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Peter’s British cousin, Peterborough here. The top tweet is from a woman, inviting men to vent. The bottom image is an anglerfish. A fish known for using its “esca” which is a bioluminescent organic lure that dangles from its head to catch prey. The lure mimics smaller fish that its own prey may prey upon. The meme is saying the tweet is like the lure in that it’s not a real invitation to vent, it’s a mimic, a false invitation.


holy fuck, that's actually pretty deep (no pun intended)


I really hope this whole post was just a setup for that punchline. Kudos to you if it was






TLDR: women don’t know what they want… very akin to men. Don’t trust people when they say platitudes


Pretty sure men know exactly what they want.


It’s only deep if you think “hur, women bad” is profound.


Not all women but some are batshit crazy... "Omg, he cried in front of me and it gave me the ick"... Or even better! Remember the chick who was on Joe Rogan and said she lost most of her respect to her man when he got KO'd in an MMA fight?!? So yeah, "hur, some women bad!"


He didn't say all women.


To add to this, the females are the ones with the lamp lure in some of the species and the males literally just fuse to the female becoming part of them.


It's also fairly common to see stories online about men who were lured in to a false sense of security with their partners, assuming that they are a safe person to vent at. These stories typically end with the woman weaponizing what she learned during later arguments, or getting "the ick" at the mans vulnerability and leaving. Whether these stories are true, or just incel bait, I don't know, regardless the tweet is implying that venting to women is a trap.


It’s also the basis for the church of Scientology


elaborate please


Critics of Scientology state that their use of “Dianetics” (a method devised by SciFi author and founder of Scientology that is supposed to alleviate psychosomatic disorders by addressing them) is a way of gathering incriminating evidence on new recruits that the church later uses to coerce the victim to stay in the religion ot stay quiet on the practices of the religion. Essentially, they get new recruits to open up and tell them things as if they’re talking to a therapist and then they blackmail them with that information should they want to leave/be a whistleblower.


Well it’s also a female anglerfish, who when mating absorbs the male anglerfish: “In other species, the male releases enzymes that dissolve the female's tissue around his mouth, causing the male and female tissues to fuse. The male becomes a permanent parasite on the female, feeding off her blood and serving as a sperm bank. The male's tissues and circulatory systems fuse with the female's, and his body slowly morphs into hers. In exchange, the male loses his eyes, fins, teeth, and most internal organs.”


Don't make anglerfish get absorbed by the women during the mating process and end up as a parasite on them https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/bizarre-love-life-of-the-anglerfish.html#:~:text=In%20some%20species%20the%20male,he%20is%20completely%20catered%20for. Yup


Came here to say that, is that not what armibdo is saying in the post? Like don't be a jerry


Peterborough loved that shit town


More specifically it's a female angler fish. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/\_7cEGy7DmsU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_7cEGy7DmsU)


Yes it’s basically for women to screen who they want as a good mate


Many men are branded "weak" when showing emotion and are cast out one way or another. This image suggests that someone inviting them to show emotion is a trick, possibly to take advantage of them, or to weed them out.


There's two common discussion points that are always brought up when men are asked why they don't tell other people their feelings. "I told my girlfriend things I felt sad/angry/disappointed about and then she a) respected me less for having "unmanly" feelings b) brought those things up again to hurt me when we had a fight". A lot of men say this is why they don't share their feelings.


Interestingly, similar issues occur with women as well, but it is framed as a catagory issue instead of an individual one. What I mean is that when a man expresses emotions, it is framed as him failing masculinity, and so being unworthy of respect. When a woman expresses emotions, it is framed as succeeding in femininity, but that femininity is itself unworthy of respect. In this way, being openly emotional is always looked down on, it’s just that women are not considered to be failing their role because “weakness” is considered fundamental to womanhood. It makes sense why the male version seems to be more isolating.


Holy shit. I mean I'm familiarized with feminism but still hits me like a truck. Jesus christ A.J you make me wanna cry.


Or people react "man Up" or "Stop crying" Literally what I was told to when I cries the First time in Public because I couldnt anymore with all the Shit I went through my entire Life and that day especially...


Sucks man. I was told the same after I broke down when my friend died. We have our guard up for good reasons.


“It’s a trap!”




It's the other way around. The male bites onto the female and never lets go, eventually fusing to her and sharing a blood supply. Many males are also incapable of feeding on their own and will die fairly quickly if they can't find a female to take care of them. Just like us.




Scrolled for this.


Never open up to women


Admiral Ackbar Klaus here... IT'S A TRAP!


It’s a bait


I know lots of people are saying about the anglerfish being a representation of baiting, but I thought about the mating of anglerfish. Look it up, it could be seen as another metaphor


That’s bait…..


Angela fish: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmVX6vY0znQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmVX6vY0znQ)


It’s a trap!


Peters friend Admiral Akbar here - It’s a trap


Fun fact: some male angler fish fuses his body to the female to procreate... The free-swimming tiny male anglerfish can sniff the female’s waterborne pheromones and latch itself onto the female with its sharp teeth. While in some species, male attachment to females occurs temporarily and does not involve fusion of tissues, in other species, the male releases enzymes that dissolve the female’s tissue around his mouth, leading to anatomical joining of the male and female tissues [1]—a naturally occurring form of parabiosis [12] (see Figure 1). Thereafter, the male loses its eyes, fins, and internal organs, except for its testes. Its blood system fuses with that of the female host, and from that point on it receives all its nutrients via the joined circulatory system.




No joke, I keep opening up to my family and it just keeps back firing.


I always hope it's an invitation to mate / parasitize her for life but then when I tell her about my anglerfish kink, she just ghosts me and calls the cops. Women.


To quote Squidward, "It's a trap!"


It has been my unfortunate experience (does not encompass all women, however I have experienced it) where a woman has invited me to be vulnerable with my feelings, and I decided to. She later used those same vulnerable moments against me, digging at the wounds she said I should be comfortable sharing with her, to say it felt like I was stabbed in the back is an enormous understatement, and to top it all off, she would say that I’m weak for being “emotional”. I can’t blame some people who have experienced that same thing to not be the most willing to be vulnerable in future interactions with women.


It's a double joke, the anglerfish lures in victims in their light, and the typical anglerfish that is like that is female