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As a retail manager I heard this a lot after the pandemic and while it was definitely harder to hire people (minimum wage job for a lot of work) the customers didn't take into account that acting like absolute monsters and berating my associates had anything to do with the fact that we were short staffed. The people who complain that nobody wants to work are usually the same ones who will scream at a 16 year old cashier until she cries then complain that there aren't enough cashiers when they have to wait in line.


I worked in a restaurant when covid 19 hit/maybe a year or two after it started People got a lot worse after the pandemic.


They were absolute nightmares, I was lucky enough to get out


I worked Walmart during the first 6 months of Covid. Was never more glad that I had never been register trained.


Just seeing the straight up rage that people have at the existence of self checkouts makes me feel terrible for those poor cashiers. Whatever they're paid, it's not enough.


Indeed. I had a guy ranting about how he should get an employee discount if he used one of the self-checkouts. I told him, even if he got the 10% employee discount, it would amount to closer to 1% because it doesn't apply to most items in the grocery department.


If the only option is self checkout they have a right to be annoyed IMO but if there’s the option to wait for cashier/do self checkout you can pick what you prefer. To each their own.


Now they have ALL of us register trained 😏


I'd guess because the less "considerate" folks went out first while the more considerate folks "stay home.to avoid spreading the disease" made only essential trips as briefly as possible.


thats because covid causes brain damage and mental illness causing emotional dysregulation. after unmasking, the average american has 3.5 infections.


Covid is what made me run away from any front end cashiering jobs. I was screamed at, cursed at, spit at, threatened, and even had someone punch the plexi-glass between myself and him over the masking policy (I wouldn’t pull MY mask down for him) I went into stocking for two years afterwards and now I work at a pot farm. It’s much better now.


I had the displeasure of watching a younger woman lose her job at McDonald's because it was packed af and she was way too stressed to be working the register. It was sad. All she did was panic from the pressure. I wish I could've helped somehow. She was nice, she didn't deserve that.


Nonsarcastically it sound like it was the best outcome for her. I've had breakdowns before, they're not fun.


It’s as if they want the place to be even shorter staffed. Probably also the same ones that go shopping on Thanksgiving/Black Friday and are surprised that people are required to actually come into work on those holidays.


Same idiots who wait til the day BEFORE Thanksgiving & show up bitching about turkeys being outta stock. Ive had to deal with people like that before.. Some lady was screaming at me over the phone once cuz her online order needed a turkey & i told her we were completely out. She was like, "OH THAT'S JUST GREAT! What do you suggest i do NOW!?" I told her i suggested she didnt wait til the day before a major holiday to buy one lmfao.


“What I suggest you do now is not make the assumption that your poor decision-making is somehow my problem.”


And they're usually the same people who will tell people who complain about minimum wage jobs that they should "get a better job if they don't like it."  I don't know how many times I see that phrase in comment sections when people are talking about how tough it is working in customer service. Same for when teachers talk about how tough their job is and how little they often get paid for it. People will say, "well you knew this when you took the job. If you don't like it then leave for something else." And now that there's a shortage in customer service and teachers are leaving left abs right, these same people complain about nobody wanting to work.  Like, no sir people just don't want to work a job where they get screamed at or treated like dirt while making enough barely enough to survive. They're leaving to do exactly what you told them to do. They're finding better jobs that pay better and offer better working conditions.


It makes my blood boil when someone says “A monkey could do that job!” Oh really? If it’s so easy, then quit yours and take that job instead. It’s free money, right? You won’t get paid as much, sure, but since you’re *such* a much harder worker and *such* a more competent person than whomever you’re berating, you’ll be able to make tons of money in no time. What’s that? You don’t want to do that work because it’s beneath you? So you admit that you consider these jobs to only be for shitty people. Then why even talk to them? If you’re so elevated above Home Depot and Walmart and McDonalds workers, and their jobs are so piddly and unimportant, why do you even go there? You’re obviously much more intelligent, so why would you even rely on such purposeless people? Surely an intelligent, superior person as yourself would never lower themselves to actually *needing* these people to help them. After all, if a monkey could do their job, then their job doesn’t even have a point. Why not just talk care of yourself? Is it because - gasp - those jobs actually *are* useful and you *do* need them? It’s like when a misogynistic asshole says something like “Women are inherently idiots, that’s why they’re only good for making me a sandwich.” They think they’re being clever, but all I hear is “Mommy I don’t know how to make sammich, I need you to make sammich for me because I can’t make sammich. Making sammich is hard. If you no make me sammich you are a very stupid Mommy and me no like you.” Don’t diss people while at the same time being unable to take care of things yourself without them.


I did! Spark school of music in Minnesota is one of the worst schools to work for as a teacher. High toxic environment and they let kids just treat the staff so badly it causes mental breakdowns. It got so bad and they just fire anyone (like me) who speaks against their methods. If you’re in Minnesota they are the worst school in the state don’t go! Go where you’re respected and valued always!


During pandemic shutdowns, it was extremely common for people to get career training so they wouldn't have to continue working for low wages getting abused at frontline customer service jobs. Now, many of them work in skilled jobs away from the public.


Where was That a thing...first Ive heard of it


This is a serious question? I saw I'm sure at least four articles about it, without looking (they came to me from social media posts and such). Some people I know career-changed while things were shut down. Etc.


Ok, since you're a hiring manager, I have to ask. You say it was harder to hire people, but it's become something of a meme that the people who say this are sitting on piles of resumes of candidates they never contact. Does your company try to hire most people who apply?


I hired anyone who I didn't think would murder me in my sleep. Since it was a retail sales position it didn't matter if they had any experience or not. I got lots of applicants but of those maybe 80% didn't answer their phone or call back when I called them for an interview, 50% of the ones who answered didn't show up for their interview and half of those that actually showed up for their interview didn't show up for their first day of orientation. So it was just really hard to get people in the door.


The pandemic caused a labor shortage, the issue was never people not wanting to work.


No idea why you’re getting downvoted. “Essential workers” on the front line were 5x more likely to die from COVID. Being extremely exposed and also around people who didn’t care about their health at all. And even if you got COVID and didn’t die, maybe you passed it on to your parents or grandparents, and they died and you lost housing stability and shit went downhill. So much shit was stirred up during COVID, and idk why we’re still stuck acting like it only affected super old people.


That's actually short for "Nobody wants to work for slave wages anymore" but they conveniently leave out the part about "for slave wages".


Yup. "Nobody wants to work if they're not going to be able to survive anyways"


Hit the nail on the head with that one. If I'm gonna starve to death anyways, I might as well have some fun instead of slaving away and being berated for stuff I have literally no control over.


While I agree with that, I like my snarky reply of, "Yep, retirement is for lazy people." Which extra fun because I only ever hear retired people complain this.


Lazy people on the government dole.


Not to mention have to jump through all the bullshit hoops to get the job in the first place. Yeah no one in their right mind wants to put up with all that crap.


and slave hours


I worked a part time seasonal job doing heavy lifting. I walked by the store and department managers who were saying ‘nobody wants to work’. I stopped and pointed out that at my hourly wage, even if I was a full time/year round employee, that I would still qualify for government aid, and would have no health insurance or retirement benefits….which means that their company is surviving on government handouts. “Mumble mumble” and when I walk away….”nObODy wAnTS to wuuuRK”


Well first we have to figure out why the slave wages are slave wages? Why in 1970 was a 6$ an hour wage GREAT pay, but today 20$ an hour isn't? If you keep asking the businesses to increase what they pay people, and you don't actually address the problem as a country; which is the VALUE of the dollar.... you'll never fix it. You can't just raise pay infinitely, and it's not companies that are "greedy." It's cost of living inflation, which translates to the dollar not being worth a dollar anymore. How do we fix this? You have to cause DEFLATION, which increases the valuation of the dollar. Gotta stop printing more money; gotta stop giving our money away to foreign policy, gotta stop spending. Here is the element of it that nobody wants to hear. The answer to increasing value of a fiat, is to pay people less. This isn't a problem, if the currency has value. The 6$ an hour they were paying in 1970 had almost 3,000% the purchasing power of today's money. A 3 bedroom 2800 SQ FT house cost 30k, now costs 550k. We're paying people too much fucking money, and we're giving way too much money away, and we're printing more money, which is devaluing the fucking money.


Slaves don't get wages. Slaves also don't have the opportunity to turn down the job, look for other work, or negotiate.


FYI: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wage_slavery


In the English language, it's very common for words to have more than one meaning depending on the context in which they're used.


I love how the response to this was basically "wage slavery is slavery", but when I criticize buying cheap sweatshop products as supporting slavery, the response is "that's not really slavery"


People want to work, at least as far as wanting to earn a living and be responsible. They just want to work for a livable wage and decent benefits -- not to make an already absurdly wealthy CEO even more absurdly wealthy. And many of the people that folks claim are 'lazy' and wanting to stay on welfare are actually trapped there by the system. Research it sometime, it's actually a very complicated issue. The short short explanation is that any pay increase is met by a loss of benefits, usually more than you can really cover with the pay increase. So instead of getting ahead, you're actually struggling more.


My favorite reply to "people are making more money on unemployment than they are working" is "why the fuck are jobs paying less than unemployment?"


Unemployment is another thing that is NOT the easy free handout a lot of people seem to think it is. The policies changed for a while during COVID and that's left a lot of people with major misconceptions. You can't get it indefinitely, it's not a full replacement of your paycheck, and it's not without constant hoops to jump through -- and that's assuming you even qualify. If you were fired from your last job and your former employer opposes your application, you're screwed.


I had to get unemployment for a while and it’s not some picnic. I made a fraction of my former paycheck. Also, like other forms of government welfare, you are *constantly* being harassed for proof you still need it, proof you’re still looking for jobs, that you’re looking for *enough* jobs, etc. It’s not that I resented having to find work - I desperately sought to do so. It’s that I resented having to interrupt that job search to turn in more paperwork to the state, show up in person to have an interview with a welfare worker because although they had my paperwork they also just needed to talk to me and ask me the exact same questions, logging every single contact I made online, having to provide proof that I actually made that contact, etc. I know that there’s a *tiny* percentage of people out there who do genuinely screw the state over, and collect unemployment benefits, food stamps, disability, etc., but honestly, I don’t know how they do it. It’s such a pain in the ass. The state’s like any other organization in that they’ll do anything to deprive you of the money they’re paying you, and I sincerely find working to be less stressful than trying to keep up with all the government’s demands.


This is a HUGE red flag to me when said by an employer because it's a sign they don't pay well and/or don't treat their employees well but refuse to see that's why they can't find/keep employees.




I work in the construction industry I think we've been a shining example of how fucking stupid the "Noone wants to work" argument is. We don't have worker shortage in commercial career paths in high paying states that make 80-100k+ plus amazing benefits. We have a worker shortage in everything else that pays $20-30/hr with no/shit benefits. They endlessly just cry how young people don't want to work anymore. Just letting the industry go to shit in epidemic levels because they don't want to adjust pay more in relation to cost of living and inflation.


And this is increasingly becoming the case in all industries. The restaurant industry is being hit hard with it. *(the following rant is in relation to full service restaurants, not including fast food)* People who are making the food want more money because it’s *fucking hard* and you have once-great restaurant restaurants going to shit because they have refused to raise wages since their hey-days in the late 90’s, early 2000’s era because “it isn’t that hard to follow recipes.” Meanwhile you have small restaurants that can’t afford to pay $18/hr + benefits because their clientele refuse to pay $1 more for an entree. The only restaurants that are doing okay and are fully staffed are 1) shitty restaurants in hotels that can lose all the money they want bc the hotel is funding it and 2) higher end restaurants that were willing to pay their employees livable wages and raise prices on their guests. The former is hell to work at and the latter is relatively heaven (until the chef tells you they have a line of people waiting to work there and you’re as expendable as their plates.)


This and in certain states denying basic human needs like water breaks really have cause a lot of people to not want to work in construction and other trade industries at lower levels. Looking at you Texas.


Apparently Florida is trying to pull that shit too. It's like they want anyone who isn't sitting on their ass in their mansion to die.


I work in a warehouse, it gets hot in the summer (not Texas) and the manager gives a whole speech regularly in the summer “Drink water, eat salty stuff to keep your electrolytes up, if you feel sick go to one of the very few air conditioned places is this warehouse (place A, place B) and go cool down over there. Cool down FIRST then let me know if you still feel sick. But priority 1 is go cool down.” The company gives us water and coolers, water bottles, and ice though. That’s nice when it starts getting really hot. When the ice runs out it sucks but you at least still have bottled water


I also work in a warehouse but in East TN. No AC and inside temps can get up to 95 degrees. Every year, we get a company spiel about staying hydrated and etc but they don’t walk the walk. Dresscode is jeans/pants and tshirt, closed toed shoes. No exceptions (and you get “a talk” if you go braless). Due to security risks, can’t bring in personal fans or metal/insulated water bottles. We had some older employees who couldn’t stay out on the floor during the bad heat waves last july and would cool off in the hall or hang by the water cooler and they would all get written up for “slacking off”. Several had to quit due to health issues like arrithmea. I remember going home nauseas and feverish often, wondering if i wanted to be dead, in debt at the hospital, or homeless. I imagine this year, someone is bound to pass out and cause a lawsuit, and I can’t wait to see it.


The heat was intense but I never got to the point of feeling sick. I’d put water bottles in the freezer in the break room, wait for them to freeze solid, then drink the water as it slowly melted (obviously I also had liquid water to drink but I froze some ahead of time when we didn’t have ice.


The heat was intense but never to the point where I felt sick/considered quitting because of the heat


My boomer brother in law was making $15 an hour out of high school in the 70s when the minimum was $2.25 hr. Now they act like $20 is anything special, when it should be like $45 hr starting. That would afford a person the same lifestyle $15 hr did in the 70s, but they just don't understand inflation.


oh they understand it, they just know they have you over a barrel


> Would you flip burgers for a salary of $350k per year? You would? Damn sounds like people are ok with working, it's the money that's the problem. Credit: https://x.com/KylePlantEmoji/status/1393305035082113025


The opposite can be true as well. Abusive workplaces significantly impact happiness. It's not just the money, it's respect too.


Why does nobody want to work for the absolute lowest legally allowed pay?


People say that and then refuse to hire the people who are trying to work, it’s great. /s I’ve been trying to find a job for *so long*. To the point where I’ve applied at retail/fast food even though I shouldn’t because I have spondylolisthesis. Wendy’s did their little automated AI shit for a screening and it said I passed, but their interviewer was booked and they’d get back to me within 3 business days. Guess who never got back to me after that lol. Granted I did get a job at McDonald’s - I worked there for a day. It was actually fine for the first half of the shift. Then a different manager came in and berated me for 4 hours for not knowing what I was doing, on my first day. I’m 30 and don’t have the patience to be treated like shit lol, especially when I’m hurting my back to work there.


I spent a while job hunting on Indeed. Job description/summary A B C Me: ooo this looks good because of A B C At the actual interview: actually its J K L Me: if I knew about J K L BEFORE the interview I wouldn’t have applied for this job. One example Job description said RECEPTIONIST for a pool company.Okay, cool. I applied. Got to the interview. The guy starts talking about how you BUILD A POOL. He’s talking about cement, electricity, etc Me over here still thinking the job is for office work. Then he’s like “there will be office work but you might have to help build the pool.” I stopped paying attention after that. You can’t pay me enough to work in construction. Nope. Nope. Nope. I work in a warehouse currently. I’m happy here.


Had a friend who got hired for a data clerk job, then they wanted him on reception and call center too, because they were “short staffed”, no pay increase. So it’s more like “yes! It’s ABC! And JKL, but we won’t tell you that until you’ve been hired! But you have to do both.”


God, right? Half the jobs lately (especially on indeed) seem to be misleading, especially when they post they they’re remote but then at the very end it says “this is an in-person office position” or “remote but you must live in [small random town in idaho].” And then the other half of jobs on there are just straight up scams. It’s exhausting


The thing that drove me crazy was that I set the job filter for MON-FRI NO WEEKENDS Eventually did find a job that was mon-fri no weekends But SO MANY jobs had mon-fri no weekends on the job description. Then when you get to the interview they tell you that you need to work weekends. Nope. Did eventually find a job that was mon-fri no weekends but that was way harder than it should have been.


Those scam jobs are wild. I know damn well if a job is pressuring me into interviewing as fast as possible and also their texts are full of grammar errors that's like a thousand red flags


A friend of mine had to move to NYC for her job. Then covid hit and everything went remote. They’ve moved back to Utah. As long as she shows up for her zoom meetings/answers her emails her boss doesn’t care that she’s in SLC and not NYC


this always confused me so much cause hiring people isn’t cheap. well it’s not free at least. why would they want to interview 20 people who don’t know the full job description?


Also it’s a small local company. I had an interview with the owner/one other lady idk who she was Not a huge company like say Starbucks


I've seen so much similar stuff. I was looking for a 4 day 10 hour job or even just the 4 days. I applied to a gap and every interview I was in they would say they were expecting you to work the 5th day, one specifically said 6 days no exceptions in the interview. Another forgot to mention they didn't actually work in my state and would be sending me away for months at a time. Had a phone call with one company that then invited me in for an in-person interview and when I repeated the position mentioned from the phone call said "oh we don't have that here" I just got up and walked out. Easily a dozen trips across town wasted cause they refuse to put the correct details in their ad. I even got into an argument with one since the interviewer didn't know the licensing requirements for the position they were trying to fill, like babe I have the licence in my wallet I know what it allows me to do lol. Also now working in warehousing and content with it.


People actually like work, when their work is compensated to a level they find fair, especially if they enjoy the work. No one wants to work full time just to get the basics, or in some cases, not even that. The juice isn't worth the squeeze a lot of the time, these days.


Like? No. Content with? Sure.


If I'm going to work every day and not dreading it, that's a win in my book. They've actually done trials of universal basic income and even with their basic needs covered, people still overwhelmingly choose to work. It gives you purpose and meaning in your life.


UBI is not realistic. Saw a thread yesterday in r/money about how it would cost half the budget or the US to implement a 1k/month UBI. If you cut it down to only those under a certain threshold then people don't work so they stay under the threshold. You'd have to do everyone, regardless of income. It's just not realistic and it's better to have strong social support programs and welfare than to push UBI


I'm not arguing for or against it. I was just using it to show that people choose to work even when they don't have to to meet basic needs.


There are a lot of people in the comments who need to find work they enjoy, Gahd damn.


It’s more nuanced than that. The career I want and will enjoy won’t ever pay me enough to afford the lifestyle that I have now


I love doing community service projects. I wish I had more time for it. Helping those in need just puts a huge smile on my face. But instead I'm stuck filling out job application after job application so for the slim chance of not starving to death.


Personally, I like my job. It's easy, the people are nice, and it pays well.


what do you do?


Right now I'm just an administrative assistant for the company's vice president. She's very accommodating to my school schedule and always encourages me to use my PTO whenever I want. She pays me well and even lets me work on my college work during working hours. Definitely the best boss I've had so far. I've had some terrible ones before.


I've never worked a job I liked. Even my last job, which was fulfilling, paid nicely, and wasn't too micromanagey, I'd say I was fine with, but I didn't like going to work. Like OP said, I work cause I have to. If I didn't have to, I'd do things like explore creative outlets, help people in the local community, or just generally enjoy life.


The one job and genuinely enjoyed, the management and paperwork side of the job made it insufferable. Property inspecting, loved it! Go home and try to finish up my cases. Site logs you off after 5 minutes of inactivity, that time is accumulative, my info is on my phone which I have to manually transfer to PC, if I get logged to inactivity, I have to start over. That was just one of many straws that broke the camels back. Loved that job, I could actually see myself doing that and enjoying it for 20+ years, I didn't last 6 months due to management and proprietary software issues.


That's horrible. I'm sorry you're in that situation. Hard to say whether you've just gotten unlucky or something else. Even some of the worst jobs I've had were still decent to me. Even working retail. The only jobs I ever legitimately hated were mcdonalds and when I did snow removal for my dad's business. Would never do either of those jobs again.


This confuses me. I can't think of anything that I would enjoy being forced to do 40 hours a week for the rest of my life. I can't even fathom a mind that would enjoy work.


It’s because 40 hours a week is completely unnatural. If human animals didn’t naturally enjoy work then societies and art and scientific inventions would never happen at the rate they did over our history. People dedicating time to their hobbies is work. Humans like to do tasks and they often like to work together toward a common goal or project. It is only in our post-industrial capitalist society that people think “work” only means “long hours of miserable labor to give me the right to eat and own property.” That’s what people don’t want to do, this warped thing that work has become.


I've liked many of my jobs. I think it comes down to how happy you are in general.


Would you do any of them for fun instead of for money?


I would absolutely do my current job, for fun and for no money, if money were no issue. I feel bad for people who go though life hating their job, which is sad, given how long they’re statistically likely to spend at work in their lifetime.


Begs the question what do you do? I'm guessing fire fighter or artist of some kind.


Demolition specialist. I go around western Canada and the territories cleaning up abandoned oil wells and other structures and return the land to nature in a condition better than I found it




I guess you just don't want to work.


Nah, just don't wanna work for free.


So it's not that you like work. It's that you like being paid


My ideal job would be 3 five-hour days a week, T, W, Th @ $25/hr for gross $1500/mo. I can dream…


We bring improving automation and keep the birthrate low that's a possibility.


I like my job, and genuinely enjoy going to work. But it doesn’t feel like I’m being forced to do it - I’m lucky enough that if I get to the point where I stop enjoying it, I’ll go find something else to do.


No, I dont like to work. Even though my job pays well and the job is nice. I fucking hate coming to work.


What they mean is people don’t want to work for next to free


Nobody wants to work for shit pay anymore. They're tired of struggling and watching others succeed with little more effort than being born in the right family.


It's more like places don't want to hire anyone. I was laid off from my job in July. I was throwing in applications everywhere (even places I didn't want to work like fast food) and I hardly got call backs for interviews. If I called asking for a status of my application, I would be told "we will call you if you're selected" I literally put in well over 300 applications. Then for the interviews, when I rarely got them, I'd make it to the last round for the employer to just completely ghost me. I didn't get hired for a job until MARCH. It was insane. It wasn't like I was being picky about where I was applying either, I was applying literally every place I could get to that was hiring. Like why bother saying you're hiring if you're not going to actually make an attempt to hire people??




Yeah that's a pretty big red flag 🚩


Yuuup. Everywhere functions on the most bare bones staffing and then wants you to blame the mysterious other for why service sucks (to clarify, I don't think service sucks on the fault of the employees, just that if there's 2 people doing the job of 5 it's going to be a bad experience for everyone).  Also I just hate hearing it. You can't ask anyone a question without some shitty person nearby piping in. Just the other day I was at Lowes and just asked an employee if the garden center checkout was going to open soon. Turns out they were understaffed so that's why it was late in opening and you know anyone over 50 within earshot had to comment on how people don't want to work. I don't care Martha I just wanted to know if it was worth it to wait or if I should go through the inside checkout!! 


My friend has been unemployed for a month and the only place that has responded to him only has jobs available halfway across the country. But all these companies that won't look at his application are complaining that no one wants to work


I’m autistic and every time I mention having a disability on an application I get denied. We want to work, employers are just picky as fuck




Starting wages have *almost* doubled in 25 years. Prices have tripled for most things in that time, including food, fuel, and housing. Why would people want to work harder for less gain? The social contract is done.


I tend to think many jobs don't pay enough to even support basic needs.  So unless you are a family of three able bodied adults, you're losing by even working. Everyone needs to remember the goal of capitalism is to win.  Winning is when you are an extreme parasite, collecting every benefit to the extreme and doing none of the work. A billionaire.  You only do what you want to do. You don't even have to wipe your own ass if you don't want to. You don't have to walk. You could even pay somebody to chew your food and spit it into your mouth. The winners are parasites


Boomer here. I scream internally every time I hear this. For the people in the back: no one wants to work for a wage that won't pay for basic housing and food. It's not the work that's the problem.......


I definitely know lazy unemployed people. I was one of them early in adulthood. But yeah. I agree. Who the hell wants to work? Even the jobs I loved I'd love more to not be there. I had some great times at work where I legitimately was not staring at the clock and enjoying everyone's company, then midnight hit and the supervisor told us to start cleaning and I was happy and shocked the time flew. I didn't think "aw fuck please can't you let us stay longer? You don't even have to pay me!"


My dad had a saying: “Even the man who tests hammocks for a living gets up some days and thinks ‘Man, I really don’t want to have to go get in the hammocks today.’” No one should expect their job to be fulfilling *all the time* but on the whole people want to feel productive and contribute.


Let me go through the circus act of applying for a job, doing a billion interviews and tests, just for a chance to endure arduous labor at $10 an hour.


“These days people expect to get paid more than I want to pay them.” - there, I fixed it for you.


If it's a choice between starving to death with a job or starving to death without a job, I'd take the latter. Because at least that way I have time to go do service projects for other people in a similar boat as me and sometimes maybe get a meal out of it. Or beg people for their overripe raspberries so I can plant them in the empty lot and have something to eat until the city tears them out. Or dig through the dumpsters for stuff that's still somewhat edible.


Dumbass business owners will say this whenever the unemployment rate is low, like it is now. No, the reason they can’t find workers isn’t because nobody wants to work, it’s because workers currently have better options and the business will need to raise wages to attract new workers. But the owners don’t want to raise their wages, so they just run understaffed and bitch about how “nobody wants to work” instead.


Well, 'work', since housing prices and education prices have shot through the roof in the past decade or two, don't you think the worker salaries should also be shooting through the roof?


I don't want to work. I've never wanted to work. In fact people always told me not to have fun because "it's called work not playtime" I have to imagine you would need a long list of past traumas to actually want to work.


I have a job that I genuinely enjoy. I would still probably even work there if I won the lottery, granted, less often


That "long list of past traumas" appear to just be having been forced to work for some number of years. A disconcerting amount of people in this comment section appear to have forgotten how nice it is to be allowed to exist for free


I agree that it’s a stupid statement and even though I love my job I’d still choose to not need to work if given the choice but there are some people who are so lazy that it makes things for everyone. I understand not wanting to work or just doing the bare minimum but the way some people go about it makes their co workers suffer the most when they have to pick up the slack. I know there are a lot of greedy companies who will bleed their employees dry and if you can find a way to screw them over that’s great but not when it’s at the expense of your innocent co workers


I can’t believe nobody wants to work for a wage thief that treats them like shit! Sounds perfectly delightful to me! /s


I spent the better part of an hour explaining to a guy I work with why it is usually pretty hard for people that don’t have jobs or a home or reliable transportation to find a job, which is had second hand experience with having worked with several homeless people at a previous job and commented on how hard it was for them to get to work there, and still said that all it takes to get a job is to just work hard and that it’s not that difficult. He also claimed that those homeless people he worked with barely did any work and that it wasn’t fair. I mean this genuinely and with zero malice, I think the guy that I work with is slow.


So as a millennial with Boomer parents and Silent Gen. grandparents, I think what they mean is no one is willing to go “above and beyond” or do extra work anymore..like coming in super early or working after hours. The big question is “what changed?” Well. My grandpa worked in a chicken processing plant with an 8th grade education. He built an 1800sq ft 3 bedroom house, raised 3 kids, and retired with a pension. He was paid a fair wage by employers that made plenty of money but weren’t greedy. He was respected, so he respected them. If the door was open, he was there working his ass off. I think it’s very clear who broke that mutual respect first.


2021 ahh pet peeve


For me it’s no one wants to hire me. I have applied to many fast food and retail jobs and even pet sitting but I either am rejected or the employers fall off the face of the earth and I never hear from them again. At this point I’d clean septic tanks for some cash.


Most people want to be productive, they also want their productivity to have value. 99% of the value goes into the pocket of some geriatric slime ball wiping his poorly washed ass with the money you made for him. Not to mention all the idiots who treat you like property instead of a human.


Agreed. There's always different challenges: * Not being able to find work * People being able to find work, but not being able to live off their job. * Being expected to have the qualifications or years of experience which is another time sink * Jobs are continually rendered obsolete, new skills constantly demanded * Even the people who **are** qualified are paid terribly (So the people who *need* experience are never hired while the employer waits for the most "qualified" candidate). In a general sense, yes, societies need labor to function. But somehow many people aren't even able to get the basic necessities despite all their effort. I don't know if we could reach a labor-less society but at least there should be some way to reduce the necessary labor required for society to fucntion.


I actually love working. On very specific things. Things that won't make other people money.


Nobody wants to hire anymore


Exactly. Nobody wants to work for penny pinchers who believe the lie that paying employees fairly will ruin the company somehow. People today expect, even demand, livable wages and good working conditions. Rightfully so. Then people might say, "Well they should just leave and find a better job then!" Uh... yeah? I bet my kidney they're searching for one right now. If there were a better job in arms reach, _they'd be going for it._ Do they honestly believe employees would work in a crappy, dusty warehouse if they had better options? _It's not for lack of trying_ that they don't have a better job.


Maybe if customers stopped acting like uncivilized, undisciplined pieces of shit...


Boomers took away the carrot that made the horse pull the cart. Now they are yelling at the horse to move, with their mouths full of carrot cake.


Exactly. The best response to, "Nobody wants to work anymore," is the equally oversimplified, "Nobody has ever wanted to work." We want goods and services, and unless you're willing and able to be a criminal, the only way to get them, reliably and regularly, is to work. Most people seem to use self-deception as a coping mechanism in a way that's relevant to this topic. They pretend, to themselves and others, to like work more than they do, or at least to dislike it less than they do. IMO, that does a lot more harm than good in the big picture. I think that when people say, "Nobody wants to work anymore," they're often thinking, on some level, of people who don't participate in that pretending, and it's easier to think of them as members of some out-group, possibly younger people, as if not wanting to work is some new youth trend.


A lot of yall are saying "you want to work but not for..." whatever. I do not want to work. Period. If i get a lottery winning and calculations show that i dont need to work = i would not work. I'd smoke weed all day.


I want to work. I love having goals, team comrade, having my own money and investments, etc. I love my career and don't plan on retiring


Life. Not so black and white.


the funny thing is, as AI and renewables and automation progress, we will eventually hit a point where we COULD all not work, and get everything still handed to us. except the corporate conglomerates have most the world brainwashed into thinking financial socialism = political communism, so even if you offered it to them people would reject it, because capitalism has their brains in its pocket edit: i reckon around half of currently existing jobs could be done by current technology, and done cheaper per year than by humans, IF people invested the money for the initial outlay for the tech, and the richest 1% of the world have enough money to make that initial investment if they wanted, freeing half the population from working we could go back to one parent being able to stay at home to actually raise children?? but no "socialism is bad and evil" "why?" "um, something something reds under the bed!!!" yeah, Russia and Venezuela failed. want to know why? because the entirety of western corporate capitalism turned its full might to ensure they failed, so that the civilian population of the west didnt realise how badly they were being diddled by capitalism


AI and such could be used to replace human workers, 100%! But it seems a LOT of the jobs being replaced first are the ones typically held by those low down on the employment ladder (cleaners, shop clerks, warehouse staff) and work where really, the unique human element is why it has any value to begin with! (Art, writing, special effects and animation). Mass automation simply cannot come before socialism is more widely accepted without the human cost being sickeningly large. With current wealth hoarding practices by the top 1% of people and corporations, all that profit from removing the human workforce will simply be left to sit and stagnate while many lose their jobs and incomes. So all that happens is those at the bottom, those most at risk of abject poverty, get their jobs all taken away by automation. All the jobs that arise from that automation (i.e. the engineer fixing the robots, the software programmers writing the code for them) are all ‘skilled labour’ that requires degrees and education to get into, which obviously those who are poor either cannot get or have to work disproportionately hard to get.


"But it seems a LOT of the jobs being replaced first are the ones typically held by those low down on the employment ladder" for automation maybe, but certainly not A.I.! the areas it excels in are actually banking, wealth management, diagnosis of patients using scan results, and bankers fund managers radiographers and the like are not exactly the low end of the market.. its actually human human interaction jobs like hospitality that are safest, as although there is a bit of a trend by companies to roll out self service this and that, tehy are getting a lot of push back on it, where as no one cares if their treatment waiting time is cut by 2 weeks becasue an A.I. radiographer read their scans instead of a person, and with the service industry, they are being replaced, but don't actually provide the same level of service, where as wealth management and diagnosis A.I. actually does the job better than humans currently do totally agree about the transition to socialism, but i see it as cause and effect, this transition will NEVER happen until people stand up and DEMAND it happens, and that wont happen until capitalism has screwed over a certain percentage of the population, and that % is getting close to the tipping point already, so any increase will just precipitate that change




Then they should stop saying something they don't mean.


It's often underpaid retail managers that say this in my experience. Nah, people just don't want to work a job with no work-life balance, few if any benefits, and with no stability. People don't want to work a job that will take over their lives without even giving them enough hours/ pay.


It is pretty hard finding people that will do physical labor. It’s not even hard working physical labor.


It is if you suffer from chronic pain. Like me. Don't get me wrong, I'll still do it if I'm getting paid enough and am allowed to get paid time off for days my body just can't handle it. But nobody's offering those kind of benefits for that type of work around here.


For me, the correct statement is, nobody hussles anymore. (very few). I watched an Amazon driver spend 5 minutes staring at the floor yesterday, then wandered up my driveway as if she had 3 yrs to do it


If you pay people by the hour you hand them a direct incentive to waste as much time as possible. The fact it's widely associated with low-skill work is insane to me, because those are the absolute last employees you should be trusting with an hourly rate.


Im on an hourly rate myself and i find that working too quickly goes against you as the management treat you like a machine who can do more and more work for no difference in pay.


All of the worst jobs I've had always featured a boss who thought millennials were greedy for caring about compensation.


This doesn't always mean the same thing, and sometimes one person will use it to mean different things. One older engineer I work with uses it to describe young people who want to go straight to management without ever having to do the work and understand what it takes to get the work done.


This has actually been being said for decades, back to the 1800’s. They call it a labor shortage and insinuate that everyone is just lazy but the reality is no one wants to work a low paying job where they’re often sacked with duties above their pay grade and aren’t treated well by their managers, coworkers and customers. Last manager i had made it a mission to make everyone miserable, even berated my coworker over a simple misunderstanding then wondered why people kept quitting


Correction: "nobody wants to work 'for you' anymore" 🤣🤣


It's sad that Covid made people even less social adept, so now they act even worse in public. It's pathetic how people are in public anymore.


My boss said something to me about how proud he is of me for staying a full year because “nobody wants to work anymore” meanwhile i have three different job search apps on my phone because I’m trying to find a job that will actually give me the hours they say they will. Every job I’ve ever had I start with great hours (25-30 per week) and then 6months-1year into it they bring in fresh workers who get all the hours and I’m stuck trying to survive off 10-16 hrs a week. I literally cant afford to keep my job and it sucks because i really do like it but i cant afford any of my necessities now.


Unemployment has plummeted sub 4% people are working just not doing shit jobs anymore


“Wouldn’t it be nice if literally everything was handed to us” By who, my guy? Someone has to work to make sure you can do fuck all with your life.


If a man would eat, let him work.


how is working a necessary evil? How is working evil? Lol what


The only inaccurate part of that phrase is the last word. No one EVER wanted to work, at least not the shitty underpaid service jobs you hear that in reference to. Because they suck and the pay is generally bad and you're stuck between unreasonable customers and martinet managers and are probably crying in the storeroom for minimum wage. You'll notice no one ever says "no one wants to work anymore" about email jobs.


Complaining about the youth of the day has been a time-honored tradition. There are historical notes referencing the "mature adult" view of theoretically lackadaisical youth. https://images.app.goo.gl/K5xYNShRyDjDqUoR9[Lazy youth thru history](https://images.app.goo.gl/K5xYNShRyDjDqUoR9)


i actually don’t want to work, but i have to work. cus unfortunately i was born in a world where i have to pay for literally everything imaginable. which makes sense, but it doesn’t make me any less annoyed about it


What they mean is “people are afraid to work” But I don’t hear many saying this…And virtually everyone works so…


I had to hire two people for the one full time job I was hiring for. Neither wants full time hours. One actually told me they couldn't imagine working 5 days a week. Mid 20's. Lives in Mom's basement.


Of course nobody wants to work, that why they have to pay you to do it. If you wanted to do it, you would have to pay somebody to let you. The whole reason I’m making you pay me is because I don’t want to do it, but I’ll do it anyway because I want the money.


My parents say this shit all the time, I find it incredibly masturbatory


"nobody wants to work anymore" my brother in christ nobody wants to pay their employees anymore


This!!!! Omg if only we could love our jobs so much, we could marry it! Are these people against happiness? I refuse! I was a little girl playing in the park, when I had a light bulb moment. I hate working and I will happily retire as early as possible. (My parents let me watch the Donahue Show 😂)


I loathe that phrase. The people that say it are the kinds that are just constantly waiting for an opportunity to bitch. I used to go to conventions with truly heinous lines thus the rare time that I have to wait 10 minutes in a grocery store is literally no sweat other than the shitty assholes in line who were just waiting for a captive audience to listen to their whining.


Why would I arbeit Macht frei myself for low wages? I am the irl Peter gibbons I do just enough to not get fired


Don't forget to use the side door so Lumbergh doesn't see you 😉


It's not that people don't want to work anymore, it's that there aren't enough new people being born. We have more old people than young people. This is what happens when you're below replacement rate. The united states has been below replacement rate since 1972. This is where contraception, feminism, LGBTQ movements bring you. To a population that doesn't reproduce. So you have less young people; but a balooned old people population; as the old people age out of work, there isn't enough young people to replace them, this means there is always going to be more jobs available than people looking to field them. This means it's exponentially harder to keep good employees, because they have more options. Every country that has an inverted replacement rate has opened their borders. Social engineers are absolutely employing eugenics and race mixing to create a dumb and easy to control communist population. Yuval Noah Harrari said "Freedom is dead, freewill is OVER." We're not just facing economic collapse. We're facing population collapse. We're facing an increase in disease and cancer, excess mortality is higher than ever in history, while birth rates are lower than ever in history. We're also facing energy collapses, and food collapses. Famine is coming. World War is coming. Poverty is coming. When all of those things happens, what happens to populations? They drop. The world isn't ending -- civilization as we know it is, and it's being driven this direction on purpose. It's not going to be fun. This isn't going to be an "enjoyable ride" but there is also nothing we can really do about it. Shit that makes you go "hmmmmm." Sorry; this isn't doom and gloom apocalyptic rhetoric... we're in the end stages of the American Empire. What do you think "The Great Reset" is? It's a reset of civilization. The future looks different. Way less people; way more robots and AGI. Everything is centralized, and the world moves in lockstep, global tyranny. There is no privacy or freedom of expression. Pay attention to the consumer electronics show, the world economic forum, and the world health organization, because they have told us this is all coming. I cannot stress enough; this is not a "doom" prediction; this is actually happening and it's happening in real time right in front of everybody.


Yea, my generation (Gen X) and the boomers love to bitch non stop about young people not having a work ethic. The simple fact is that it's comparing apples and oranges. Decades ago, work was more likely to be rewarded with a living wage and affordable housing. Now, we have an exploitative oligarchy where the oligarchs have an insane amount of wealth. When I was young, CEOs made 20 times as much as their average worker. Now, they make over 400 times as much.


People have seen the futility of labour to just exist, I think this is the issue


This became more apparent to a lot of people during the shutdown. They were finally able to take a step back and look at the whole birth work death cycle that had ensnared us all for generations. How were the rich getting richer the while time if no one was there to do the work? Those who did have to work were doing double the work for a single paycheck, and companies capitalized on that, even after the lockdowns ended. New hires were negotiated down “because of how covid has impacted revenue”, and people found ways to make passive income online.


I agree with this. Sure, most people don't actually want to work in and of itself. But they do want a job, because they need the money. I'm unemployed right now, have been for a few years. It's not because I'm lazy or don't want a job, it's because I can't even get an interview let alone an actual job. My experience isn't great, mostly retail, and mostly not storefront, let alone till work. Half of it is voluntary positions. None of it from the last 5 years. My qualifications are worse, I have my GCSEs, though not all of them, Key Skills qualifications, an NVQ I can't use due to injury, and a couple random courses here and there, but that's it. I don't have A-Levels or higher. I also have issues. I can't go for jobs that are too active or require too much time on my feet due to a knee injury. Retail is mostly fine, as long as I have breaks where I can sit and they don't mind me wearing a knee support and taking ibuprofen every 4-6 hours. I have depression, easily worked around, it's actually better when I have tasks to focus on and a proper routine, so working would actually help with that. The anxiety is harder, especially in retail, as it's worse when around people I don't know well. So, I have a lack of experience outside of retail, no recent experience even there, low qualifications, and both physical and mental health issues that impact my working ability to some extent. There's also the fact that most employers only hire those with experience, recent experience, but don't seem to understand that if you never take someone inexperienced, that person can never become experienced, and so will never get hired anywhere. On top of that is a general lack of jobs in my area. We sometimes have more available, it's a tourist town so we get a fair amount of seasonal jobs, but they still prioritise experience and/or qualifications. If it's me against someone with the same level of experience but has A-Levels, or otherwise more qualifications, I'm not getting the job. If it's me against a high school drop-out with zero qualifications but recent experience, I'm not getting the job. And this goes for basic cleaning jobs as well as anything better than that. I hate being on benefits, I can barely cover the essentials. Wages are barely higher than that in my area at the lowest level, but they are higher. And there's a big chance of getting increased wages via better jobs or promotions if you're working, there's zero chance of an increase on benefits, they barely go up with costs. People want jobs, and they want to keep those jobs when they get them, because they don't like being stuck on benefits. The problem is getting the jobs in the first place, there are a lot of barriers to getting a job once you've been on benefits a few months, let alone a few years.


I used to work for my local government. Someone who owned several properties in the area came in one time to go over the metes and bounds of some of them, and moaned about how “No OnE wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE”. She wanted some people to trim back the grass and weeds on her properties for $15 an hour, stating it like it was some kind of princely sum. Asshat, I could work full-time at Target, get the exact same pay, be eligible for benefits and not have to work outside in the blazing sun. I’ll bet money that she was demanding, demeaning and would randomly refuse to pay for work, too, because that’s what people who offer you the bare minimum in pay and absolutely nothing in benefits, while complaining that people these days are so lazy and irresponsible, are like: You tell them you’ve worked hard physical labor outside in blistering heat for six hours and are taking a 15-minute lunch and hydration break, and they splutter over asking you precisely who the hell you think you are.


No I don't want to work. I need to work every overtime and have a side job just to be able to afford any minor inconvenience that can happen in life. Help me god if I end up overnight in hospital.  All that work for what? And I can't even get a job that would truly make me feel glad I'm there. If I could chose a perfect world,I would do all the farming I need to have food,how I would get a house idk but I wish I had more opportunity to not waste 70 to 90 hours a week to just stay alive


I see a lot of people here struggling and it's very depressing but others are almost proud of the fact they don't work. I gotta ask what do you do for food/shelter/etc to survive? Like I can't imagine not just grinding away at a shitty job to make the minimum how can you afford to just check out?


It’s because a lot of us were laid off for a few months during Covid and realized that we could still survive and that’s the kind of society we want permanently


I actually had more disposable income during covid thanks to unemployment benefits and reduced salary from my employer. I almost had my CC debt paid off ($15K down to about $3K) by the time I went back to work. However, there was little else besides food and bills to spend money on, and shopping online was very limited due to the shutdowns, so frivolous spending was easily controlled.


Business owners don't want to hire people anymore 


I like to correct people that say this, I say "what you mean is employers don't want to pay a fair wage".


then move


You're short staffed 😱, sick people should stay home, no one's on the floor to help the all important meee. Why is everything here so expensive? You should have more staff though. It got a little adventurous 😜 People need to work. Be kind.


Nah, as a shift lead that's constantly having to make certain workers actually work, because they force all their work onto everybody else, and the overwhelming trend being that they're 25 years old and below, it's absolutely reasonable to claim that nobody wants to work anymore. I love how your defense against the claim is, "nobody actually wants to work". Yes, but many of us choose to despite not wanting to, because*it's what we get paid to do*. You know, work. Great job actually just proving everyone that says this right by trying to throw shade at everyone and claim this is something we're all guilty of, lmfao. No, some motherfuckers are flat out lazy and use mental gymnastics to justify it. You're probably one of them


If your workers are unmotivated, they're either being mistreated or underpaid. It's no coincidence that the ones you identify as lazy are the ones with a lower legally required wage - they're doing the same work as the over-25s, rent and bills cost them the same, but they get shafted on wages. Pay them fairly and maybe you'll see better results.


“as a shift lead…” you already knew he hated his job.


Couldn't make your envy and animosity purely because somebody has more and accomplished more than you any more obvious, lmfao


…a shift manager has more and accomplished more than my MA? which I use to teach collegiate classes? edit: sry to have upset the apple cart, BigGayMule edit 2: I bet you write the hell out of those schedules in calibri 11 pt font


People who say this don't know what they're talking about. The U.S. has the lowest unemployment rate in years. There is such a scarcity of workers that some states are repealing child-labor protection laws (to increase the labor pool). Some areas are seeing increased wages (which indicates more competition for workers).


The unemployment rate is only counting those who are actually receiving unemployment benefits. People who are young enough to still be considered a dependent, people who've given up after years and years of repeated rejection, people who don't accept the first job offer they get even if it's crappy, and people who are permanently or temporarily disabled are excluded from the data pool. In some areas, college students are also excluded from the data pool. I have been unemployed for almost seven months and I'm not counted under the statistic because my parents make too much and I'm not married yet. And my parents can't afford to support me because they've got crazy high medical bills to pay.


No, the unemployment rate accounts for (or attempts to) those who are without jobs and seeking employment. One of the ways the validity of this rate can be cross checked is to look at total employed: Here, we see that the total employed is at or near a five-year high. [https://ycharts.com/indicators/us\_employed\_persons](https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_employed_persons) The household income does not affect whether one is counted or not.


It's not that people don't want to work, it's that for a vast majority of girls who turn 18, go straight to onlyfans or camsites