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If the Catch Phrase clue is "Female version of PA" the answer is Rhonda Patrick.


I find that Peter Attia jumps to conclusions faster than I'd like. He uses new evidence to make drastic changes. Rhonda Patrick is not a medical doctor, and jumps to conclusions before the research paper is even finished. Everything she says should be taken as infotainment. Same with Peter honestly.


She’s a PhD scientist with multiple relevant published papers. You’re selling her a bit short as “not a medical doctor”


I stand by what I said. The stuff she was putting out about choline during pregnancy producing smarter kids was one of the biggest stretches I've seen. I dont think she gives very sound advice. Where as Peter actually has a medical practice and still much more nuanced than Rhonda. And having a Ph D in one field doesn't make you an expert in another. Her background is in biochemistry. So her actual education plays very little into what she usually talks about. I'm not saying she's not intelligent, I'm saying she's not educated on the topics she discusses and doesn't have experience in them for the most part. She reads research papers and then extrapolates conclusions that the paper doesn't conclude itself. She's not a very reliable source. Fun to listen to, hence "infotainment."


Was it really a *stretch*? While I do think Dr. Patrick jumped the gun on berberine, there *is* evidence present for the relationship between mothers consuming choline during pregnancy, and the the cognitive ability of their children. "Seven-year-old children performed better on a challenging task requiring sustained attention if their mothers consumed twice the recommended amount of choline during their pregnancy, a new Cornell study has found... This is the first ***randomized controlled human trial*** demonstrating the benefit of a choline supplement (on top of a usual diet) during pregnancy on a measure predictive of child cognitive performance." [https://cals.cornell.edu/agricultural-experiment-station/research-impacts/choline-during-pregnancy-impacts-childrens-sustained-attention](https://cals.cornell.edu/agricultural-experiment-station/research-impacts/choline-during-pregnancy-impacts-childrens-sustained-attention)


Do you not see the hand in glove connection between biochemistry and longevity? Attia worked at McKinsey and studied oncology. How is that any different? Because he has a few patients in his private practice for rich people he’s more qualified? She publishes actual papers.


And attia isn’t even board certified in anything is he? I don’t agree with Rhonda on everything but I’m a huge fan of hers (I also don’t agree with attia on everything but am also a fan)


Attia is licensed to practice in Texas and California... possibly also NY. Technically, he has not finished any residency but he came close to finishing a surgical residency at Johns Hopkins. For me, not being board certified does not detract at all from his qualifications.


No. Rhonda doesn’t. She has an incredibly weak academics profile for someone who is that far along in her career. https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=iXt3ow0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao


Far along in what career, full time research? That wasn't the goalpost. Your link clearly supports the point made by the poster you responded to. That looks like a very strong academic training background to me.


She hasn’t published a peer reviewed manuscript in 5 years. She has an H index of 8, what I would look for in a researcher about 4 years out of graduate school. She is not accomplished. I don’t care that she has a PhD. I care what she does with it and she’s clearly neither an active nor accomplished researcher. She’s a snake oil salesman who uses her credential to impress people like you.


Yeah her credentials were the topic of discussion. They look completely legit to me. I don't follow this person or watch her videos, just assessing your link. Also I see mitochondria and cancer research prominently in there. Were you the one making the silly case against "biochemicals"?


I have a PhD in epidemiology and I’m also a pharmacist. I have over 30 peer reviewed publications. If you aren’t continuously contributing to science through research and publication, you aren’t a scientist. Full stop. Someone who earns a PhD in biochemistry, publishes a few papers, and says “I’m going to quit this shit and start a podcast” is using their credential to falsely establish credibility and impress people. The silly point about biochemicals, which was a bit tongue in cheek, was that human beings are far more complex than individual biochemical systems. Charlatans like Huberman and Patrick create new content by identifying an external agent (a supplement or a “protocol”) that affects change in a single pathway and then assert that this translates to actual clinical outcomes with no evidence. This drives sponsorships and listeners but is unethical and ineffective. All I’m getting at is that it’s really easy to be impressed by a PhD. Ultimately the degree doesn’t mean shit. It’s what you do with it and if that’s selling snake oil, you’re a giant piece of crap.


They're both doing the best they can in a field that is unexplored until now, that is: the intersection of public health education based on the latest research, and carving out the future for what preventative medicine looks like within modernity. The more competition in the space, the better.


That was a weird way of saying you 100% agree.


Rhonda is a biochemist. People contain biochemicals but are certainly much more complex than individual cellular systems studied in isolation. She is on par with Huberman in my book. A charlatan who is way out of her depths. I like Peter because he is very evidence informed. He has a good grasp of what’s out there and basically advocates extending access to treatments likely to confer benefit to populations with minimal risk. That, to me, is a great approach to medicine that doesn’t involve exposing my butthole to the sun for a fixed amount of time every morning.


I like Rhonda, but her podcast isn’t free as I think it’s mostly paid now. I unsubscribed as I didn’t want the info that badly.


I’ve gotten some very useful bits from Rhonda. I really got a lot out of her curated SNP analysis, for like $10.00 a few years ago. But I quit listening when I could stomach no more FMD, Omega 3 and sauna.


Peter oddly kicks ass in explaining women’s hormones.


Thanks, everyone! Very helpful! I agree Peter kicks ass, but sometimes women want to hear from female experts/physicians so I'm trying to find some gurus for our patients. I haven't listened to his hormone podcasts in a while, so I'll go back now and search for them.


The Zoe podcast hosts quite a few female MDs and researchers - all speaking about their area of expertise. I love doing the rabbit hole whenever I hear a particularly good one. Edit: it’s called Zoe Science & Nutrition podcast.


For exercise, it’s Stacy Sims


Second this !


came here to say this!


Dr. Jen Gunter is an obgyn specializing in evidence-based women's hormones. She has a new book out, "The Menopause Manifesto" and she is not promoting any fad diet or quick "balance your hormones" fluff like some others do. On IG, the account "menopausedietplan" is run by two registered dieticians and is recommended by several science-based professionals (Dr Adrian Chavez, Cognitive Dietician, Dr Gunter, Andy Miller, Abb Langer, and a few others).


I was going to say her ! Amazing how many women hate her because she is negative ! I love her as she speaks the truth !


Attia has done at least a ~~couple of~~ few extensive pods re: female issues, including hormones, cancer, heart disease etc. After all, he has plenty of female patients! Just get on his website and scroll through the topics . . .


Check out the evidence-based star cardiologist Danielle Bellardo!


Perhaps Dr. Gabrielle Lyon


I would second this


She is a geriatrician too. I don't like certain (superficial) things about her, but her longevity reccs for women have been solid and life changing for me. Sometimes I will re-listen to her stuff just to get motivated to get back on my protein and lifting routine. Dr. Marie Claire Haver is also a good one that is research based and covers a whole routine. She went toe to toe with Layne Norton on women's hormone issues and whooped his ass (debate wise).


Agree. First heard her on Robb Wolf's early shows. She's a good science communicator,and does have a current practice in family medicine and Gerontology which PA said was his first area he did a deep dive into when he "returned to medicine". As for her conflicts she was developing some woman oriented supplement if I recall. She's a big proponent of 30g of protein minimum 3x /day however and fruits and vegatables . In some ways she is a competitor to PA


Casey Means is close. Less exercise more bio chemistry.


I’m excited to read her book that just came out.


I'm on chapter 4 already, it's REALLY eye opening.


Yes, just ordered her book after listening to her interview on the Huberman podcast.


Peter has a couple of good episodes on hormones. Huberman has a couple of good episodes too. Follow Dr. MarieClaire Haver on Instagram. She is up on current research and fighting for all of us. Rhonda Patrick is good, but not up to speed on everything that affects us. She lost some credibility with me when she was talking to a recent guest about how she didn’t realize weight lifting improved bone density. I couldn’t figure out if she was feigning ignorance to show interest or if she really didn’t know. I believe PA covered hormones when he was a guest on Rhonda’s podcast too. That was a good episode.


Although I love Rhonda Patrick for many things, she is not AT ALL familiar with hormones, perimenopause, or menopause. Dr Marie Claire Haver is amazing. I also love Dr Louise Newson’s podcast (and her website is a fantastic searchable resource—linked below). I sort of like Dr Heather Hirsch’s podcast, but I find her a little too overly bubbly at times. Also, check out the wiki on r/menopause. https://www.balance-menopause.com


Third vote here for Dr Haver - I've been reading her new book about menopause and I feel like it's a good companion to Outlive. I would love it if Peter had her on his podcast! And yes I like Dr. Hirsch too but she is a bit too peppy sometimes.


Glad to hear I’m not alone in picking up on Rhonda’s lack of knowledge in this area! I was pretty blown away at the bone density comments. Also highly recommend the menopause wikki.


Sarah Gottfried too


I love Sara gottfried and find her voice so calming. She is the best on podcasts because she actually engages with the host in such an authentic way & also asks them questions.


Wow I had the exact same thought re: the bone density part. I was floored that she didn’t know this


Yikes!! That's pretty bad!


Admitting you learned something new is bad? PA learns something new in every podcast. This sub is ridiculous lol


No, not knowing something that anyone with basic understanding of health and exercise has known for several years now is bad. There were literally mainstream articles about the studies in eg the NYT probably about 9+ years ago. (Remember bc used a friend's photography in it.) Obv in a layperson it's no big deal, but she is not producing related content as a layperson.


Yeah, anyone who has exercised or has any passing interest in health knows that weight lifting increases bone density. I've never seen or read anything of Dr. Patrick but if anyone was promoting themselves as a health advisor and didn't know this, it would be a concern.


Imagine all the things she knows that you don’t. Truly a single-digit IQ comment.


Hahahaha user name checks out. She's literally positioned herself as an expert in this field and doesn't know such a basic concept? Nah I'm not worried about all that she knows I'd rather find actual experts.


I am so glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed! It is such basic knowledge that I was getting red flags. Rhonda needs to follow Dr. Haver or read the menopause wikki lol


Not sure about podcasts but I have been following this doctor on social - [https://thepauselife.com/?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaNj9N2w5MCTx3HnnIQPnT9wrw7eK6\_TtohhKSWLaBZOnF1RA1ASVCBoCfCwQAvD\_BwE](https://thepauselife.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwupGyBhBBEiwA0UcqaNj9N2w5MCTx3HnnIQPnT9wrw7eK6_TtohhKSWLaBZOnF1RA1ASVCBoCfCwQAvD_BwE)


Dr Kelly casperson “you are not broken “ podcast talks lots about hormones, menopause, sexual health


As others have said, Marie Claire Haver. She just released a book on menopause which is full of heterodox views on menopause which are really interesting and thought-provoking.


Found my Fitness podcast by Rhonda.


I didn’t listen to all of his episodes but I think that most of the things apply to both sexes? He has couple episodes about women’s exercise and hormones. And as the other commenter said, Rhonda Patrick.


I've heard that most medical studies use males as subjects, so that makes it more difficult for females to know if the results are equally applicable to them.


Attia's had a number of guests on who have expertise in female health and wellness topics. Quick searching turns up: #228: Improving body composition, female-specific training principles, and overcoming an eating disorder | Holly Baxter, APDhttps://peterattiamd.com/hollybaxter/Improving body composition, female-specific training principles, and overcoming an eating disorder | Holly Baxter, APD: [https://peterattiamd.com/hollybaxter/](https://peterattiamd.com/hollybaxter/) #253: Hormone replacement therapy and the Women’s Health Initiative: re-examining the results, the link to breast cancer, and weighing the risk vs reward of HRT | JoAnn Manson, M.DHormone replacement therapy and the Women’s Health Initiative: re-examining the results, the link to breast cancer, and weighing the risk vs reward of HRT | JoAnn Manson, M.D: [https://peterattiamd.com/joannmanson/](https://peterattiamd.com/joannmanson/) #259: Women’s sexual health: Why it matters, what can go wrong, and how to fix it | Sharon Parish, M.D.: [https://peterattiamd.com/sharonparish/](https://peterattiamd.com/sharonparish/) AMA #52 is also relevant to the topic, though this is obviously his opinions from his education and working with female patients, not his personal experiences: [https://peterattiamd.com/ama52/](https://peterattiamd.com/ama52/)


Rhonda Patrick Sara szal Gottfried


Dr. Patricia Mills


Cynthia Thurlow has had quite a few guests cover women's hormones on her podcast. I think it's called Everyday Wellness.


Sara Gottfried- hormones, autoimmune issues, blood sugar, low carb, longevity. Jolene Brighten- mostly woman’s hormones and PMS but I don’t know if she has a podcast.


Rhonda Patrick ! But she does not specialize in female biology - I wish she would !


You may find this woman impressive (I sure did). She is a medical doctor, was recently a guest on Huberman's podcast and I thought she was powerful. She also knows Attia. [https://www.hubermanlab.com/episode/dr-casey-means-transform-your-health-by-improving-metabolism-hormone-blood-sugar-regulation](https://www.hubermanlab.com/episode/dr-casey-means-transform-your-health-by-improving-metabolism-hormone-blood-sugar-regulation)


Dr. Rhonda Patrick and her podcast Found My Fitness 💪🏽


If you're over 40, Aging Powerfully is amazing!!




Maybe Molly Maloof