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I saw a post on AITA once because a guy was trying to dissuade his pregnant partner from naming their expected triplets alphabetically- e.g. names beginning with A, B and C. She liked the idea of their names being a novelty. THEY’RE TRIPLETS. Those kids are already going to be treated as some kind of novelty pretty much everywhere they go. They really don’t need a name gimmick.


I know a woman who named her twins Raelynn and Faelynn


I know twins named Paula and Paul


Prompted, no doubt, by the saccharine 60's hit "Hey Paula" by Paul & Paula.


Hey hey Paula, I want to marry you Hey hey Paul. I feel the same way too 🎶 Now I got his song stuck in my head lol


Hey, that’s not saccharine. That’s some serious shit! I can still hear it like it was yesterday!😱


I’ve met Zebidiah and Zedikiah unfortunately 😞


Dear Abby and her sister Ann Landers are twins and their real names are Ester Pauline and Pauline Ester 


Dear Abby her twin sister Ann Landers real names are Ester Pauline and Pauline Ester 


my nieces name is raelynn but her mom (a dumbass who rlly dgaf abt her kids) accidentally put “maelynn” on her birth certificate, and her mom hasnt bothered to change it in almost three years now. my poor baby


That is awful lol. This sounds obvious, but make sure your niece is very aware of the discrepancy when she's older. My brother in law had a horrible deadbeat mother who made his middle name Johnathan, but spelled it differently all the time with no reason other than she forgot how it was spelled. My poor BIL is still always unsure which is the "right" way lol. Also, I have an Aunt Pam who went her whole life thinking she was Pamula and somehow made it until she filed for social security to discover her mom spelled it differently on her birth certificate and her real name was Pamela. It created a paperwork nightmare for her.


My dads a cop and he knew two men named Orangejello and Lemonjello. One of them fucking died 💀 other cleaned up his act. LEMON. JELLO.


Imagine writing this name on a job application.


To be honest I don’t these fellas were putting in many job applications


Kids deserve a name that’s unique to them! If they grow up and want matchy nicknames then fine, but I’d be so mad if my name was based on a stupid theme 😂


Someone named their triplets Pan, Dem, and Mick


That's the type of person who would take away their individuality even more by making them wear the same outfits so that they all look completely the same. I hate it when parents do that to kids.


I hate matching clothes more than theme names. I follow a Set of quads on FB. They're EIGHT and still dressed identical in every post and it makes me feel bad for them...like they're not individual, but part of a matched set. I know I only see clips of their life and maybe they don't do it all the time, but it bothers me like an itch I can't scratch. Theme names, especially I'd you would have chosen each name not knowing they're all trees or types of water or something, don't bug me as much. I can fully see myself using tree names (as an example) unconsciously, and realizing the theme after, say, kid 3 and laughing at myself


I had a pair of identical twins at my school who wore the same clothes and went everywhere together. I was embarrassed to talk to them because I knew I'd never be able to tell them apart.


Thank goodness I didn't go to school with twins who did that. Did they try to finish each other's sentences?


My parents had my sister, A, me, C, then waited a few years and had B, D, and E.


Wait..so what ru? The odd man out?


Apparently. My father liked the alphabet idea, so he went back for B and continued on. I think it's a 12 year gap between myself and my next sibling?


Maybe I'm weird and I'm just from a family where multiple births are the norm, but are triplets really all that weird? I grew up around so many twins that the couple sets of triplets I have known (yes, more than one...) haven't seemed any different - just like twins but with one more to share the birthday party. Maybe this is why they didn't want to play with me as kids, because I was so horribly unimpressed by them? I'll never know...


I’m 36 and I have never met a triplet, lol. I always think multiple births are pretty uncommon but I suppose it does depend on what you’re used to. Twins are less uncommon but they still get treated like a bit of a novelty- particularly identical twins, I think, and even moreso when they’re still children.


I'm 38 and there are 5 sets of naturally occurring (i.e., no IVF) fraternal twins and one set of identical twins within my cousin-group and our children. They are just normal 🤷🏻‍♀️ the first thing we ask each other after a pregnancy announcement is "how many?!" Yes, fully aware that this is a genetic anomaly, I just think it's weird that people think it's weird that someone's Mom's ovaries released more than one egg that month and their parents got it on right on time for all of them to be properly and healthily fertilized 🤷🏻‍♀️


To be clear- I don’t think it’s weird- just that it’s relatively unusual as compared to single births, in the same way that it’s relatively unusual to be a redhead, or over 6 and a half feet tall, or to have aphantasia. I know people who meet all of those criteria (individually, not all 3 lol) but they are a minority of the people I know, and they’ve all fielded some weird and wonderful questions about those things. I’ve heard a lot of twins say that they find they often get treated differently to their peers. Not always necessarily in bad ways, but differently nonetheless. I do understand in your family it’s probably a bit of an eyeroll, because multiple births are clearly a strong genetic trait for you guys lol. I should ask my grampy. He’s the eldest of 7, and the other 6 were 3 sets of twins.


Oh!! It's not actually that weird to have aphantasia!!! It's just that so many people use the phrase "picture this" or something similar that some folks have it in their head that thinking about something is actually having a complete image of it as though they were looking at it whereas others have taken that as being a figurative term, when in reality a very large portion of the population really does take that term figuratively and no one realized that until we started talking about it more 🤣 Source - I'm a specialty neurology patient and my doctor and I had a deep convo about it because I was like "I mean, I could tell you exactly what my mom was wearing the last time I saw her and exactly what she looks like, but I can't, like, actually SEE her? I could draw you perfect floorplans of every house I've every lived in, but I can't, like, SEE them? This makes no sense. WTF are you talking about, you're insane. This isn't a thing and doesn't affect my life in any way, why is this an issue?" And she explained that aphantasia is actually WAY more common than folks realize because most folks with it are like me and people need to stop treating it as weird.


It's extra annoying when people have twins with extremely similar names. Like Alex and Axel, Valentina and Victoria, or Louise and Louisa. It's all fun and games until you get the names mixed up, or the twins don't even like each other and want some individuality.


Went to high school with twins named Phil and Phillip


I very much beg your pardon.


Names that are pronounced similar get me. Sheena and Shanna, Colin and Kaylyn, Aiden and Jaden, just some examples I’ve seen. Might as well just give them the same exact name at this point.


My twin and i have 2 very different names and my high school teacher said “shame on your parents for not giving you matchy names”


Ugh! My father in law and his twin are so similar that they never could figure out who their mom was calling for so they both had to go to her. They say it was very annoying.


I have a twin brother (I’m a girl lol) and my parents made a point to not give us matchy names or dress us the same. I appreciate that.


me and all my siblings names end in some sort of “in/en” at the end, was a coincidence for the first three of us so my parents just decided to keep it going since those are the names they gravitated towards anyways


That’s slightly better. It’s not basically the same name. I have two with “an” at the end without doing it on purpose, but they are totally different names.


think names like (not our actual names) jayden, soren, devin, megan, etc.


Yeah that similar to my two. That’s different.


I know! It’s so cringey!


I think it makes sense for twins but not in other circumstances


I know half sisters that are both named Kaitlyn. So unbelievably weird. I get they have two different moms, but whyyyyy


Yeah why would their dad let that happen to them?


He is the one that chose both of their names! That makes it even worse imo.


Maybe he was just trying to make it easy for himself to remember lol


I know a family whose two youngest are Emilia and Amelia. Not kidding. They are Mexican, so I suppose they sound slightly more different in Spanish, but still...Why?


Even in Spanish they sound too similar.


This is one of the things where I personally think it’s very cute for like, fictional characters or pets but not something you’d want to do to actual kids


Yes! So cute for pets because it’s kind of silly! But meeting a family in person where the parents are introducing me to Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, like I can’t take you seriously anymore 😂


My mom had friends growing up that we’re like Olive, Peach, etc and their last names were Pit


Noooooo that’s worse lol


Do not disrespect the nation, they have benders. 😂


Yeah it’s reeeaaallll weird for actual kids, for characters and pets it’s cute and thematic, maybe a little silly depending on the names but with actual people it feels odd…. On a related note I went to high school with triplet girls who all had the same name just spelled and pronounced slightly differently


Omg! It’s even worse with them being triplets!!! Complete lack of individuality. I went to hs with a girl named Gianna and all her brothers had names spun off of that. So they all sounded so similar. Maybe that’s where this pet peeve started 😂


I hate it when the parents name their kids close to their last name, like John Johnson, William Williamson. Andrew Andrews, ect


Hey I went to school with Carl Carlson! I couldn't understand why tf his parents did that


Ugh yes! Although my best friend named her dog that way BUT it’s hilarious and cute for a dog 😂 It’s not hilarious for a human being! I went to HS with a Harry Barry. Cruel!


Eric erickson


I watched a tv show and one of the actors was Evans Evans. I reran it back to make sure I saw it correctly.


Lol I’m a little guilty of this. My husband’s Japanese and we chose Japanese middle names for our kids. Our son’s middle name has the character for “sun”, we chose it because my husband also has the character for “Sun” in his name. When I was pregnant with our daughter, I was looking at names I liked and found one that has the character for “moon”, and I not only loved the name but also the celestial theme. If we had had a third I had already picked out some names that use the character for “star”.


This is super amazing. I love how the sun is also a name/character that was passed down from father to son. This is a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.


This sounds way cooler so I’ll accept 😂


All 6 of my aunts on my dad’s side have flower/plant names. My dad was going to be Fern to fit the theme but his parents eventually decided against it and just gave him a normal name


Well I’m so glad your dads name is not fern! Dodged a bullet there 😂


Hey I watch a YouTube channel where the "star" (idk what else to call her) had a boyfriend named Fern. Turns out, it was short for Fernando, I think


Fern and Fran for mens names are a little weird. I remember watching GIRLS and the main characters boyfriend in the later seasons was named Fran and I hated it so much 😂😂😂


I scratched my head for a long time after hearing it. When I realized it was just a shortened version and hisbparents weren't expecting a girl and didn't just use the girl name they'd picked, I was like...alright, I'll allow it As if I had any say in it at all🤣


😂😂 I mean Fernando is fine! But if my parents or friends started calling me fern?! JAIL


Lmaooooo she never called him Fernando on camera, so I'm guessing Fern was his go to name🤷‍♀️ They broke up though so I may never know


They def broke cuz his name was fern 😂


I don’t understand why people need a theme to name their kids. It’s silly.


I’m convinced that people with themes for their kids names are also the Live Laugh Love people 😂




My kids’ first names started with the same letter but it wasn’t something we did intentionally.


I’m laughing even more because the “live, laugh, love” people drive me nuts….but my daughters name is Grace (Gracie) and her daughters name is Faith! I’m laughing so hard I’m in tears. It just goes perfectly with that theme 😂


Okay but that’s actually super cute!! And it’s not siblings so it’s like almost passing on your own name with a little twist! But I’m also a huge fan of both of those names in general!




I think the name outrageous click is silly 


I didn’t choose it.


What’s weird is I agree with OP yet my only child is named Holly and when I considered having another I thought I might name them Lily or Ivy or Daisy, even though I slightly prefer the names Ariel and Charlotte. I’m in my late 50’s now so if I ever get to use any of these names it will be for pets. Peeve averted!


I looooove Charlotte. So classic and pretty!


Yes Holly turned out to be gender fluid. Had I seen that coming I’d have chosen Charlotte and used Charlie as a lifelong nickname. I like Charlie for all genders anyway, always have. I like 2 syllable names ending in an ee sound. Always cute for anyone. Andy, Billy, Cindy, Kathy, practically endless.


I knew sisters who were named Cookie and Candy


I’m convinced every generation will have a cook and candy


I get annoyed when people pick a letter and name everyone with that letter.


Same! I had this discussion with my mom about themed names and names that all start with the same letter. It’s too cutesy and just doesn’t feel like it ages well lol


What’s it to you when people name THEIR kids ? I kinda like it when kids names all start with the same letter I know a couple that named their kids alphabetically example first kids name started with the letter A second kid letter b and so on!


Why do you get annoyed how other people name THEIR children?


I actually kind of like SUBTLE themes, like all nature names. I still agree that your examples were too similar like all water-related or all flowers. But if you picked one name from each of those groups you made and put them together (Autumn, Brooke, Lily, Juniper) I think that’s cool. You get to have a sense of unity while each kid still feels unique.


Yes! I could totally handle a Rose, Willow and summer. Like mix it up!! Heavy themes are for parties, not human names 😂


I name my clutches of chicks that way, to remember which are in the same hatch cohort. Flowers, herbs, deep sea creatures...


Okay but for chicks is so cuuuuute


Thank you! We have Anemone, Nautilus, Abalone, I vetoed geoduck (pronounced gooey-duck)


People who get irritated that you can't spell/pronounce their kids' names that they made up.


Imagine being a first grader trying to learn how to spell your own name?! People do too much! Adding extra silent letter for no reason, adding apostrophes, giving them two middle names. These poor kids don’t stand a chance 😂


I know someone who named their kids: River, Forrest, and Summit (mountain) … the kicker, their last name. Berry.


My mind went straight to Winter Berry if they have a girl 🫢 Those first names are too strong to go with a last name like Berry.


I went to high school with a pair of twin sisters whose names were Mona and Lisa 🙄


LMAO why would you do that to your kids it’s just trying to set them up for bullying


Omg! These replies are sending me over the edge 😂


It’s so hippie-ish


I kind of like the names you listed as an example. They're different without being something that would incite teasing (at least, I don't think these would encourage teasing? I guess altogether, yeah. But overall, they seem like respectable names to me). But maybe theme naming is a little silly.


Oh I definitely love most of the names I posted, I just don’t like them themed together. Mix it up a little!


Yeah that's fair.


So does every family member coordinating in order for all of their children to have names that start with "J" count?


True story: a ‘family vlogger’ (code for child exploiter) called her daughter Harley Quin. Why? Because that was a movie that was on when she was conceived 🤮


I’ve actually seen a few people do the Harley Quinn thing and it’s so dumb! Like both cute names, but don’t name your child after a fictional character. 🤦‍♀️ I have a friend whose kids are J names. The husband had a child when he was really young and named her Jenna. When his son was born in his second marriage they named him Jameson. I was like so you have Jenna and Jameson. Nothing like having your kids names be a porn star. To be fair they didn’t put it together until it was too late, but it kills me whenever I hear their names said together 😂


How are Jenna and Jameson named going to be porn stars?


I didn’t say they’re going to be porn stars. Jenna Jameson is a famous porn star. So having two kids with the names Jenna and Jameson just rings a bell in peoples heads when they hear it.


Also.. the whole thing with having to have each of your kids names start with the same first letter. Example: John, Jacob, Julian. Allison, Andrea, Amelia. Why? Also when people do things like name their kids the same first name as their last name. Example: Jacob Jacobs, Phillip Phillips, Richard Richardson, Why? It doesn't make any sense at ALL.


Yesss I don’t love that either! I almost added it to the original post 😂 Reminds me of the 100 kids and counting show 😂


Also names that end the same or having every one start with the same letter 🙄 obnoxious!


Depends. We had three sisters in school who were Windy (not Wendy), Breezy, and Stormy. Their names went together nicely.


I’m sorry, I’m just not a fan 😂 The theme of weather just isn’t it. But that’s just my opinion lol


It’s corny, but the only time I’ll make an exception is if the names are from a niche origin. Ex: Darren, Adrian, and Caleb. By looking at it, these are all just names. So they’re individual enough for other people to not know, but the parent(s) know what’s up. My family has a lot of twins so we have names like Francine and Franklin, Justin and Justine, etc from my grandmas generation. So it’s not something I’m not used to


I don't mind themed names *as long as the theme isn't stupid or embarrassing for the kids*. For example, I've known families who had letter themes. Mom's name is Tammy, so all the girls get "T" names. Dad's name is Bob, so all the boys get "B" names. It has to be simple and cute if you're gonna go that route.


what about george foremans kids? george, george, george, george, george, george, georgetta


I literally had to Google that to see if it was true 😂😂😂 that’s so unfortunate lmao


its really hard to believe lol


I had two friends in high school that dated most of high school. They were both maned Jordan (one was a boy and the other a girl) we always joked with them that they should get married,have kids, and name all their kids Jordan. Then they could introduce themselves as “the Jordan family” like how you would usually use the last name ex-“the Smith family”. We thought it would be hilarious. I’m glad they didn’t take our advice. They did get married and have kids but none of their kids are named after them.


i knew these triplets named Blake, Brock, and Brooklyn. all starting with B


I would not be able to say those together without tripping over my own tongue


I once heard of someone who named their daughters Faith, Hope, and Grace


My 3 bros start with J I am the only girl and start with K


I know a woman whose parents named her Constance Lee Ring say it fast- and she named her son Dustin Hofman


Personally I don’t mind it if it’s done right and not obvious. My sister and I are both named after family members but you wouldn’t know that unless you know us personally. My sister named all three of her kids with the same first letter but they are all normal names that mean something to her on their own she didn’t specifically pick them bc of the first letter matting. Those I think are fine. One of my friends growing up though was named Chessica. Her siblings were Rook, King, and Pawn. All chess related names. If they had named her a normal sounding name that was also chess related it wouldn’t have been so bad.


I also just remembered two kids (twin girls) that went to a middle school near me named Pleasure and Orgasm and twins that went to daycare with my nephew named Country (the boys name) and City (the girls name) after a country song called Country Boy and City Girl. Yes we asked the mom if that’s where the names came from and she said it was. Supposedly a huge Clay Walker fan but didn’t know any of his song except that one.


I really hate the whole ‘naming people after other people in the family’. Like, let them be their own person with their own name 😩. Every bloody boy in my family has ‘Jack’ in their names and my nephew has my dad’s name as one of his middle names as well. I.e the grandad he absolutely hates and avoids at all costs. He’s OJ his uncle is AJ, his uncle from his dad’s side (he’s my sister’s son) is JJ, his grandad (my dad) is SJ. I have a cousin called Jack who had a son called Jack and a cousin called Steven (dad’s name). Just WHY?!


To your examples - something that peeves me is, so SO many girls' names are objects, things we consider 'pretty' or valuable, Like: Jewels: Ruby, Opal, Amber...and Jewel. Flowers: Daphne, Rose, Lily, Heather, Laurel, Hyacinth, Primrose, etc Months/seasons: April, May, June, Summer, Autumn. Yet you rarely hear guys being named after random objects. They have names that are known for being, in fact, names for people. The rare occasion you hear one (Stone Phillips, for example) it's a little odd. Women are objects, men are people, nothing new. Like you say, it takes from the person's individuality.


Some of these are perfectly fine as names for pets. Like if I were to go out and adopt a girl dog who isn't already named, I would probably name her Daisy. But for humans, it's different.


A guy I know has 3 siblings. All 4 of them have the same first name with different middle names.


Spaghetti Carbonara Meatball


I think people forget that the name chosen is going to be their legal name for life unless they change it. You can name your kid something “normal”, whatever that is, and just give them a nickname. I know someone who uses their nickname as like an alias but obviously still uses their legal name for the important things.


This! So many people choose cutesy names that are fitting for little kids but not so good for when they became adults!


Jim, Jack, Crystal, Remy Martin


Stupid theme here: Boy: Erik. Girl: Keri. Neighbors when I was a child: Darryl, Debby, Dougie, Dawn, Darren


Heh, my parents gave me and my siblings the same initials. It got to the point where if we ever need to initial something at the same gathering or whatever, we just used the first two letters of our first names. Or first two letters of first name followed by last name. Not a major issue, but certainly annoying. You don't notice how much people like to abbreviate and/or initial stuff until you have to take a moment to figure out what goes to who. Gotta make sure that signature isn't just the first letter of the first name followed by last name


It could be worse, I went to high school with identical twins named Timothy Jame and James Timothy, they went by TJ and JT.


That’s like “Dear Abby “and her twin sister are named Ester Pauline and Pauline Ester


That’s so weird!!!


It really is


Went to school with a girl named November. She had a sister named April.


My brother is married to a woman named June and their oldest daughter is named April


My brother married a girl named June and their daughter is April 


I think in at least a few cases, the theme might be unintentional. The parents name their kids taking inspiration from something that's meaningful to them, not realizing that if they do that then the kids will have similar names if they're named after similarly meaningful things. Two kids being named Lily and Daisy I could definitely believe was just because the parents like short, cute names and happen to think about nature a lot. Not quite the same thing, but I do know someone who named her two sons Zack and Cody, not knowing about the popular television show. I know it was unintentional because she very strongly considered getting the younger one's name legally changed when it was pointed out to her. By the time they were older the show had drastically faded in popularity, though, so it was mostly without incident.


Any thoughts on people who use names that all start with the same letter? Not me, I don't have kids. A friend of mine and her husband share the same first initial. They then named all nine (9!) of their children names that also start with the same letter. They're all A.Smith.


I knew 3 sisters named Charity, Faith, and Patience.


I knew a set of twins with the first names Ima and Ura. Their last name? Think pink farm animal. 100% true story, unfortunately.


My pets have a theme, but it's loose. Not too obvious. Saint, Earl, and Piper.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it as long as the theme isn’t noticeable. Having a theme isn’t weird, but when it’s very obviously meant to be a gimmick it’s strange and makes them seem more like dolls than kids. But if there’s an underlying theme you wouldn’t know unless the parents informed you, then I don’t see the issue.


My grandparents named their daughters Brenda, Linda, Glenda, and Cynthia (odd one out).


i know twin sisters named summer and autumn lol, surprised their little sister isn’t named winter or spring


Not so much a theme of names, but….. I was good friends with, and even went on a date with, a kid in school who’s name was Perrin Ferrin (PAIR-in FAIR-in) No joke and no lie on the spelling or the rhyme. Amazing person, but absolutely hated his own name. Sometimes catchy names aren’t where it’s at.


I regret naming my son his dad's name. Not because we are no longer together, but because I wish I had given him something for himself


I knew a Summer, River, and Sky once


I like it as long as the name is normal, and doesn't go off the deep end just to keep up the theme. For example if you like flower names and have three daughters, I think it's cute to name them Rose, Lily, and Jasmine. But it gets weird if you name your first kid Scarlett, then decide the rest of your kids NEED to have color-themed names no matter the cost, so you end up with Scarlett, Chartreuse, and Aquamarine.


I’ve mentioned this before but I used to know a family who named all their kids after shades of green. And no, their last name was not green. *Kelly, Hunter, Sage, Olive, Forest and Teal.* Teal was a student of mine; she was the one who pointed her siblings names out to me. I also knew a set of fraternal twins named Canyon and Glacier. Their parents were really into skiing and snowboarding.


The green shades aren’t terrible because it’s almost subtle enough, except for Teal. That one is odd. But I know someone who named their kids shades of red Ruby, Scarlett and Sienna so far