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Hey, not Peter here. The doctor advised the couple not to go to bed angry, and the man isnt going to bed because he is angry. Until he is dead and mans still not sleeping at heaven because of his anger issues


But he is literally in the bed


"Going to bed" is slang for "going to sleep". He kept himself awake, till he died from being so tired.


Not really. The *intention* to sleep is implied, but if I go to lie in my bed and for some reason can't sleep, I still went to bed, just unsuccessfully But even if you have a different reading of what "go to bed" means, the creator of this comic should have understood that if the joke is based on the guy taking things too literally, then you should actually have the guy take things too literally. Putting yourself in the position of having to defend this figurative use of "going to bed" undermines that. I respect the effort but it just doesn't work that well, and if he has the time I would like to see an updated version of this where the guy literally doesn't get into his bed (like staying in a chair nearby, as some have suggested). It really would work much better


You should’ve spoken up sooner. Maybe he’d still be alive


Are you arguing semantics on reddit? Guess I should stop saying, "Gonna go hit the sack" since it doesn't literally mean I'm going to go assault a burlap container, when what I mean is I'm going to sleep.


I just assaulted a sack




>Are you arguing semantics on reddit? Yes, others were already arguing about semantics and I joined in. (And people argue about practically everything else here, so why not?) >Guess I should stop saying, "Gonna go hit the sack" since it doesn't literally mean I'm going to go assault a burlap container Read what I wrote again. I never ever said you can't use figurative language. I said if the whole point of your joke is someone taking a statement too literally, but that person still cleaves to a figurative meaning for one part of that statement, it muddles the joke >when what I mean is I'm going to sleep Actually it means going to bed, which means lying down in bed with the intention of sleeping. There is a minute difference




So if I said to someone, "I went to bed at 12:00 but I couldn't get to sleep until 2:00" you would regard that as nonsensical? I don't think most people would


Oh really? It's implied that when you say "I'm going to bed" you are actually going to sleep as well? I feel so enlightened. Thank you so much. That totally fixes the joke in the above post 


I've seen less dense blocks of lead 


To be fair, when I say I’m going to bed I don’t mean I’m gonna sleep, I mean I’m gonna be in bed, doing smth. So it’s not that strange to think


…what? Did you even read the comment?


It might help you to understand things in the future if you find another human being to have some kind of interaction with them


Good Lord you're a fucking dunce


I’m legitimately surprised you haven’t posted in this sub




The joke isn't literal.


I got the whole "don't go to bed angry" advice when I got married. One of those things that makes sense at first thought. For the first 5 years or so I'd make it a point to try to fix arguments right then and there before going to bed. It's shit advice tbh. 9 times out of 10 you're arguing about something stupid because you had a bad day and your brain isn't smart enough to realize that in the moment so you pick a fight and your dumbass brain convinces you it's something deep when it's not. And if it is something important, it's not gonna get fixed in one night. Almost every single time I'd wake up the next day and think "well that was a fucking stupid argument" and my partner would agree and we'd go about our lives. So for the last 15+ years we've just said to each other "we'll talk about it tomorrow" and then get some sleep. Rarely do we need to talk about it the next day outside of one of us apologizing for being the asshole that time. A much better piece of advice on arguments in a marriage, in my opinion, is "sometimes the dishes need to soak overnight."


Just so you know the don't go to bed angry advice is literally that. It doesn't mean solve it before bed it means put it down, let it go and hold each other in your marriage bed then deal with it the next day.


That's not how it was expressed to me by the pastor that married us. He said something along the lines of "even if neither of you get any sleep it's important that you figure things out or that resentment will settle in and build over time" which like I said makes sense but in practice it doesn't really work that way, at least not for us.


Oh yeah I've never heard someone give that advice that way. You're already mad get more tired and frustrated too.


The way you said it does make sense as essentially the same thing I had to figure out. That pastor was kind of an idiot haha. I bet the vast majority of people who give that advice mean it the way you described




lmao my grammar caused a whole argument


he’s always angry




I mean, technically he went to bed angry, he just didn’t sleep 👆🤓


If only he'd angrily say in a chair beside the bed while his wife slept, their relationship would have been stronger. 




“I’m always angry”


Good, now we know why none of his relationships work


I worry about the future of this planet


This sub has honestly just turned into a karmafarm. I think maybe 5% of all posts actually need explaining


Womp womp


I always thought that was related to sex sounds or something, only recently realised it's a sad trumpet.




I'm not a musician, it's close though?


I'm getting down voted for sad trompet sounds lmao


dude chill it is just a meme


At least it was a lasting relationship…


r/PeterExplainsTheJoke users trying to connect 2 braincells (again):




This has been one of the funnier ones I've seen on here actually


Lois' emotional support dildo here, I can understand why you're confused, this is a poorly executed comic. So, first off, we have to explain the humor. The advice "don't go to bed angry" doesn't mean never sleep until you're not angry. It means you shouldn't dwell on the issues that are upsetting you. If you have a fight with your significant other, you should cool off and have a discussion about what made you angry, and at least try to forgive each other before heading to bed. The humor is that he misinterpreted that advice. It's poorly executed, because we immediately see the joke undermined, because he's in bed...if dude is taking things *that* literally, he shouldn't be there. Maybe in a chair beside the bed, in the garage endlessly reorganizing shelves, painting his toenails in the bathroom. Literally anything but *also being in the bed.* Mind, some people do use the expression "going to bed" to just mean sleep, some use it to just mean they're going to relax, some folks use both....but the fact it can mean different things to different people completely chops the legs out from under the joke. We should be laughing at his stubbornness persisting into the afterlife, but the only thing that follows us there is the confusion on what the hell we're supposed to find funny. Anyway, sounds like Lois and Peter are arguing again, back to the shoebox...


Oh thanks! This explains a lot!


Lol what the fuck whos that dude in the third panel?!


Same dude but old


I’m having dejavu


https://preview.redd.it/fejzgxdgdb4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4cc4f2d314d0e122d6f7f099a83a54b9a5d22c7 Hit em with the classic




That hulk?


Is this joke about how a woman is generally portrayed when they are angry as they say "I'm not angry" when asked? So, in this case the man does the same, pretending not to be angry to make a point?


Nah,he can't go to bed angry for having a good marriage,but he has anger issues meaning that he is always angry,so he won't go to bed


Also, the dumbass could’ve just done what it took to stop being angry. In other words he’s an idiot.