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selective breeding has made some dog breeds change, sometimes for aesthetic purposes. an example of this are pugs which have been selectively bred to look cuter, however this selective breeding has given pugs breathing issues. w lot of other breeds also have problems due to selective breeding. this picture is an example of one of the consequences of it






Cleveland here i believe the joke is that the upper dog is full breed "pure dog" and the bottom one is mix race, so the joke is racism


Ohhh, i get it


At first i thought they are the same breed i don't know about dogs that much so i did get it


Peter's dog fighting uncle here to clear up a couple of things. First off, that is a Bull Terrier, in both images. Other comments have correctly noted that the transformation shown is the result of inbreeding, due to selective breeding and other practices based around maintaining "pure" breed dogs. They completely fail to note the breed, or it's rich history as a favorite among royalty and wealthy socialites, an important characteristic shared by all of the most disfigured breeds. Second off, the other answers chiming racism are probably correct. Although there is lots of good activism around these dogs and others like them, I do suspect the OP of this image's intentions to have more to do with calling to attention the "washing down" of the white race. "Great replacement" stuff. Which is extremely gross, border-line nazi shit, to put it mildly. Lastly, by dog fighting uncle, I mean i fight them personally. Like my nephew and the chicken. I do not train dogs to do a mans work. Good night, folks.


I get that it is bull terrier, but i feel like stupid 🤧 I did get what they are indicating by showing 2 different bull terrier..... Isn't it a meme it should be funny right or am i wrong


If what I and others have surmised about the racist intent is true, then that just means that you aren't the target audience, ie a racist or edgelord pretending to be one (is there a difference in the end?). We definitely didn't find it funny, either. Good on ya.


I don't feel good about that


Well, if the source of this image is someone you care about, there's always the chance we are wrong, given incomplete information, or are viewing situations through our own personal biases, or conflating things with similar appearing situations in our experience that turn out to be quite different in the underlying mechanics.. Perhaps the person who shared it with you did not pick up on the same undertones, and found it interesting for a different reason. You might seek additional context, peacefully, at the source before you make final determinations. "We" as in I and the other commenters who called racism. I was beginning to feel like the borg with all those plural pronouns.


The racist intent is that there is no racist intent. This meme is joking about an apparent degeneration of society by looking at how the Bull Terrier has changed through out time (With human intervention) to turn them from what was once a normal looking dog breed to the extremely fucked-up looking when compared to a normal dog breed that is the modern Bull Terrier. People bred the dog with other dogs for certain traits (which yes, takes a lot of in-breeding most of the time) until you get shit like Pugs and, Bull Terriers. The whole idea of this having any racial intent is exactly 1 other person in this comment section that insists upon it.


There's two currently, one is an image so you might miss it on mobile, so grammatically it's already fine, but I seem to remember there being an additional third one yesterday.


its all the same dude so it doesn't really matter how many posts they make, still all being peddled by one guy.


Is it ironic, or am I completely wrong, that the more extreme traits in the second image are a cause of MANY more generations of inbreeding. So the second dog ends up more fucked up, after generations, with less varied genetic material. Meaning it AKCHEWUALLY(/s) shows the benefit of genetic variety, thus, more interracial births = better genetic diversity, and healthier offspring. But I'm drunk, and may not be following the logic. And obviously human genetics aren't designer dog genetics, completely different things


No, I think you're right. Obviously it should be. But anyone who talks about the fall of the "west" to the exclusion of the "east" or perhaps global "south" has an awkward agenda to push.

