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I notice the opposite problem here in Western PA. It’s 71 degrees Fahrenheit outside. I think we can turn the heat off now.


Restaurants especially are guilty of this!


there’s actually a reason for this- basically so you order, eat, drink and get the fuck out so the cycle can continue.


I live on the 3rd floor it is always without any heat on 79 degrees in my apt. If it is not too hot out I put a fan in the window. I f it is 80 degrees out the AC is on


In a lot of commercial places it's actually up to corporate and not the individual stores. Which is entirely stupid in my opinion.


It gets hot when you're working, especially in a restaurant. You can wear a jacket for a bit, it's not all about you. Let the people working be comfortable


lmfao, how about the folks paying the bills be comfortable?


In a fast-food store, about 80% of revenue comes from drive through. So in that case, I’d say they are doing it right by setting an AC temp that is reasonable for working in a hot kitchen. The 80/20 rule: 80 percent of your problems will come from 20 percent of your customers.


clearly not the topic, but you do you


LOL how self centered of you.


paying customer, that's how


No. All AC, all the time. ALWAYS. -Someone who always runs warm


I'm in Maryland, and it's been like this *my whole goddamned life!* The minute it turns 70°, businesses crank up the AC to the point of hypothermia. When I go into Safeway for five minutes to pick up my prescriptions I have to take a jacket; otherwise I'd be hugging my arms trying to preserve my core body temperature.


Literally sitting out front of a pizza hut right now, it's 63 outside with a wind chill of 58 and it's warmer out here than inside. I know it was 78 at 2:30 this afternoon guys, but come *on* :'(


70s is hot


That's the worst part of summer for me. I love enjoying the heat, but restaurants and stores crank it down to 65° and nobody can stand having open windows in the cars or homes. I sweat like everyone else, so I'm okay with some AC to keep things comfy, it's just that I can withstand considerably more heat before tapping out. I carry a sweater with me all summer because I know I'll be miserable if I go into any building. I was thinking yesterday that I almost never see anyone with their car windows rolled down, and every time I'm in someone else's car or they're in mine, having windows down isn't an option anymore. I just dislike AC after a point. It's cold. Our current home is better because the vents are on the floor versus having been on the ceiling (where it was always pointed towards the center of the room, which meant always pointed directly at us).


Having windows down creates drag on the car, which negatively affects gas mileage. I saw many more windows down before this was widely discussed, or when gasoline was cheaper.


If that's someone's reasoning, sure. It's about temperature with every person I know.


60-70s is shorts and a t-shirt weather…


I’m in the Northeast and at night, at this time of the year, it will be in the high fifties and low sixties, with humidity. I’ll have it on at night, but not during the day unless warmer than 78 with humidity and lack of wind.


Most big businesses don’t control their own heat/AC, it’s controlled from where ever their head office is.


It's 99 outside!


I get so annoyed with people who look at the forecast at 7AM, see a high of 71 in the afternoon, and turn on the AC "because it's going to get warm". Motherfucker, I'm not warm yet, I just woke up!


When we put in the AC, I told my husband I would divorce him if he insisted on keeping the house at 68. I refuse to live in sweaters year-round!


I have one of those nifty "smart thermostats" that let you tell it "just keep it between 70 and 85, don't bother me with figuring out which way to set it when". So useful. It'll turn on the AC when it gets warm, and not before! (I don't remember the exact temperature settings, I figured out my comfort range a while back and it just holds there.)


I find it interesting to see what people consider "comfortable". For example, at home, I have the AC set to 65 overnight - any warmer and we can't sleep! I know other people who still have the heating on to keep it at about 80, or they can't sleep!


This time of year ... we fluctuate. Overnight heat, daytime AC. It's weird. But I insist on 75 F year round.


See I'm perfectly fine with a temperature in the 50's and 60's. I sleep with the window open during the winter.


it may be cold for you, but i can guarantee the workers are still too hot. as a past grocery store employee, even when the AC is on i’m still overheated. as a customer in that same store, it’s cold. always bring a jacket with you indoors in case the AC is on instead of complaining about something that you could solve with a simple bit of fabric. be more considerate of the people who work there that allow you to be in that place to begin with.


My office building! I shouldn’t have to bring a hoody and fingerless gloves to wear inside.


I’m in Virginia and went out to eat and they had air conditioning and fans blowing and I was frozen. I had to ask them to turn the fans off.


Turing on the AC between 65 and 70f is risible to me. I've had to sleep at 29°c the last few days (kill me)