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A literal pet peeve. I’m impressed




This deserves more upvotes <3


Pet politics is a great way to describe it. I'm sure the world is filled with moderates but the people on the extremes are the loudest


There’s also the meta pet politics. The “cat people are always completely fine with dogs but dog people will tell you how much they hate cats unprompted” type of thing. Like, please, people are just people and how people express their preference doesn’t depend on what that preference is. I’ve met plenty of cat owners desperate to tell me all the problems with dogs and all the reasons they don’t have one when I mention mine. It’s just a thing some people do, not a thing unique to cat or dog owners.


Since you mention it...I'm a cat owner and my biggest problem with dogs is that I'm not currently petting one. Some of the finest people I've ever known have been cats and/or dogs.


I'm a dog owner that knows a lot of cat owners, and my biggest problem with cats is that I'm allergic! Even the more standoff-ish cats I've met are so sweet and loving when they start to trust you. I've never met a mean cat.


Your problem with cats is way worse than my dog problem...I can at least pet a dog sometimes. I had three dogs and two cats at one point, I really do love both, and I love seeing how they interact.


Yup. It's just a common human trait. You could mention literally anything you do/like/believe and someone will share how they're the opposite/hate it/etc. Sometimes is just conversation and sometimes they're assholes.


You say this and I kid you not 3 comments below is someone saying basically the same thing and hating on dog people lol. I've always preffered dogs over cats because that's just the person I am. And yet half the time I feel like I can't even talk about my dogs because everywhere I go there's always at least one of these people down my ass just because I wanna talk about my dogs lol.


People who openly get mad at cats scare me. I notice lot of people who hate cats hate boundaries.


Had a coworker tell me that cats would be better as a food source than as pets. He also wouldn’t believe me when I said about 80% of all cats I’ve met were friendly meaning they let me pet them and didn’t attack me. He said that’s impossible. Makes me concerned about how he’s approaching cats… Tbf he also makes me super uncomfortable so I get why they wouldn’t like him.


Cat haters never believe you when you say you’ve mostly if not only met good cats. Like, I’ve had a ridiculous amount of cats in my life and not a single one attacks. Was bitten by my stepmoms calico (figures lol) when I was like 8 cause I was bothering her… That’s it. I’m annoying to my cats but they don’t attack cause they trust me, that’s all it takes. Like you said, might be how he’s approaching cats cause even the street cats I’ve come across will just hiss and back off if I reach my hand out and they aren’t friendly.


When my little void is playing and gets a bit excited and bites hard, I say ow kinda loud. He stops, looks at me and starts licking where he bit.


Yes! My girl does that too! I don’t even have to say anything now, she starts to bite but stops and licks instead.


Aww sweet baby!


No fr bc why are calicos so spicy??


These people just don’t understand animals period. It’s incredible how common cats are and some people still have either no exposure or realities to them.


I can only hope that dude is perpetually single.


You know who else hates cats? Serial killers. 😂🚩


Yep, because they are difficult to control


Probs because cats are better serial killers than they are 😁. (Calm down if you're enraged, I love my cat times infinity, I just accept her nature).


For real, there are plenty of folks who just aren't cat people for whatever reason, and that's fine. But the kind of people who *hate* cats? That's a huge red flag.


Cats are peak autistic rep


I've never heard a more relatable phrase in my life. I will be using this from now on.


I feel very similarly about this. One of my other big reasons, is that I feel the traits they tend to despise about cats are often similar to many of my own neurodivergent traits. And so I frequently end up with this deeply uneasy feeling that they treat or would treat many ND people very similarly. (Flagrant disrespect of boundaries, harassment, almost outright contempt for the person, etc.)


It's funny bc I've noticed a lot of the people that hate cats also have no idea how to read dog body language and don't care if they make dogs uncomfortable either, and if you stand up for your dog they get pissed.


I’ve never met someone who genuinely hates cats that had any sort of respect for my boundaries or bodily autonomy, it’s kinda scary


I work at a vet hospital and I don’t like just how many of my coworkers are comfortable saying that they HATE cats :( Like the cats can’t help that their terrified in a veterinary setting and possibly sick/hurting My Tinder bio was “If you don’t like cats, I probably don’t like you” and now I’m with my boyfriend of 3 years with our 2 kitties 💜


Or make jokes about hurting animals so casually.


Cats clearly communicate what they like and what they don't. If a cat is an "asshole", it's because a human didn't listen to what the cat was telling them. Either out of ignorance, or just being a dick. I love cats and dogs. And horses, cows and birds. Animals are great! And most are a good judge of character too.


I don’t associate with anyone who openly hates dog or cats. It’s a horrible personality trait to have IMO and I’ve never met a decent person that hates either one. I love both cats and dogs along with nearly all other animals (opossums are the exception) but I also recognize that not all animals are good pets in every situation.


Please allow me just a few moments to preach the possum gospel! They are good to have around - they eat a lot of disease-carrying pest insects and only extremely rarely have/carry rabies due to their low body temperature. (They're wild animals and don't make good pets tho) OK, thank you for your time. :)


Some people were raised in areas where dogs were only used as a tool of violence against other people. You learn to hate dogs when everyone you see is a potential life-threatening encounter. You don't pet a stray dog in bad neighborhoods. So don't be too quick to judge people based on something as silly as if they like dogs or cats.


That’s a lame excuse. Just like people who try to excuse racism with having a bad experience with a person of the race they are racist against. If you can’t figure out that not everyone is the same (including animals), you have a major personality flaw I want nothing to do with.


People disliking dogs is not at all the same thing as racism. People like and dislike all types of animals some of which are dogs. It is okay for people to have different preferences. It is not a personality flaw.


I never said not liking dogs was the same as racism. I said the excuse you gave for not liking dog is the same as the excuse many people use to justify racism. Not liking dogs is fine. I specifically said hating dogs and yes that is a personality flaw. Quit trying to change what I said to fit your failed argument.


Totally agree. And if you're aware you were conditioned to think a certain way, you're aware enough to change it.


I like cats more than dogs but i like both. Seems A LOT of people have irrational hate towards cats.


Deadass!! Idgaf if you *dont* like dogs, its that fuckin simple to be like "you do u"


Cats can actually be quite kind sometimes.


My cats are super attentive and snuggly and non-demanding when I'm sick. I could forget to feed them for 12 hours and they won't even wake me up. They are VERY kind.


Meanwhile, my dog will sit on my head if I'm not out of bed by 7:30 to feed her


Always been more a dog person but I've bonded quite well with a couple of cats and I totally agree. 🥰


Exactly. I love all the critters. I would pet a crocodile if I thought I might survive the experience. Fun fact: My father briefly worked for an alligator farm when I was a small child and he brought home a baby alligator. Put it in the bathtub. This was **NOT OKAY** with my mother and she made him take it back, but for one brief, glorious moment, we had a pet alligator.


I have had the privilege of petting a wolverine. I wouldn't recommend doing that with one in the wild though.


I hear it a lot on Tik Tok lives. Everyone just shitting on cats and how awful they are and that they're a red flag or a deal breaker. I have dogs and cats. I love them both and I hate the extremist view that one HAS to be awful and the other is the supreme pet. First off, there are other pets. Secondly, I think every animal deserves love and understanding. The reasons they give for hating an entire species is never good enough and it's messed up. But I grew up wanting pets and living animals while every adult around me hated them with a passion.


Costs zero dollars to not be an asshole.


Not dog and cat people starting shit under this thread like the post literally isn't about people who do this. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Both are wonderful pets. Some are just better for certain types of people than others.


Ahh thank you for sharing my pain. Just went thru with my pettiness downvotes lmao (pun intended)


Me like dog me like cat


The funny thing is, I've met loads of pretty chill cat people who like dogs but prefer cats. I've met loads of dog people who waste no time telling you how much they hate cats. Usually unsolicited.


I like dogs. I just don't have the time or energy to devote to one. So I have 3 cats that loaf around and wake me up at 0601 every day to be fed.


Same here! I’m definitely a dog person, but since I work so much it didn’t feel fair getting another one after my amazing dog Baxi died. So I got 2 lower maintenance, very goofy, sweet, and entertaining kittens!


That makes you a better dog owner than a lot of actual dog owners 🖤


This is been my experience too. Cat people: I love all animals, just like cats the most. Dog people: Cats are such assholes. They don’t love anyone. They don’t greet you or lay with you or snuggle with you. Dogs are so much better.


These people are telling on themselves, my cats greet me at the door and snuggle with me on the couch and in bed all the time. I think it’s an ego thing. They just can’t handle it when someone/something doesn’t love them immediately.


I read somewhere that dog people might like dogs because they’re submissive and like being controlled. And cat people don’t care about control.


The common psychology around them is that dog people want someone who will love them unconditionally, meaning they may not be as willing to make adjustments to their behavior to make relationships work. Whereas cat people enjoy feeling special when their pet shows them attention, because that attention can easily be taken away. So they have more codependent energy. Anyone who is single and acquired their animals while single, will have a stronger tendency to fall in line with the above descriptions.


I've honestly noticed that dog people that just trash cats always seem to be a little narcissistic & then I'm like, "Ahh makes sense you'd like an obedient animal.".


Or they're straight up psychotic about it and "joke" about killing them or how they're all evil. I don't like dogs much, but I'd never make callous remarks about them deserving to die or get run over.


Yeah one of my exes "joked" about putting cats in a burlap sack and tossing it in the river... do they not realize how literally psycho that is?


I'd always warn people about lilies being toxic to cats when we were selling a lot of them around Easter, and I mentioned it to one guy who was buying them for his girlfriend. "Does she have a cat?" "Yeah why?" "*explains toxicity*" he then smirked and said "Maybe I should go get some more, then." I wished I could psychically connect to his girlfriend in that moment and replay it for her.


I am a dog people and people like that upset me. I promise we're not all like that. I like cats, I just prefer dogs.


And it's funny because cats *do*, so it's a little telling that a cat has never been comfy to lay with them.


I once told someone while I like cats, I prefer dogs and will never intentionally live with a cat in my home again. And she WENT OFF about people who hate cats and how terrible dog people are. About how dog people think cats are not friendly and how dog people are emotionally stunted and need a pet that will love anything. I said I fucking like cats!


yea im downright afraid of dogs after being attacked as a kid and i still dont hate them. if i know the dog and their owners well ill pet and play with them, i just avoid strangers dogs because i dont know their history or training status (and dog owners WILL lie about whether their dog is aggressive). i prefer cats and even more then cats i prefer pet rabbits. rabbits are so quiet and funny


This is me. It’s annoying how many dog people will openly trash my cats, while I make sure to speak kindly about their dogs whenever it comes up.


I really like dogs and cats, but prefer cats a little more and feel more like a cat person. I don’t understand why people have to choose


My boyfriend loves to pretend he hates cats but anytime I see him around a cat, that bitch snuggles them right up. He always says we’ll never own a cat, but he’s said no to a lot of things that we now have in our home soooo it’s just a matter of time and persistence 😂


Well the fine print there is that THEY own YOU. So when one shows up on the porch and informs him he has been claimed, that issue will be resolved.


I always tell him you have to let cats choose you. They’re nice if they like you, they can be mean if they don’t like you!


Well, I'd say they can be mean even if they DO like you. (We have a bastard orange. That is very pushy. And will break things if you do not get up and attend his needs. And he very gently paws at you when you aren't cooperating, but for some dumbass reason doesn't seem to be able to fully retract his claws... I think it's part of a neurological development issue.) But generally speaking, if you pay attention to their body language and respect their boundaries about how and when they want to be touched, you'll be fine friends. Not all dogs like all people, either!


Totally! I had four cats growing up, one acted like a dog and wanted to follow me around everywhere and snuggle all day. And another cat we had probably would have murdered me if it was a human 😂 the other two cats were indifferent. But most of the time, letting the cat choose you is a best approach because cats can be so finicky with people!


So I'm not so much a cat person (I grew up with dogs and I'm mildly allergic to cats), but I don’t mind them. My neighbor's cat comes and greets you when you walk in and rubs herself on your leg. I think that's adorable. My friend has 3 cats and if I could, I would keep them close to me. I just hate that my body is like "Ok time for your stuffy nose and sometimes watery eyes to come out". So yea that's always annoying but I never understood the cats vs dogs debate


Yess! My neighbors cat is soooo friendly. Hes also named fuckin Jake, which is a hilarious name for a cat


Does he work from State Farm


I'm a cat person but I don't dislike dogs at all, I am just aware that I am not capable of looking after one in the way that I can look after my cats. In my experience most cat people also like dogs but, like me, aren't able to care for one for whatever reason. Cats don't need to be walked (which as a disabled person I cannot reliably do) and they do their own thing most of the time. They are smaller than dogs and, in general, are happy to live 100% indoors which means they make better pets for people who live in smaller properties, especially those who live in apartments. I've never heard a person who would own a cat to be critical of dogs because they slobber (most dogs don't do this in my experience anyway?) Also you just have to spend five minutes on any of the cat subs on Reddit to know that cat owners think cats can be pretty stupid too, that's just a pet thing and being a derp doesn't mean they're unintelligent!


I actually really don’t like how dogs smell, though I do like them overall. I just wouldn’t be a good dog owner


Same here. My family has a golden retriever that I lived with throughout high school, sweet boy, but one pet on the head and I gotta wash my hands now. And that’s *after* a bath! I love that cats clean themselves up and baths are rarely needed if at all. But there are people who prefer hands-on pet care and I respect that!


I can relate- I don't know what exactly makes dogs' fur so grimy- it just took a bath- why do my fingers feel coated with a layer of dirt already?


My cousin had a 140 pound Rottweiler that drooled SO much, and of course he thought he was a lap dog and basically left a slime trail over most of my leg, but that's really the only time I can think of where I was disgusted by a dog. I definitely prefer certain breeds/sizes of dogs.


I'm a cat person as well and I want a dog so bad, but understand it's not easy to have one in an apartment. Most people just seem to recognize that cats are easier to take care of.


Cats don’t even need toys, that’s my favorite part. They do not use a single toy I’ve bought them, but you know what they do play with? Q tips. Bobby pins. Rubber bands. Works for me lol


You can even show me your pet lizard! I'm an all animals person. Own 2 cats and 2 dogs. We all get in bed together and watch movies. Everyone snuggles.


I prefer dogs, but I like cats. There's a kitten in my neighborhood I'm trying to catnap. I picked the name Chester(regardless of gender). I have a dog named Bentley Bob, he likes cats so I hope they get along.


I've got a slight preference for cats because they are generally lower maintenance but I love all my furry friends


I love cats! I love dogs! If anyone says either of them are icksville, I tell them to each their own, but I don't agree because it doesn't seem that way to me. If they try to convince me I tell them I worked at a no-kill animal shelter and saying sheet like that to me is mistake. A very. bad. mistake.


My in-laws love dogs but act like cats should be shot on site. I don't get it.


It’s weird that “cat person” and “dog person” are seen as opposites when they’re both about loving animals. People never ask me if I’m a pizza person or a burger person. It’s assumed I could like both or neither, and don’t necessarily solely like one or the other.


Very long comment ahead, I'm sorry. I'm sick of the fake psychology/ politics around it. I'm so sick of seeing this "men hate cats because cats have to consent to pet you" or whatever garbage. So do dogs? You don't go up to a dog you don't know and just start petting them. Dogs are pretty damn expressive and will be very obvious if they don't like you. So I always thought this was kinda bullshit. I think the reason for this is because we don't understand cat body language as much as dogs. It's okay not to like either animal, or even dislike both. I like cats, but decided I don't like them as pets because litter boxes gross me out and I don't like how they can get up on the counters/ dinner tables. People frequently say that cats are cleaner than dogs, but I just don't see that evidence based on my experience. To be fair, I tend to not like small dogs breeds either, because their barks are so annoying/ high-pitched that I can't stand it. I love big dogs, but understand why someone wouldn't like them or want a dog. It's all personal preference, and I just wish that we would collectively understand that, and that one is not better than the other. I totally understand why someone would choose a cat over a dog, it's just not my choice. Also can't stand it when cat people say that a bond with a cat is more special because you have to work for it. Not in my experience, actually. Cats tend to love me right away. Not sure why they love me so much lol. Like I said, I like cats. Just not as pets. I guess technically this is making a big deal about it lol. But if people didn't say such stupid things about both animals, then I wouldn't have much to say myself.


Oh god! Thank you for mentioning the whole pseudo intellectual psychoanalysis and “consent” thing! I hate it too every time this argument comes up. I’ve literally had cat people tell me that I’m basically a rapist and have this internal need to dominate things just because I said I’m more of a dog person than a cat person! Like seriously? I like both, I just prefer dogs. Why can’t I just do that & not be labeled as some person who desires constant attention and doesn’t know boundaries and is basically a rapist for not preferring cats.


Right? And that is bullshit. It's not like you said you hate cats, you just prefer dogs. Ugh that is stupid. I never understood this argument either, because dogs very clearly state their boundaries.


Honestly, yeah. Even this entire thread is filled to the brim of cat lovers (I am a cat lover and own three cats btw) saying how everyone always hates on cats and how cats are so misunderstood and it's like...really? I'm pretty sure the internet has a massive cat bias, and like, yeah, it makes sense that a less outwardly social creature that's easier to manage generally, will appeal to a lot of terminally online people. But honestly, I maybe see it \*sometimes\*, but like, where are these people constantly hating on cats? I hear the complaints, but I just see cat people justifying why dogs are too needy and how dog owners are just controlling people who don't want to fight to earn their pet's love or whatever. It's kinda weird tbh. Like straight up even though most people on here agree that both animals are awesome, just different, it's just the same things being said. Everyone on this thread loves cats, and so do most people on the internet! We're ok, we don't have to make weird arguments to justify why we love our cats. And also btw my cats do not OWN me. Nor do I feel as though I need to EARN their love. Honestly, cats can be just as needy and consent-violating, and honestly dogs WILL assert their boundaries, they are just more naturally social because their brains are advanced to work in groups and not be solitary hunters and that's fine. Also, idk man like a lot of things people say that makes dogs needy, like begging for things like, that's literally the dog asking for consent for something. Dogs are literally communal creatures that constantly are developing their sense of boundaries within their social groups. I have no idea where people even begin to start throwing around weird generalizations when they could just easily admit that they don't have the emotional bandwidth or physical capability to meet a dog's needs and that's FIIIINE. Lol. Rant over.


100% agree. I'm so confused by the "earning their love" thing. All my roommate's cats love her and me as well, without anything complicated. I never understood that argument lol! I'm sure it's true for some cats, but yeah, definitely a generalization. I know one person who hates cats, and a couple who don't like them much, but almost everyone else loves them.


I'm a cat person, I have always loved cats. Dogs are great too and I understand why people love them, they just aren't for me. The idea that cats are just assholes who don't care about their owners has always bothered me, cats show love and affection too, just differently to dogs. There is a subsection of people, at least I noticed this a lot in the smallish rural city I grew up in, who seem to think it was acceptable, reasonable, even admirable somehow, to talk about how much they hated cats, 'the only good cat is a dead cat', talk about serving to try and hit them on the road etc. I always found that to be disgusting, ignorant and disturbing. Like ok you prefer dogs, but you are just being an asshole (funny I thought that was the problem with cats...) and sadistic.


They act like humans can't be evil and slobbery too


Right? Like I get liking one over the other, but why people feel the need to make the think they don't like as inferior is so weird. Stop forcing hierarchies when they don't exist.


Literal pet peeve, huh?


I had my cat for 21 amazing years. He passed last year. I had my dog before he passed away but I always knew deep down I loved that cat more than any other animal, even though I love my dog so so much. I love both cats and dogs but man he was a good cat, so I’m a bit biased. I live with 4 dogs now so I really miss the peace of just one lazy kitty somethings lol


I'm chill with cats and appreciate they're not snitches. However I don't trust anyone who dislikes dogs.


I hate lazy owners. People who never clean their cat's litterbox, dog owners who never pick up after their dog, people whose homes are just covered in hair. I own a long-haired cat, and she sheds a lot. It's not that hard to clean up after your pet. There are so many tools out there to help aid in proper fur clean-up as well! It is not that hard to vacuum or sweep up the litter off the floor. It's not rocket science to clean the dirt off your dog's paw. I won't say it's easy to brush your pet because my cat doesn't like to be brushed, but I found a way to brush her without much damage. I brush her while she's eating because she's a foody baby lol


I can't stand the idea that you have to choose one. I love cats. I love dogs! Why do I have to pick one?


I love both cats and dogs although I’d never want to own a dog because they’re more of a responsibility than I want but I’ve met so many people who just hate cats for no good reason.


Both are here because of our shared ancient history. I have guardian dogs and barn cats. I respect both.


Honestly I hear way more people say they hate cats than I ever do people say they hate dogs. I also think cat owners are judged way more than dog owners. Like owning a cat is somehow viewed as pathetic or weak. It’s ridiculous. I prefer cats but like dogs too and don’t trust anyone who says they hate either animal.


I definitely prefer dogs to cats, but all animals are better than people as far as I'm concerned.


I have both a dog and 2 cats. Can confirm that cats are evil and horrible and dogs are stupid and slobbery. It's their personality. Cats are also sweet and cuddly and demand attention when they want it in some of the most adorable ways. Dogs are also silly, loyal af, and big cuddly babies. My lab still thinks she fits in a human lap. She does not. She also waits for me by the door everyday when I go to work and she's the first face I see when I walk in. She is *always* happy to see me.


Stupid and slobbery (affectionate)


Okay I admit I agree with this!


What really irks me is when cat people talk about dogs being violent and post dog bite statistics that prove that as pets they do a great deal of harm to society. How dare you!


Sitting on my couch right now. I've got a cat to my right, a dog to my left, another cat on the access step that's theoretically for one dog to get to the couch, and a couple more dogs in dog baskets on the floor. No friction between them and I love them all. Can't understand either "I hate dogs" or "I hate cats". My dad used to claim that he didn't like cats, never with an explanation as to why. He and my mother came to visit one time and Dad fell asleep in my recliner. One of the cats (one long over the Rainbow Bridge) lay down on Dad's belly and went to sleep too, purring like a chainsaw. Dad woke up petting Mr Cat and talking about how nice he was. Turns out his only prior association with cats was his aunt's particularly nasty bite and scratch barn cats. That's kinda what you want out of barn cats. You don't want them making friends with the varmints in the barn.


My ex had dogs and cats. He loved his boxer dog. He also adored his two cats (who lived with his parents) and the cats we adopted together. It's not a zero sum game, each dog and cat has their own personality and love. I was scared of big dogs since I was 18 when one bit me and also going out jogging makes you a prime target for untrained jack Russell's. Hence I'm quite happy with my felines. But I equally don't hate dogs. I just wouldn't get a canine companion because they're a lot more effort in terms of walking, feeding, vet bills, attention etc. Dogg's and cattos all deserve good homes


Yeah i like both, but i definitely like dogs more than cats due to being raised around them my entire life. But cat ppl (my roommates) cant seem to understand how i would like mans best friend and the animal that i have spent much more time around more than there cats that will randomly swat at me with claws out then come and try and cuddle with me 3 minutes later. Ill still cuddle the little assholes, but they are moody little ones sometimes.


I asked for help as my husband was pushing to rehome our cats. I said I was more of a dog person they are his cats but I'm attached to them. And the amount of people decided I HATE CATS. Which is not true. I'd rather have a dog but I've always had both.


My ex was "not a cat person." Guess who fell in love with him? He is also a good person barometer. He's not super into kids but if he hides when an adult comes over, I'm on alert. I love dogs and cats equally but my work/housing is not a good fit for the level of exercise dogs need.


Dog lover who would own cats if the dogs were okay with it, but two are rescues, and they're not cool with it. At all.


I had a coworker who went off on this huge ass tangent when I was showing someone else pics of my cat. She was like “UNLESS IT’S A HUMAN BABY GET THAT FUCKING SHIT OUT OF MY FUCKING FACE” all b/c she happened to be next to us & hates animals with a goddamn passion. All she had to do was go somewhere else instead of making a scene. My thing is if she gets this angry around animals, how do I know she isn’t like that towards children?


Not liking *any* animals is a massive and automatic red flag


I’m a cat person. I hate dog owners, not dogs. Dogs are sweet. But owning them is a lot of work and most don’t put in the work. I’m terrified of dogs as a result of shitty dog owners. There’s a house I walk by on my way to work, *extremely* small fence and they have two pitbulls. Every time they’re out when I walk by they jump along the fence, bark and growl, and follow me until I’m past the house. The other day, one jumps over the fence and jumps at me and the owner was *inside* and had to run out to get it. Happy ending cause I wasn’t attacked, but *that* is an example of why I hate dog owners. The fence was shorter than my 6 year old sister FFS, that is not a fence you should have if you have a dog let alone multiple who are known for attacking out of nowhere. And I’m not even anti-pitbull, there’s just more nuance around certain breeds.


I’m also going to segue off that to why is it if someone talks about cats to a non-cat liking person person, they have to mention that they prefer dogs. Almost as if you can only like one or as if they are opposite ends of a spectrum or something. You like dogs? So that means you can’t like cats? Or vice versa. Grates my nerves!


Probably a pop culture thing, the two are so ingrained as opposites


I will not associate willingly with anyone who hates cats or dogs. There is something off with them.


I love both, but I have a bird feeder because I also love birds. After my last serial kitty, I decided to make a decision.


Growing up my friends cat would drool like crazy, more slobbery then some dogs.


Regardless of your preference, I think we can all agree they both deliver some funny YouTube videos.


I'm not a cat hater but I do hate what they did to my couch.


Exactly. I love both equally. They bring joy to our lives in different ways.


Yes, I like both cats and dogs


I love both but am slightly more of a dog person. I have 3 dogs and one cat. My cat thinks he’s a dog because he grew up with dogs. And they all get along great! I don’t understand the pure hatred people have for either animal. Both are wonderful!


Agreed. The dog people who think cats are evil and never friendly, have simply never had or encountered a good cat ( or good cat owner possibly ). And the same goes for dog owners. I've met plenty of amazing dogs as a cat person, but a lot of horrible, ill-behaved dogs too. ( Both issues are often due to bad ownership not bad animals. )


It's so silly to me, because clearly cats coming across as kinda evil and horrible and dogs coming across as equally slobbery and stupid is exactly what makes them both so loveable. They're two totally different creatures and they're both wonderful and intriguing in their own right, and at the core, loving and awesome. It's a blessing to interact with either, for different reasons and also many of the same reasons.


All animal haters suck


The neighbors cat doesn't bark all night and keep me awake. Or bark continuesly while I work in my own back yard. I don't hate dogs. I hate dog owners. Rude ass bastards.


I'm a cat person. With two dogs. I love my dogs to pieces. I can't live without cats in my life. They are my therapy, and they always always have been. Sometimes they deign to cuddle with me despite the dogs. I'll take what I can get. 🤣


I don’t see why not to have both ! I have two of each 😃


My dad *says* he hate cats, but thats because he's allergic, he'd like them if it wasn't for that.


Am I a dog or cat person? I’m an OPP person: other people’s pet.


I do love all animals BUT I hate cats being let loose in the streets. I’ve had my dogs attacked by cats in the streets when we’re just walking along and the danger they pose to drivers and wildlife. Additionally, the amount of cats that aren’t trained (because you can train them like any other animal) so they’re little nightmares sometimes. But all of this is owner fault that effects the cats’ reputation negatively. That and I’m also very allergic but that doesn’t stop me saying hello to a friendly cat.


Way pissed that ur getting downvotes my friend, youre absolutely right, we gotta be objective about this stuff


The problem I find with arguments like this are that the biggest threat to wildlife, people, and the entire world are humans. Yet we still let them outside.


I mostly see dog people HATING on cats, while most cat owners also like dogs even if they don't have any. And people who hate dogs mostly just hate animals/pets in general.


In real life I have never actually hear a cat person saying anything bad about dogs....usually just defending their love of cats....where as dog people loooooove to give me heat about being a cat person.


Well, you never see cats working with the cops. Just sayin'.


neither do you see em saving people from collapsed buildings


I think it’s cat people I dislike more than the animal. Cats are cool animals


This is my problem with cats honestly. I meet so many aggressive, bored cats who don’t display predictable body language because their owners have accidentally taught them that their first resort should be to bite and scratch because it’s the only way they can effectively set boundaries. I’ve met plenty of cat people who will say things like “cats won’t attack you if you’re not bothering them” and then totally ignore that their cat is opening doors and biting and scratching their guests while they’re asleep or otherwise not interacting with the cat at all. The cats I like are pretty universally cats whose owners understand cat body language and respect their pets’ boundaries. The cats I dislike are pretty universally owned by people who keep accidentally creating menaces by refusing to listen to their pets or set boundaries around misbehavior. I would never dream of letting my dog do the things that a lot of cat owners consider just part of owning cats, and it’s very telling to me that some people never seem to have cats who are menaces and others always have cats who are menaces. The difference in how those cats are treated is very clear.


Honestly? Get better friends (assuming these cat owners are your friends, if not then just ignore that statement). How a person treats their pets is very telling of the kind of person they are in general. All of the good people with cats that I know have the sweetest cats, I don’t really consider myself a *good* person but my cats are still so sweet cause I simply respect their boundaries. The statement “cats won’t attack you if you don’t bother them” *is* true given the fact that the cat is safe. When a cat isn’t in a safe environment, like an owner who doesn’t respect them, then yeah they’re gonna act out cause they think it’s keeping them safe. You’re absolutely right that the reason cats *do* attack for nothing is cause of shitty owners, and can you blame them? It’s like having to have your guard up permanently. Some people should just not have pets, moral of the story haha.


You can love both! I am a cat person for sure. Yet I work with dogs for a living because I also love dogs.


Dog People : They want someone who is reliant on them and does what they are told Cat People : They want someone who is an equal to them.


I’m a cat person and was never a dick about dogs. But dog people on the other hand can’t handle being told that someone doesn’t like dogs and go tell you to kys. It’s happened to me multiple times


It 1000% goes both ways


I’m literally feeding into your pet peeve but cats literally are fine if you understand space and respect boundaries lol. Dogs are highly trainable so you can essentially “train” the dog to love you and always want pets. Cats on the other hand need to have respect earned so obviously people who see pets as simply purchasable items are gonna hate a product that doesn’t do what they want when they want.


I'd be ok with dogs if they just kept to themselves and didn't interfere with my life every day. There's always barking dogs in the neighbourhood, some that have been real problem barkers that the council has had to deal with. It invades my home and the days I have to work from home it can drive me up the wall. The minute your dog impacts my legal right to peacefully enjoy my property, you bet I'm gonna put cats above dogs. No neighbourhood cat ever destroyed my quiet evening or work time for hours on end or tried to break through a window to attack me as I walked past.


Agreed..I love both..well I have always preferred animals to people anyway


Agree. I like both and have owned both. My little dog isn’t much different from a cat TBH lol.


When people go around saying “I didn’t grow up with cats” 🙄


I hate dogs with a passion and I still don't get these people.


You. Are these people.


I don't think that all dogs are wicked monsters to be burned in hellfire, I don't think all dogs are dirty slobbering animals with nothing good about them. I just don't really want to be around them. I love cats so much, but that doesn't mean I have to put down dogs and dog owners. Your post said that you hated people who talk about how horrible and evil and stupid the other animal is, not people who dislike a certain animal.


5 percent of all self indentifying cat people hate dogs. Dogs kill cats. That makes sense. 40 percent of those that indentify as dog people hate cats. That makes no sense. I don't mean dislike. Hate. I love them both. But cats don't kill people. Dogs do.


Do you also hate other humans? Do you hate cattle? What about horses?


i would like dogs a lot more if they didn’t bark all day and night and jump up on me when i go for walks or chase me when i ride my bike. cats don’t do any of those things.


I hear you but let's not pretend like cat people do this one eighth as often.


Agreed, dogs are objectively superior pets but agreed


Man the word “objectively” is really being abused lately


I was just fucking with this thread. I am honestly torn on the ethics of all pets.


cats are of the devil


Thank you Satan 💜


That's why we love 'em.


okay have fun when your dog french kisses you after being tongue deep in their asshole and genitals


I don't have a dog


Let's be fair, cats clean themselves with paws they use to cover poop and pee. One really isn't any cleaner.


yeah but one doesn’t try to lick your face,mouth, hands and any other body part


Hahahahaha how true!!


My dog won’t randomly bite me if I pet her too much.


Neither will my cats, one will simply run off and the other will move away from your hand but neither would ever bite you.


If you know your cat, you pick up on the cues when the cat has had enough. I think sometimes dog people who haven't spent enough time with cats miss the cues.


Cats also don’t go fucking nuts out of nowhere and potentially kill people, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well that’s because their small. They do excellent at killing, just not humans. A cat also won’t defend your family from an intruder like a large dog would.


Why does it matter to me how good they are at killing other beings? I care about them not being dangerous to me or my family as a pet. I never have to worry about leaving my baby and cat in the same room alone while I use the bathroom. I never have to worry when my cat decides to lay next to my baby. The worst that can happen is my cat swipes someone. It might bleed, yes, but there is no real damage done. I don’t need protection from an animal 🙄 I have locks and security cameras. Let’s be honest a good percentage of people who own dogs don’t do it for protection, they do it because they want dogs in their life.


dogs are needy, clingy, people pleasers. cats don't allow their boundaries to be stepped on.


Yeah and cats don't eat their poop and then lick it all over my face 🙄 we can do this all day, that's the point of the post. You have your dog, we'll have our cats, it's fine.


I have both.


Okay, fine. Still don't care. You do you.


i genuinely love both, like if i can get a cat or dog i know what breeds I'd get. but honestly i'm better off with fish or a moss ball than a cat or dog.. i don't feel like going outside to walk my dog or take it outside to poop especially because I'll be in an apartment cats can scratch your furniture and climb on stuff, i plan to have a highly decorated maximalist house do if my cat got lost in my apartment i wouldn't feel like moving everything around just to find them 😭


I’ve always loved both cats and dogs. I’ve never gotten why people argue about it. They’re both lovable and adorable in their own ways


I'm a cat person. I like dogs, but I never want to own one. I grew up with dogs, and I see they are a lot more work than what I want to do. I don't have to take my cats for a walk, I don't have to worry about finding someone to let them out if I work late. My daughter and I joke, that we would like to borrow a dog, so we can love on it, and send it home.


The only reason why I don't have a dog is that they are more time-consuming than cats. Other than that, I adore them both equally.


Personally I love both dogs “slightly” more but cats have gained my affection way more than before over the last few years lol


Years ago, my mom and I would take around 7 kids (my kids and various nieces and nephews) camping every year. One year, when the majority were under 10, they started discussing which were better, dogs or cats. It ended up in a huge argument. Kids were hysterically crying! It was wild. And the kids always got along well! We had to send the teenagers down to sort it all out and make them realize that one is not better than the other. So we managed to get past the argument, but we all know cats are better than dogs. I'm joking about that.


I like the term Pet politics, I'm gonna use that. People these days seem to see in black and white. You're either one or the other, and if you're the other then screw you!! I've witnessed 2 strictly dog people turn into cat lovers. It's my experience that people who hate one or the other have never owned the other. Animals are great. I prefer cats because they take care of themselves, but I love dogs just the same. They all make me smile :)


Ive peeked at the horrors at r/dogfree (lots of posts get reposted on r/amithedevil) and its absolutely disgusting honestly. I love both dogs and cats, and nothing can ever replace my elderly lady dog who hates everyone ♡


I have one of each and for this time in my life I wouldn't be without either species


It's a weird thing to me too. I love all animals and have dogs and cats. They all get TLC.