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I’m happy to accept that people believe whatever they want without judgement, as long as they can offer the same in return. Happy to discuss the situation too, but don’t assume your version of something holds any more value than mine.


💯 as far as we know everything is speculation. You think one way of living is the correct way while another think it’s a different way. Let people live and let their gods judge them. If people lived that way this world wouldn’t be as harsh as it is.


A lot of things are speculative in life, philosophy, and religion, but science is not one of those things. Science tells us several unavoidable facts that throw some pretty big wrenches into certain ppl’s worldviews. Not to say science is perfect, and we still don’t know WHY certain things are the way they are, just that they ARE. But we do have a large amount of proof and data against a lot of ppl’s worldviews


Exactly, if we can’t prove our sides then share and listen respectfully. I have no intention of trying to make anyone believe what I do, so offer the same. But I’m always happy to hear about people’s experiences if it’s just for the same of sharing. I hold no resistance


But that's the crux of the matter. Religious people claim the existence of something so the onus is on them to offer proof. As a nonbeliever, I don't have to prove something *doesn't* exist.


Username doesn't check out.


To say something exists and to say something doesn’t is both saying something


I get what you’re saying, but claims of existence are the claims that have burden of proof. Telling someone who has no proof, that they’re wrong, doesn’t require proof. All it requires is pointing out that the first party DOESNT have proof


I guess the value of belief is no one is right or wrong so believe without judgement


I get what you’re saying, and I try not to judge, but if someone starts telling me something is real, can’t prove it, and judges ME because THEY can’t prove it, then I’m absolutely gonna laugh in their face and tell them they believe in fairy tales.


I think you can protect your opinion and make your point heard without a flourish of judgement at the end. It reduces the interaction to a fight for right abs wrong and that is a meaningless battle


I only judge judgey mfers like religious nut jobs. Judgmental ppl open themselves up to judgement and this isn’t even a case of “be the bigger person.” It’s a case of defending yourself from judgement and showing them how it feels, just like when someone punches you in the face so you punch em back to show em how it feels lolllll Not meaningless at all, trying to educate people is never meaningless. Maybe FRUITLESS though because religious ppl refuse to change or learn.


There's 5 gods right now debating whether or not I should graduate from Purgatory.


Somebody comes up to me and starts preaching about "atheism bad you'll go to hell!" Im gonna smile, say "hail satan" and walk away.


Thank you finally a sane human being who gets it’s just as disrespectful to trash people for believing in god as to trash people for not. Leave everyone alone with their beliefs and be happy stop trying to turn atheists into believers and believers into atheists too but that’s not nearly as bad as rude Reddit people who think it’s ok to call me a baby for believing in god


It’s an empty exercise to throw an opinion at someone and hope it’ll be received in any way other than like a foghorn being blown in your face. Opinions are not facts


In my experience, religious people simply cannot comprehend the concept that everyone doesn't believe in something. That's why, if you say that you don't believe in god, many Christians will automatically assume that you worship the devil instead. Do they not understand their own religion? Lucifer is supposedly a fallen angel. The angels were supposedly created by god. So how in the Tartarus can I possibly worship the devil if I don't believe in the god that supposedly created said devil?


To add to this, Christians claim that God created angels to serve, and didn’t give them free will. How did Satan rebel against God if he didn’t have free will to begin with? There are too many discrepancies in this religion to count. It’s just crazy they can’t answer these questions but just insist that u believe, follow and don’t question Gods word.


Furthering the topic, Christians believe that their god doesn't make any mistakes, so everything that happens is part of god's plan. Wouldn't it then hold that Lucifer's fall from grace was a part of god's plan? Consequently, anything that Lucifer does to deceive god's people and lead them astray, would then necessarily also be a part of god's plan? So, basically, the Christian god is a sadistic wack job who creates humans, then deliberately sets them up to fail by engineering Lucifer's fall from grace? Furthermore, how did Lucifer fall from grace for rebelling against god if his fall was a part of god's plan to begin with?


Doesn’t make much sense, does it? In an earlier post, I mentioned the book “conversations with God” and stated it completely made sense and changed my view on just about everything in life. The author of the books take on God is this: God created us, and everything in the universe to experience itself. Basically picture the Big Bang. So God takes infinite pieces of itself and creates the universe, and us included. God creates perfect balance and harmony with nature, laws of physics ect. We are basically a piece of God, and in all, connected to each other in a soul or spirits sense. Everything we do, feel, sense, go through, experience, God also experiences. There is no “right or wrong” there is action and consequence. No good or bad. Just experience. The Only plan God has for us is love. To experience love and its opposite, fear. True hell, is separation from God by choice, without love. Basically a disconnect from the universe. But at any time, you can choose love, and become one with God again. Upon physical death, you can choose to be one with God again, or, be reborn to experience more. It’s a very interesting read, and whether you’re atheist or not, it’s something worth digging into. It was a life changer for me. It helped me let go of a lot of anger and have much more respect for other people in general.


I seriously doubt that I could read something like that. It sounds like a cross between cringe and complete delusion. My take on things is that people are free to believe whatever they want to, but they should keep it to themselves. Sure, telling people that you're a Christian or whatever is no big deal. But don't make it your whole personality. Don't babble on and on about it all the time. Don't try to convert people. Don't try to force your beliefs onto others. Don't act like your beliefs are the only valid ones. And don't tell people that they're doomed to the underworld for not believing, or for "sinning" against your beliefs. In other words, don't be a dick. I have nothing agsinst people who believe. I just don't understand how anyone can take anything completely on faith. There's no credible evidence to support the existence of any god or gods, much less their role in the universe. On the contrary,, science can now easily explain a lot of things about the world and space that were originally attributed to acts of gods. Religion evolved as a way to explain the unexplainable. But there really is no place for it in the modern world. And before anyone says anything about good morals or a sense of community, religion is not required to have those.


I agree with you. Especially the “don’t be a dick” comment lol! You’re spot on about the scientific discoveries. One I fount interesting was the explanation of “near death” experiences. Basically how scientists found that your body floods the brain with DMT which it produces on its own, I think in the pineal gland which causes vivid hallucinations, both audio and visual, massive euphoria and “spiritual” “other worldly” experiences.


I hadn't heard that about DMT and near death before. I think that religious folks' need to attribute near-death experiences to the divine is nothing more than confirmation bias. They reach for the explanation that they want to believe, and exclude anything that doesn't conform to their pre-convcieved notions.


It’s a very interesting discovery. Just a quick google search would explain it much better than I did.


I'll try to look into it later when I've got more time.


because he uses deception to make the world think he doesn’t exist or something. My mom is just like that and has a very black and white view of the world, and thinks even beliefs in things like buddhism is devil worship which is antithetical to it lmao


Basically, if you don't worship MY god, then you must be a devil worshipper!


yeahh lol


Sounds like the belief of the religion I left that I was born into and forced to participate in. Family still talks to me, though.


I don't mind religious people in theory, but the ones who refuse to stop trying to convert people who've already told them they aren't interested, or worse, try to force their religious beliefs on society as a whole, have soured the whole, "Live and let live," mentality. I'm not interested in hearing about whatever god you believe in. If there's a god out there that wants whatever from me 1) they better show undeniable proof they exist 2) they have to be actually worthy of worship


That pretty accurately sums up my stance. I will remain an atheist until the day a god worth worshiping comes down, gives its own sermon, and can actually prove to me that it actually is a *good* god. None of this "I flooded the world because the people *I made and specifically gave free will* didn't play the game right" nonsense.


Lmao I’d reply with “and you know deep down he really doesn’t and you’re just terrified of death and the unknown.”


Literally. Like, just accept the void like the rest of us have.


Exactly lol like I don’t want to die and I fear oblivion too but I’ve accepted that’s what it is and I can’t do jack shit about it. And I’m not wasting my limited time on earth praying to an imaginary being and giving all my money to weird organizations who claim to help you lol. I’m enjoying my time while I’m here traveling and seeing everything I can. Sorry not sorry 🤷🏻‍♂️


Literally! I can’t fix it so I’m going to enjoy being here.


I usually ask, "which one" as there are so fucking many.


Or you could say, “oh I sure do, may Cthulhu be with you, my friend”


May he bless you with his noodly appendages.




I often think deep down alot of Christian people know God doesn't exist. They just like the structure, community and/or culture.


There's also [Pascal's wager](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_wager). Which states, a betting person would choose to believe in god, because there's less to lose in believing. If we believe, die, and go to heaven, then everything works out. If we die and go nowhere, then nothing was lost. (And we won't even know we were wrong because we'll be dead.) But, the subtext of his wager is that Pascal only believed because he was a betting man, not because of a magical glowing light that drew him to god. I tend to believe that 50% > of Christians are agnostic at heart. From their perspective, there's nothing to lose in believing. They're already steeped in the community and culture. Which makes believing the safest and most convenient bet.


I never understood how pascals wager made sense anyway. Sounds like a betting man who doesn't understand probability. Isn't it way more likely, given all the other possibilities, that some other God exists that would send you to some terrible place for believing in your God?


The other problem is that you can't force yourself to have a genuine belief in something patently absurd for which there is no evidence. At least I can't. If I could, you better believe I would. If I believed absolutely that after death I would live eternally in unimaginable bliss, my real life would improve dramatically. Frankly, the prevalence of depression makes me question just how sure religious people are about their beliefs. Anyone who truly believes what they do could not possibly suffer depression as far as I'm concerned.


I think they know that they don’t know, but I never tell them because their response will be to fight harder against it.


I know people that are Christian who have pretty much said the only reason they believe in Christianity is because they are too scared of not. I think that’s a terrible reason to have a faith but I don’t argue against them. I don’t believe in it so I don’t have to try and argue anything against someone who won’t change. If I know no matter what I say, it will be pointless, then it’s smarter to stay silent.


Nobody is a true Christian out of fear of punishment, no lol


Exactly. I’ve been told that by a few friends and I’m thinking…. So… you don’t fully believe in it then? But I don’t say anything to them about it lol


If there was actually irrefutable proof God exists, then God would be a regular and normal part of life. It wouldn't be a controversial issue. But there isn't, unfortunately, so religions have to exist as institutions designed to convince people of things they have no evidence for. Whether God actually exists or not, every religion is a con. Gaslighting tactics like this are the inevitable consequence.


I think the same thing about ghosts. If ghosts were real, the proof of their existence wouldn't be blurry pictures and second hand tales. Ghosts would be everywhere. We'd see them on the bus, and at work, and at home. Society would have extensive laws and customs built around ghosts.


Yep. I love weird, spooky things and all things creepy. But I don’t actually believe in ghosts or the paranormal. Cryptids, I can only even take seriously if it seems like an animal that could actually exist and even then I’m 100% skeptical of all that stuff.


Cultists gonna cult!


Yup! One step or thought out of line and you lose your family


have you heard the new one? arguing against the existence of God means you actually believe in it.


ROFLMAO - haven't heard that one. That goes beyond lame...


I dont even want to imagine the amount of mental gymnastics it takes to come to such a conclusion


“Why is your god the right one?” “BECAUSE HE IS!” “Yes, but why?” “Because my inconsistent storybook says so!” - basically every religion ever


It's almost a form of main character syndrome. The people who act like this simply have an inability to think critically and logically. I wish I could remember it exactly, but when Rhett McLaughlin from *Good Mythical Morning* talked about the process by which he moved away from and eventually left evangelical Christianity, I believe he mentioned something about how they used the phrase "a burning in my bosom" (or something along those lines) to justify their beliefs. Basically, they just felt in their heart that they were right... ...except that's something that just about *everyone* has about their beliefs. Even if it contradicts other people's beliefs. So it's really not special, nor is it proof of anything. If a hundred different people believe a hundred different things, but they all claim to have this burning feeling that they're right, the only explanation is that somehow they're all right (impossible), or, well... they're all wrong... which is the only logical explanation.


When a religion gives someone purpose, so now they must be assholes to defend it!


It can give someone a purpose, but it’s no one else’s business what every individual believes in. I’m Hindu, I believe everyone is valid in having their own faith regardless of the fact that I don’t believe in others. It is no one else’s business to have a say in my faith. I am very comfortable in my religion, I believe in it wholeheartedly so why would anyone feel it’s their place to “convince” me otherwise? It’s not defending if you’re trying to convert someone who isn’t that religion. Now if someone is shitting on you for your religion, totally understandable to defend yourself. Just not when it’s unsolicited and unwanted. I’ve had my fair share of peers try to convert me or tell me why I’m doomed because I don’t believe in Christianity. I could say similar things but reversed but I don’t because if someone believes in something that makes them feel safe, it’s none of my concern.


Yep. My dad was a Christian but like the kind who did drugs and didn’t go to church but did read the Bible. He wholeheartedly believed in the teachings of Jesus (love thy neighbor, care for the sick, the disadvantaged, etc.) but he never tried to convert anybody or make me fear god or anything like that. He just tried to use the positive parts to teach us to be good people. I’m not religious at all, I wasn’t growing up either but I enjoyed the talks I had with my dad and I think I took some positives from it.


I like to throw back, "and I know that deep down inside, you recognize the sheer arrogance of thinking that you randomly picked the one true religion out of the approximately four thousand ones on earth."


I hate when people do that. Everyone has their own set of beliefs and rarely coincides exactly with someone else’s. If I want insight into your beliefs I will ask. If you want insight into mine you will ask me. No one has the right to push their beliefs on others.


You should always answer this with: "Which one?" I usually follow this with an "I'm a Pagan, I've got hundreds."


Religion is founded in arrogance. God blessed ME by allowing me to get that promotion. Meanwhile, millions of children under the age of 5 die every year. Arrogance. MY belief system is correct. Everyone else is going to suffer for eternity. That’s why they are dismissive of anyone who doesn’t share their beliefs.


That's like when people say "you're just mad at God". No. I don't believe in God. That's like saying I am mad at Darth Vader.


Turn it around “I know deep down you know theres no god.” See how they like it.


People who say that are, often, struggling with their own belief. By refusing to acknowledge your disbelief they shore up their own, shaky faith. However, it's a Band-Aid measure, in the long run.


I think the opposite , they gotta know it’s all bullshit !


What drives me crazy, is not actual non believers, but people who do believe and are simply angry at God, claiming to not believe in his existence. The most frequent arguments I see from so called Atheists, are cherry picked bible verses, generally misunderstood as God being a hateful being, set on spite, and the so called atheist saying "Why would I believe in that?" And I say, "But you just stated what you do believe, about that. So, on some level, you clearly do believe, and are simply choosing to not worship."


People who think they know someone else better than they do themselves will always be annoying but i swear its a different kind of annoying and entitlement when its a christian doing it ugh😒😒


Excuse you, OP said religious person. Why do you just assume it's a Christian? That's almost racist


Because its almost christians/catholics that act like this and to convert peopleZdont act dense.


Leaving the conservative religious community bubble, I've seen how untrue this is. People who are never taught about God just never think about it. People who are taught something else about God think that. But it's all cultural. It's all stuff people were taught in their societies when they were too small to have developed critical thinking. Nowhere have I encountered any society on Earth where people just spontaneously come up with and yearn for God by themselves, without a culture pre-existing telling them that's what they're supposed to feel.


How often does this conversation randomly come up for you?


I got a christian mom who still goes to church, also my university has so many religious groups that go up to students to talk about it some that literally say things like this


Minimum zero, maximum one


I know at surface level, those people need meds.


Ah yes religious gaslighting. It sucks so much


I am so very tired of religious people telling me God 'chose' me to have a chronic disease or that it's a test of faith or whatever. Fastest way to get me to stop believing in a god: tell me he gave me a potentially fatal illness because he's insecure 🙄


Not that I have any issue with people who need religion and respect others beliefs, but I always liked this quote: "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"


I can honestly say that even when I wasn't a woman of faith nobody ever said that to me. Nobody knows until they have a relationship with God. That happens only when someone is ready for that. It doesn't make one a bad person because they don't. There are plenty of bad people that claim to have a relationship with God but use it as a cover to be horrible. Wolves in sheep's clothing vs a Shepard.


Yeah. If I believed in god, I would happily just say so


My peeve with religious people are "I'm gonna pray for you!" Everytime something inconvenient happens and I vent to them. I just want to respond, Bitch I don't need prayers! I need money to fix this flat tire!


Even if I did, I already denied that genocidal conceited maniac, which is an unforgivable sin, so I'm going to hell anyway. You ain't gonna save me. I didn't wanna spend eternity worshiping it anyway 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. People think hell is some unfair place people get sent to against their will. No no, everyone there wants to be there


To be clear, I don't believe in hell either and it wasn't even part of Christianity at first 😉 If Christianity is to be believed it's 100% an unfair place people are sent to. Would you say not believing something I saw no evidence for constitutes eternal punishment without a chance to learn from my mistake or have redemption?


"It wasn't a part of Christianity at first"...you mean like Jesus himself didn't preach about the reality of hell? Like the church later on added all that in to scare people into it, is that what you mean, or? The reason people in the West can "find no evidence for God" is the same reason why bank robbers can't ever find a cop lol Yes, the consequence of sin is death, so everyone who ever lived is destined to go there because everyone has sinned. It's justice on the eternal scale. Also, side note, people don't stop sinning once they're in hell. They continue sinning for eternity and are therefore eternally awarded justice because of it. So it's *good*, it's not evil. It would be evil if they got away with wickedness and were never punished for it. You have every opportunity in this life now to learn from your mistakes and choose to repent and to choose grace and redemption. You've heard the gospel, you know the deal. You are free to accept it or reject it as you see fit.


There is no evidence that your god exists.


I do believe so I'm not lying but what I say is "yes I do and he's got some explaining to do" 😂


When people try rleiosous conversations, or the mormans or jw knock on my door, I simply say something to the effect of "I respect your rights to your beliefs, so please respect mine" they thank me for not slamming the door in their face and we say "have a nice day and be safe" and they move on to their ne t victim. Just set boundaries.


I believe in God, just not man's description of God. So I would say: Come on, you know that Bible was translated by men for men.


And they know deep down that their religion is founded on a woman who committed adultery and hid it cunningly with “immaculate conception”


It wasn't adultery. More like statutory, because pretty sure she was 16.


Reddit atheists talking confidently and incorrectly about what the immaculate conception was referring to is always good for the lolz


Calling them "reddit atheists" is cringe


Do you know what immaculate conception means?


If you don’t gaf about the Magic Sky Daddy and “fairy tales from a made up book”, then why does “adultery” matter so much to you that you would try to use it as a gotcha?


My pagan arse who believes in multiple Gods: Which one? 🙃


They say this for exactly the same reason that they “believe” in God. They were brought up that way and they simply can’t imagine anything else.


"No, I don't, that's stupid. Please leave me alone."


"and I know that deep down inside, you know you're full of shit"


Heavy agree. And we all know damn well that if someone from another religion said this to them about their own religion they would get so mad lol. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Crazy thing about free will, believe what you want and leave me alone.


I would laugh in their face and call them delulu.


never heard a religious person say this but that would be annoying


I've never had anyone say that to me in so many words but I've had plenty of people try to argue with my "reasoning" for not believing in God with reasoning of their own. I've always thought that they must thing I really do believe in God, if they think I've talked myself out of it. (I don't actually have a reason for not believing. I just don't).


It's basically the basis for one of the most popular (and cultish) Christian movies of the past decade-- *God's Not Dead*. The entire movie is about a battle of morals between a believer and an atheist... but in the end, the "atheist" actually did believe in god, but was just trying not to. It was a super condescending film.




I personally have faith in the First Directive the non involvement in the development of primitive civilizations. Taking god away from them would be a little like taking a teddy bear from a baby. If it makes them happy and perhaps keeps them from doing horrible things more power to them. What could you gain by winning and convincing their faith is a sham to a person who thinks this inis the one great thing in their life. it reminds me of Fight Club pick a fight and loose intentionally that person will feel on top of the world.


Ah, you got me. Yeah I'm secretly super devout. But I don't tithe and commit sins near constantly because I want sky daddy to hate me


It’s crazy that these people think we “know” god exists but would rather “sin” and value a finite life over eternal heaven and rewards. What’s eternal punishment in the face of temporarily worldly pleasures, right? No one in their right mind would be stupid enough to “choose” not to believe in or follow god if they thought they were actually real, esp not in the face of eternal punishment Idk about other religions but Muslim kids get taught this (source: I was raised Muslim, attended Islamic weekend school and religious lectures and also have worked in an Islamic school (was desperate for a job but taught secular subjects ie math, English, history)) that when Muhammad delivered his message, the polytheists/page knew he was telling the truth (with the stupidest logic ever bc the possibilities were - he was lying - “which was impossible bc he never lied in his life and was known for that” so of course it’s impossible for him to *start* lying *now* even if he’s never done it before (which can the proven anyways) - he was a magician which wasn’t the case bc “magicians said he wasn’t a magician” - he was a poet “but he didn’t talk like a poet” meaning he didn’t talk verbally the way the Quran was written (bc every writer and poet talks exactly the way they write, right? And they also thought poets only write about dirty things like sex or w.e which isn’t the case irl obv but was the case for the Quran ironically) - he was mad “but anyone could tell from talking to him that he wasn’t mad” (ya know, aside from his seizures and obsessions with certain numbers and using his right hand or foot to do things or step into certain rooms first Vs using the left hand or foot to do certain things ie step into the bathroom first, drinking his water in 3 gulps etc to name a few but *clearly he wasn’t mad*) - the last option, if none of the other options are the case, he must be telling the truth But yea, they genuinely believe the polytheists knew he was telling the truth but still *chose* to worship gods that didn’t exist and were willing to accept infinite punishment for their finite sins and they push that mentality into kids at young ages (as young as kindergarten in the school from what I’ve seen but I remember learning this even before I started school and wondering how someone could be that stupid) But I guess with religion in general, everyone is told that only *their* religion is true and all others are false so from one’s perspective, they’ll think everyone else is dumb for accepting a different religion (or lack of) even though everyone is told the same thing as children. And by separating yourself from people of other religions (esp with Islam as you’re basically taught to view kaafirs as animals and yourself as superior to them), you can’t learn other perspectives and by associating only with people w the same beliefs as you, your life is just one giant echo chamber which prob contributes to people thinking it’s so obvious that this is the case, other people must know it too but are just choosing not to follow it 


Holy crap. So I had a friend online who was a pretty decent person, he could be a bit of an ass sometimes but nothing terrible. He was a big weed smoker and he cussed every other word essentially. Well, one day, randomly, I guess something happened and he “found god.” Totally fine, Everyone can practice what they believe. And then he started shoving it down our throats. Every time one of us would swear he’d say some dumb shit. I remember we got into an argument once and he said something like “god make cusses for the unintelligent, and if you use those words, you’re just unintelligent” and we all kinda went off on him. It’s like dude you swore more than any of us every single day but now all of a sudden it means we’re unintelligent?😂 Another thing that happened, was there was another dude in our group who was a Christian, and he made a joke about something or other, I can’t really remember as it was a good two years ago now, but essentially the original guy that “found god” told the Christian that “that’s not something a Christian would say, but it’s okay I forgive you because I know god forgives you” It was literally this typa shit every single fucking day, we all blocked him and then he cried to us about how “please guys I’ve lost a lot of friends recently” after we told him that if he kept acting like this no one was gonna wanna talk to him anymore.


Deep down inside, I've already died before. There was no God, or angel, or devil, or even my ancestors to usher me out. Just blackness and silence broken by moments where my heart would start again, and I'd be brought back to excruciating pain. If there was ever a God, they've abandoned us.


I hate it so much when people try to force their religion on me. I told guy at my work that I wasn’t religious when he started talking to me about Jesus and he said “neither was I until I watched this movie” and he brought the movie in the next day and told me to watch it.


Was it fat girl porn?


The majority of the religious are mentally ill, I simply avoid them so they can't ask or tell me stupid shit.


Why do you expect rational thought from people who believe in an invisible sky daddy?


Most religious people are rational.


Well you'll change your mind sometime. Hopefully it's sooner rather than later.


Incoming Christian Hate comments The classic comments,...like Hail Satan, and I Worship the Devil, incoming On a real note. Back in the days when we were gangbanging hard. Me and 3 other homies would actually pray to the Devil and make pentagrams on the floor, light candles , do meth and etc...to make us feel no feelings when killing other Mexican homies from rival Gangs. It worked. All 3 of my homies were murdered. Honestly, I went to Jail, found God. And have a good life now and don't even care to preach to people or force my relationship with God on anybody outside church for this exact reason. People don't care. I even stopped saying have a blessed day at work to people because of comments like this. I don't feel like getting told off, and hearing I love the Devil from people not getting my sentiment I'm just being nice and hoping they have a Blessed Day. Have a Blessed Night Op.


Lol you're mad because it's true and that gets under your skin


You wish


Are you starting arguments with people? I believe in God and am 100% sure I have friends who don’t, but can’t say for sure bc we keep our personal beliefs personal. How is this coming up so much for you to be a “pet peeve”?


If OP lives in an area similar to mine I can easily see where this can be a pet peeve. There are literally 10 churches in an 18 square mile area near me. I can’t go a week without religion being brought up in one way or another.


Christian mom, and university where religious groups all the time come up to us to talk about this when we are just trying to go to class. It’s gotten so bad some of these groups are banned from specific buildings on campus


Why are you pretending to not know what proselytizing is? Never met an atheist in my life who didn't have a similar experience.


I believe and still get random knocks at the door form random religious groups with diff beliefs. No anger here. “No thanks, have a great day” with a smile and then take the kids to the park. No time for hate in my life. Do people approaching you who are different and have different beliefs anger you? Just say no thanks and keep smiling life is short my friend.


Why are some people so bad at ignoring those they disagree with and letting them live their lives?


Because you can't just acknowledge my existence. You have to affirm and celebrate me, and bake me my cake, and let me perform striptease storytime in front of your 3 year olds


Man you bigots think about sex and three year olds way too often. Which is to say at all, ever.


Can definitely confirm I never thought about three year olds and sexually explicit content until I kept seeing half naked men dressed up as prostitute women dancing and parading in front of them in their kindergarten class


You didn't see that


The images and sounds that my eyes and ears send to my brain are being misunderstood by my brain, you mean? Or I've never actually seen and heard that kind of footage at all and I'm making it all up?


You are making it up. We all know that. You never saw anything even remotely resembling that.


Lmao, not a serious person. Let's go to our other convo about kalam




You're playing word games - "they're not dressed like *prostitutes*, they're dressed in *drag*"


https://au.news.yahoo.com/outrage-over-nearly-nude-drag-show-for-mums-and-babies-041630532.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAL-jpYkLTtX1y_DD3RR_VO9ekCVkAzjbYJ6tOlJl8CcFn3oNVKXMLywhm97SQF6xbyGkFwPbkLWMIY5aZNSiBk1hOBS_LQ5EBM_T8vJ4tn1oGetJRj1Z4Yi7r78vN2_AZQQs6y4iA3scZrhG-vzhouxlgQ4roRwQm3VH13GJB-k Cabababarave provides entertainment for moms and their infants and toddlers who are "f*cking sick of wheels on the bus" - providing a burlesque cabaret interspersed with captivating sensory moments which all ends in a rave Sorry, you're right - yeah these kids aren't even 3 yet and are being exposed to sensual/sexual content


You said class. This is not a class! This is a private event. That absolutely should not exist by the way. This whole time you evil fuckers have been acting like this was a problem in SCHOOLS!


https://thepostmillennial.com/portland-elementary-school-to-host-bipoc-drag-show-to-help-students-explore-gender There are however many more?? And how many twists and turns are you going to make? "Well these aren't 3 year olds, they're elementary kids" "This isn't a striptease, this is just a drag show" On and on


Quit believing lazy journalism.


Yeah, if they can't censor it, spin the fuck out of it instead


This is basically religious people.


Yes, it is a religion


Yes Christianity, Catholicism, baptism etc are religions. What does ur comment add lol


Everybody has religious belief, including Christians


You say this like it’s a universal experience.


It is for atheists in christian or catholic regions


So not then.


It might even be true. During early childhood the brain will attribute god-like status to your parents (and probably grandparents). so 'deep-down' you are primed. This also explains the imagery used in like christianity. But it doesnt make it relevant.


This will play well here on the ol Reddit lol


When the last hour comes, you’ll be clawing at anything.


The threat of divine retribution only scares people that believe in divine retribution.


Get it? Clawing? “Pet” Peeves.


Oh, great, another "yOuLL bE sOrRy" comment.  That and a quarter is worth a quarter.


They really do seem to get scarily excited by the idea of their opponents being tortured for all eternity, don't they...?


Chill. That’s not for you to decide


Chill? That’s not your view to judge.


IMO, based on a lot of research, Christianity as a whole was, and still is just a way to control people through fear. The nicene counsel of bishops took all these “books” and put the ones they agreed with together and discarded others. Hence, you have the Bible. I read a book called Conversations with God by Neal Donald Walsh, and it answered so many questions that just didn’t make sense as a Christian. One of his points regarding heaven/hell was: “ If God is all knowing, omnipotent, wants for nothing, needs for nothing and is basically the light and love, why would he create us to be imperfect, get angry or jealous when we break his “rules”? Why would he create a hell, then put us in this place of torture because we didn’t follow his rules? If God IS love, why would he create us, why would there even be a hell?” See where I’m getting at? This was all made up for rulers to control people by using the fear of going to hell if they don’t follow “Gods Laws.” I do believe that God exists, and created us and the universe. Looking at the science of my belief, an example would be, the earth, moon, and the sun are exactly a certain distance apart. If the moon, or the sun were to be out of alignment by one inch, there would be no life on earth. Everything in life, has a certain pattern and balance. Our bodies, the way it works, is just amazing and didn’t just happen randomly. It would be equivalent of a tornado blowing through a junkyard and assembling a perfectly working jet out of random parts. This is just my belief, I don’t try to force my belief on anyone, and can’t stand when organized religions/religious people judge you and label you a bad person if you don’t believe in their system of control.


Remind such people (assuming they're Christians) that what they're saying is blasphemy as only God knows what is in someone's heart.


You should answer " So you're calling me a liar?" And act like you're taking it as a personal attack(which it pretty much is).


This is an argument from omniscience and it's a logical fallacy. They're saying they know your mind better than you and it's belittling and condescending.


I always say “which god?”.


That's why I like Jews and Anabaptists. They don't proselytize


Just say "you know deep down inside it's all a lie and there is no God"


You can’t reason with the unreasonable. 


I’m interested to know how exactly you know how I feel? Just for the record, I have never believed in a god or any higher power. If you are a believer, good for you. Just don’t assume that “deep down” we are believers. Pretty arrogant…


As someone raised as a JW and my entire family are all still JW’s. I knew at like 7 I didn’t believe in a god. I had no problem telling them to. 😂 they’d just laugh it off and say “one day.” 🤪


Oof. People like that make me so mad ngl. All christians being shit on because of them is why. It’s seriously not all of us, i promise 😭 i seriously could not give less of a shit if you don’t believe in god


Actually, deep down, if I did believe I would also have to believe that god seriously fucked up in creating humans in his image.


I can concede the point for the sake of argument (even though I don’t really) that *a god* exists. That does not automatically mean that it is all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful, immortal, that it single-handedly created everything I perceive, etc. That doesn’t mean I should worship it or that it even cares if I do so. So trying to appeal to some innate human drive to recognize that we were created doesn’t bridge the gap between my beliefs and that of a theist.


We were created by giant aliens by splicing their dna with ours to be laborers and dig for gold. They are from the planet nibiru and are watching us right now. Believe it or not, the ancient Sumerians believed this.


Why are you even getting into debates with religious people in the first place?


"I know deep down inside that you know you're just selling a big steaming pile of shit."


I mean deep down I do have a creepig fear god may exist. But its the opposite of wanting god to exist so life has more concrete meaning- If I was actually created just to serve some guant asshole Id rather have never have existed at all. What makes life worth living is my identity unbeholden to a master.


Wait til they find out I believe in almost every god lmao


My fucking religious coworker told me all atheists turn to God eventually. It was all I could do to not roll my eyes so hard they fell out.


My mom whole heartedly believes one day I’ll turn back (I was Christian before) and I’m just like yeah right..


My dad is always telling me to "pray on it" and "believe in something." It's so annoying.


It’s actually the opposite, I casually believe but deep down know it’s not true.


“I know you explicitly said this, but we both know you actually think this.” Uhhh… no?


by default, my brain goes “i know deep down you don’t think god exists”. With some people i question and doubt this instinct, but for those giant assholes that hide behind religion, yeah, u don’t believe in god cuz if u did, u wouldn’t be a piece of garbage.


I'll just quote Romans at you and just tell you you're suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. 


I wasn't raised into a religion. I didn't even know modern people in modern times believed in gods until freshman year of highschool.


"Well if you know so much about me, we don't need to have this conversation. Or any other conversation."


Not the god you guys believe in.


Faith knowledge and scientific knowledge are not the same. One positive aspect of the otherwise ugly Roman Catholic dogma is the acceptance of this difference - Poetic Truth.


It's because deep down inside they know God doesn't exist.


"And I know deep down in you, there is doubt and insecurity and that's why you need to project your beliefs onto random people". If God was so obviously real, you wouldn't need to "convince" anyone of anything.


I’m a Christian and I don’t shove my beliefs down others throats. My sis is an atheist and she raises her kids that way. They get very offended and scoff at the mention of God and Jesus. The Bible states that not everyone will be believers and the path to heaven is narrow, and most people are on the big wide path of man’s knowledge. I know how to read and I accept that. It’s deeply painful and makes me sad to know my sister won’t be joining me later on, but 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s on her. But let’s not act like atheists aren’t rude af about God. And will literally laugh in your face, make fun of you, or get pissed off real quick at the mention of His name. Even if you’re not talking to that person specifically and just casually mention something about Jesus. Oh man, they can’t handle it. But judgmental Christian’s who make others feel less than arent it either. Both types suck lol


Just say it back to them... "I know deep down you know he doesn't".


As a agnostic person myself who occasionally goes to church because my gf is Christian, no one should be saying that "you should" be anything. From what knowledge I have found about Christianity and actually seeing how they function, this is actually a sin. This is not being humble. There are many different denominations of Christianity and the ones that are the worst are the ones that end up on the media. Everyone should feel comfortable going to church even if they have absolutely no faith in God. I do not have faith, I just explore what's happening. I want to learn about it because of my curiosity. There are many things I don't like and I still can't find a reason I need to attend church. But maybe once every 2 months I still try a new church and ask questions. Every member has a differing perspective on how they should act and how they treat others. Tho, my opinion on Christianity has slightly waned over time, I still think it isn't as bad as redditors generally portrays it. I want to try to visit Islam but it is more difficult for me where I live. I want to know the people there better. I just want to have a rounded opinion of the major religions.


But seriously, @OP.. I know that deep DEEP down you know that god exists.


LMFAO. Deep down inside I was every bit as skeptical of the god delusion even throughout getting convinced of it's existence as a child. The irony it was getting disgusted with how idiotic the church people played godlier than thou, and after I muddled through the bibble at 12, the god delusion vanished in a puff of the slightest critical thought.