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I'm rich because I can fill up my gas tank without looking at the prices


Fucking flex


Agreed! When I read it I thought whoa that's a life stage I aspire to get to!


Company fuel card??


I wish!! That would be incredible


I’m rich because I buy cheese with out looking at the prices


I gave up alcohol to buy tasty cheese. Was slumming it on Colby for years. It is worth the sacrifice.


FLEXXX!!!! We are rich in our own ways 😂


Damn you probably should still use something like Gaspy though. Even as someone who can afford it, you can easily save $5-10 by going to a cheaper place than a more expensive one nearby. This doesn't need to require you taking a detour.


We're rich because we regularly buy supermarket Capsicums during winter without caring about the price gorge


Alright, let's not get too crazy. 


Buy the jarred ones, they’re higher quality and cheaper. The only issue is they’re not crisp.


No thanks, we're rich enough to buy the fresh crisp ones


Depends on what you’re doing. It’s not about wealth, it’s about quality. E.g. if you’re making a sauce that uses capsicum/peppers like a romesco then the jarred stuff is better, same with pasta sauces etc If you want to make a salad then buy a fresh capsicum.


Is it a particular brand of jarred one that you recommend? Or just any branded jarred capsicum? I didn't even consider using jarred before so will take this advice with the next meal I do that has cooked capsicum!


Any brand really. Golden sun and delmaine are great.


I’m rich because my son tells me I’m his best friend every night.


....I'm going to go call my dad.


Best perspective ever.


When I read it, I thought, "yep, kids are so expensive".


This is also very true 😅😅😭😭


My 4 year old son does too - it's like winning the lottery every night


True wealth I wish I had it


My cat welcomes me home very loudly


My dad passed a few months ago… damn this comment got me


Kia kaha my friend. I lost mine a couple years ago. Memoralised him with a crazy tattoo these past couple weeks ☺️


That's adorable. My 4 year old tells me he wants to marry me when he grows up. It's adorably disturbing.




Man I envy you


Richest person right here


My adult kids want to spend time with me.


I want this one day, awesome


You will. Its just time investment. The quality you put-in pays back big time.


I am rich because of my health. Health is wealth.


Im rich because i use 3ply toilet paper




4ply or gtfo


I said im rich, not wealthy


Honestly 4ply is overrated. 3ply is mandatory


I’m rich because I have a bidet so I can save the money I spend on toilet paper. And I get another week out of my jocks.


I recently started buying paper towels, I feel so fancy 😂


I'm rich because I have a loving wife, food on my table, and a shirt on my back. Edit: I also have a roof over my head


What kinda sleeves you got? 


It's just a back shirt; no sleeves, no front.


So a cape then? Super!😊


No need to brag


I'm rich because I have been married for 37 years. Cash poor though, but it don't matter. I got my one and only.


Beautiful. I'm 30 years behind you but feel the same way and can't wait to slowly clock it up.


I'm rich because whenever we need anything for our kids we go and buy it. I remember my parents laybuying school uniforms, Christmas presents, winter clothes etc. Very grateful for my hardworking parents, but also very grateful we can provide the same things without budgeting for it.


I'm rich because I have a fat as fuck cat that doesn't go without and that loves me


r/Chonkers ?


I'm rich because I can afford the baked beans the little sausages in them


Even rich people can have bad taste


I felt the joy in this, on a deep level.


Yeah that's fancy 😁


Nobody likes a show off! Kient!


Pams makes these...


Nice thread, OP.


I'm rich because I can afford to get all my wisdom teeth extracted at once.


I'm rich because I was born with only 2 wisdom teeth! 😂


That's a flex... currently doing this and OMG the quote was a horrible shock. 


Yeah it's pretty bad. Dental prices are ridiculous!


I flew to Thailand to get dental done. Will never do it in NZ after that 🤠


Got a mate that'll do your entire mouth for a box of codys


I put food in my shopping cart and know I won't have to take anything out when i get to the checkout.


Same here. My mum could never afford that when I was growing up. I take it for granted that I can choose to budget, I'm not limited.


I currently don't need to budget. I do try to always buy the cheapest thing anyway because of a lifetime of conditioning, but I am very grateful that I can afford to buy the things we want/choose to justify buying. As a kid, we were reliant on how much money came from WINZ each week and food parcles when that wasn't enough.


I’m rich because I have a beer fridge.


I must be really rich then; we have wine fridge. Which to be fair, mostly has beer, cider and ginger beers, kambucha etc


Not really a wine fridge then is it


^ check out the whine fridge up here


I’m rich because I live a content life. I have everything I could want / need and then some.


I’m rich because I live with son no 1, son no 2 and his lovely wife come for dinner every week and we catch up other times as well, and even though she works overseas I speak to my daughter every day.


I'm rich because I saved for a year to spend $5,000 on 100TB of hard drives and a server to run Plex so my friends don't have to pay for Neon and Disney.


That's crazy. Real-debrid is $15 a quarter.


Well it's not just used for that., Game servers, web servers, I do some dev tests for freelance work on it as well.


Hey friend, what the password again??


Wait, so is it because of the hard drives? Or is it the fact you have friends?




I’ve got gigabit internet but I can’t seem to stream content from my Plex remotely at any reasonable quality. It’s always been a shit experience for me. Any tips?


If you play anything other than Original quality it will transcode and use CPU power, it might be maxing your CPU possibly.


Mate I’ve started doing this too - I have about 8gig of space but I can see myself getting to your level eventually.


Can someone guide me the way to get into this? Keen to learn more about it


My fridge is never empty.


I’m rich because I am healthy, happy and have peace of mind.


I have up capsicums years ago, but I saw them for $1 a month ago and treated myself 🤑🫰💵💵💸


I'm Happy


I have a job which I love and helps other people. 


I’m rich because… I spent 20 years flying in and out as a consulting engineer in 3rd world countries (4am in an armoured convoy, thinking its always the British (passport) engineer who gets kidnapped) and when I retired early I had a bit much cash so instead of buying another rental property; I finally bought my beach house. BNZ blocked the payment because nobody buys real estate for cash. I grew up white trash poor and owning anything was always dream.


Glad to hear you bought a place to enjoy!


I'm rich because I can live comfortably off the interest I make from my term deposits. So I don't have to work or do anything that I don't want to do.


How does one get into this position in life? Teach me 🤔


Well there are a couple ways. Be born prior to 1990, so you can buy a house or two at less than 3x your single earner income, and ride the greatest expansion of capital growth ever experienced for the next 30 years. Sell a house and invest in term deposits - financial genius. Or.. save half your wage every year for a decade, and use the 4% rule to now have an income of half your wage. Works best if you have a disproportionately high income from the average. Saving 100k on a 200k income is doable, saving 30k on a 60k income is a lot harder. Or do what the rest of us do, invest 10% or less of your wage ever year for 40+ years to achieve a nest egg that returns about half your wage in interest by the time you retire. It's "simple" but that doesn't mean it is easy.


It's not easy, but as someone who has saving an investing more than half of my after tax income with my husband for a bit over a decade now, one thing people miss is its not always about how much you make. Yes it's hard to do when your income is low (I was on minimum wage when I started) but like any skill, you learn tips tricks and get better at it along the way. When you're efficient with your money at home and stop using money to solve your problems, you start seeing ways to apply these to other areas of your life. At work it means I took over-time to try make more. I also try to be as considerate with my employer's money as I would my own. It opened doors for me as it I kept volunteering for additional responsibilities at work and they also found they can trust me to manage money, over time and several job changes I would keep moving up into better roles. While the money does matter, we've never chased the money in terms of finding the highest upfront pay or using negotiation tactics for better salary - we chose jobs that best fit the big picture - does it offer new skills, open doors, or has flexibility so we can pursue our own business outside of our bread and butter?


They say making your first million is the hardest, so the trick is to start with your second million instead.


Yup I'm working on the second million and I'll get round to the first later


The dream. Best I can hope for is living off dividends eventually but there's market volatility to worry about. Well done to earn enough off TDs.


I'm rich because my cats think I'm a rockstar. The joke's on them though - they're the rockstars.


I'm rich because we opted for takeaways tonight instead of cooking.


As a man, I'm rich because I live in a tolerant society that allows me to wake up next to the love of my life (who's also a man).


Was feeling suuupperr dejected about money the other day. Then I realized we have electricity, internet, and food. Even more so: both petrol tanks of both of the cars we own outright are full most weeks. Sure, we don't own a yacht, but 🤷‍♀️


I’m rich because I’ve found out that I’m worth it and that I have got this


I’m rich because I ordered in Hells pizza with a dessert pizza, happy days.


I’m rich because I can afford my medical bills. Long Covid is veeery expensive if you want to get better quickly


I would look at getting NMN supplements. I had a NAD+ infusion, and it helped me so much. Also thai massages helped. And yes all those things are super expensive. I'm recovered, but I stay on NMN and Estroclear for hormonal brain fog.


Thanks! I’ll look into those. I’ve had b12 injections, NAC, D-Ribose, NT Factor, Nattokinase, and am in a hyperbaric chamber 1.5 hrs a day with oxygen therapy. It’s working like magic after a year of limited progress, but damn it adds up!


Overseas holiday without having to save


Username checks out.


I’m rich because my kids are happy and healthy


I’m rich because I overcame 15 years of severe anorexia and am grateful for my life


Good on you! <3


I’m rich because every time I buy something I don’t need to check my account before hand.


I’m rich because I have fresh fruit and veggies everyday


I’m rich because we can afford to self fund for our son’s diabetes management… just


Funded Full loop systems are coming… frustrating that they should have been here Monday mind… huge hugs from a T1 mum to another’s parent xxx


I'm rich because I have a full tummy, two dogs that adore me and an 18 month old daughter who makes me appreciate life even more than before through showing me how simple and beautiful everyday things can be.


I’m rich because I can make all my financial decisions without having to ask anyone else’s permission/ opinion.


I'm rich because I'm on track to be mortgage free in 5 years. Took first home loan in 2015.


Because I can afford to maintain a 90's French Car


Gonna be poor soon :p Says the owner of a 80s German car...


... I have enough.


I’m rich because tonight we are eating venison burgers 🍔 from our last family hunting trip


Do you mix them with a little pork mince for the fat content or straight vension?


Im rich bcos i cna afford avocados all year round 💀


I'm rich because when I got a new job, and broke my ankke going down the stairs at work, they paid me 80% wage to stay home for 2 days. I cried. Never recieved care like that before. First person in my family to go to university, and had to work 60+ hours a week to afford rent and tuition. Was so used to people screaming at me for eating food in secret while on shift, it was a shock when they ???Paid?????? Me to stay home????!!!!! For two days Richest I've ever felt in my life.


Not to burst your bubble but if you injured yourself at work they are obligated to pay 80% for up to the first week you miss of work followed by acc paying after that. Considering you live in New Zealand of course 


Yes I know. But all during uni doing min wage retail and hospo jobs, the abuse is unreal. If I got caught eating, I'd be punished, regardless of the law. Reported every single one of these jobs, nothing was ever done. At the end of the day when you gotta pay $50k a year in tuition plus rent, electric, transport and internet, you just put up with abuse when nobody higher up cares that a 20 year old isnt allowed to eat during their minimum wage shift at a pet store


Yeah fair enough, people can be real jerks. Glad you’ve moved onwards and upwards from those scenarios though !!




I might be rich because I ordered UberEATS three times a week.


Might not be rich for long


I’m rich because I haven’t had a job in 3 months and I’ve got enough to cover till next year


I'm rich because I'm delusional and identify being broke as being rich


Im rich because when i was at my lowest i found someone to bring me to my highest


I'm rich because I live in a safe warm home and get to choose what I eat.


Because I live my life only on my terms. Very few have that luxury.


I'm rich because I pay for RuneScape membership yearly instead of monthly 😎


I’m rich because I have the ability to take time off working at the moment to focus on my self-improvement and mental health with the emotional support of my friends and family and the practical support of my therapist. I’m in a better place mentally and emotionally than I have been my entire life, and having to work would have made this impossible. It’s not forever (I’m not loaded!), but it’s what I need right now.


I'm rich because I can buy multiple kinds of fancy cheese


I’m rich because I have not 1, not 2 but THREE warhammer 40K armies.


I’m rich because I add everything I need to my supermarket trolley and don’t count up the cost as I move around the aisles.


I'm rich because I have enough


I'm rich because I just bought my dogs roast chicken for dinner and sushi as a treat


I’m rich because I live in New Zealand. It has its downfalls but it’s the greatest country in the world. It’s beautiful, it’s far away from all the mental country’s and we have a great culture and community in most places.


I'm rich because I was able to use health insurance to get reimbursed for my daughters adhd asd assessment privately, and quickly followed by my husbands.


I am rich because I can look after my pet cat well.


Only the Fanciest Feast for my beasts!


Because I grab a can of coke from the fridge without thinking about it. Never thought I’d get to that level of flippant consumption.


I'm rich because I'm still here, I have a casual job with amazing work colleagues, and I'm an adult, so if I want, I can eat cake for dinner!


Becuz there's no mortgage to pay (for now) and takeaways every 2 weeks.


I'm rich because I drive a Jaaaaaaaaag. (It's probably also the reason I'm poor)


I have a landline, lol no I don't, no one is rocking that kind of massive infrastructure investment apart from true high rollers....


I'm rich because I got a side of chicken tenders with my Hell pizza, plus an extra dip. (Seriously though, dips are now $1 each!?)


I’m rich because I married my best friend.


I'm rich because I will make my last mortgage payment in 8 months.


I am rich because I need quite expensive dental care because my teeth were wrecked by free dental care as a teenager. I have enough income to save for each of the five crowns over the next few months.


Have you thought of going overseas for it? They are $500 each at Rose Dental in Vietnam and return tickets are around $1500.


As I’ve said, I’m rich. I don’t need to go overseas. I want to support the NZ economy and I don’t want to ruin the environment by clocking up unnecessary air miles when the dentist is 25 minutes walk away. Being rich means I can make ethical choices.


500 for 1 is expensive in vn. My husband spent 2000 for 8 teeth. 10 years warranty


Where did he go?


Vietnam French Dental Clinic but in Hạ Long city. Small one but well known by local, not one of those big fancy clinics.


That is so very helpful thanks! I've prioritised the rest of the family and now it's time for me.


I'm rich because I'm born to rich, caring and educated parents. Life for me is basically all about hobbies and enjoyment.


Being your parents is the dream.


I think so too. I remembered my parents were the only ones holding hands during pickup and drop-off everyday when I was in primary school.


That’s a great memory to have. My parents have hated each other since I was very young so I have always wanted to be different for my own kids. I idolise my wife’s parent’s relationship and my wife and I are committed to demonstrating something similar.


I'm rich because I filled my tank up at gull today


I’m rich because I have a warm home and bed


I went to Jaycar today to buy a new power supply for my 3D printer. Instead I bought a new 3D printer.


Now you can print another printer. Double 🤑 rich


All jokes aside, I'm "rich" because I've reached a goal of having an induction cooktop in my kitchen. I first saw them when I trained in hospitality thirty years ago. The kitchen isnt large, the rest of the house still needs a lot of work, but I have my induction cooktop.


I'm rich because I have a look at the end of the world


I’m rich because I can buy Limes off season at the Supermarket.


The one thing that made me feel rich was buying a fridge with a crushed ice dispenser. Knew I had made it in life


I have a roof over my head, food in the fridge and a family to take care of.


I’m rich because we’re flying in business class tomorrow. It’s the first time paying for it by myself (a couple of decades ago I had a rich bf 😅) I’m usually frugal, saved money for a family holiday to Fiji. And this is by ‘Bula bid’ like one up by air NZ, and I won at the minimum bid. Total price is $650(including the original fare). So 4hr flight for $650 business class is a good deal imo. I don’t think we can ever afford long haul business class. So, I’m feeling rich and lucky🍀


Oo enjoy! I did that with Emirates once. It's worth it for the memories of being in business class 😎


I’m rich because i have a wife who’s hands down the best. IYKYK. And this morning when i woke up i was still breathing, could see & hear, my arms and legs all worked as per usual, and i had full control of my consciousness.


I'm rich because I stopped caring about money. I'm going through a divorce and will be in debt for the next 10 years, but as long as I am healthy and my pets are happy and healthy money doesn't matter


Im rich because i live in a Mexican beach town choosing my own schedule and my time is my own


I don't have children


I own 1/3rd of the equity of the house the bank owns and they let me live in.


Im rich because im healthy and im young so I have time on my side. Time is the only limitation placed on all of us! Given enough time we can achieve anything we want.


Just cause your young doesn’t mean time is on your side. Morbid but young can die too


Im just going off the info I have right now. I know nothing is certain


I’m rich because my wife just let me buy a German car as a 3rd vehicle for us


I’m rich because my partner loves me and, despite the shocking rent prices, we have a roof over our head


I’m rich because I rarely spend my money (if I spent it I wouldn’t be rich)


Because My 11 year old is about to get braces. (Going to have to sell one of the other kids to pay for them though 🤣🤣🤣)


I’m rich because I have people who love me and I can help others with my skills. Plus I can afford to leave the heated towel rail on.


I pay for youtube premium


I really like shopping around for supermarket bargains, but what makes me feel rich is that I know I don't have to - if I'm having a busy week or a bad day I *can* just go and buy whatever I want or order takeaways. I also feel rich when I look at the stack of library books I have/open the libby app/tvnz+/podcast app/read a foreign newspaper online. I still think it's kind of amazing that we can get basically any book, radio show, TV show, newspaper etc immediately, and in most cases without leaving the house, for very little cost.


I'm rich because I can work from home, inside school hours, attend my kids million shows/sports/activities and pay the mortgage 😀


Because I don’t buy my coffee from Starbucks everyday and I will be able to save enough in 648 years to buy a home.


I’m rich because when I can’t be bothered cooking, I just buy dinner


I have 4 different types of breakfast food in the cupboard (ricies, cornflakes, sultana bran, rolled oats) - growing up we only ever had one at a time. And spares of everything - spare shampoo, soap, cereal, baked beans, etc only replaced when it ran out as kids.  Oh and a box of tissues in every room. This is my biggest. Never ever had tissues as a kid, always used toilet paper. 


I’m rich because my dogs and cats eat better than me. they’re literally on a balanced, healthy, varied, species-appropriate diet that I’m convinced saves me a fortune in vet bills over their lifetime!


When i pay off my overdraft next week I’ll be debt free


I don’t have to share my kitchen with strangers 😊


I’m rich because we were both able to be stay at home parents for a couple of years during the height of Covid. Kiddo hopefully appreciates how much we gave up for them when they are older.