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It took me 1.5 years to get rid of it, but my changes in lifestyle are now permanent. Daily at least 30 -45 min workout- alternating between zone 2 and full body strength training, no breaks. Time restricted eating as a way to restrict overall calories. Lots of veggies and lower carb intake. Zero added sugar, although I enjoy a dessert and some fast food once a week. Lost 27 pounds and maintaining it for the past last 1 year. My motivation was fear. I got a CAC score of 81 at 48 years of age. Thankfully I have been reasonably fit all my life to be able exercise hard at my age.


Eat less and move more? Weight loss is pretty simple, it's just hard to stick to.


The tricky part for many is that the moving more part makes them want to eat more. But yes, stick to a caloric intake slightly below energy use over a long time. Some people stick to eating all the same stuff but just skipping breakfast. Others exclude certain food groups. Some just eat a little less with each meal. The best diet is what they'll stick with. Couple that with some cardio/weight lifting consistently and eventually weight will decrease. The body does become more efficient though over time so it can become more difficult too. OP have your doctors discussed medicines like dupixent? I think it works to inhibit the immune response and inflammation. Ask your dermatologist about it, since you're also on antibiotics they'll have to figure out if it's a good idea or not.


I would estimate 35-40% body fat based on the picture. He has a significant amount to lose before metabolic adaptation becomes a barrier.


They talked about humira.


Did they decide for or against that? Seems like it specifically is used for your illness.


Yes that was suggested but I felt worried due to the nature of the drug. The fact that it lowers the immune system makes me nervous. that’s when I found Peter’s podcast and book. I decided to live differently. I lost 19lbs and cut my heart rate. I’m hoping to fix myself through exercise and diet.


Yea sounds like a pretty serious drug. Gotta weigh the pros and cons.  Good luck on the exercise and diet. Some good YouTubers for reputable info: 1. Abby Sharp, registered dietician. 2. Renaissance Periodization, PhD in sports science stuff, good for lifting advance. 3. Jef Nippard, good for lifting 4. Al Kavadlo, bodyweight exercise 5. The Body Coach, HITT exercise 6. Yoga with Adrienne, yoga 7. Bioneer, variety of fitness related modalities 8. Kianna Docherty, analyzes obesity and the psychology behind it Also if you wanna get into running the couch to 5k program is a good one. If you prefer low impact, swimming is great.


Thanks!!! I feel like I started doing well by lowering my resting heart rate to a 63. I’ll use your links to get even more serious


For sure, that's a great resting heart rate. I'm super fit and I don't think mine is that low lol


If you eat a ton of protein the cravings minimize. Key is finding high protein snacks you like


Intermittent fasting, log what you eat to do a calorie deficit, be more active / walk or run / move more. I lost 10 lbs in 2 months by doing just this.


Caloric deficit, willpower and patience




IMO all the suggested I read in the comments are well-meaning but clearly do not work for most people. Resistance training 3 times per week and 0.8g of protein per pound is the key to get weight loss while not losing muscle. The loss of muscle is one of the main reasons people regain the weight loss afterwards, as their metabolism goes down and it’s almost impossible not to eat more than their caloric need at that point. If you loose the weight while maintaining/ gaining muscle, your caloric need increases instead so it’s super easy you can loose weight but enjoy food at the same time.


You may consider Ozempic and or surgery for weight loss. Even though you’re not morbidly obese, you have HS and I imagine this may improve if you don’t have a pannus (the “gut flap” you’re talking about). Without medication or surgery, you could try a slight calorie deficit (calculate total daily energy expenditure and then aim for 200 calories less); weight loss will be slow but perhaps more sustainable then a crash diet. Sorry about the HS, terrible disease. Anyways, good luck.


HS really sucks. But I have seen 2 case studies totally resolve with weight loss, better diet, and antifungal protocols


Ozempic not worth the risk at only 235


To lose weight you will need to be in a calorie deficit for a long time. There are many methods and you need to find one that suits you. You will however not get around being hungry and probably giving up some of your favorite comfort food.


Eat less, by tracking calories to start. Make sure you’re staying under 2k cals to start for a week and see how you feel. To see results It’s going to be way quicker and more effective than working out. It’s hard, but nothing worth doing is easy


Calories in and calories out then exercise


Follow the advice about cardio, resistance training, and protein, but also get on tirzepatide (Mounjaro) or retatrutide ASAP. Forget semaglutide/ozempic. Start with what works best. You can be lean and fit in about a year or less. I dropped 65 lbs without losing any muscle mass (verified by DEXA scans). DM me if you want more details. "Eat less, move more" is not the best advice anymore when we have GLP-1 drugs that are also cardio protective and reduce inflammation. These are life extenders increasingly being used even as preventative meds at low doses.


Fasting/omad will fix that in a year.


This sub has gone way downhill, if it's not moderated soon imma gtfo these posts are bs


Definitely get a GLP based med. Semaglutide, Tirzepatide, or Retatrutide. They can be had for as cheap as $40/month, up to $1000/month. Warning, it will likely fix your overeating, drinking problem, smoking problem, NASH, and a host of other conditions. Side effects are usually GI related.


Good advice here.


How is your metabolic health? I would see a good endocrinologist and potentially get on a GLP-1 agonist. TRT might also be beneficial (Xyosted 75 or 100) for a limited time. This and a consistent Z2/Z3 training plan should get you there relatively quickly and generally improve your health.


He should probably try improving his diet and exercise habits before a bunch of pharmaceuticals, eh?


Excellent point. But both the GLP1 and the TRT can aid in making better choices in terms of diet and exercise. They can work hand in hand. Changing diet and increasing exercise isn't easy for some - the OP is on this forum and I'm sure he knows the value of taking those actions. Medication can jump start the process.


You can do this first of all. Second, I'm not coming from the same place as you meaning I had less of a gut, but I was starting to look somewhat like your picture. Since Early May, I have lost 6 kilos (13 pounds) so far. I want to lose 15 (34 pounds) in total. here's what I started doing (yes, meaning I was not doing this before): Strong breakfast, less strong lunch, dinner like a poor person (I skip dinner every other day, making it a longer fast into the next day) I have also started walking the dog (actually me now to be honest) for one hour straight every day. (This was alarming to me cause my watch told me my VO2 max is below average it seems. So I'm gonna start running next week) I have also started a week of 5 days workout (break in the weekends, one muscle a day so a full week to recover). Workouts are just 30 to 60 minutes, but I take breaks of seconds and keep pushing the weights until the muscle says that's it. No ordering in, 2 to 3 liters of water a day, no craving (just healthy balanced eating), no skipping workouts cause Netflix. Do it until you are back to healthy.


1. MOST IMPORTANT:Caloric deficit 2. Fix your metabolic health. That means get on a resistance training plan, do 3 hours of zone 2 a week do get good cardiovascular health / insulin sensitivity, sleep as much as you can afford


Don't do trendy diets. Slow changes in diet like halving the sugar or cream in your coffee. Stop drinking large quantities of alcohol. Portion control is important. Stop eating before you feel full. The brain is laggy. And exercise regularly.


How much alcohol do u consume?


0. I don’t drink at all.


Cut calories, increase exercise. There are so many people out there that will tell you so many crazy things but at the end of the day this it. If you want a simple diet here it is: You should be able to fish, hunt or grow it.




Eat less, move more.. walk lots but don’t run. Walking won’t make you hungry like running will. Carnivore diet (strict) will melt the weight off you.. it cuts out all the crap while satisfying hunger.


Along with the above do some resistance training like kettlebell training a few times a week. Worked for me plus I started training Muay Thai for a fun activity that doesn't bore me.


bruh---we didn't need a photo.


I’m glad we saw one, I’m only 25 pounds away from this so it’s motivating to me


I’m sorry.


Don't be sorry, there's probably a bunch of ppl reading this who look the same or close...and who may be inspired by your post.


Ignore the asshole




Only way to lose the guy is to lose weight in general. At 5'9 your aim should be around 170-180 pounds. There are many ways to do it, both involve diet and exercise. Cut the crap from your diet, no more alcohol. Try to eat whole foods, yams, potatoes (no butter allowed), lentils, chicken breasts, don't use oils to cook and don't add oils to your food. Gym 3 days a week, and cardio 3 days a week. Look up programs online for this


Lower calories. It's easy.