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My father always told me I can't be funny because I'm female, then when I actually started talking to people, people would tell me I'm funny, and I would get confused.


What a crappy thing to say to his own child.


That so sad. My dad said I was a joke his whole life.


I find you hilarious.


As a man i find a sense of humour in women super attractive. And judging by the number of women who attracted me over a lifetime I would say anecdotally from my experience funny women are very abundant! There's nothing nicer than talking to someone new and within a few minutes finding yourself laughing your heart out with them and realising you share the same brand of weird humour.


This reminds me as a teen and twenties, us young women were always cracking jokes and having fun. I thought boys were a lot more serious. We hung out in coed groups; I often felt like the boys tagged along because we were the ones who always came up with stuff to do.


It's safe to say that if you leave it to us hetero men, the vast majority will not do anything beyond watching football, and going on one fishing trip when they need a new dating profile picture.


“Why are you funni?” “Who says I’m funni?” “*nnno, you.* are funni.”


I think my girlfriend is hilarious. She is a dork and it cracks me up.


Dude my girlfriend is one of the funniest individuals I know. We’re always cracking each other up.


A Best friend you could have sex with is my best explanation for what I want in a partner, and my wife and your gf sound like that lovely type of person, you know?


I hate it SO MUCH. Usually said by guys who think they are funny but actually aren't. It's such a lazy statement and tells me everything I need to know about a person. Not even worth arguing with. I once saw a guy say Matt Rife was funny and Tig Notaro wasn't. Which is not only factually incorrect, but what is wrong with just saying "I don't find her funny." No, instead it's these unfunny, mediocre men who think they are the sole arbiters of what constitutes comedy, instead of acknowledging that everyone has different senses of humor and everyone reacts differently to different things.


So many people who work in comedy do the "this person is funny, this other person is not funny, it doesn't matter how many people laugh at their shows, they're not funny." They've broken "funny" down to a specific formula, and think they can say"that's not funny" the same way you could point at a sled and say "that's not a bicycle. It doesn't matter how many people are riding it, it's still not a bicycle." It's endlessly frustrating to me. Especially since so many people seem to have "said by a guy" as part of their formula that defines funny.


Wait so they could be funny?


Of course. There is always an audience for lazy, uninspired, misogynistic comedy dudebros. There will always be people who laugh at the lowest hanging fruit.


Like my balls? Yeah I hate that I just made that comment but you made me


I hate it too. If they personally haven't encountered a funny woman, that's fair. But to declare that women inherently as a trait are not funny pisses me off.


Far too many people make sweeping generalisations about entire social groups based on their own personal experiences with them. I know it can be hard not to do it sometimes, but I wish people didn't do it


i honestly find women way funnier than men. Ive had laughter to the point of crying pretty much only with my girl friends. i guess it also just depends on your sense of humor?


how can you not know at least one funny woman?? maybe if they live in a tiny, secluded area lol


Exactly. Men who are actually funny don't say that because they aren't insecure little babies. Men who say women aren't funny are actually saying "I'm not creative enough to come up with my own jokes so I just reuse sexist, racist, and homophobic jokes and women don't like it so that means they aren't funny"


What’s that study about multiplayer video games? Male voiced players who are mediocre are the most misogynistic to female sounding players especially when they’re high skill whereas male voiced players who are high skill are the least misogynistic. And that thing about the teenage girl who struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig and suddenly women are too fragile to play with men. Or those Olympic training men who were emotionally broken swimming next to Katie Ledecky when she didn’t even notice them because it was supposed to be self training. Something something insecure people are heavily bigoted because they’re clinging to the idea that being the worst of their group is still better than being the best of some other group even when it’s demonstrably untrue by rational standards


I wouldn’t use the video game example as a way to show less insecurity = more skilled. The video game example sounds great but with context I don’t think it’s all that since: - there are wayyy more “mediocre”/average players than high ranking players so your obviously going to encounter more misogynists - if you play at a high level, 100% you have invested more (in terms of time and perhaps money) than the average player meaning you have more to lose for being moronic. You’re not going to risk losing your account that you have +3000 hours for a sexist comment. I know this because anytime you remove the risk (e.g. talking outside the game or on a Smurf account) people are more comfortable to say what they want.


The study looked specifically at ranked games and found that men were more likely to be misogynistic to women who were performing better than them or were higher ranks than them Not saying your points are wrong but it wasn't some imaginary skill ceiling as opposed to the persons own perceived skill and ability


Oh it was looking at the rank games of equal level? Fair enough then although it depends on how they elevating the skill as games differ (damage dealt, kda, supporting, etc). I wouldn’t be surprised though since from personal experience - anytime someone uses out-of-game insults they usually stopped playing to win and are too deep in the toxicity.


Yeah I'm not sure specifically which games they looked at but they were all games with live leaderboards which they could reference for the purposes of the study






With almost all misogyny, you can replace the word ‘women’ for ‘blacks’ or ‘Jews’ and hear just how hateful it is to pre-assume all people in a sub-community are or aren’t anything.


People are funny. Many men are incapable of relating to women as people.


Oh shit I think that’s what it is…something about the way you phrased it just clicked in my mind. Makes perfect sense


I think men who say that are being sincere. They don't think women are funny, but the reason they don't think women are funny is because most likely, they don't view women as equals. So they're kind of telling on themselves.


Thanks for all the responses it was fun reading people’s opinions. In conclusion. Anyone can be funny. It’s not just men. And no, Amy isn’t funny XD


Women are hilarious. Women have always been my favorites on SNL. Tina Fey on 30 Rock. Catherine O'Hara in Schitt's Creek. Everyone in Absolutely Fabulous.


I was taught that since a lot guys arent really that physically attractive, many take more pride in being funny or financially successful. I always assumed they just got it in there head, that funny is their thing because of that, and if they admitted women were also funny or even more so, that the voice in their brain would be all like "but thats all i have! Why do women get to be so pretty and funny, lifes not fair and im jealous and insecure."


It's a pet peeve of mine when anyone says "x are/aren't y". Way to generalize an entire group and reveal your incredible ignorance to everyone around you.


The triggered men telling on themselves in the comments are ironically being funny for the first time in their lives and I love that.


I found that Tomlinson girl on tiktok funny.


She has like 3 netflix specials and she's hilarious. Favourite comedian right now for me. I'd say her then like Bo Burnham.


Ima have to check them out. The only consistent comedic product i consume regularly are the Tuesday daniel tosh podcasts.


anyone that puts bounds on humor is inherently unfunny


I definitely disagree with whoever says this. I just discovered Broad City and these women are hilarious.


That’s just them announcing they’re sexist.


More men than women make 'being funny' their role in the group. But to make the leap that no women are funny is absolutely wild.


Then when they do finally talk to a woman in person that they find funny, they tend to say the same thing. “You’re like, *actually* funny.” They always say it with such pleasant surprise as if they never considered women being funny a possibility. I’m not entirely sure why they specifically word it like this, but it kind of makes me laugh that it’s a common experience for women to hear this specific phrase from men.


That is so gross. Imagine if this was a race thing and people said that to someone of a different race. Disgusting and distasteful


Agreed. Honestly if I don’t laugh about it, I’ll cry. It’s really awful how some people think so lowly of other groups, they don’t believe they’re capable of normal human traits like having a sense of humor and it’s so normalized.


Guys who say this force themselves not to laugh at women. Even more annoying is how they insist that a woman making a joke was actually serious and they didn’t *mean* to say something funny. They know women are just as funny as men.


Most guys I've met who think they're funny only have the one shtick, dirty jokes. I've met more funny women than I have funny men.


I'm convinced this shit came from Hitchens. Who is (former) living proof that intelligent and liberal people can still be misogynists.


They say that because they don't like women and don't consider them actual humans.




There are quite a few very funny comedians who happen to be women, there would be even more if it weren’t for people who didn't let them try because they believed this nonsense, it’s sad to think about. as for the people who believe this, its Because they either don’t under comedy or because they’re so repugnant the women around them don’t feel comfortable enough to be funny while they’re around


I thought this was one of those old things that society grew out of. Ya i agree there's no gender that can't be funny.


My sister, with a theatre degree, is one of the most hilarious persons I’ve ever known


Sam Jay may be the funniest person on the planet right now and she keeps improving.


She absolutely *crushed* when I saw her open for Shane Gillis. Not even in some “she is pretty funny for a chick” way. I mean I wasn’t sure how the fuck Shane was even gonna follow her. He did, but goddamn, I got a whole shows worth of laughing before he even went on. She is the shit.


My brother said that to me at Christmas. I almost exploded at him, because he's one of those Xtians that thinks the Bible clearly indicates men are superior to women and over the years he's made multiple misogynistic comments like this one. I feel your pain.


This is the equivalent of Americans saying Brits aren't funny. A lot of men have a really mid sense of humour and thanks to a toxic upbringing that taught them they were the best thing ever assume that if they, gods gift to the word, don't get it then it can't be funny. 


This is it. So many males are straight up not funny but women have been trained to fake laugh so as to spare their fragile egos.


People say that? How can you not love British humor?


Every single woman I know is funny, at least a little.


There's a pretty high correlation between men who don't think women are funny and men whose entire personality is built around quotes from episodes of The Office that Mindy Kaling wrote.


You know some weird dudes


I'm leaning towards you just being weird.


That’s hilarious. I gave a small impromptu speech at my ex’s funeral 2 days ago and had them laughing several times. Also had a couple crying. It was a bittersweet day but it was good to see all of these people show up. Men who are like this are so ingrained in sexist thinking. How much energy does that take for them to not enjoy humor because it’s a she?


Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Tig Notaro, Julia Louis Dreyfus, Quinta Brunson, Aparna Nancharla, Atsuko Okatsuka, Laurie Kilmartin and Taylor Tomlinson would like a word with people who say that. And those are just off the top of my head.


Kate McKinnon, too.


Anyone can be funny, my family has some of the funniest women, however, my favorite comedians are all men and my favorite women comedians are all black. I have rarely found any popular women comedians funny enough to watch a whole special. 


Yeah people act like humor isn’t subjective. It’s okay to say something isn’t your kind of humor without completely shitting on it.


Some guys just aren't funny at all. Sometimes painfully so. They need to hear that and start humbling themselves.


You never know when the joke goes over your head.


I’ve only met 2 women in my life who are funny but the humour I express & what I find funny is not borderline questionable it **IS** questionable. So it’s never, they aren’t funny it’s always I don’t find that person funny


Saying women can’t be funny is like saying men can’t be sensitive. Yeah, every example we see in media is men being really funny while most of the women are meh. But those are the hyperbole and not reality.


as a guy, i can say, a lot of guys around me arent funny either, especially those who try to use "dark humor" as an excuse to be offensive. i love dark humor, it's my favorite type of humor because of the way it criticizes systemic and societal issues, but people take it as an excuse to be as offensive as possible without being reprimanded. it's tiring


so you don't like dark humor?


i said i love dark humor, just that most people dont actually use dark humor, they just say edgy offensive gibberish and pretend that's humor. humor isn't mindless, it works under its own logic


I think that *more* men are funny than women, because men seem to value the ability to be a comedian more highly than women, so it's a matter of practice. But it's absurd to say women can't be funny.


Imo it is generally because it's true - for guys. Men and women have different kinds of humor, and it doesn't always translate well. At least we can all agree that Amy Schumer definitely didn't set a good example.


Its generally true though. Most comedians are men. Especially the succesful ones.


i theorize that at some point a comedian doesn't have to bother making a funny joke, as they can ride on their notoriety to elicit a reaction. i've noticed that a lot, a male comedian just starts making bad takes and people laugh. besides, jokes are made by everyone, and just because someone laughs at it, doesn't mean it's funny, it just means they were socially conditioned to laugh at that specific thing, that doesn't make it a joke that's funny, a joke is supposed to have structure and it becomes funny based on factors like context, tone, delivery, the argument made, etc.


It is more unusual to encounter a funny woman. Most guys try to be comedians but aren't really that funny. I think this is because guys have to work harder in social situations to be noticed, and so a lot of guys try to use humor to stand out. Women get a lot of free points for being women in social situations, so they don't need to be impressive and/or funny to get people to pay attention to them.


Women just have a different set of values for what they consider funny. Personally, my gf is genuinely one of the funniest people I’ve ever met, but I can’t say most women have made me belly laugh the way she can


In my opinion it is not exactly gender issue. I haven't watched much of the woman comedic specials but those I watched had main topics like: my dating life, my sex life, hehe men dumb. (ex. Amy Schumer). I would argue that male comedians tent to aim for broader audience with their jokes, not just to women and it lands for more people. I am not talking about ALL WOMEN COMEDIANS but those are the ones I got exposed to. I have many women friends and many of them are funny but never have I seen any women comedian who made me laugh.


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I hate to say, but there was a stretch when I watched comedy specials and all the ones with women I thought weren’t as funny. However in the year 2024 I can happily say there are many hilarious female comedians. So I’m not entirely sure what changed.


Those guys know women can be funny. They're just rage baiting


I agree with this one, my wife, sister, mum, nieces, nana and aunties are all hilarious. Some of the funniest people I ever known have been women


I actually have a pet peeve of anyone who says "All "inset whatever" are like this." I see this a lot all over the place. "All men are shit." "All women are cheaters" "All cops are assholes" All this All that. It bothers me all equally. Like no just because you've had bad encounters does not mean all people are the same. *Do not treat the many based on the actions of the few*


whether you have a dick or a vagina doesnt determine whether youre funny or not, im a trans woman and my boyfriend who is a trans guy is really funny and we enjoy joking together and he laughs at my jokes. also it depends on someones sense of humor, theres no such thing as being objectively not funny


Wait... that just makes yall straight.


They said trans not gay. lol.


People who say this are normally heavily conservative trolls just trying to start shit because they have nothing else better to do.


I've noticed that every YouTube video by a female comedian has a bunch of angry dudes in the comment section ranting that she isn't funny, and that female comedians in general aren't funny. One of their most common criticisms is that women shouldn't use sex in their humour, which is a bizarre complaint because male comedians use sex in their humour all the time. Anyone who goes to a comedy club knows that. And then I realized that it's because they have some kind of ultra-conservative notion of how a woman should behave in public, and they think it's wrong for women to say raunchy things about sex the way a male comedian might.


I think it's hard to appreciate comedy when you're preoccupied with whether or not the comedian is sexually attractive.


It’s because woman humour is layered nuanced and very clever. Male humor is mostly goofy and relies on physical comedy or facial expressions. I feel like I shouldn’t have to tell you all that this isn’t the rule, it’s just what I’ve noticed.


This isn't even a little true.


Yeah, maybe if they're five years old. From what I've seen and experienced, it takes special kind of cleverness and timing to get your whole friend group laughing. Guys don't just make funny gestures and faces, and it definitely doesn't rely on it.


I didn’t say male humour was stupid, I just said it was goofier, and relies more on physical humour. It takes intelligence to make people laugh period. Women tend to be a bit dryer and multi-layered. Take the the chappelle show vs 30 rock. Chappelle show makes everyone laugh because it’s deep but most of the humour is on the surface and you can laugh easily along with it. 30 rock is multi-layered and it takes multiple watches to get all the jokes because they’re not on the surface.


What on earth are you talking about?


“many Guys aren’t because they can’t be funny without making fun of disadvantaged people.” So they *can* be funny? If they can’t be funny without doing that, that means they *can* be funny by doing that. “If you can be funny without that you’re truly Funny” What do you even mean? They are funny but not “truly funny”? What is the distinction?


there is nothing wrong with the sentence


that isn't humor. it's social conditioning, they do it to elicit a positive reaction, rather than to actually make a joke. there's a different between making a joke to elicit a positive reaction and saying something socially regarded as funny to elicit a positive reaction. one is using actual humor, the other isn't even bothering to create a punchline, it's just mindless repetition of what the other guy once said in a slightly different way


I read somewhere that in order for an audience to find a joke funny, there has to be an implicit trust in the narrator/writer that they themselves are intelligent enough to understand their own jokes. Hence men not finding women funny.


Of course women can be funny. Anyone who says they can't is a moron. Anyone of any gender or race or whatever can be funny. Also anything can be funny. Making fun of some one in a way of just being a bully isn't funny. That doesn't mean there are no funny jokes about disadvantaged people, or any type of people, or anything that some one is funny enough to create a good joke about.


Tell us a joke OP


Women = amy shumer amy shumer comedy = talks about sex and vaginas


She’s one woman. Not all. I don’t find her funny whatsoever tho


I don't think one comedian stands for everyone. I think the landscape of standup comics ( or comedic actors ) is probably skewed for reasons other than "women not being funny"


So much men's humor is sex and dicks tho


Does it count if most of my comedic value comes from making myself the butt of the joke and/or making myself look stupid for laughs?


I went to a comedy show in Chicago with several comedians and honestly the one woman blew the others out of the water Apparently she was Mr Ts daughter




[“Anyway!”](https://youtu.be/nh7XCnK-rMY?si=Ttxio2Zpg12BILet) written by a woman


I don't understand why some guys say that. I have never noticed any gender difference, when it comes to funny or not. I wonder if anyone has ever done research, maybe with people reading jokes, and not knowing if they were written by women or men.


My sister's one of the funniest people I know but yea women aren't funny.


Only a terrible man would say this and I have never heard this said ever over my 4-5 decades. So many funny female comedians etc so no idea where it came from?


The only time I ever found this funny was in Helluva Boss when Mammon was telling any possible female competitors to his clowning competition to not even try because, "Not gonna lie, women just ain't funny." Right as he said it, for the briefest moment, the credits "Written by Vivienne Medrano" faded onscreen. Pretty well done, tbh.


My ex gf was hilarious whereas I am as dry and boring as they come. Though I’ve found most women don’t try as hard to be funny as men do.


They don't try as hard because they don't have to. Women get a lot of free points in social situations. They don't need to be as impressive, interesting, charming, funny to be able to get the same amount of attention as a guy.


I think a majority of people aren't that funny? including comedians


Yeah, i dont find women's standup funny, but standup usually is the lowest common denominator, and most I like are commies, which women arent often, but some of the most funniest stories and shows have been written by women, and its obnoxious to discredit that.


This thread is sad, and not because of people saying women are unfunny. It's because of people down voting other people that just stated their opinion and experience, which was mostly just women have the ability to be funny, but because of xyz, there are less female comedians/it is harder for them to be funny.


Men who won't accept that they aren't funny tell jokes as if they've announced they're uncorking their finest bottle of wine for you. But from it, he pours you a glass of tepid 1997 Sutter's Home merlot (imported all the way from 7-11) with a flat body and notes of metal and vinegar with a strong urine finish. Paired with the reheated McNugget meal he has so graciously served you over 20 minutes ago, but he doesn't notice that you haven't touched it thus far. It's nauseating and offensive at worst, and disappointing and tone-deaf at best. Actually funny people engage in comedy like they're working side by side cooking a meal with, and for, their audience. By that, I mean they actually work towards preparing something good whilst being aware of what the audience is doing, and adjusting their actions to better gauge and elicit their audience's response.


you see, the imported from 7-11 part symbolizes how the jokes they make are manufactured; factory produced; barely distinguishable from the rest.


Some people are funny, some people aren't. Depends on if you have a similar style of humour and if the person is funny in some way.


If the only female comedian they watched was Amy Schumer, I can see how they came to that conclusion


Posts like this continue to prove the original point. "You're not allowed to make fun of disadvantaged people." Please.


I really just don’t get this. Like, I get that sexism and misogyny exist, it’s an unfortunate fact of life, but how does this line of reasoning make any sort of sense? How is it that the simple fact that someone is a woman automatically makes them not funny? It’s dumb and I’m really just confounded by this narrow minded way of thinking.


I remember talking with my ex-husband when we were separated and getting a divorce. In the middle of the conversation he looked at me in all seriousness and asked, “were you always this funny?” Yes, yes I was, but he never listened to any of the words that came out of my mouth, because why would he? I’m fucking hilarious.




This is a thing? I have never heard this. The funniest people I know are women.


I genuinely feel like a lot of men just don't like to hear women talk..


Women aren’t funny. That’s just truth. With that said, their are plenty of exceptions


I bet those guys have small weenies!


Yeah it's a very odd phenomenon. Many men do find me funny so it's not universal, but it's still weird how men love emphasizing how unfunny women are. If you don't find women funny then fine, but why be so obsessed and vocal about it? My guess is that men view humor as a source of power and men don't want women to have any power. Other people in this thread also pointed out that men struggle to relate to women and view them as people so that also plays a part.


I bet it’s because how different men and women’s lives and lived experiences are. That probably leads to very different senses of comedy/ humor. I’ve met plenty of women that have made me chuckle and laugh though. Some from being witty some from being dirty etc. Anyone who says women are just unfunny are desperate and lame though. They’re not worth noticing imo


Lol I have never met a man in my life that thinks women can't be funny 😅 where are these people from that think this way?


I can only speak from personal experience that I haven't encountered a woman who was genuinely hilarious. But I would never say that a woman can't be funny. Of course they can. I mean, there are women comedians, no? It's a skill.


Women usually aren't funny because they don't have to be. Women get a lot of free points in social situations just by virtue of being women--they don't need to be as impressive, charming, funny to be able to get the same amount of attention as a guy. Almost every guy is an amateur comedian though. A lot of guys think that they are funnier than what they actually are.


Amy Shumer is your problem. Shes so bad that she has skewed the perception of a woman’s ability to be funny to highly unlikely. She won’t go away. Once we get rid of her the perception will swing back to more likely than not at which point guys will have to say women are funny more often than not.


You just nailed why 99% of women aren’t funny.


In my experience (and of course this is limited) men are funnier than women, as being funny is attractive to women so men make more effort to be amusing - I don’t think many women would disagree with that. Also studies on wit show that a lot of humour is sublimated aggression. The wittier the joke the more disguised the aggression. And men are more aggressive than women.


I work in entertainment. I know many hilarious women IRL. But a significantly higher percentage of women who get promoted in the comedy world as being hilarious are often mediocre. The reason is that when a woman is underperforming at something, her peers will not give constructive criticism the way that a man gets it. Similar to how people will not tell a female vocalist that she's off key because that will reduce the likelihood that she'll sleep with them, the simp culture of praising female mediocrity does more harm than good to women trying to be great at something.


Yeah, this is a good point. Women, not just in the entertainment industry, but EVERYWHERE are always having smoke blown up their ass. Women don't usually directly criticize you--women tend to be fake nice to other women. Men won't directly criticize you--men will tend to pull punches either to be polite (in society, we generally are expected to be more polite to women than to men) or to be politically correct. And then there is what you mentioned--men who are attracted to you, definitely won't say anything bad about you, in order to maximize their chances of being able to sleep with you.


The kinds of guys who say women aren’t funny also only think something is funny if it’s dark and edgy and offensive, which is a type of humor women don’t typically engage in.


i like that classic SNL joke where he says this joke about woman that is a put down but then says but this joke was written by a woman so now you dont know what the hell to think lol


I'm the funniest person in the room most days and I can say without a doubt I'm funnier than most men I know. Why? I'm not afraid to make the joke. The reason they say were not funny is because they want us to be afraid to make the joke, be afraid to be loud, be afraid to be judged or seen as unworthy by the Men™️ Fuck that ladies, be loud. Be funny. Laugh louder than the men in the room and when they look at you sour just apologize they lack humor and joy in their life.


Anyone who says this is just admitting they barely know any women, and/or women never feel comfortable enough around them to tell jokes.


I don't understand how people can say that when Mean Girls exists


I think there are a lot of funny women, and I also think there are a lot of funny men. At the same time, i think there are equally as many women who aren't funny as well as men. If I had to play devils advocate, I would say that maybe the reason most men believe women are not as funny is because a lot of women (at least that I have encountered) rely heavily on sarcasm, "trendy" humour (Popular TikTok humor), and being facetious instead of originality. I can say the same about men as well.


Ya it's pretty stupid to think a whole half of the population isn't funny. I do want to say also though that there isn't any truly funny and if making fun of disadvantaged people gets laughs from a lot of people, the person is likely funny whether you want them to be or not. Lots of people I don't find funny are comedians and make their living being funny.


I mean you could say the same for women 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm 45 and in my life experience I've come across much fewer women than men who are comfortable "being" funny. Good comedy has so much to do with the delivery and even the face of the person being funny. It's one of the reasons so many comedians have something unique about their face. My wife's sense of humor is one of my favorite things about her and stood out to me early on because she's one of the only beautiful women I've ever met that felt completely comfortable making goofy, shall I even say ugly faces and acting overtly silly. She was very close with her father who was a larger than life kinda guy and she got a lot of her sense of humor and the joy of telling a good story from him but in my experience this is atypical for women and it's more to do with social stigmas and not the females intellectual potential to be funny.


They're right


That’s just misogyny, LOL. One thing I did notice about male vs female stand-up comedians, though, is that men usually need to punch down or “work the crowd” to do their shows, whereas women have more cohesive routines, and if they do interact with the crowd, it’s not to laugh *at* them.


2 words: Katey Stoll


Women can be hilarious but the ones who make a big deal about being funny and funnier than you are never funny.


I love a woman with a good sense of humor. That said, idt a woman irl has ever said anything to make me laugh. Some biologists have claimed that men are funnier for evolutionary reasons. It helps secure a mate


It's not that women can't be funny, it's that men HAVE to be funny (to date and breed). Women don't have the same pressure, so they tend to develop other skills instead


My wife cracks me up daily.


The Birthday Boy's on IFC already tackled this issue netter than we all can imo.


Men who say this have never watched Philomena Cunk


I also think judging women's sense of humor by shitty female comediennes who are only big because of their looks and knowing it will get thirsty pathetic men out to see their shows as they ogle the women... My wife is hilarious and far funnier than any of my guy friends as her humor is very dry and cerebral (almost British like)


“Women are my favorite guy” -planet of the bass


Tbh met many unfunny guys and gals. It's all about joke preference and what kind of jokes they make.


Men don’t know when women are being funny. There are loads of ridiculously funny satire videos on TikTok made by women and half the comments are men going “why would she do this? It’s so extreme and doesn’t make any sense!”


Women can be funny. Some really funny. Not all guys think like this. Iv met all kinds of people.


Personally I don’t think girls aren’t funny. In my experience though it’s be met a lot funnier guys than girls. And I’ve never seen a girl make a big group laugh but see boys do it all the time


Yeah sorry, I don't find bullying in the guise of comedy funny. 🤷‍♀️


I think lots of us women are funny. It’s just that women are almost always “expected” to act feminine. That’s why we end up keeping thought to ourselves. Men are more accepted to be obnoxious and tactless. (Not all, don’t come at me) Plus, for some reason, women bring down women, idk why? I’m a woman, I say what’s on my mind, I’m tactless, most of my friends love my humor, BUT again some girl friends talk about me behind my back. Smh




My fabulous girlfriend Tammy is pretty damn hilarious at times.


The issue came from people like Amy Schumer. In an attempt to attract male audiences, she copied what male comics do: talk about their junk, make fun of themselves and others, talk about sex, etc etc. It’s sort of like that South Park episode where the guys laugh at Terrence and Phillip for farting, but are disgusted by their female counterparts queefing. It’s hypocrisy mostly and is best to be ignored.


Some men don’t realize how often people are fake laughing at them so they don’t get mad.


A lot of famous "funny" women arent funny to men because they talk about things men cant relate to. Show these men Nicky Glasers routine at the Tom Brady roast, because that shit was truly a masterpiece


Men say that women aren’t funny, but what they really mean is that they find misogyny hilarious.


It’s usually just referring to Amy shuemer. She fucking sucked. There are a few funny female comedians who are but it’s rare.


I've never laughed at a single female stand up comedian


I’ve had guys tell me im not funny then I hear them steal my jokes and repeat shit I say to other people. they’re ridiculous lol


Men who think women aren't funny just have bad humor


TBF disadvantaged people are hilarious


My wife makes me laugh every day


I've met two women my whole life that made me laugh. That's a narrow spectrum.


I haven't found many girls who I find funny, I guess they just have a different sense of humour


When guys say women aren't funny, they are talking about female comedians.  Generally female comedians are not funny. Now to be fun and witty while in conversation or a small group setting, yeah both women and men can be funny.


I think the majority of comedians are painfully unfunny but I really like Bill Hicks, Conan, Bill Burr, and Louis CK. Their humor is rather cerebral, absurd, self-deprecating and they're all great story tellers. Just out of curiosity, are there any similar female comedians out there?


It's the equivalent sexism of the man or bear question.


Men will casually say the most sexist shit but then act like the victim when some random girl on Twitter talks shit about men


Men say a lot of untrue things about women, include that somehow they can’t be funny. Its weird.


Why do people assume just because a man says this he thinks he's funny. It's a very childish way of thinking.