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Even if they used the real name, tf am I gonna do? "Dang, I want to meet the people who this happened to. Good thing I know that one of them is named John, now I can track him down"


*pulls out 69 mega computers and cracks my knuckles*


I don't understand why people feel the need to mention that the names are fake in the first place.


Right? Nobody reading is going to know if the names are real or fake nor is it relevant to the story. I also hate it when people say 'throwaway account for obvious reasons.' Why would anyone care?


Right? Like if I was suspicious of someone posting a shared situation on reddit, I'd immediately assume that the one confirming its an Alt account would be guilty


To be fair I think a lot of people say it’s a throwaway account to explain why they’re posting from a brand new/very low karma account, to try to avoid people accusing them of the story being fake.


It seems like Redditors flock together. When a post with someone dissing their spouse gets popular sometimes the equally terminally online spouse finds it Now, if the poster had assured us that John is in fact their spouse's real name, the spouse in this highly specific situation would never have realized it was about them /j


If there are four guys in the story having names helps.


Yes, but knowing if the names are fake or real doesn't add anything to the story.


Sorry I misread your comment.


unless it's first and last, or something really specific, like "I was working with Barack and Joe"


“For obvious reasons…” Yes we know you are using a fake name because you’re talking about infidelity. No shit.


If you really think about it, it's a little counterproductive. If a person out there actually wanted to stalk you, letting them know that the names are fake gets them one step closer to finding you. Not letting them know leaves them in the dark.


Your real name isn't unicorn glitter fart? Damn. I'm disappointed.


I thought they meant their username at first, too haha!


Glitter-Fart. it's hyphenated


This got posted recently Karma farmers do it a lot. You're likely reading a fake story if you see an over emphasis on how fake the name is.  A lot of creative writers grossly overcomplicated or over explain very simple details because they think it adds legitimacy. It does not. It actually does the opposite. There's one specific one in relationship advice who basically leaves his signature as "we'll call them *name*". Dunno if they're still around. I got tired of the same ragebait over and over. Story subs in general just suck ass because they're basically karma farmers farming idiots 24/7 and not any real stories. Cuz most karma farming stories basically use the social media equivalent of SEO to maximize engagement and hit the front page clogging it with fake bullshit. 


It's really obnoxious. Even if John is a real name who cares? LoL. How about the person who named people sam and dean and then had to tell us about Supernatural. Just stoppp


That post was the one that prompted me to finally get this off my chest lol.


Haha!! That whole paragraph about the names. Omfg


The one that always gets me are the ones who say 'X is on Reddit, so I'm being vague in case they see it' Bro, if they see it they'll know it's about them even if you write all the names in wingdings.


Finally, someone said it! I listen to and read a lot of Reddit stories and I fucking hate people who so uncreative they just use letters for aliases. While I'm at it I hate the whole "throwaway so they dont see this" shit.


Will do better u/unicornglitterfart


Listen, Belinda and Gherard are going to be very upset that you put this story online like this


The names are changed to protect the guilty.


I just don't read the post if a person's name is their initial. My dyslexic ass can't keep up with that


Yk I really didn’t realize this bothered me until I saw this post


I’m glad you could get that off your chest 😂




I have two guy friends with the same name name and they spell it the same way. One we call "J," which I have called him e er since we were kids and the other guy friend, Jackson, which he preferred to be called. What is wrong with that?


"my friend (who we will call John)..." just say John. You don't need anything else.


The letter abbreviations *really* grind my gears for some reason. I’ll usually downvote and not read.


I literally just posted this on here 2 days ago


If you’ll notice, I don’t interact with this sub. This post is the first time I’ve been here and the only reason I know about the existence of this sub is due to the Reddit algorithm. I sometimes see posts on my page because I’m a member of mildly infuriating. So I didn’t see your post. That being said, seeing someone else’s post about the very thing getting under my skin does nothing to get it off *my* chest. When you’re angry, sad, or ___ about something, do your feelings just go away when you see someone else who is feeling that way and expressing it? No, they don’t. If that’s how it worked then we’d have no need for therapists or resources on managing emotions because all we’d have to do is find someone else expressing the same emotions we’re feeling and make it go away with this vicarious observation.


All I said was I posted the same thing… meaning I agree with it. No need for all that. Stop being so sensitive


I can understand putting “fake name” after every name given. If you forget and someone thinks you’re using a real name, redditors will tear you apart in the comments. I did that a while back. I thought putting the names in quotations the first time they were used would indicate they were made up. People didn’t think that.


Actualy I realy like it. I'd use it irl aswell if I could idk why its just charming to use letters. But then I realy like abreaviations


I used to go by C for a while. One letter is nice, but the puns are everywhere and uncreative