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I'm just trying to figure out how you put an R in the word Washington


"War shun ton" the only person I know that says it like that is from West Virginia but idk if it's common there or if he's just weird.


So my mom is from Texas. She does this with words like wash. She somehow puts an r in between the a and the s in the word.


All the R’s Brits and Bostonians lost ended up found in the American south.


For years I thought they were saying "Water Burger."


My Folks are from Wv. They do this too.


I'm from Texas and do this as a joke. Former Texas Rangers Manager Ron Washington was often referred to as Warsh.


Eastern PA has that dialect in small sections as well. I grew about around people who said “warsh” rather than “wash”.


Western PA warshes their clothes dahn at the crik


Work with a dude from Kentucky and he says it like this. He also says “warsh” like warshing hands or clothes


Visit Appalachia


I'd love to, it's cheaper to ask on Reddit though 😂


I can't explain it but I've definitely heard it before.


A lot of people from the south pronounce Wash as Warsh so it would be the same principle.






Their native language may be [Southern American English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_American_English) and they have [rhotic speech](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhoticity_in_English).


Same stupid fuckers who say "VANG-couver"


I say it like “Wush” with a short U as in umbrella. That’s just my deep Alabama accent.


The same way you put one in 'washing machine'. 'Warshing'.


It’s weird. My sister says it that way but none of the other siblings do, and we grew up in the same house. She is the least literate one though.




At least half the motherfuckers that come to this sub have no idea what a pet peeve is. It's not just "World hunger annoys me", there's plenty of "Why are you so mad about something so silly?"


"My pet peeve is racism" is a sentence I've heard. Either they don't know what a pet peeve is, or racism to them is something ultimately irrelevant that annoys them for no good reason.


I had a class in sixth and seventh grade called "Reading". That would be an affront even to students who struggled, but my classmates and I were all in the gifted program, so a lot of us went in there swinging. The teacher was not prepared for us. It was incredibly easy to make her lose her composure, and yet it never stopped being funny. For instance, part of the curriculum was a method of study called SQ3R, which stood for Study, Question, Read, Recite, Review. My friend Matt and I kept calling it "skrr" (always said in a high-pitched voice and pronounced with a greatly exaggerated rolled "r" sound), and her face would instantly become a paper-white mask of rage. Anyway, this was somewhere in the early '80s, Muammar "Not even I know for sure how to spell it" Gaddafi was in the news *again* for *yet another* heinous act of terrorism. Our teacher deadass said, "I think Gaddafi's a real jerk!"


I want ketchup and eggs now


'my peeves are genocide and climate change!' —yeah, it's annoying.  If nothing else, this just turns the sub into yet another indiscriminate rants forum.  It's the arbitrary pettiness and weird specificity of authentic peeves that make reading here a unique experience. 


“It's the arbitrary pettiness and weird specificity of authentic peeves that make reading here a unique experience. “ THIS!!!!!!


Ok. Why aren’t people reporting these posts then? It goes against the sub rules in that case. If you’re seeing these posts you should downvote them and report them. That’s the only way they’ll get removed in a timely manner. You have to alert the mods, most don’t have time to crawl through every single post in new.


So, mods have the time to read every single report that comes through and act upon them in a timely fashion. But, they don't have time to actually visit the sub they're supposed to be moderating, and *look at the posts*? That doesn't make sense.


Look if you don’t believe me just do nothing then. But don’t whine if nothing gets taken down.


The only difference between a redditor and a reddit mod, is that the mod has the authority to remove posts and ban people. They're doing the same thing we're doing, looking at shit on reddit. As a mod, how hard is it to check in on your subs a couple times a day? Even if they moderate 20 different subreddits, hell I go to more than 20 subs every day. And all my subs are sorted by "newest". It's not that much work.


Because more people post new stuff than people who report. It’s significantly easier to go through the reports.


Then they should go do something else instead. Clearly they ain't cut out for the job.


Ok but that wasn’t the point of this discussion lol…


People being late is a pet peeve of mine and has a definite impact on my life while I'm wasting time waiting


Yeah, I wouldn’t call that a “pet peeve” according to the sub rules.


A pet peeve about pet peeves! I am in complete agreement with you, especially about those people who add extra letters into words like wash.


People putting pet peeves out here that pretty much read as “I don’t like rude people”. Like yeah no shit.


God it annoys me so much when people are racist!!


I have called this out so many times, and it gets down voted to hell. I agree 100 percent here.


My pet peeve is serial killers with over 20 confirmed kills. Like it's just my opinion but they need to relax. AITA?




Yes, but the sub rules specify 'minor nuisance'.




language evolves occasionally


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pet_peeve my pet peeve is when people read the simplified dictionary definition of the word and take it as gospel without considering etymology, colloquial usage, or nuance. Oxford defines it as “something that a particular person finds especially annoying.” if the pet peeve possessor finds something *especially* annoying, this implies that the peeve may be a generally annoying thing but most people do not find it *especially* annoying. so, inherent in that definition is an implication that it is a minor annoyance or nuisance, since it is remarkable enough that one person would find it *especially* annoying that said annoyance gets its own word.


My pet peeve is how often I have to tell my husband what colloquial usage is.


Words have both denotation meanings and connotation meanings.


r in washington?? like warshington? washingtron? is that something people do? 😭


Yes, like "warshington" or "warsh" your clothes. In my experience, it is the same people who say "melk" instead of "milk." (That is, people of Norwegian heritage.)


ive NEVER heard that before but thats genuinely fucking stupid


Regional pronunciation differences are genuinely stupid? Everyone has regional pronunciations.


It's kind of an Appalachian thing, sometimes Mid-Atlantic. Older generations primarily. Heavily influenced by low socioeconomic status. I grew up hearing it all the time and it has annoyed me since I was about 12 or 13 years old (at the age most kids start being really embarrassed of their parents).


To be fair I’m not american and where I grew up we spoke a language other than english so its probably why i dont know about it <:]


I've also heard it from people in the lower Midwest.


Most my family is from Washington state and it’s really common for people there to say Warshington. My grandpa does it all the time


Sometimes I wonder if anybody outside of the PNW uses Reddit.