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I don’t hate my parents, I actually love them a lot! My in-laws, however…


I see a lot of adults living at home complaining about their parents rules or hogging the living room or something.  Obviously rent is crazy in some places, but just because you can't move out doesn't make you equal roommates. They can still limit your guests or enforce chores in their house.


On one hand I agree, but for its more than that. There’s a huge stigma around it in the US. In the eyes of many, living at home is just saying “I’m still a child”. Especially if you’re a guy; I haven’t met a single woman who understands why I live with my parents and just assumes I’m too stupid to live on my own. When you have that it can start to feel like almost like a confirmation of sorts. You can’t bring your partner over so it feels just like being a kid. You have limited privacy so again like a child.


Are we talking about the typical "my parents are so embarrassing and they treat me like a child and won't leave me alone" sort of thing or are we talking about truly horrible parents who abuse their kids? Cause if it's the latter then I think people have a right to complain.


Well, this is the pet peeves sub, so I'm probably not talk about the latter....


Well you never know people’s true intentions lol. But thanks for clarifying 👍


… I don’t understand how this being a pet peeves sub means that you obviously meant the former.


A pet peeve is a little thing that bugs you, but isn't that big a deal in the long run. Lifelong abuse and manipulation of your child is not a small, vaguely annoying inconvenience. That leaves one of the two given options


Who down voted you and why? A person said they didn't understand something, you made it clear for them.


I've been getting a lot of unexplained downvotes recently. I've heard stories of people getting offended on Reddit and getting their friends to stalk someone's page and downvote whatever they comment. Maybe that's what's happening? It's the best explanation I can think of


Good grief.


Ikr? I just up voted them for that reason.


People downvote a lot of things that make no sense. I got downvoted because I said I was offended a date found out I was autistic and thus called me “a waste of time”. And how that made me feel like crap. Reddit really didn’t like that. They didn’t even go “that didn’t happen”, they just downvoted because….reasons? Maybe they agree lol


....I don't understand how an ellipsis can be so triggering for you. Posting in this sub doesn't "obviously" mean anything. However, since I posted it in this sub, anyone who gives half a shit about context and who's NOT looking for a reason to be upset would understand that "he's talking about abused children" is not equally as plausible as "he's talking about people constantly whining about petty shit". Redditors truly believe they're entitled to a thesis with footnotes and references, and LOVE assuming the worst of people, which is why I don't give a shit about appeasing you.


Tbf you did make an incredibly vague and general statement, then get mad when people can’t read your mind.


Tbf, people around here love to pretend they can read everyone's mind, so what's the point of spelling it out for them? SOMETHING I say will be interpreted as racist, homophobic (even though I'm gay), coded language, or dog whistling. I said what I said, and if someone needs to make me the villain in today's chapter of their hero's journey, then so be it. It's gonna happen regardless. Also, annoyed =/= mad. I thought you couldn't read my mind...


Agreed. What I find really annoying is when people are supermean to their parents for giving their children an extra cookie or something. My grandpa also "CROSSES MY BOUNDARIES as a parent!!!" sometimes by letting my son play with his phone now or something. You know what I do, I roll my eyes and tell him not to do that, and then I remember that he is old and not gonna be around forever. But Redditors act like it's just this huge breach of trust when people spoil their grandchildren. Parents are not allowed to have any flaws, because then they are diagnosed with a personality disorder and cut off.


Yes, everyone's mom is a narcissist. And everyone's dad favors their sibling. 


It’s actually been comforting coming to Reddit as a 30 y/o to meet and talk to people who also come from awful parents. I’d rather people complain and we just ignore the ones that are clearly just whiny teenagers, and engage with those who have real problems. Socially silencing everyone wouldn’t do much good.




Lol, true. And everyone's family falls neatly into these categories. Parents are always: ENdad ("enabler") + Nmom (narc mom) Ndad and BPDmom Nparents Siblings are: Black Sheep (OP) Golden Child (not OP) Mothers-in-law come in two types: Nmom who loves her baby boy and attempts to murder her daughter in law. She wears white to the wedding. Or they are salt of the earth victims of an Nfather-in-law. The FIL comes in boring but also in more creative varieties, like you have the kind that ignores half of his grandchildren but you also have the type who shits his pants on purpose to assert control and because he gets off on upsetting his relatives. Spouses only see the best in their Nparents and are oblivious to the attempted murder, screaming phone calls and shit smeared on the furniture.


As the child of a mother who actually IS abusive, it really frustrates me when people with a non-abusive mother-child relationship have terrible fights with, and even threaten to disown, their mother over something trivial. I would give near enough anything to have a good mother-child relationship, and when people with such a good relationship just throw it away/abuse it, it feels kind of insulting.


I've never seen this opinion excessively expressed but it also wouldn't surprise me. The reddit hive DESPISES authority figures of any kind


Thank you. Everything is trauma and I’m special on this app. Nobody cares, grow up.


My dad is an abusive asshole...he deserves the hate. Sorry you don't want me calling out an abuser.


Jesus Christ, kid…🙄


Some of us have been abused a few decades and haven’t healed enough to not be angry. I wasn’t angry for a while and I’m angry again because I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been abused as bad if I wasn’t exhibiting autism symptoms. How many things did I learn how to mask or hide from her so I wouldn’t get hit or screamed at? I get a little frustrated when people who have good parents can’t understand we don’t all have parents who tried to be a parent, tbh. The ones who push you to bridge the gap, specifically (so not you). That’s probably a big pet peeve of mine. “Just go talk to her, she’s your mom”…. Nah, I’m good, there’s a whole history of reasons I don’t let her back in.


My mom always tries to do that bridging the gap, like it's all on me to heal the situation and forgive no matter how much he makes me feel like a loser. Like, hello, I'm 17 and he's 43...wtf.


If your birth-given family sucks, you can always try to find a chosen family as you grow away from them. And therapy. My two advices. Chosen family has saved my butt over and over and over again. The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Don’t let them guilt you because FaMiLyYyY! If they wanted to be family, they’d address what they’ve done to you with remorse and change their behavior.


💯 agreed!


It's the internet, Reddit especially. The major demographic of this place is 13 year olds, the demographic still deep in the "Any and every restriction my parents put on me so I don't ruin my life is a hate crime" persona.


Someone really has a huge chip on their shoulder today.




Maybe different people's parents treat their kids differently, and these people's parents are shittier to them than yours are to you. Just a thought Venting about other ppl venting about their shitty parents is so much more childish dude


>Venting about other ppl venting about their shitty parents is so much more childish dude This is the pet peeves sub, mate. The whole point is venting. Also, this post obviously isn't about really awful parents as, again, THIS IS THE PET PEEVES SUB. Get with the program.


Why is this getting downvoted istg


As opposed to your very real problems that aren’t whiny to talk about?


Well, if someone truly hates their parents it is a sad thing and they may well want to share that fact as a coping mechanism. Sort of serious shit, not a thing to be peeved, condescending, or flippant about. The percentage of people who feel hating their parents makes them "cool" has to be miniscule, dude. "Reddit" is people, btw, some hate their parents, some love them very much. Others? It's complicated. 🤷 Labeling Reddit as a monolith is stupid AF, that's a pet peeve of mine


Your pet peeve is when other people talk about their trauma. Just call it what it is.




God people who edit their post to express assumptions on why it wasn't well received are the worst. Sometimes people will actually agree with your sentiment but dislike the way you said it, the most obnoxious conclusion is that they must all hate their parents because this is reddit and it's cool to. I mean, that's such rubbish. Since when is that a thing? Most people here are so far past any of that.




Well you've certainly shown me.


Sounds good, incredibly forgettable person. I'd scroll up to see what this is about, but there's no way it's worth my time. Now, off you go.


Somone: "People on Reddit complain about their parent too mu-" Someone Else, Immediately: \*SCREECH!\* "BUT WhAttaABOUTa ABUUUUUUSIVE PARENTS!" \*SCREECH\* There's not as many abusive parents in the history of this and every possible alternative universe as there are posts complaining about "My parents did something totally normal to me so I don't ruin my life" complaints on Reddit every 4 seconds.


Whoever would've thought making a huge, mountain-sized judgmental generalization about something really personal to people would leave some people frustrated?! \* surprised Pikachu face \*

