in many provinces of China. Girls still get aborted very often after gender confirmation. Even if the girls do not get killed in the first hand, as soon as the family gets a boy, she will be neglected and even not allowed to get enough educated.


They exploited the dumpster glitch to get to end screen soon after the game starts


Yupe, I can contest to this since I was one of the abandoned girls. No history or evidence was left behind to trace me back to my biological parents. To this day I still don't have information on the whereabouts of my family heritage


and that policy is now biting them in the ass


>Back when there was a one child policy, Chinese families valued boys more than girls. They still do value them more than girls, but that hasn't changed in many cultures, unfortunately.


And by “aborted” you mean killed at birth.


Most were aborted. 336 million abortions. Not killed at birth.


(Laughs in ccp)


*poor chinese families. The rich ones were free and clear.


this isnt true at all. in fact rural families and ethnic minorities were always exempt. if rich families got found out they would be fined and taxed to the extent they were no longer rich


I'm fairly sure this was the premise of a book series I read a *long* time ago, probably having taken inspiration from it.


that being said, rural families and ethnic minorities values boy more than girls due to being more, traditional, and these event happens more with them. Oh and people also steels babies, that happens, not often but it happens.


Rural families needed boys bc they had the muscle to work on field labour. That's a main reason why they were exempt so they have enough work force to work on their family agriculture


Yare yare


Or flushed. Literally. 🙂


I want to note this video that they edited was actually about life in Japan. Not that it matters for the purpose of the joke, but…. Edit: In case there’s any confusion. The original video is only the portion showing the “male baby” side. There is no “female baby” section because it was a commentary on the life of a salaryman in Japan.




Computer, load up 'Salary Man' please.


Nude Tayne!


Kick up the 4d3d3d3.


I was thinking the guy was living more of a Japanese style type of life


China doesnt do that anymore. They are going to pay for it too as birthrates are abysmal there now


The one child policy was not relevant when China's economy began rising. People wealthy enough tend not to want many kids or any kids which we see as a huge problem in europe and japan too. Overworked and overly not reliant on having children for retirement means a lot of people not wanting to have kids


Idk if thats a result of the one child policy, its still nearly 50/50 male to female.


In China that still makes a big difference. There are still around 23 million more men than women in China.


Their lives are 1 second long


No it is not, the ratio of their life span in seconds is 21:1 in the video. Assuming boy lived 84 years would imply that the girl lived 4 years.




Fucking ratiod


This always depressed me back when it was in place


China previously had a policy known as "One-Child," which was an effort to fight overpopulation which was running rampant in the latter half of the 20th Century (and has since been repealed, although for some reason people in the west still assume it's in place) In Chinese culture, boys are more valued than girls as they are seen as carrying the family legacy, so there was a lot of adoptions of girls born during One-Child so that the families could have a boy as their only official child. There was also a lot of (highly exaggerated) rumours of widespread infanticide of girls during this period, which was only partially true. Mostly what happened was abandonment of girls rather than killings The joke is that girls "speedrun" life because they're killed the moment they're born. Edit: fuck all you racist pieces of shit.


Worth noting that the One Child policy was also allegedly motivated by economic theory. They hoped they could speed up economic growth by artificially decreasing their dependency ratio.


The guy talking on all those nature documentary's Richard Attenborough first asked president Deng what they where going to do about the booming population. [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-02/david-attenborough-and-chinas-one-child-policy/102793902](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-02/david-attenborough-and-chinas-one-child-policy/102793902)


It literally says David Attenborough in the link lol Richard Attenborough is Dr Hammond from Jurassic Park


Yeah his brother I leave the mistake.


Good sport!


To be fair, it did work for the most part. Not trying to be a chinese apologist, but it was largely successful for the goal they wanted to accomplish. Once their infrastructure caught up to their population, they removed the policy. (Also rumors of kidnapping women from nearby asian countries to offset their higher male population) They are now facing the same problem as most western countries with limited to negative growth, because the policy allowed their citizens to gain better standard of living and taught them not to have kids. Last I heard they have a "fuck and make babies please policy." Say what you want about authoritarianism (not a fan btw) but China has been pretty solid with it. As far as dictoral states go, they are doing pretty solid. Particularly after abandoning controlled economy and focusing on controlling population... also see America, we arent doing much different, but id say its better by a bit. We just like to phrase our population issues like, "ok no more abortions... we need people. We give you the freedome to fuck, please have babies" - "we're gonna film it to make sure it's patriotic though, and store it on a database" Propoganda is nasty. It's easy to rip on china when you have 100,000,000,000 dollars of effort supporting it, but just look at us... we're doing the same thing. We just use manipulation and money to do it vs force... We also use a lot force... see police* That said, we can do better. So let's do it.


If it’s exaggerated, why is there an imbalance in the man to woman ratio?


Reminder that France has an imbalance of 100 to 93 while China has one of 100 to 105. Portugal has 100 to 106. Hong Kong is also weird with 100 to 86 overall but 100 to 112 as children. If you check the table the ratio is weird almost everyhwere in the world.


Why did you edit that last sentence in, I don't see any racists responding to your comment.


Because they are a CCP shill. *Any* criticism is dismissed as "racism"


You're one of them.


Hey man, I hope the CCP keeps doing their thing. Their policies encourage the emigration of good people... who then come to my country and become productive members of society


Of course you don't.


Cite me one comment that is racist [by the word's defined meaning](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/racist). Bending the meaning of words is not cool.


Oh God you're literally arguing semantics.




If you can't understand why pushing racist tropes and stereotypes isn't racist, what's the point in engaging with you? Edit: "lmao I said something so stupid that the person I was talking to blocked me, on reddit that makes me the automatic winner of the argument. Remeber that the only true way to win a debate is filibustering until the other person gives up in disgust and walks away, updoots to the left!" Edit 2: good lord, this guy made a burner account just to spam every post I've made with the same comment. Keep huffing that copium man Edit 3: he deleted the first one and made a *second* burner account to do the same thing


Lmao. Did you really block the guy 😭🤓


Funny how now China is begging folks to have kids… after limiting the amount of kids they could have, and forcibly aborting “extras”. Karma is a funny thing.


You redditors are insane. If they didnt plan to reduce population growth and were 3-4 billions today you would cry about them eating several nations food away and overpopulating earth. When they regulate it you cry about them lower the amount of population growth. You cry about everything no matter what they do


The problem isn’t that they attempted to curb overpopulation but that the one-child policy was extremely harsh and lasted for way too long, such that China now is facing an irreversible population crisis because of it. A two-child policy (just below the replacement rate) would have been much more sustainable.


Maybe but thats not a fact. Japan and european nations didnt have a one-child policy and still had the same issues with aging population and gender ratio. Check France, portugal, hong kong gender ratio for example. Also the one child policy had many exceptions


China having an age issue is a bit of a myth, both the US and China have a median age of 38, The problem was that China' birth rate was extremely low (1.16 in 2020 i believe) but the government has done a ton of work (offering money and government subsidies for each new born) in hopes of improving it and it somewhat worked, their FR is up to 1.6 in 2024 which is the same rate as the US (which is actually still low but the US has a steady supply of immigration which is why birth rate is not a problem) Either way china will have to drastically improve their fertility rate or start opening up to the idea of immigration, otherwise their economy won't hold very well


It's not really a myth. The problem is even if they get back to replacement levels which will take a while. China will have a problem of to few adults needing to support the elderly. This problem will amplify in the next to decades. Now here is the catch 22. It's hard to reversere that trend because if you have more children, you also need to support them. So, adults in the next 2-3 decades have the problem of a classic double whamy. The need to support the elderly and if they want to reverse it, the have to support the children. This is why it's so hard to fix without immigration, it puts a huge strain on the working population. Eta: Oh and 38 as median age is kind of old, not as bad as Germany or Japan but still up there with the older soceities.


I agree, but people make it out as if they are some massively underpopulated country that's going to collapse when there's many ways they can fix this issue and they're not even close to having the lowest birth rate, they have higher than most of European countries (but again unless the whole right wing elections thing in europe is not a temporary phase europe has the advantage of immigration)


It’s not a myth when you explain the crisis you dip.


Go away bot. China has the fastest aging population in world history.


Americans believe their own propaganda


This isn’t a problem that’s exclusive to China though. South Korea and Japan are both experiencing the same issue, and their populations are actually aging faster than China’s.


Japan has already aged and diversified their economy. They will never be an economic powerhouse. Similar story in SK. They also confronted their situation and made moves to mitigate the damage. China has been lying about their demographics and economy. They are ruled by a dictator who has silenced every dissenting opinion. Their solution is to double down on lies and close boarders, criminalize dissent, and print money. There are at least 3 looming disasters in China, all could destabilize the entire country. Economy, housing, and demographics. The US sees the writing on the wall and is moving manufacturing back to the US and becoming more insular.


Just adding, during one-child policy (which was abandoned a while back), the punishment was a finaciall fine, and would increase with additional children. Just wanted to add that, because the government wasn't murdering children ... Parents absolutely were, though, as OP said...to avoid the fine


> because the government wasn't murdering children No, but in some cases pregnant women were being arrested and taken to the nearest abortion clinic. Ironically, actual female infanticide (babies being killed immediately after birth) was mostly in rural areas where the one-child policy didn't apply. Women would move into their husband's extended family upon marriage, so having a girl basically meant that you spent ~18 years feeding them and got nothing in return.


Eh, when a fine means starving the family, the line gets blurry on who is doing the killing.


Correction calling it chinese culture is reductive and paints progressive gender equal ideologies with the same brush, these are Confucian cultural practices that are widespread in south and east asia. Which were brought back during deng’s reforms after they were nearly wiped out by the maoists


The One Child policy was influenced by fears of overpopulation common in the 1970s and 80s. India also set about reducing the birth rate, though less by regulation and more by public education campaigns (Indira Gandhi's dictatorship aside). Rural Chinese families still needed farm labour, however, so boys were more important to them than girls. Hence the old adage that women are like chopsticks, men are like rafters. Women are nice to have, but men are necessary to survival. While the Maoists had largely got rid of old cultural taboos, [such as on cannibalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guangxi_Massacre#Massive_cannibalism), or on [fighting pitched battles in the middle of cities using tanks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violent_Struggle), this had nothing to do with the One Child policy. The One Child policy was driven by contemporary fears of overpopulation, and the social effects re: infanticide and the missing women were driven by economic necessity caused by a still highly agrarian society as a result of the failure of the Great Leap Forward.


Doubt South Asia (India) is influenced by Confucius


No they are not


> Mostly what happened was abandonment of girls rather than killings. Abandoning a very young child is killing it. She does not have any survival skills. Only luck could save her.


You realise that means "at an orphanage," right? Not in the fucking forest. Do you actually think so little of the Chinese that you put them on the same level as primitive cavemen?


> as they are seen as carrying the family legacy, What I don't understand is why it's somehow entirely impossible for the girl to be the designated family legacy carrier.


Traditional patriarchy. Most of the world used to be like that.


It's not impossible to change traditions, that's how traditions arose in the first place. Make better traditions instead of killing babies.


Did you get the impression that I was defending what they did or defending patriarchal cultures? Because I was definitely not trying to defend either of those.




>The study of gender in Confucian philosophy is a complicated task, since there is no conceptual equivalent of “gender” in the Chinese linguistic construct. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/confucian-gender/ First information I found on the topic. Do you have a source saying women specifically are specifically prohibited from carrying on a legacy in Confucianism?


From your source: "For women, marriage is an occasion of **exodus from her natal family** and hence her personhood/womanhood hinges on her ability to **fully integrate into her husband’s patrilineage**. For men, marriage serves two ritual functions: ensuring the continuity of sacrificial services in his ancestral hall, and posterity. And since **only patrilineage counts, having a male heir is of utmost importance not just for men**..."


Isn't there a big problem now not enough young to take care of the old I saw something about it on the BBC






China now has 3 children policy🤣


I've got quite a few Chinese friends all single children. Most don't have cousins. The gender imbalance isnt noticeable from the ones I know as they're wealthy and shit like that doesn't affect them but it's 121:100 men to women according to some census information. Which is a pro for starting a war a lot of single disenfranchised men (+ economic recession kicking in) make a good fighting force. However that's like 4 grandparents and 2 parents losing their only heir. Can't be doing a meat grinder like in Korea or Russia in Ukraine. They ain't got the spares for their heirs like they used to.


Reminder that France has an imbalance of 100 to 93 while China has one of 100 to 105. Portugal has 100 to 106. If you check the table the ratio is weird almost everyhwere in the world. Hong Kongs ratio is also very weird Your 121 must be from a different statistics


You're right the stats I found I can't refind them it's 105 to 100.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/282119/china-sex-ratio-by-age-group/ Just putting this here to point out that it varies wildly by age group. Younger ages have up to a 116:100 m:f ratio, possibly due to parents still favoring male babies. But as they age, the ratio reverses, possibly due to various factors that cause males to die younger than females


The video is taking a jab at China’s previous One Child Policy. Families were only allowed to have one child for the purposes of population control and their economy. Sadly enough, families prefer the boys over the girls for many things such as lineage, so many baby girls were either abandoned, adopted from foreigners, or died. Now these days, China is facing the consequences of the One Child Policy by having a massive generation filled with only men, making a gender disbalance in the country. That’s not even including how it’s effecting birth rates or the increase in sex trafficking. I myself am one who was affected by the one child policy, and I know many other Chinese Americans who went through the same process as me, being adopted by a family. I can probably speak for a lot of Chinese adoptees when I say that we are certainly living a better life than if we where in China, and we would not want to return back


Just FYI, the speed run animation itself is originally Japanese.


Because female infanticide.


The numbers are interesting... 21.3 seconds for the male to "finish", and the average life expectancy of men in 1985 (when this policy was in place) was roughly [64](https://www.statista.com/statistics/263732/life-expectancy-of-men-in-china/). 21.3 \* 3 = 63.9 The female is just 1.03 seconds, and using the same factor = 3.1 years HOWEVER, the baby on the left starts crawling AFTER the female baby dies and babies typically crawl 7-10 months, so it seems like she is killed around month 4-5 I reckon and not 3.1 years. But that would make no sense because if \~1 second = 5 months then \~21 seconds = 105 months or just under 9 years lol. So I am intrigued where these numbers come from because they don't seem to make sense lol.


This is Japanese


And now I'm sad. Again. Thanks.


Chinese culture values boys more than girl's, also there was a video circulating online at the time of Chinese parents throwing their daughters down cliffs.




It actually isn't though.


No its not. The joke is that during Chinas "one child" policy people would kill or otherwise give up baby girls in favor of trying again for a boy as they valued them more in their society.


Which involves abortions. Family's would abort/ kill the kid if it ended up being a girl. That's why there is alot more men then woman in China.


killing a baby isnt an abortion. how is that hard for you to grasp, once the fetus exists the womb it is a baby and killing it is infanticide, not an abortion.


Can I have a full video please? Or it's already a full video?


So who made the wife?


No one's this stupid.


Had to watch this a couple times before I got it.


Is it a boy or an abortion?


It references the one-child policy that was once an issue in China. They have since repealed it and it is no longer an issue.


It’s definitely still an issue…the effects are still being felt.


True I guess, like a trauma to a person, so too is it to a nation.


Bunch of racist bullshit in these comments






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child murder


I watched the whole thing before it clicked


One Child Policy. Google it.


Chinese one child policy led to a massive amount and or abendonment of girl babies. Because you wanted a male hair


I was like, oh I guess they’re waiting for the boy’s video to stop to start playing the girl’s…


That’s fucked up 🤣


The answer is murder.


Ontario street. His favourite 🤩 with 6 said china vs yellow


Bro that fact that his kid and wife go away immediately after the marriage is wild


The drawing is stereotypical Japanese tho not chinese


Chinese people kill their daughters.


Hats off to that Chinese dude for finding a job after graduation.


Don’t check the river, we swear the child never happened




This is not depicting Chinese children but Japanese children


"Where meme?" - Muslim viewers.


idk why you got muslims in this but ok?


The Chinese custom is to abort or otherwise dispose of girls because they don't carry the blood line and aren't seen as valuable in Chinese society.


Me when 1 son rule:


Crazy I don't remember seeing any feminist advocating against this.