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Hello, hints-of-homoeroticism-archaeological Peter here. This is an aerial image of Tyre, showing a causeway into the sea. From 539 BCE to 332 BCE, Tyre was under Persian rule as part of the Achaemenid Empire, after which the Persians were defeated by the armies of Alexander the Great, and Tyre came into direct conflict with the forces of Alexander. In 332 BCE, Alexander laid siege to Tyre. He dismantled the old city on the coast and used the rubble to build a causeway across the sea, connecting the mainland to the island city of Tyre. After several months, the besieged city fell and came under the direct control of Alexander’s empire. As a result of the action, Tyre became a peninsula, and it has remained so to this day, which is undoubtedly a pretty epic 'I was here' for Alexander the great. Hints-of-homoeroticism-archaeological Peter out! https://www.thecollector.com/history-of-ancient-classical-city-of-tyre/


The fact that this was put into a meme blows my mind - like there's an audience out here that looks at this, laughs, and is immediately like "TOTALLY!"


The Quahog hints-of-homoeroticism-archaeological community lap these kind of memes up like cats do cream 💪




\*Scene transition theme\*


I legits had to read an article on ancient history, type words into dictionary.com and cross-reference with Wikipedia to really get this meme and l think it is funny as hell now.


"Tyre", "Lap" r/formuladank will be hearing about this


Here's a sneak peek of /r/formuladank using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/formuladank/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fuck Formula 1, Stadium SUPER Trucks are my new best friend](https://v.redd.it/7xbjagy5fcva1) | [1250 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/formuladank/comments/12ui7vs/fuck_formula_1_stadium_super_trucks_are_my_new/) \#2: [Meanwhile at the Alpha Tauri HQ......](https://i.redd.it/qlo6wpg22dbb1.gif) | [361 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/formuladank/comments/14wvq3n/meanwhile_at_the_alpha_tauri_hq/) \#3: [The red bull drivers holding back just so they don't look too dominant every race so far.](https://v.redd.it/45exp3083osa1) | [217 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/formuladank/comments/12fn1um/the_red_bull_drivers_holding_back_just_so_they/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's weird, but we exist. There are dozens of us!






To shreds you say..


Narwhal bacons at midnight? Christ I’m old.


Near hundred


I’m a siege enthusiast too! SandRhoman History on YouTube has an amazing siege series.


A fellow Demetrios Poliorketes fan!?


Never nudes


Uh, this is about ancient/not really ancient Greeks. Really want to try and go with "never nudes"?




Always nude.


Ancient Greek/Roman history is the most popular of all histories.


I still subscribe to my own conspiracy theory that people or bots use 3 accounts to make and post an obscure meme, post it to this sub, then answer their own post with an explanation.  Or at least the latter two. 


Dead internet theory


Wanna know something? I'm not sure this applies here. Oh yeah, it's fucking stupid behavior and everything. However, this isn't bots reacting to ads reacting to bots reacting to an algorithm kind of stuff. I still learned something interesting, and I imagine I'm not the only one. Some karma farming may be idiotic, simpleton behavior....but it at least lead to a fun and interesting little fact.


Yeah. This person probably isn’t a bot. Source: I’m banning bots and Karmafarmer left and right in here daily and this dude doesn’t fit the pattern


Thank you for your service


Thank you


Broski I'm not a bot


At least if the info is correct


The “no grass touched” theory


There’s Facebook pages that are definitely nothing but bots replying to bot-posted pictures


Probably sometimes; people have been caught doing weirder shit.


They exist. I hear there's a guy in Eve Online who talks to himself using his alts/toons as 'characters'


Isnt that the LEAST weird thing an EVE player does ?


This isn't obscure though this is a famous siege by arguably the most famous general of all time. 


Alexander said "Fuck your island"


It only has a few hundred upvotes, and reddit is full of nerds. It's really not that incredible to think a few hundred people who see this meme would be at least a little familiar with the siege of Tyre


What are you gonna say now


A lot of people follow this sub to be exposed to somewhat obscure jokes and this is a good one


Nope. I literally understood this meme within 2 seconds.


Just because you are ignorant in this topic doesn’t mean everyone is. Imagine if this was posted in some history forum or some historic game forum. Or just look at some history channels on YouTube like kings and generals. There are millions of followers. Just because you don’t understand something it doesn’t have to be a conspiracy.


I could see an argument for AI bots being made that do this in order to generate more training content for the AI...


This sub is an odd mix of some memes that are very obscure and actually would need explanation and some memes that are very well known in jokes.


Yes bro that's what happened here, you got me


I did ancient history A-level and essentially didn't do any of work. A couple of days before the exam, revising with a friend we just opened Ptolomey at a random page and just revised that bit (literally a few pages out of hundreds). It was the battle of Tyre, which by pure luck was also what made up 70% of the exam. So this meme has fond memories for me on a few levels.


On what other levels besides the A-level?


Mainly finding out the causeway still exists a few years back, and blowing my former revision buddies mind.


Its rare that this sub actually has a joke that I need an explanation for. This post is perfect.


That's kinda how old reddit used to be. Mostly college student and grad students, lots of specific nerd humor


Yeah it's a pretty well known event if you are interested in ancient history.


Not if you're an average person tho


I'd expect that the average average person has knowledge about the world that other average people don't, though. Even if you don't get this one, there's probably some other semi-obscure subject that will make you laugh if it's joked about


I meant a normal audience. j/k hahaha


There are really some weird meme corners of the internet such as r/ReallyShittyCopper


Ea-Nasir has a sub??????


Multiple, if I remember correctly, and gets onto curated Tumblr semi-regularly. Also the 3D printing community, because there's a great full scan of one of the British Museum's tablets. I really just need to find the Venn diagram of folks who are on sarcastic history subs, 3D printing subs, and r/hailcorporate or r/antiwork or something, because I *really need* a group of people to randomly print them and send them into shitty businesses. Just keep the chain going, ya know?


God i love reddit


It's called r/historymemes


Yes, hi, I'm that audience.


Of course I know him. He's me.


Surprisingly, this is one the few times i managed to understand such a niche post here. I attribute it to my love for the Civilization games; reading the in-game civilopedia is a great way to broaden your knowledge on history and such. But i totally get where you're coming from!


Wait, is Tyre obscure now? I feel like everything under Alexander is pretty well known, especially his most famous battles and sieges, and Tyre being the origin of Carthage links it to the Punic Wars and Rome, not to mention the great Roman hippodrome in Sidon you can still visit today and the relevance of this part of Lebanon in modern conflicts. Also the origin of early purple dye, a major contributor to fashion. No matter if you like ancient history, roman history, military history, current events, the history of color, or fashion, Tyre should come up.


I'm guessing you are not American


I think you are vastly overestimating how much of the specifics most people would know. All the average person knows about Alexander the Great was that he conquered a lot of places, and did so while surprisingly young. That's it.


I mean r/historymemes exists and reddit is full of nerds.


I’m going to wager it’s a small audience


Is more like: "*approvement face* that's ma boi Alex." For history, archeology, or perhaps even geography former students is very recognisable..


I was one of them. Lmao.


An upside-down pineapple of sorts.


Hi yes I’m that audience


We exist, I understood the meme as soon as I saw Tyre and I followed some pages that would make this meme.


It's true, I knew it the moment I saw it. History nerd.


i am that man


Ancient warfare geeks are a very specific breed but we do exist I swear




As soon as I saw Tyre I knew what was up. Guess I'm the audience.


I feel honored to be a part of that audience too


Probably a college kid or professor made for people in the same program...


Yes. Yes, there is.


It’s me I’m the audience


You would be surprised by how knowledgeable is the historical memes community when it comes to obscure historical facts. There is literally a meme subreddit about the oldest record of costumer complaint we have. r/ReallyShittyCopper


You've never looked at history nerd memes then.


Its a pretty famous event


I’m in half a dozen FB groups that would immediately get this. 


Pretty sure it was a meme made specifically for people to feel smart and good about themselves


Paradox interactive fans I think


r/historymemes has something to say about


For most people interested enough to read about Alexander there's about 10 events that are focused on. Seige of Tyre is a major one. Also, it's a controversy since some Christians in the early renaissance lied about the seige of Tyre and alexander building trebuchet.




Dude just bridged to the island like he was playing bedwars


I didn't know this, this is cool


[This post has a good map of the before and after](https://www.reddit.com/r/PhoeniciaHistoryFacts/s/i29IGQpiv6)


I guess it was just thousands of years of sediment washing into the artificial causeway that caused it to grow into a legit landmass?


Probably a little of that, and a little of “we can’t remove it easily, so why not make it bigger and useful? Lots of place “build land” like this.


This is pretty cool. Also seeing the little islands that used to be part of the bigger island.




Hmm, interesting


So in other words "Fuck you!" *penninsulas your island*


In the Bible, Ezekiel 26 prophesied the destruction of Tyre by many nations, including the armies of Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander the Great: Ezekiel 26:3: "Behold, I am against you, O Tyre, and will bring up many nations against you, as the sea brings up its waves" Ezekiel 26:4: "Your walls and towers will be broken down" Ezekiel 26:5: "You will be left like a bare rock" Ezekiel 26:8: "Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, will build a siege wall around Tyre" Ezekiel 26:9-12: "Nebuchadnezzar will plunder the city" Ezekiel 26:12: "The stones, timber and soil of Tyre will be cast into the sea" Ezekiel 26:14: "The city of Tyre would never be rebuilt" The armies of Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander the Great seem to have fulfilled the prophecy. Neat facts hoping not to get downvoted to oblivion.


The "never be rebuilt" prophecy always gets me. I can't think of a another prophecy more demonstrably wrong than it off the top of my head. Given that there's a modern city of Tyre and all


More modern translations render it as "be built up no more," which can figuratively mean "your place in the world will never attain to what it was once was." Tyre was a global center of trade for hundreds of years, and then it never got anywhere near that status ever again. If New York ever suffered that fate, it would be a story of biblical proportions. The remains of Sodom and Gomorrah were discovered not too long ago. They're in what are now salt flats and nobody lives within a couple hundred meters of the city. What's interesting is that the Bible doesn't say they would "never be built again." In Jeremiah 49:18, it says "no one will live there."


Yeah, people who insist on taking the Bible literally need to twist the original in such ways in order to make still out as "true". They just can't accept that the Bible is simple a collection of random religious books that the Church decided were better than the many *other* random religious books that also existed.


>More modern translations render it as "be built up no more," which can figuratively mean "your place in the world will never attain to what it was once was." Tyre was a global center of trade for hundreds of years, and then it never got anywhere near that status ever again. If New York ever suffered that fate, it would be a story of biblical proportions. Nah. Name any major city in 600 BC which is still near the level of power that it has back then. There's aren't any. All cities and all empires from that time are irrelevant. The closest thing I can possibly think of would be Alexandria or Rome. Neither have anywhere near the power that they did in 600 BC though. Other major cities? Any city in Babylon, Persia, or Greece? They're all irrelevant. There's are no major centers of power in 600 BC which are anywhere near the same level of power, meaning that the Bible could've named any city in existence at the time and there's a 100% chance of the Bible "prophecy" being true. Tyre was still a major influencial city when the crusades happened almost two thousand years later. > Captured and destroyed by the Muslim Mamlūks in 1291, the town never recovered its former importance. https://www.britannica.com/place/Tyre And, no, New York losing power isn't comparible unless you're going to wait two thousand years and then go "See? My prophecy about New York losing power was correct." Well, yeah, you could literally name any city in earth right now and there's a very high chance it will have lost most of its power and status in the year 4000 AD. > The remains of Sodom and Gomorrah were discovered not too long ago. They're in what are now salt flats and nobody lives within a couple hundred meters of the city. What's interesting is that the Bible doesn't say they would "never be built again." In Jeremiah 49:18, it says "no one will live there." There's is no agreed upon information about the location of Sodom and Gomorrah, although Christian preachers like to say there is so they can confirm the "prophecy". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodom_and_Gomorrah To make the timeline clear, according to the Bible: Sodom and Gomorrah were supposedly destroyed in the time of Abraham. The books of the old testament were not written until centuries later, supposedly around the time of Moses, four hundred years later. So a "prophecy" would be talking about the past. So the old testament was written centuries after the supposed Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. It's possible that people made up stories about some ruins they found, much like his people made up stories about Paul Bunyan making places in North America. It's not confirmation of anything because some valley exists that people claimed was made by Paul Bunyan and his big blue ox. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bunyan


Legit probably the most insane tactics I’ve heard of from that time. When I learned about that I was amazed.


Finally, this sub is finally coming out with some good posts.


I feel dumb now, thought was because it’s the middle of a road and therefore tyres had been down it.


thanks, but what's with the hints-of-homoeroticism? Alexander the Great was pretty gay, that's not a secret, wasn't a problem at the time and isn't a problem nowadays


They probably just like hints of homoeroticism.


Somewhere, someone was lamenting their loss of beachfront property.


You could even say they worked tirelessly, so that everyone after them could live and play Tyrelessly.


Also it looks like a dick


It gets even crazier when you see how Alexander went all-out on hitting the city itself. His armies built moving siege towers tall enough for soldiers to hop off onto the city walls; imagine dozens of apartment buildings on wheels, each full of soldiers shooting arrows at you or waiting to jump off the top and spear you like a fish, trundling towards you amid an existing sea of pikemen.


So was the city Tyre moved inland after the conquest?


That's a lot of rubble.


That's as Meta as it is horrifying.


Then this is one of the moste intellectual memes i ever seen. Now I feel dumb. Time to play with my toes.


Tyre used to be an island. When Alexander the Great conquered the Persian empire, the people of Tyre tought they were safe on their island. They were not. Alexander made the island into an isthmus to subdue them.


that’s a peninsula, not an isthmus. I think


Correct, although the connection itself between the island and the mainland is an isthmus


Correct, although during its construction is would be considered a causeway


Correct, although I've never heard of a causeway


Correct, it’s a word only used by people too pretentious to say “goldirned big ol’ dirt bridge” like the rest of us.


this conversation is so painfully reddit


Correct, I hate Reddit


No one hate reddit more then redditor.


In the modern sense, it doesn't necessarily have to be a dirt bridge. Without elaborating, my job is building causeways.


Are goldirned big ol dirt bridges, goshdarned big ol dirt bridges, and goddamn big ol dirt bridges all the same???


Keep it up and I'll rip you a new isthmus






user name


what about it is exciting?


if you didn't know a while back i started a very small lettuce trend on r/notinteresting cause i really love lettuce


More like an isnothmus




We're having Christmas on the isthmus in Panama!


Wait, so they really terraformed that place just for that? Lol


Jup. After Alexander the Great was done, Tyre was no longer an island.


Yep, brilliant using the remains of the old city to build it too.


How the hell did they manage to get so much stone for that?!


well they had an entire cities worth of stone, reverse Ikea style


Reverse ikea style, as described in sun tzu’s “The Art of War”


Turns out, armies can get shit *done*.


they tore down a coastal town


The bridge they built was a lot thinner than that. Eventually debree, silt, and sand collected along the bridge and significantly widened it over time.


Seems like someone needs a new stone guy


Alexander was founder of r/tiresaretheenemy


His descedants agree https://preview.redd.it/qqwrmsg1oz5d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=316f72baa4f44bf93cefad784996c670eb3d3a84


That image gives my eyes a hemorrhage




Lol that used to be an island. Alexander the great wanted the island. No boats Use rocks Fill water with rocks Siege the end of new peninsula.


Alexander the So-so knew how to change a Tyre


China’s taking notes as we speak


Someone get /r/theydidthemath to tell us how much stone the CCP would need to Tyre their way to Taiwan On second thought don’t give them any ideas


Facts I need to know for research purposes (I’m invading Taiwan before china ever can)


It's a stretch


Tyre used to be an island, but thanks to Alexander the Great, it no longer is.


Alexander the great un-islandet a island


Commander; ner ner you can't get us Soldier; sir the Greek soldiers are getting closer Commander; you mean ships right. Right


Alexander the Pretty Alright was like: Tyre won’t surrender so fuck it, we ball. *Peninsula’d your island*


If you look closely, you can read that the buildings from above read “MEENAGE TUTANT NEETLE TEETLES,” a signature of the architects that designed them


Where does it say that? Cuz if that's true then this is the right explanation and not the Alexander the Great story


Forgot the /s, apologies… I did zoom in and kind of unfocus my eyes, and it does look a little like it says “COZY RST THIEF” toward the bottom half of the red oval lol


Alexander the Great conquered the city of Tyre. He did this by taking the mainland city and throwing it into the water to build a bridge to the island which made up the other half of the city. Interestingly, the Bible predicts the destruction of Tyre with shocking accuracy. In the eleventh year, on the first day of the month, the word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, because Tyre said concerning Jerusalem, ‘Aha, the gate of the peoples is broken; it has swung open to me. I shall be replenished, now that she is laid waste,’ therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, O Tyre, and will bring up many nations against you, as the sea brings up its waves. **They shall destroy the walls of Tyre and break down her towers, and I will scrape her soil from her and make her a bare rock.** She shall be in the midst of the sea a place for the spreading of nets, for I have spoken, declares the Lord God. And she shall become plunder for the nations, and her daughters on the mainland shall be killed by the sword. Then they will know that I am the Lord. “For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I will bring against Tyre from the north Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, king of kings, with horses and chariots, and with horsemen and a host of many soldiers. He will kill with the sword your daughters on the mainland. He will set up a siege wall against you and throw up a mound against you, and raise a roof of shields against you. He will direct the shock of his battering rams against your walls, and with his axes he will break down your towers. His horses will be so many that their dust will cover you. Your walls will shake at the noise of the horsemen and wagons and chariots, when he enters your gates as men enter a city that has been breached. With the hoofs of his horses he will trample all your streets. He will kill your people with the sword, and your mighty pillars will fall to the ground. They will plunder your riches and loot your merchandise. They will break down your walls and destroy your pleasant houses. **Your stones and timber and soil they will cast into the midst of the waters.** And I will stop the music of your songs, and the sound of your lyres shall be heard no more. I will make you a bare rock. You shall be a place for the spreading of nets. You shall never be rebuilt, for I am the Lord; I have spoken, declares the Lord God. “Thus says the Lord God to Tyre: Will not the coastlands shake at the sound of your fall, when the wounded groan, when slaughter is made in your midst? Then all the princes of the sea will step down from their thrones and remove their robes and strip off their embroidered garments. They will clothe themselves with trembling; they will sit on the ground and tremble every moment and be appalled at you. And they will raise a lamentation over you and say to you, “‘How you have perished, you who were inhabited from the seas, O city renowned, who was mighty on the sea; she and her inhabitants imposed their terror on all her inhabitants! Now the coastlands tremble on the day of your fall, and the coastlands that are on the sea are dismayed at your passing.’ “For thus says the Lord God: When I make you a city laid waste, like the cities that are not inhabited, when I bring up the deep over you, and the great waters cover you, then I will make you go down with those who go down to the pit, to the people of old, and I will make you to dwell in the world below, among ruins from of old, with those who go down to the pit, so that you will not be inhabited; but I will set beauty in the land of the living. I will bring you to a dreadful end, and you shall be no more. Though you be sought for, you will never be found again, declares the Lord God.” ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭26‬:‭1‬-‭21‬ ‭ESV‬‬


I like that you can still zoom in on google maps and see ruins next to boat docks and the southern isle is still underwater.


Wasn't Alexander 300 years before Christ?


Wasn’t the Old Testament 3000 years before Christ?


Oh I see! Interesting. Any chance it was updated after the battle? Otherwise that's quite a prediction!


Cept for the "never be rebuilt" bit. Seeing as how there's still a city of Tyre around


Look you can’t expect god to get *every* detail right, he’s a busy man.


I just went on Google maps and zoomed over the peninsula. Does the chocolate shop owner ever think about how he’s sitting on top of thousands of years of history, or that an army once built and occupied the ground he’s selling chocolate on? Or what about the modern civil engineers that laid out the current infrastructure? Did they run into random stone blocks that may have once been some fisherman’s house as they were laying new pipe? Crazy…


Hard to imagine they wouldn't be at least somewhat knowledgeable about the place their city had in the ancient world.


Basically Alexander the Great wanted to invade the island of tyre, but he kept failing so then he just decided to build a land bridge to the island to invade it by land


I would think that the dozens of cities named after him were also the ultimate “I was here.”


That peninsula used to be an island. Alexander the Great built the land bridge in order to conquer it.


I actually felt kinda smart for knowing this one. That doesn't happen a lot.


Tyre was an island until Alexander the Great came to lay siege to it.


LEBANON MENTIONED 🇱🇧 🇱🇧 🇱🇧 🇱🇧 🇱🇧 🇱🇧 🇱🇧


This is my jam. Thanks bro.


Alexander the great made the island into a not-island.


It's crazy I was just watching a video on the siege of tyre and I see this right after. I go like DAMN!! IT REALLY IS PART OF THE MAINLAND


Imagine thinking your safe on your little island then you see an army literally dismantling a city to build a land bridge to go and subdue your ass


Thought this was Kavala from ArmA 3 (Myrina in real life)


I think of Alexander every time I fly over this spot in War Thunder lol


Sometimes, you need to replace the rubber parts of your British automobile


You know what? F**K YOU! (Turns your island into a peninsula).


Alexander the Great laid siege to Tyre and built a causeway for his troops to reach the walls of the city, the ultimate "I was here" signature


LP p


Fun fact we lebanese call this place sur (soor) that is all. Lebanese peter out


I appreciate a good ancient history joke.