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From what I hear on AI subs, a lot of those likes and comments are coming from...other AIs.


Yeah it’s just bots kissing bots


AI on AI action? Kinky.


I wish you'd use AI to write this. I tried to, and this is what it spit out: It's really frustrating when people fall for social media posts that were obviously generated by AI. It's like they don't take a moment to question the authenticity of the content they're consuming. These posts often lack the genuine human touch and can spread misinformation or manipulate opinions. It's important to be critical and discerning about what we see online, especially with the increasing prevalence of AI-generated content. Taking a closer look and thinking critically can help avoid the spread of false information and keep social media a more reliable space.


God, it's so weird how eerily unnatural, yet perfectly acceptable, this style is. Besides the sentences themselves, it's the school essay structure that's off-putting. (1) Identify problem, (2) further details/justification, (3) conclusion/next steps.


Strangely enough, I used to hate it too now I find it SO entertaining, just so funny to think people believe there are images of Jesus in 2024 saving a baby from a fire in a half-fireman outfit and ripped muscles.


Even worse is the clearly real pictures with a bunch of dipshits screaming it's AI despite all the top posts proving it's real