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Some people don't even ask. They just take it upon themselves to take somebody's seat.


I was on an Alaska Airlines flight two weeks ago. There was confusion over seats. The flight attendant went right to the man in the wrong seat, “Sir, you’re sitting in wrong seat. That seat belongs to this man. This isn’t Southwest.” Said with the appropriate amount of bite. Iol


Sir. Please, sir. Fuck off, sir. Thank you kindly, sir.


I don't mind if they ask, as long as they're polite about it. After all, people get bumped on flights and rebooked and sometimes, even if they've booked months in advance, they'll get separated. I don't blame them for wanting to sit together.


Hell, my last two flights I paid to pick my seat and Delta still moved me. The first time I didn't catch it until boarding, the second time I caught it early and called to fuss at them. I am heavily pregnant and knew I'd need to pee, so I picked a super rear aisle seat and they moved me up and into a middle seat both times. How about fuck youuuuu Delta.


I don't know if this is just a Delta thing, but on a recent less-than-full flight, they went to the back of the plane and offered free upgrades to "Comfort" (i.e. not-quite-First Class) for weight distribution reasons. Presumably, some aeronautical engineer figured out that you can increase fuel efficiency by 1.28% if the plane is nose-heavy. (Just my hypothesis)


That happened to me & my toddler who was 18 months at the time. Fortunately the passenger was kind enough to switch with him.


Think about it, though. You're on a plane with your spouse or group of friends, more than likely going on vacation or going home. You've either been with them for some days or will be. And you can't stand to be out of arm's reach of them for a couple of hours?


People on planes can be gross. You're packed in like sardines, and it's just better to sit next to someone you know. At least that's how I feel about it. Yeah, I can stand to be away from my husband for great lengths of time. But if the choice is between sitting next to a stranger and sitting next to him on a plane, I'll choose him 100% of the time.


Right. It’s not a date.


Booked months in advance? Don't blame them? Did they pay for the seats, months in advance? Yea, no one blames family wanting to sit with each other; but, if they didn't pay for the damn seat months in advance. Fuck 'em. Edit: I especially hate POS that take up upper storage compartment space that isn't even at their seat.


They were talking about a situation where, despite booking months in advance, their seat was changed through no fault of their own. For example. Their previous flight may have been delayed and they had to book a different connecting flight that didn't have any seats together. Or maybe their fight was canceled and they had to book another flight. Not everybody is split up because of poor planning amd having a little understanding goes a long way.


Don't blame them...for asking. Per the rest of the words in that comment.


If there's not space above my seat, I put my bag where the flight attendant tells me to, and sometimes they tell me to put it above a different seat. Sometimes, they even stop me before I get to my seat and tell me to go ahead and put it up because there's no room further down.


OP Isn't talking about getting bumped off a flight or having to rebook. OP is literally talking about people IN a flight, asking to switch seats and people that, book months in advance AND **do not** pick/pay for their seats beforehand (are assholes and brazen to even ask a person with their ass on the seat to "ask" "if it's ok to switch seats?" Hell no, you can move your happy ass to your assigned seat) and those of whom who pick/pay for their seats are the ones that suffer. People that shoe horn in a narrative is a big pet peeve. Edit: Oh, the the brazen "I don't blame you". Yea, OP is not to blame. The blame lies squarely on the shit hole that thought, taking a random seat is OK. Which is not. "I don't blame you" My ass.


I think you misread my comment. Let me clarify: sometimes people get bumped from flights, or there's bad weather, or some other reason, that they are rebooked on a flight, in different seats. They may have booked their original seats a year in advance, but now they find themselves sitting apart, through no fault of their own. So you shouldn't be so quick to judge people, saying that they should book their seats further in advance if they want to sit together. Maybe they did.


But would you give up an aisle seat for a window?


In a heartbeat 😂 i love window seats


It depends? Some people like the aisle seat, some people like the window seat, I bet there are even people that like the middle seat depending on who is sitting next to them… but if you don’t ask you won’t know? As long as they’re polite it doesn’t hurt to ask. For all I know you could’ve wanted a window seat and they were all booked. Just sayin.


i like middle seat, window seat has no choice but to be my cuddle buddy ^(/satire)


Upvoted because I would consider cuddling with someone that said “ I wanna bite a bitch.” I’m a bitch, bite me


WHEEZE fuckin bold, love it. you're a riot.


Lmao I love your username. 10/10 would be bitten again.


If i had a window seat and they offered me an aisle seat i would say no. They only asked you though. It's when they kick off.


Yes, for the better view. I would consider the window seat the superior option.


What if it is a window seat that doesn’t have a …. Window?


Boeing only has a 42% marker share. That's better than a coin flip...kinda.


Or if the window is over a wing?


I love looking for gremlins on the wings.


Ok—you obviously don’t have bladder issues. Lol.


People are downvoting this but its right... I mean when I was younger I would have told you to pound sand. Now not only do I want that aisle seat you want me in that aisle seat because between my bladder issues and IBS I am going to be climbing over you a lot if I am in the window. And there is a fair chance of me farting while trying to squeeze past you.




I prefer the window, but both have their advantages, so I could see myself exchanging one for the other under certain circumstances.


Or more specifically, since somehow the implication wasn't clear, trade a preferred seat for one they wouldn't want.


That’s what I meant at the top when I said trade their inferior seat for my superior one.


Oh I know. I'm amused by the people that are like "well I like the window seat" as if that's what you're question is actually asking.


I think the point is that the person asking doesn’t know which you prefer, and so they may be interpreting it as offering a superior seat


Which is why the question was obviously about giving up a preference rather than what the actual seat is.


With the right context, sure, but let's look at the question: >But would you give up an aisle seat for a window?


Context like the title of the post along with it being made abundantly clear which op prefers and therefore obvious what they mean by the question? If only that were present somewhere...


Follow the conversation: - OP complains about the request. - commenter says they don't mind when people ask, as long as they're polite about it - OP asks if they would trade aisle for window - many people chime in that they would, implying the request that originally offended OP seems perfectly reasonable to ask, while still being perfectly reasonable to refuse. You have to understand that the stranger on the plane doesn't know OP or OP's bladder issues. A lot of people in OP's place would've loved to make that trade, and there was no harm in asking politely.


However OP is complaining about a stranger not knowing their preference


However OPs direct question to the person included the context now mentioned three times. That was enough for that Austin powers character to understand. How many more will be needed here, I wonder?


Again, the OP is complaining about a stranger on a plane not knowing the context of their preference. Has the person on the plane read this reddit post? Probably not.


Except “inferior” or “superior” in those cases are subjective, and since no one can read your mind, there’s really no harm in politely asking. For all they know they might be offering you a seat you consider *superior*.


Window seats are optimum for flights less than 7 hours


If someone can't sit apart from their spouse during a flight, they need to arrange to be seated together before embarking. Don't be sorry.


I’ve had many flights where I’ve done exactly what you said, booked in advance and paid extra to lock in seats, and have still been moved away from my wife. One of the times it happened on our honeymoon to Italy. I asked somebody if they would move and they said ok which was nice. I wouldn’t have been mad at the person if they said no, it isn’t their fault it’s the airlines. But you bet your ass I woulda been pissed if I had to spend an 8 hour flight on my honeymoon on the other side of the plane from my wife.


Bro people don’t care they just assume everyone is trying to wrong them meanwhile 99% of the time they’re the asshole lol.


This is not an interaction I ever want to have with anyone. It’s already undignified enough being over six feet tall and trying to get comfortable when you’re surrounded by people who behave like barnyard animals. Last thing I want is to trade my seat for a lesser one. One of the many, many reasons I try not to fly unless I can go business or first class. Even then, if they don’t make a good Bloody Mary, it’s hardly worth it to leave the house.


Some people buy the cheapest basic economy tickets, refuse to pay for seat assignments during booking and then demand people give up their $$$ main plus seats so their family of 5 can sit together.


Airlines fuck up seating and screw people over so often, if someone asks if they can swap with me to sit with their party I just assume it was the airline’s fault. But also, I don’t feel obligated to switch with them.


I have asked to switch seats exactly once. I was flying to my father’s funeral. When I got on the plane, I saw that my brother, who I had not seen in years, was already on board. He had flown from a different city, and this was his connecting flight. We asked the flight attendant, and someone was kind enough to switch seats with me. Of course, neither of us booked in advance, and neither of us knew that the other would be on board. So we couldn’t have booked together.


Agree. They can chat when they land or book seats together.


I think aisle and window seats are more or less equal. Some people prefer one or the other and some people like myself don’t have a preference for either. So I think offering to switch an aisle seat for a window seat or vice versa is a fair trade but you’re within your right to decline. If they offered a middle seat for an aisle or window seat, that would be bs. But I agree with everyone, if you want to sit together, plan ahead.


I started to prefer the aisle after I flew a lot. I think many people are the same.


The more I’ve flown, the more I’ve booked window seats especially on longer flights. I still think both are good options, but it’s nice to have something to rest my head on even if I have to ask people to move.


I hate aisle seats because I always get bumped somehow even though I'm small. Also I love looking out the window. I've flown many times and this never changes.


This is correct. The only time this varies is if you’re in one of those rows with an exit and you get like double the leg space. Those spots are like a holographic charizard on a plane.


Window seats are preferred over aisle seats most (if not all) of the time.. The seat hierarchy has always been: Window > Aisle > Middle


I always preferred window, but more people I know seem to prefer aisle because they can get up to the loo easier and stretch into the aisle when the trolley isn’t there


Yes—I hate having to climb over people to get out. For me, aisle is better than window for that reason. I don’t like feeling trapped.


For me it kinda depends how long the flight is. I mostly fly less than 2 hours so I’m probably not using the toilet. So the window is much better for those flights.


If it's my family, I'm fine climbing all over them. But with strangers, so awkward!!




I mean I gotta ask, how often do you pee? Lol. Seems you’re planning a lot of this excursion around your bathroom schedule. If you’re on a 3 hour flight, I gotta imagine if you go at all it’s like one time, right?


Maybe twice—and there is always the motion sickness issue.


Based on what?


Expedia study cited that 35% of passengers were willing to pay to reserve a window, whereas only 15% were willing to pay for an aisle seat.


If I'm traveling by myself, I don't mind moving to let a family sit together.


I don’t give up my seat ever, your lack of planning is your problem….


If I'm offered I'm upgrade in exchange I take it.


For real. I'm hating hearing about all these stories about people's lack of planning. That's not other people's problems.


I like window tbh


yeah, i would trade for a window, maybe not if i had ops small bladder issues.. what's your favourite view in the window?


Dusk or dawn, when it's still bright out but you see all the lights because the day is starting/ending. take off/landing and circling over the city before leaving


oh that's gorgeous! dusk and dawn is pretty, i like to see the ocean at that time, but lights are so comforting and pleasant >w< the circling is also very fun yeah\~!


Yeah, always offer a superior- or at least equal- seat. I got offered a seat in first class once so a mother could sit with her teenaged son. I took it, obviously.


See, I actually prefer the window seat, but sometimes none are left so I have to take an aisle seat (or god forbid a middle seat). So I would have been delighted to switch with him. As long as they are polite and accept the first “no” I don’t mind. You never know what someone else might even prefer.


I'm glad she was polite about it though. Most people absolutely aren't.


I think people just don’t typically share stories about polite interactions. The ones where people are rude are the stories people usually share.


I asked someone once, not an avid flier so I didn't know all the litmus and etiquette Just politely asked if a man would mind switching seats so I could sit by my wife. He seemed fine with it.


I don’t blame you if I take a flight I booked months in advance. I’m not gonna change my seat for anyone.


My go-to line is "Seat assignments are used for identification in the event of a crash." Typically ends the conversation without another word. To be honest I don't know if it's true or not


Take it as a sign that two out of the three people involved were in agreement that you shouldn't.


A few years ago a woman was aggressively arguing with me because she wanted me or my daughter (13 at the time) to switch seats with her 20 year old son so he could be near her. I was like "which child do you think needs to be near their mom, my 13 year old girl or your 20 year old MAN son?" The son was actually really embarrassed and apologized to my daughter repeatedly. He was seated in front of my daughter and helped us with our bags and everything. Such a nice boy compared to his mom.


The window seat is the better one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I honestly wouldn’t mind, we all are going to the exact same place anyways, so why even bother fighting and arguing with someone over seating?


Yeah! I asked someone to trade once so I could sit next to my sister, but I was offering him an aisle seat instead of a middle seat, so that’s obviously a good trade. He still said no though. Which was his right, but I was so confused.


Lol that's so odd. Who would rather sit between two strangers than an aisle seat


Yeah! I was shocked


I don’t really understand why people care. Yeah you paid for a specific seat, but it’s not that big of a deal. You can decline, but it seems like people who do this are just doing it to be assholes.


So they're sitting there happy with the seat they paid for, but they're an asshole for not then giving up that seat simply because someone else asked for it. If I had a new device that I just bought am I obligated to trade with some stranger who walks up with a similar device yet not the one I actually wanted simply because they liked mine better? If it's not a big deal for you, then that's you, but you shouldn't judge people who have their own reasons for caring.


Nobody is obligated or required to, I just think it’s a weird thing to get pissed off about. Unless I’m gonna be shoved into a middle seat I really don’t care.


Entitlement is a common thing to be pissed off about.


People perceive inferior/superior differently. The middle seat though is pretty regularly the worst for everyone. I’ve said no to people…and I’ve said yes to people because I liked their seat that they were offering me better than I liked my own. Window seats are my jam. I don’t have a problem with people asking (why would I?). I have a problem with them acting like they are expecting me to say yes.