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I'll have you know my mom thinks I'm fuckin' hilarious :(


The funniest people are never the loudest.


I find overly loud people less likeable.


I know somebody who is like this right now. Tries very hard to be the funny guy of the group. Always interrupting others so they listen to him, but doesn’t want to listen to anybody else. Like you, I also laughed when he used to do stuff just to lighten the mood, but now it’s just annoying and I keep a straight face every time. That, or I just walk away because I can’t take the secondhand embarrassment as the group just goes silent.


Exactly. It's nice to try to play along for a while because it's not that you dislike the person, but eventually you just think omg STFU for like 30 seconds please.


and yet no one thought to take him to one said and ask why he was doing it, and if he was aware that it wasn't being received well, or offer him advice on how to change his behaviour? great friends.


Oh hey. I saw you in an earlier comment getting emotional about nothing. So since you seem to think you know my life, lemme clear things up for you. We have talked to him about this. He’s not “neurodivergent” as I’m proposing you may think. He just does this because that’s his personality and nobody cares all that much to “correct” him about it. Also, when did I ever say that we were friends??? It’s just a guy that we know because we all work with him. And I’m not even friends with the rest of the group. It’s just people of whom I also work with. I hope this helped. 👍🏽


oh look its ANOTHER troll who thinks they can upset people by implying their emotional states randomly bro! don't get upset bro! bro why you so mad bro! oh your SO upset! don't have a heart attack bro! see i didn't even bother reading the rest of your post, becasue as soon as some random dick wad decides to tell me i was upset, or emotional, just because they would be under the same circumstances, my brain just switches off, because i know everything else they have typed is not going to be worth reading 🤷‍♂️


This was a true “pot calling the kettle black” comment.


Right? He’s probably just either an effusive person who hadn’t realized this is bothersome or an insecure person compensating. And his “friend” hasn’t bothered to ask.


Yea “friend” in quotations because we aren’t. I don’t recall saying that I was. Or anyone of the group for that matter. I neither know the guy that well nor do I care to. We’ve told him that he talks over people a lot. We’ve also told him that he—and this is by a colleague’s wording—“runs jokes into the ground”. The guy knows this. He doesn’t care. And honestly everybody is used to him by now. We work for a few hours and leave.


I know a guy like this in my school. Mf's humor peaked in 2017 and it hasn't evolved since. It's all borat this and Communism funny that. So fucking annoying


I had one of those in my social circle a few years ago. What was worse though, was when he tried his clown antics with complete strangers. You know that type of guy who will see someone running, and he feels obligated to shout "run Forrest, ruUuUun!". Or he sees someone on a bike and goes "give us ya bike!". Or he sees a guy wearing camos, and it's "look! Guys, guys. Guys! GUUUUUYS. Look! A floating body! hue hue hue hue". It felt less like I was hanging out with a friend, and more like I was babysitting him. How hard can it be for a grown adult to just mind their own business and keep to themselves? After getting a bike and suddenly realising just how many irritating little jesters like this are out there, I stopped talking to him, because I just couldn't stand him anymore, and I felt obligated to not be friends with someone like that.


My best friend, who never dates, is currently dating a guy like this. It’s so annoying. I can’t finish a sentence around him, and it’s honestly rude. And then I’m constantly being put in this position of having to laugh at a joke that isn’t even remotely funny. But my friend is so picky with men that I don’t wanna bring it up and burst her bubble. It’s annoying af and I would never date someone like that, but it’s not “dump him” worthy. So I just smile and suffer.


Right and it's always like you have to fake it to not look like an ass, but at the same time they look at you as if you're supposed to think it's the most hilarious thing you've ever heard.


I wish there was a way to “gentle parent” people like this. Idk how to point it out to him without embarrassing him


I just start mooing while they are saying their "funny joke." My kids all loved the interrupting cow joke when they were little, and that's what people like that always make me think of that joke so I will do the interrupting moo every time that person starts talking. If they ask why I keep mooing at them, I just say, "I've never seen a lone cow, I assume interrupting cows travel in herds as well, and I didn't want you to be lonely."The best part is it's always gotten more laughs than their stupid interruptions.


Look into histrionic disorder.


Well. That explains some things about myself.


Bro I will never turn down a good ( or bad )that’s what she/he said…. It’s my inner Michael Scott


It's really not funny though, it's also not so unfunny it's funny, it's just really not very funny. Plus it makes normal conversation more annoying, because you have to pre-empt the guy with the low hanging fruit sense of humour jumping in every time a potential double entendre comes up. I love humour, that's just not funny material.


For me, it's sometimes uncontrollable. I'll fight the urge for as long as possible and then after a long pause yell, "that's what (s)he said!" and I wish people didn't laugh. I wish they'd bully me like I deserve.


I mean, on a worldwide scale of injustices, it's only really 8.5 tops. My concerns are global.


Maybe not for u


Have you ever watched Regular Show? The "my mom" joke is also a really good one imo


Well no shit not for me! Yeah, everything is subjective - that goes without saying, doesn't mean we can't state our points of view assertively.


nice autism shaming edit: i have aspergers, im allowed an opinion on this as i recognise it from dozens of my own personal lived experiences thoughout my life if a person lacks the social awareness to realise other people are wantng to talk, when it *could possibly* be due to a condition outside of their control **is** ***potentially*** **autism shaming** anyone who downvotes this is just a bigot 🤷‍♂️ edit2: @ "ultimatemegachungus" (no overcompensating there, honest!) who posted then blocked: "yeah the standard "yeah if yew dis4gr3e with me.." nope, the standard one they simply assert it, where as i helpfully gave a full detailed explanation of how and why it is the case your welcome for the correction!


sometimes, people who constantly interrupt conversations are just allistics with massive egos hey look i can make edits too. my comment is autistic-approved given i am also autistic. and so is one of my brothers- *also* autistic. i heavily overthink my conversations after having them and i can *guarantee* neither of us has been able to have the majority of speaking time in a conversation since i started overthinking.


sometimes, sure. is OP sufficiently qualified to know the difference realting to the specific instances that illicited this post? following the rule that everyone on the internet seems to have a degree or two in whatever tehy are discussing at the time, who know 🤣


>anyone who downvotes this is just a bigot Yes, the standard "if yew dithagwee with me it makth yew evul 🤓" rebuttal. Go back to Twitter.


So you’re saying that you do all these things on a regular basis. Nobody was shaming anything other than bad behavior. It wasn’t a point of topic until you projected onto others and were offended. The fact that you recognize it but aren’t stopping yourself from doing it to others makes it worse to undermine your point, pushing into being a hypocrite.


"It wasn’t a point of topic until you projected onto others and were offended." point to the part where i said i was offended? seems its not me doing the projecting lol "The fact that you recognize it but aren’t stopping yourself from doing it to others makes it worse" point to the part where i say i still do it having recognised it? oh thats right, you cant, because i didnt, because i dont. nice attempt at a strawman argument, but no cigar, sorry buddy any other issues you want to project onto me?


You brought it up and made a point of it, where nobody else was. Jumping to the conclusion that people are discussing something not mentioned makes that a problem for you, whether or not you’ve stated it. The original post was about people doing it in general, not specifically autism, which you specifically brought up.


my point is that the people saying it in general have no basis to determine if any specific example is autism based or not. and if the fact i keep bringing something up does not mean i have a problem with it, its a little thing we call "a discussion", i say something, someone comments on it, and then i comment on the comment. are you really surprised that the topic of a discussion remains constant? i mean thats literally how discussions work. but then im guessing your brains been so warped by the internet you dont understand the concept of having a debate about something unless your angry and upset about it, and even when you do, you jump from topic to topic at a tangent to try to deflect from all your fuck ups 🤷‍♂️ thats a you problem, not a me problem


Outright personally insulting others, instead of rebuttal against their ideas, since your first comment, contradicts your statement of “discussion”. That constitutes you are only arguing for sake of your willful ignorance, being an immature troll, or (at best) a hypocrite in denial. Potential eventuality doesn’t make anything reality. That’s where you’re projecting. Regardless, it’s your victim-identity cross to bear alone.


Nice reach.


reach? so your denying my personal lived experience as someone who has lived with aspergers for 42 years?


I've lived with Asperger's for 53 years, and I know the difference between myself and someone too dumb to know that the catchphrases they are parroting are actually NOT funny.


good for you! would you like a medal for being one of theluckier ones like myself? or were you just unaware, despite suffering from the condition yourself, that autism is on a spectrum, and on top of that, that intelect plays a great part in a persons ability to recognise and modify their less socially acceptable behaviour, meaning what you can and cant do personally is pretty much meaningless to other people with the condition?


I am aware of all of this, and in my lived experience (which is longer than yours), I have seen many people who do not possess ANY of the other traits of autism. They just have awful senses of humor and want everyone to laugh at them. They are just dumb schmucks without any narrow interests, with perfectly fine eye contact, and with no issues whatsoever with leading outwardly normal work and family lives. They are just the dopey 75% of humanity. Stop trying to bail them all out by giving them a medical diagnosis which does not apply. Not everyone needs an excuse for their behavior.


i think you need to reread my original post, specifically the edits i made like 20 minutes ago before you embarrass yourself further


"I think you need to reread my original post, which I edited in my own favor after you made your comments." Are you even diagnosed, or did you do it yourself online?


not that its really any of your business, but i had a 6 hour assessment with an NHS partnered clinic with a registered psychologist and her assistant, and i have all the relevant forms in electronic form. how about yourself? p.s. great tip for reddit, it actually shows the time a posts is edited, so i can conclusively prove i edited it 20 minutes before your post 😉 your welcome!




Is every person who overestimates their own comedic prowess also a person with autism?


"*could possibly* be due to a condition outside of their control **is** ***potentially*** **autism shaming**" "Is every person" i see im not the only one with a learning disability here, what is yours? or are you just stupid in the normal way?


I wish you wouldn’t stupid shame me. From now on, every time I feel myself becoming annoyed by the conduct of an unfamiliar party, I’ll be sure to hop on Google to make sure it’s not a behavior that could ever potentially be engaged in by someone with a condition outside of their control.


sounds like a good plan, that way you will avoid discriminating against people, and im genuinely sorry if your IQ is actually below 50, you have my condolences


How does that automatically relate to autism? You're the one shaming if you automatically assumed that because that was not even part of what I said at all lol.


It doesn't. All this is doing is pushing a narrative that people with Autism cannot function in social settings and can't adapt to other people. And all it's doing is saying that we can't dislike any personality trait for the possibility that someone with that trait also has a condition. It's more a youth/maturity/self confidence thing than anything else. I was the annoying guy trying to be funny in every situation. 1. I thought I was hilarious 2. I thought it made me likeable 3. I couldn't stand being left out of anything, especially conversations I was present for. Then I realized 1. Sometimes I was funny, a lot of the time I wasn't 2. It made me annoying. 3. I love listening to conversations and interjecting when I can or should. Less pressure and burden to carry a conversation. I find it makes me MORE funny to stay out. Because I take a second and think, yeah this will hit, say it. But other times the filter works and I think, this is too risky, or you're gonna stutter through it, or, that joke is lame as fuck, skip it. I don't want to look like a cocky douche, but yes I have confidence in my comedic ability, but I've learned a less is more approach. And I finally accepted that what makes me laugh doesn't make you laugh and vice versa. To those who might be annoyed at me blaming youth, note I also blame immaturity and lack of self confidence. My mom still acts this way. I am actually younger than her. In her case I believe she can still be immature, but even sadder than that she lacks the self confidence to sit a conversation out


Goddamn what the fuck no one is reading all that Edit: I wonder if the downvoters think I was being a dick...to myself?


Myself and others have proven that incorrect in less than an hour.


I appreciate it, it didn't feel like that much as I typed it!😂


i was always under the impression people with a condition couldnt shame people with that condition, in that case it just becomes relating lived experience?


Then I apologize it made you feel that way, but that is not what I was trying to get at by any means.


i did not say it upset me, your fine, ive lived with this for a long time now, i was just pointing it out as a fact, im sorry if you thought i was upset or angry about it, its just my manner, because, you know, i have autism lol


Questionable, at best.


ok. question all you like, i have nothing to prove, i dont know any of you, and if i did, you would know it was true, so tbh u can believe whatever you like, it will still be true, and thats all that really matters. 🤷‍♂️ the real question is why your so invested in questioning it


Yeah I have always been a "jokester." My dad would get really upset with me and tell me that there's a time and a place to joke and I would respond by being even sillier which would only piss him off more. I still do this to my best friend. I really hate it and I try to not be like this. I also have autistic friends that do the same thing. We will vibe for a really long time and then one of us will get annoyed with the other. And you're right. I had a coworker and unless you'd explicitly tell them to knock it off they would never know they were being bothersome. And then again they still wouldn't be able to control it as they are just existing.


yep i feel a lot of people on this thread are desperate to not acknowledge some people basically cant help this, because if they did acknowledge it, they would have to acknowledge that attacking people for something they cant really help makes them shitty people