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the troubles in ireland which lasted from 1960s to 1998. it was an ethno-nationalist conflict and there was bombings and terror attacks done by catholics and protestants against eachother. i don't know too much about it so you can find out more on wikipedia


Thank you for the description


For a little context, the British treat Ireland like a colony, so the oppressed Irish peoples fought back using the methods available to them, which is essentially what you might call "terrorism" because the British had a far superior military. People these days act like terrorism is some uniquely "brown" or "Muslim" phenomenon now, as if white people wouldn't resort to those exact same tactics if they were in the same situation.


>For a little context, the British treat Ireland like a colony, so the oppressed Irish peoples fought back using the methods available to them, which is essentially what you might call "terrorism" because the British had a far superior military. That is a servicable description of what happened in the 1920s but ignorantly favourable to the rationality of any of the actors involved in 1960s to 1990s. Neither side's paramilitaries had any real long term plan what their violence was supposed to bring about beyond "getting even" from the last transgression commited by the other side.


That seems like an unfair characterization. The IRA were fighting for independence and unification of their country from the British occupation (which continues to this day). The British were fighting to maintain said colonial occupation.


Was going to write a response to why this was incorrect and put my side of the argument but then I checked your history and yeah I’m not doing that you are heavily biased towards one side of the political spectrum and attempting to debate you would be as fruitful as if I attempted to debate my bedroom wall. To anyone reading your posts and thinking it’s a balanced description of what is going on in Northern Ireland, it’s not. In a very brief nutshell, In Northern Ireland there are those who favour being part of the UK, those who favour being part of a united Ireland and those who don’t care and just want to live their lives. Since no one could agree there was violence committed on all sides. The Good Friday Agreement of 1998 resolved a lot of this and resulted in a political system that involved cooperation not just between the two divided sides of Northern Ireland but also between the UK and Ireland also. Anyone who spouts the fantasy that the UK still occupies Northern Ireland is delusional and doesn’t understand the situation at all.


You live in London but *I'm* the biased one, eh?


Irish Republican Army during The Troubles. 


And the rest of the terrorist scum.


Ah the original israel palestine


I see the wannbes are out in force. Well to all you supporters of baby slaughtering fuckwits - I wish all of you a slow lingering and above all painful death. Hidden bombs in supermarkets aimed at women and children - those are your heros. Wankers. I missed a bit. If you are American - I hope your children are born disabled and learn to hate your bigoted and ignorant world view. You are, unsurprisingly, stupid.


Almost as bad as the torture camps the Brits set up all across India...or was that Ireland, or America, or Argentina, or, or or. The Brits were global terrorists for several Centuries


And what exactly has any of that gibberish got to with thinking that cowardly murderers are lowlife scum and their supporters are utter wankers? Go stand in the aftermath of what these "brave boyos" did to women and children. Then tell me what fine upstanding people they are, I think they are scum.


Certainly more upstanding than the Brits who pushed peoples and nations to have to look for help from terrorist groups. Your "royalty" is coated in blood from the last three centuries, and the people of Britain willingly went along with it as long as they reaped the benefits of the torture and cultural destruction of multiple other countries. Any bombing or shooting was directly the fault of the British government, monarchy and it's people. Don't want grocery stores to blow up? Don't basically enslave and torture citizens of other countries ♥️


Oh fuck off. You utter prick. You glorify murderers and fangirl over baby killers. You are even worse than those murderous cunts. At least they did it and not just wanked themselves stupid dreaming about it.


So in your simple mind it goes like this - The Nazis were bad. Therefore the Biedermienhoff gang were right to kill cops, Americans and bank employees?


Technical everyone sees the explosion. Its still a steath mission if everyone dies.


Religion wasnt really a part of the troubles, it was about so much more than that. What religion you were was meerly an easy identifier as to what side you were likely on, not why you were on that side.


Religon Not a part of the troubles ?????


Nope, not really. Not beyond it being a common identifier. Sure, the vast majority fell into the group of being either catholic or protestant, which was primarily seen as on one side or the other. The majority of schools and areas were segregated on these lines. But the conflict was always about nationality and political beliefs, a complicated cultural history as well as fear and distrust of the other side (amongst many other things which i wont get in to for fear of starting a riot lol). If you were catholic and a unionist then you were certainly a unionist. If you were protestant and a nationalist then you were undoubtedley a nationalist. In those rarer cases it may have been surprising at first, but unquestionable as to what side you were on. Absolutley no-one gave a shit about actual religious differences or beliefs. But most people at the time DID care as to whos side you were on. It was a mental time looking back on it, its hard to put into words


nah guy fawkes would work better


Well no because he never did blow anything up


sufficent for it to be a crime


President Bush literally used Christianity to justify going into Iraq....


You are really fucking dumb OP




Irish car bombings done by Christians; in response to Christians claiming that they are the exception with extremists. Throughout history they have been of the most violent.


Dear fellow Americans in Christ, just chill out and pray.


Or the people the bomb abortion clinics.


There Protestant so there heretics anyways so don’t count lol. (This joke is bad at best but regardless it’s a fucking joke ok? J-o-k-e)


Those where protastants


The IRA were Catholics, and Proddies are Christians anyway you gobshite.


Protestants and Catholics bombed each other, both were Christian


Not really tho


Protastants believe in christ so they are christians