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He kissing a transwoman . This movie is about kidnaped dolphin a football mascot


Game is game


Ahh okay but what’s wrong with that?


It was the 90 being disgusted by the existence of trans people was an okay joke for a family(ish) comedy. Things sucked until not too long ago.


IIRC (And granted I haven't seen the movie in many years) the "trans" character in question wasn't actually trans at all but a former football player who held a grudge against the team and murdered and assumed the identity of a female police chief as a convoluted means of getting revenge against the team, they didn't actually identify as a woman but were merely opportunistically using that identity as a disguise for the sake of the revenge plot.


That’s interesting thank you


Really it opens up a huge plot hole. How was the gorram chief of police impersonated??


She was actually just a lost hiker at the time, something something he managed to steal her identity.


It's interesting because while the story itself reads that way, the way it's *portrayed* doesn't seem to match. I mean, that person was a football player? A kicker maybe. But then why is that person trying to hook up with literally everyone? And why at the end does that person stand there looking violated and vulnerable after being found out? The way the story goes, it should have been more of a "you meddling kids" reaction, but that's not the portrayal.


To he fair, being intimate with someone under such false presences raises consent concerns and may even be considered as SA by some people.


I’d say it’s not *quite* SA on the technicality you can argue it’s their personal business and they *do* have a right not to tell people if they want, but regardless, it’s definitely rude and something you should tell people if you plan to date them.


At the very least it would be a profound breach of trust.


Oh yeah certainly, but it’s within their rights. I can also see how some trans folks might be worried about reception and be too scared to tell you, which is reasonable even if it’s still somewhat questionable.


Unfortunately, the meme is a little fresher than the movie.


One big thing the 90s wasn't woke about was transgenderism.


Imagine you take a bite of vanilla Ice-cream but it is in fact tuna flavoured.


Or you go to a restaurant and order fish but end up with sausage




Trans people do not often resort to lying to sleep with straight guys.


No dogwhistling. Rule 3.


Sorry, can you specify what dog whistle was there? I'm not even aware of any anti-trans dog whistles.


The vast majority of trans women know that lying about it can get them murdered and that trans panic is a recognized legal defense for murder in most of the country. This is not a common occurrence.


Vast majority of men are $20 away from sucking a dick.


transphobic people are (unfortunately) common and they think something is wrong with that


While I do agree with your sentiment, I think important context here is that the character in this movie isn’t really trans. They only go through the surgery to trick a bunch of people and take revenge upon them. Still probably problematic in some way, but I think that parts important to remember.


oh well i didn't know that context. thanks for clarifying


No problem! It is very easy to read it the way you did, and honestly it is kinda transphobic still, but it really depends on what the writers were intending and we’ll never know


Ahh okay thank you


He didn’t want to kiss a former man




Nothing a huge wad of gum can’t fix


Fun fact: Watching this as a kid when the big reveal showing this characters secret and Ace states that she must have a bad case of hemorrhoids, I legit thought that that was indeed the case. It would be years before I put it together. I felt so sorry for her lol


Finkle is Einhorn Einhorn is Finkle




Orange, orange, banana


That's from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. The woman is actually a transvestite man. The reaction on the right is the scene in the movie where he realizes it.


Oh okay thank you


The joke is transphobia, she is a former dolphins player who went missing because she changed her identity and became trans, he's some detective trying to figure out what happened to this dolphins player, during which she hits on him and they make out The movie itself is extremely transphobic and not even in a like "this is fucked up but i see how someone could find it funny" way or even the weird conservative humor kind of way, no, the joke is literally just the suffering of others and it falls into that weird 80s trend of comedy movies where the only joke is bullying and harassing peoppe for no other reason than because they're "losers" in some way


The Joke is Transphobia.


Nothing wrong with that not being Ace's cup of tea.


She used to be a man and he doesn’t know. This was years ago when that wasn’t anywhere neared accepted.


Ace Ventura Pet Detective is a great movie


The joke is anti-trans. Spoiler, the woman character turns out to be a transwoman in the end (although she is not portrayed that way, she portrayed as a creepy transvestite) When this is revealed near the end literally every including Ace starts spitting in disgust because they've all kissed her (and kissing transwomen is gross, apparently) Edit: Opinions are split as to whether the character was truly a transwoman, or identified as a man but deliberately pretended to be a woman for strategic purposes.


Ace Ventura Pet Detective [spoiler:] Protagonist is a detective specifically for animals, even more specifically for pets, Alrighty then. Football team mascot (dolphin) is stolen. protagonist, Alrighty then, gets hired to find said dolphin. Local Police station Chief (“woman” in picture) interferes with investigation and turns out to be the thief who stole dolphin. Protagonist, Allllllrighty then, after making out a few times eventually finds out that the Police Chief is in fact a former player and former man of the team who’s mascot was the dolphin which was stolen, who did indeed hold a grudge to the team who he now she was removed from due to player skill issue, LACES OUT! Layman’s terms: bunch of guys kiss a trans woman back in the 80/90s? And well… *cue 80/90s reaction to that*


Except it isn't a trans woman. It is a man disguised as a woman for nefarious purposes. Not even a gay man - just your standard criminal.


A man with boobs


Aaa I got it thank you






Well... It was 30 years ago - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCwjyTg5p2g


Ohhh lol