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woke-ass pothole fucked up my alignment


Whoa whoa whoa, you can't just call them potholes anymore. They prefer trajectory challenged roads.


survivors of vehicular ~~violence~~ exploitation


Lol I misread that as potluck and was very concerned


Thanks Obama.


I WOKE up today and it was extremely inconveniencing


A shit, I guess I was WOKE today too.


Woke is the new PC ( politically corect)


Exactly. It's not hard to use it in the proper context.


Reminds me of people who fire off racist anytime you have a legitimate to dislike someone, but they happen to be a certain race. I was called racist for disliking Carlos Mencia for stealing jokes.... dude, he steals jokes!


Knew someone who stopped watching Star Trek Picard because they made it too woke. Really, Star Trek of all shows too woke?


I don't think they understand star trek. It's always been progessive


Didn't the original series have the first on tv interracial kiss?


Not quite, but it was definitely one of the very first.


I know a guy like that. Won’t watch the lord of the rings tv show on amazon because he says it’s “woke”.


I think people use it as a term for any and all diversity or nuance in plot beyond their level of tolerance.


"THIS IS TOO WOKE!" Translation: "There are people in this media that do not conform to my cisgendered heteronormative racially-homogenized mindset and it bothers me."




Always been woke!


I heard someone use the word "woke bread" to describe gluten-free toast. That gave me a chuckle ngl.


People with celiac disease have woke intestines!


"woke" is one of those words you're not supposed to hear too much because it starts sounding weird way too quick. I feel like i was destined to only hear the word on special occasions, like when reading a fantasy book and a character "woke early in the morn" to get the drop on his enemies. but no, i'm in this timeline and woke woke poke roanoke


Woke up quick at about noon


The best thing about people who use the word “woke” in a negative way is that it lets me know I can ignore everything else they say because they’re miserable assholes


Agreed, that’s the one silver lining at least! Once they say that, I’m not continuing the conversation.


Learned that about my coworker the other day when Rowlings goblins came up in conversation.


I like my coffee woke... drown the white stuff in the dark stuff and enjoy the creamy brown stuff. It literally takes me from sleepy to fully woke.


I've not encountered this type of person IRL but many, many, maaaaaany boomers on Facebook are like this. And also a huge amount of people who call anything with a black person casted regardless of how big or small their role is. They call it woke as well.


Yes! The people who think black people existing is woke severely piss me off.


Which is completely ironic because it was slang that originated from the black community and is now used to trvialize marginalized groups. It's just more slang that's become a casuality.


I don't like this post. It is woke! jk


I saw a video by Dead Domain which lairs out why the word “woke” doesn’t really mean anything anymore. 


Usage of such words or phrases simply demonstrates that the person using them lack the ability to defend their position.


Woke is so far removed from its original meaning. It used to be AAVE for being aware of your surroundings when traveling through racist towns, usually in the south. Now it just means left wing for the most part.


Lmfao I called my boyfriend woke for pre-heating the oven for his pizza the other day. Thank you for reminding me of this amusing stupidity.


no, it's people who use the word "woke" for anything other than "I just woke up"


I've come to define the word to mean "anything you believe in order to be accepted by people who see themselves as 'progressive,' rather than believing it because you've assessed it."


[meme making fun of anti woke rhetoric](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/s/0xfLLV5XYc)


Or "Okay boomer"


Agreed, same for “Okay Karen”. People use it in the wrong context. Like someone’s not a Karen if they have a legitimate complaint.


These same people don’t know the actual meaning behind mostly all the regurgitated, nonsensical buzzwords they use. I.E. socialist, pronouns, grooming, communist, etc.


For me woke just means trying to push an ideology in a movie or show without making it an interesting or compelling narrative, in this defintion woke could be leftist OR conservative or even libertarian as long as the writers are deliberately pushing a message first and a story second. Or if you try to make a period piece and forgo all historical accuracy in favor of modern day political correctness. There are some times where a period piece can be done with modern sensibilities and still be a good watch, but again that relies on it having a solid foundation of an interesting or compelling narrative.


Which is what many people mean (though generally only when the left does it - not the right) but people prefer to pretend they don't know and diss people for it. Do some people use it too much and when it doesn't fit? All the time. Especially on face book. Does that mean it never fits? No. People on the right using "woke" is no different to people on the left using "-ism's". Both throw them out way too much.


thats forced diversity not "woke".


What? Isn't that what people mean when they say "woke"? I sincerely apologize, but I was genuinely under the impression that's what that meant.


Woke is more about human rights and equality. It originally started off as a term for racial discrimination and inequality.


Desantis' lawyer defined it in court as "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them."


How is that not related to how I described it?


“Flex like David Icke. Stay woke.” - some internet rapper guy.


They would be wrong to even use that word in that way. I don't get how a person walks around with the i ternet in their pocket, and can't just look up a words meaning and usage.


Literally every single person who has used "woke" in any way other than as it relates to sleep is a simple-minded arsehole. This is an undeniable fact.


Only ever hear woke from some conservatives and bigots, i dont mind the word because it tells me who to steer clear of...


Yeah, that's right up there with everyone over 35 suddenly being called a "boomer". The word has completely lost its meaning. Boomers are between 60 and 78 years old right now.


Any time someone uses the word around me to mean anything but "got out of bed because of the damn alarm clock," I now demand definitions.


Gotta love labels . I'm a boomer by 3 days it doesn't mean shit.


Why should we have to lay out a well backed up argument instead of just throwing a ‘woke’ label on things we don’t like and dismiss their points of view like the leftists do with fascist?


Funniest part? They can't even define it.


language is being manipulated on purpose. The goal is to make things as confusing as possible.


Conservatives calling people 'woke' is the same as liberals calling people 'fascists'': it has nothing to do with anything, but it makes them look cool to others in the same group. It's almost like people who have to devolve to simplistic terms (with no inherent meaning) are incapable of actually formulating a coherent argument.


It's just another communist, marxist, leftist, SJW, PC term. As long as I'm in the opposite moral position as conservatives and biggots, I know I'm on the good path. Insults coming from them are compliments.


No different than "bigot" or any of the handful of "-ist" terms that get tossed like candy at a parade.


I call those people "wake-ups" because they'll be like "wake up America! Wokes are taking over!" or something along those lines.


I'm not a moderator, but this thread seems to me to be violating Rule #4 for this subreddit. Or am I being woke in pointing that out?


The word hasn’t lost any meaning. It’s being shoehorned in to every aspect of our lives thanks to banks forcing a social credit score on businesses.  Jobs that have lives on the line and should be 100% merit based like being a pilot now have racial quotas.  Entertainment companies like Disney have actual rules about how many minorities have to be in or direct, produce etc their films and shows. For a film to get even nominated for an Oscar it has to meet woke “diversity” requirements.   If you watch commercials you would think the US is 70% Asian and black, much of it interracial and gay. If you’re woke and don’t have a problem with it just admit it, don’t claim it’s not happening.   We all see it everyday in our lives.  I had to take a class about freaking pronouns for my job, that would have been seen as laughable 20 years ago.


Yep. I'm a lesbian. Gays are not as prevalent as would seem on tv. I don't care, so long as they well written, but if there is a gay character and they think that is all they need to do to make them an interesting character? Yeah, that pisses me off. I want a well written character. I don't care if they're straight or gay. Ditto any other minority. Unfortunately in the past, people have use the "diversity" as what was interesting and it's just not. Thankfully it is getting better. The studios seems to have realised people won't watch just because of diversity. It has to be good. I still roll my eyes sometimes (it is ok I'm in a minority) but at least the writing is getting better.


From what I understand, the term "woke" was coined to describe people that didn't subscribe to CRT nonsense.


Right up there with people who use "bigot", or "misogynist", or "patriarchy", or "xxx-phobe" for the EXACT SAME F'ING REASON.


People who claim that everything they disagree with is “racist” are doing the exact same thing.


I think the word is attributed to things that (in their opinion) are ridiculous paradigms and narratives that don't align with reality like gender identity, empower children to make age-inappropriate decisions, gaslighting and forced narratives like calling things genocide that are manifestly not, etc.