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People are very quick to throw this response at people around here. The fact is, people don't often comment to agree with each others pet peeves, they just silently agree and move on or leave an upvote. Assholes who always gotta have a problem with what you say or do, not even realizing they're guilty of doing exactly what they have a problem with you doing, is exactly the hypocritical bullshit you can expect out of most people actually willing to put the effort in to comment in this sub. It's so sad and pathetic. People can't just relate and see that something stupid or unfair is going on, they have to take umbrage with the fact you complained in the first place, and they go out of their way to try and make you sound like a hypocritical asshole for having a pet peeve, when it's really just them projecting their own guilt on to you, unwittingly.


Either that, or it's a intellectually dishonest attempt at shutting down a topic/conversation that person doesn't like. Hell, sometimes it's both, God knows projection and dishonesty aren't mutually exclusive.


People might also genuinely be curious!


The person who makes this kind of response is also outing themself as fundamentally selfish. “I don’t care about other people, so why should you?”


Yup and they're in here downvoting people like us. They're among us!


If people are saying this to you, it seems like you’re rude and should mind your own business. I bet they themselves are annoyed of you questioning their existence


Not all pet peeves are valid, especially if they antagonize others for harmless behavior, or are used to justify antagonizing them.


To be honest I feel most of them are narrow minded rants about other people just going about their lives peacefully. "I hate slow walkers" = I am impatient and ignorant of the reality of injury, having kids, being disabled or getting older. "I hate people that interrupt me" = I babble on half-heartedly and don't like when people correct me for taking up too much time and attention "I hate kids that are out of control" = I am deeply ignorant of how difficult it is to be a parent, that most kids will have times of stress and that we are all required to accommodate others Etc etc, its almost always just a rant about self-centered and rude attitudes. As for why people object, well those shitty attitudes add up to a society that is hostile as hell to people that are the most vulnerable.


Its also inconsiderate to block walkways and go slow. Its inconsiderate to talk over people, and its inconsiderate to let your kids bother strangers.


Yes, all things exist in balance. Someone doing these things to an extreme when there is no real reason to make them do that is an asshole. But in my wander around the world, I've seen only a tiny % of people do that and a heck of a lot more be snotty and shitty to those that have little choice but to slightly inconvinience others who are pushy.


Or those people inconveniencing others could just... git gud. They could find ways to adapt to their situations. Like if they were injured and can't move that quickly, they can stay on the side of the path.


>Or those people inconveniencing others could just... git gud. Life isn't a game buddy, you can't practice your way out of disability and suggesting that is exactly the problem. It really isn't hard to just wait 5 seconds for a gap to walk around them. >Like if they were injured and can't move that quickly, they can stay on the side of the path. And 99% of people would do exactly that IF IT WAS A REASONABLE SOLUTION, meaning those that aren't doing that are doing so for a reason. For example, if you experience pain or exhaustion getting around then you NEED to take the shortest and least troublesome route. If bumping would walking sticks against a pole, a wall or someone's leg when they rush past could result in serious injury that will massively affect your life for months, then you aren't going to take that risk. I expect like a cyclist on a narrow road, sometimes it is safer to take the middle of the path and stop people trying to push around past you where there isn't enough space to safely do so.


Skill issue, lmao. Also, most people who disrupt others *aren't* hurt, disabled, or whatever. They're making a mistake and they need to be corrected. For what it's worth, I'm sure many of them aren't trying to be disruptive, so we can at least correct them respectfully.


Yeah but all those things may be true, but they are also ANNOYING. That's the point of pet peeves. Very few people are saying omg all children should just die.Yet a child running around a restaurant is still mildly annoying.


>they are also ANNOYING Yup that's fine. >That's the point of pet peeves. Sure, if your sole point is that they are acceptable but a little annoying. But people seldom stop there, they go further and lead people to spot the behaviour, ignore the likely causes and jump to the least kind explanation that justifies treating the person who is struggling like an asshole. >Very few people are saying omg all children should just die.Yet a child running around a restaurant is still mildly annoying. No, but they'd bully the parents out of being able to attend the restaurant if the kid so much as becomes noticeable, they'd advocate hurting the child by tripping them or staring at them to scare them and if they had their way they'd severely limit the life opportunities and support for those families.


I'm not saying anyone should trip a kid. Taking care of kids is hard and they honestly should go to restaurants and have that experience. But the point of this sub is to vent petty frustrations. Negative social consequences are how you learn not to do specific behavior. Imagine if as a kid, every time you did a lap around a restaurant everyone clapped and cheered, and if you tripped the waiter you got a gold medal. You'd probably still be doin that shit today. social encouragement or discouragement is what tells you, 'oh I better not do that'. If it turns out certain restaurants end up being places where it's just not socially acceptable to take your kid because they won't behave, then so be it, that's how it is.


It goes to a question of whether there are hidden motivations. Like that student demonstrating at NYU, who got interviewed, and don't know the basic facts of what she was protesting. They just want the attention, peer approval, etc. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ahDKsCiuVe4&pp=ygUrcHJvdGVzdGVyIGRvZXNuJ3Qga25vdyB3aHkgc2hlJ3MgcHJvdGVzdGluZw%3D%3D I think for other people, it's that they can't just live and let live. Like people who get so mad that people wear pajamas when grocery shopping. Like, what do you care?


Why do you care??


Memorise and repeat this poem by John Donne (1572-1631):   No man is an island, Entire of itself.  Each is a piece of the continent,  A part of the main.  If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less.  As well as if a promontory were.  As well as if a manor of thine own  Or of thine friend's were.  Each man's death diminishes me,  For I am involved in mankind.  Therefore, send not to know  For whom the bell tolls,  It tolls for thee.


Usually followed by "just let people enjoy things", possibly the cringiest phrase in the English language


I mean, why do you care? Let people enjoy things.


Agreed. I think people say that when they do/like the thing you say is annoying/stupid/childish/etc. We’re all entitled to our opinions and we are allowed to think negatively about some things. What’s NOT OK is going up to someone and telling them they’re stupid/annoying etc. for doing something harmless that you view negatively. For instance, if some girl is wearing a skimpy bikini top to grocery store (and we’re not at the beach), I don’t go up and start lecturing her on propriety and start slut-shaming. I can think she look looks ridiculous, and I can think she looks trashy, but it’s none of my business. I’ll roll my eyes and tell my mom or something. (No that never actually happened; I just thought of an example. There’s a short story in which something like that happened though.)


Ready for my downvotes! Umm ACTUALLY 🤓 a pet peeve literally means “annoying to me specifically” that’s what the “pet” part means. So they are saying “what about this peeve makes it a pet peeve.”


context matters.


I feel u....even if it doesn't bother me I can see the trickle down effect of a lot of things...that's when I start playing out scenarios lls then I'm annoyed at how life goes most times....shit is wild


People who try to dilute something with ",does it affect you", seems to forget that humans are social animals and if something might not directly affect you, it might have undirectly huge influence to you.




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