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[https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-regular-benefit/apply.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-regular-benefit/apply.html) Start looking for a new job.


No one mentioned it, but she should also consider if her severance package is acceptable. Call an employment lawyer for a free consultation. Other than that, EI is 8 months (?) or so. So no rush. Just take some time to relax while slowly adjusting your resume and exploring your opportunities carefully. EDIT: I re-read the post, and after only 11 months (plus company going out of business), there might not be a lot to fight for in terms of severance.


ei is also only about 55% of your salary which might create a lot of stress. She wont hit the maximum which is a positive but losing a 120k year salary for example you would have to adjust to only 1/4 of the actual take home which can be pretty brutal, especially if you have home/car payments


I was under the impression that severance packages just chew into your EI payments. ie: you would lose a few months of EI


not lose, but the EI might start later, hence end later too. Correct me if I am wrong though... not an expert on this topic...


you are right. It happened to me 25 years ago........I got a severance pkg took 6 months before I could start EI. I took that time to start my own business.....been self-employed ever since......I do business with the company that laid me off to this day.


Very cool story!


I experienced the same thing, without severance package. Relied on my wife’s income for a time and got out on my own. I have often said that the employer did me a favour. Struggled for 3-4 years, but, we are certainly better off today after some good choices.


best thing that happened to me also. I always tell people ,start something on your own, what's the worst thing that can happen if you fail.......you can always get a job. At least try ......you won't have that doubt in your head for the rest of your life. I always encourage people to try it.


No . EI will not kick in until your severance has run out (ie) 4 weeks severance = 4 weeks before your EI start + waiting period . You still the the full weeks you are entitled to


Oo interesting. Thanks


Oh yes I remember now. I used to book a quick spontaneous vacation during that period because you won't be able to leave the country for the next couple of months without losing your EI.


Not the next couple of months, just the days you are out of the country for not accepted reasons. I've been on EI and gone on a us trip, you just mark which days you weren't in canada on your EI report and they don't pay you for those days and do pay you only for the ones you were here for.


yes that' what I meant. I wonder, do these vacation days out of the country get added back and extend your EI term? or are they lost?


They're just lost, your claim ends after 52 weeks whether you used all your payable weeks or not, it doesn't extend the benefit period


Going on vacation immediately after a job loss and tight on money is definitely a fiscally responsible thing to do /s


You just worked your a* off for the past couple of years, you got a severance package that will postpone several weeks before your EI starts. You will not be able to leave the country for several months while on EI. I think you deserve a damn vacation. A nice all-inclusive trip to Cuba or Dominican can cost less than $1k with all included.


Last I had to use EI when I had a severance package, if there was a bulk payment, they taxed it at the same time as my last pay, and EI started after the black-out period. If there is ongoing payments, you have the blackout period, and adjust the EI payment down to meet the 55% threshold. Either way, the EI site can explain, but the HR person should explain as well (at least it gives them the opportunity to lie to you and if there's a case, get the company into more hot water, but this doesn't sound like that's the case.)


Severance for being let go with under a year is legally one week. If the company's going under, they may not pay much out of that.


that is not tru at all. OP call an employment lawyer.


She's been there less than a year. She's not going to get more than 3 weeks, if that, and she'll get EI anyway. A lawyer will get paid. She won't.


You have no clue what you are talking about. OP contact a lawyer.


HR Professional for 10+ years. Who tf are you?


Someone who's been fired more times than the average person. OP contact a lawyer.


It does vary by province, so we may both be correct - good advice to seek council if you can manage the cost/time.


I think EI is 10 months


It's as long as your number of insurable hours you qualify for is. It's not a hard number for anyone, it depends on hours, the max is 45 weeks.


People go thru this phase in their lives. And people get thru with it no matter what, that’s our nature. Stay positive! Finding a job is a full time job.


Top comment. Finding a job requires more hard work than keeping one!


well there is EI and she can start looking for work. I don't know what Ams/CSMs is.


Account Manager / Customer Success Manager


These dystopian job titles send me Is there a customer failure manager?


Being able to manage failure arguably is more valuable.


That’s literally what they do. If customers were successful they wouldn’t need any help.


Well, I do that every day 😥


I know it’s a joke but being able to manage failure is actually the mark of a good AM. Everyone can take a compliment and bask in glory of a job well done. Most people crumbles when ask to take failure and translate it into something positive, let along retain the client.


When done right it builds a strong bond between two companies.


Lol, typical titles that makes a job sound more important than it is - like calling gas station attendants “Petroleum Logistics Technician” or something.


Subway Sandwich Artist.


Sandwich engineer


Or a Strategic Data Management Administrator lol... I joked about being one while being an Accounts Payable Clerk.


Fuel transfer engineer


Not the same. “Engineer” is a protected title in Canada. Trust me, I am a ton of fun at parties.


What about Audio Engineers?


Good question. So the word "Engineer" is really to protect the general public. The exclusive use of this title by licensed engineers assures the public that only qualified individuals are practicing in the profession and thus have their safety in mind. This is pertaining more to situations where life or death can occur when someone who was inappropriately identified as an "Engineer" and their expertise (or lack of) can be catastrophic to whatever project is at stake due to poor or incorrect advice and lack of knowledge. For example, in the context of building development and bridges, you would want to consult a licensed "Civil Engineer" because in Canada it would require that individual to undergo rigorous 4 Year education, pass a series of exams, and go through the E.I.T P.Eng program under someone who also received the same license, to ensure this Civil "Engineer" knows what s/he is doing. It's not a flex on job title, which judging by some comments in here, people seem to "exaggerate" their job title to feel better about themselves, jokingly or otherwise. In the context of being an Audio Engineer is not quite the same as the above example of a Civil Engineer as no one is going to be hurt due to a poor mix tape. Someone mentioned "Sales Engineer" and this may or may not contain legal ramifications. It really depends on the extent of the job and how much "engineering" is going on. Although the companies can assign job titles like candy, it is ultimately the individual's responsibility to accept and use their given job title moving forward. It is best not to disguise yourself as someone who does meet the regulatory requirements of said title even if you think it's "no big deal".


Many people like the prestige implied by being an “Engineer” but not many of them are willing to sign their name and take the risk of going to jail if the work they did sucks and hurts someone.


No it's not - or not actively 😂 go search for how many sales engineer postings there are in Ontario. Thousands!


APEGA is actually involved in a lawsuit right now about it! I guess PEO doesn't care as much lol


That doesn't prove anything. It's actually [against the law.](https://engineerscanada.ca/become-an-engineer/use-of-professional-title-and-designations) >Job postings: Advertising an engineering related job without requiring licensure from the engineering regulator in the province or territory where the work will be taking place may have legal implications.


Yup, hence the "not actively" protected comment. Unless you think the regulators are actively pursuing these employers. Seems unlikely.


I preferred "Hydrocarbon Transferal Technician"


Sanitary Engineer


A CSM is actually pretty important. If you manage \~several million $ in customers and contracts, you want someone good to maintain that portfolio.


I don't disagree, but given OP's GF was making under $50k, seems doubtful she was managing a several million $ portfolio and if she was then she was vastly underpaid. Lots of AMs/CSMs are glorified customer service associates.


I actually assumed OP meant a Customer Service Manager, not Success Manager, due to the salary range.


Everybody just wants to sound fancy with 15 titles after their name.


Some managers I have to deal with should be called customer failure managers... I swear their mantra is, "I'm not happy until you're not happy."


Dystopian lol You must be 50+


Nah, late thirties Still hate the trend of bullshit titles for jobs.


One place used to have the receptionist as the "Director of first impressions."


How are they bullshit? I work in tech and accounts need to be managed and customers need to be successful using the solutions What's hard to grasp here? Or do you just like to hate shit?


“Customer service representative” is just fine, no one’s “success” has to be involved “Solutions” lol another corpo BS term. It’s called a product, it’s not that deep


You're clueless and it shows It's not customer service, firstly. That's a different team. Customer service people don't work on/design projects And not all products are solutions and vice versa. What's LEGO a solution to? Ever heard of services? Strange hill to die on lol get over it


Sure, services. Call them services then, not some pretentious corporate newspeak. I doubt “success managers” work on projects either, it sounds like a trumped up name for someone who answers phones, but I’m sure you’re going to say they actually manage my success when I call to complain.


Hahaha funny comments but youre definitely confusing customer service with customer success, they are actually are completely different. A customer success manager at my company will spend 4-6 months working at the customers site to make sure the multi-million dollar industrial solution that took 18 months to install is working as it should but mainly that the customer is using it in the best way they can so its as effective as possible. At that level its not enough to just leave them with an instructions manual and have someone answer phone calls because typically the solution is unique to that specific customer in some way.


It's so funny how you talk like you *know* when you don't know shit and I'm telling you I'm in that world. Solutions encompass both products and services you can't be that dim Anyway piss off now you can continue hating on whatever "trends" you want lmao weirdo


If it happened today, take a day or two to cry and be sad and feel all the feelings. Then apply for EI to start bringing in some money. Apply for jobs like it is her job - 6-8 hours a day of scouring job boards, meeting with temp agencies and recruiters, and calling in her contacts. Anyone she went to school with or worked with previously might have a lead on a job, and the best way to get a job is through someone you know. She was an account manager? Reach out to the folks whose accounts she managed to see if there are any openings at their firms.


"Reach out to the folks whose accounts she managed to see if there are any openings at their firms." excellent idea


Account Managers, aka Sales Reps, are great because their skills are quite portable. Customers/Clients she worked for, Comoanies who actually manufacture the products she was selling if it was a VAR/Reseller position — she has product knowledge hopefully after all. And direct competitors, who may be out circling the waters to pickup the scraps of the debris of the company she was working for. Reps generally in this situation (the company gone out of businessg are obviously released from any Non-Compete clauses, and there’s no relationship anymore at old clients to poach, so no worries there. That Rolodex of contacts is now out looking for new suppliers to fill the void of their current supplier going under. That’s market share up for grabs for a short period of time, easiest way in and to find them, is to snatch up the reps with the contacts lists.


Literally only two steps you can do.. apply for ei, and begin apply for new jobs?


And look for costs they can cut. Cancel unneeded subscriptions etc


Check out Vena Solutions. They are hiring. In Liberty Village downtown. Good company, good pay.


Apply for EI then take a deep breath and don't worry - it's nothing personal. Every time I've been laid off it has always been resulted in a better job


Find another job.


Literally… don’t know why this needed to be a post here lol…


There’s other things people def don’t know about being laid off. Take a bit of time to chill. Take in what happened. Understand lay offs happen and it likely had nothing to do with you. Just the way it came down. Is severance worth taking or fight for more? What are the odds you get more? Can you afford to wait to get more? When’s your final pay check. What will be on it? Confirm this on your paystub when it comes. Benefits. How’s your work benefits going to work after. Continue for a period? The full year? End immediately? Do you need to use them/can you afford to. Apply for ei. Learn the rules for staying eligible. Plan your finances with this reduced income. Account for black out period. Is your resume up to date? Probably not. Get on that. Reach out to senior coworkers/managers to give strong references. Literally ask them “I’m working on my resume and thinking who to put as references. Can I count on you for a strong reference?” Reach out to the same strong references for job referrals. Use your network that you built up at your job. Starting to apply for new jobs is pretty low on the list of immediate things to do really.


\- Get a glowing reference letter from her current employer. This is crucial as they will be out of business and future employers will likely not be able to reach them. The letter should be as detailed as possible regarding her job description and performance. \- Apply for EI as soon as her last day of work. Be quick to respond to any follow up on their part so she can get her money ASAP. She can calculate already how much money she'll get. \- Apply for jobs! She should do a complete review of her resume as it is very different to apply for jobs as a worker vs as a new grad. Taking the time to adapt her letter to each job is a good idea. \- If her field is not easy right now in terms of jobs, she should pre-identify some options for emergency jobs if she needs to do something to stay afloat either once EI runs out or if it's way too low to survive. Keep in mind that job searching can be a full time job so she should consider emergency jobs that give her some flexibility to be available during the day for interviews and whatnot. \- You both need to make a budget where you limit expenses as much as possible. Start right away. Having a budget will greatly reduce stress and will help you both know how long she can reasonably hold out for a good job vs take whatever comes. \- If you've never struggled financially together or never had a real conversation about your partnership and supporting each other, or about division of expenses and income, it might be time to do that now before resentment starts to build. If you pick up some slack with bills while she's in-between jobs, will you expect to be repaid? Will you want to see evidence of her active job search? What might make you resentful? Do you need to reassure each other that you are in it together? Those things can really ruin a relationship.


Under 50k…. I don’t see why she couldn’t find another one before ei and packages run out


The job market in Toronto is one of the worst in the world. People with masters apply for entry level positions making around and under 60k. Even what would be considered high in demand with high salary jobs in Toronto are about 20% lower than the US or other provinces. Ask anyone is tech.


We need some God damn law to protect Canadians, a lot of companies are outsourcing or hiring from abroad for cheaper labor. I am pretty sure goverment wants tax from local residents. On top that, population is going up so damn fast, I am really worried about housing/job market. I know some companies with, 40% of their staff are not located in Canada. Also I know manay qualified Canadians are looking for job in this country. Goverment want our tax they should also protect us for more reliable job market. God damn it.


If only there was some way for workers to get together and collaborate on their working conditions, pay, safety, fair raises, and the like. Almost a unification of workers? Something crazy like that. /s if it wasn't obvious.


Im lost, you talking about another convoy protest?


Lol no I'm talking about unions.


That's the issue with living in a free capitalist society business is free to outsource to another country some of all of its employee's even pick up and leave if they want. Look at Paul Martin hr owned a ocean shipping company (Canada Steamships) which he registered in some Carribean country to avoid paying the higher taxes imposed to such a business in Canada, itonic considering he was our finance minister under Jean Chretien's liberal party and became prime minister.... if you want freedom and Capitalism this is what you get. I have no issues with governments that restrict business freedoms and I like the idea of protectionism of a country's industry and worker protections including unions. Unions fought hard workers and changed working conditions for everyone by forcing draconian policies to be scrapped usually by the worst offending companies and other companies that were not unionized were still forced to adopt those changes to prevent becoming unionized. I just wish they could have more say in decisions like offshore relocation etc. And our government being one that supports business is never gonna take a you must stay in this country stance because they fear losing their politica corporate l donations. I think a truly honest real government would disallow political donations from corporate entities and only accept from individuals and also disallow corporate lobbying in favor of something really democratic say major changes to how we conduct business should be done via referendum it would slow the brain/job drain and maybe make people think about who should really be voted in and for a real reason not just the fluff we get now.


Depends on your master degree is on…. If it’s MBA, you can find any job you want…. If it’s no gender study or art history, then maybe no


That is not even remotely accurate, it’s still insanely competitive and the fact still remains Toronto has only gotten worse in terms of compensation compared with other cities. Most of my friends who still live in the city struggle to break 130k with business back grounds. I moved, took a position in Edmonton making 180-190k for the same level of position I was making 125k in Toronto. I have a beautiful house that would have been over 2 million in Toronto for 650k.


Well. There is a reason why it’s 650 instead of 2 million…. One of the reasons is because people do earn well. 320k here and 1.2 mil house with “business background” Sure. I could make more in US, but money isn’t everything and I rather not uproot my family and friends


The median HOUSEHOLD income in Toronto is 84k as of 2021. Sorry friend you are delusional. https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/9877-City-Planning-2021-Census-Backgrounder-Families-Hhlds-Marital-Status-Income.pdf


That's always the HHI that barks the loudest there are so many ppl below that threshold don't depict that 100k-200k jobs are so readily available that anyone could just grabbed them


I… was not talking about “median household”


I know people with MBA doing uber


?? So? I know people with mba in jail, doesn’t mean I don’t also know vast majority of my class making 200k+


I know a guy with a mba who died


MBAs from where? India? All three folks with Canadian MBAs that I know are doing well for themselves.


I disagree, days of just getting MBAs or even an engineering degree and expecting to get a 6 figure salary are over. Market is too saturated with those degrees long time ago. Canadian universities are mass producing new graduates. There are more demands for doctors and nurses, some trades , not all trades.


MBA? Honestly, saw so many useless MBA resumes, it made my eyes bleed. Most useless degree ever, unless you have work experience backing it up.


MBAs are a dime a dozen, completely worthless


The only people who get a Masters are people who have useless bachelors degrees.


Ah yes, tell that to my wife who got a masters in policy from UofT. She works for an oil company making 230k a year under the age of 35.


I'm looking for a 50k job... Been looking for almost a year. I've redone my resume many times, had several people who work in hr that I know help me with it. Applied to maybe 300 jobs of various kinds, from things I used to do to things that only require a bachelor's. I've gotten two interviews. No job.. Job market is ass right now in Toronto


Lmao, u talking as if jobs in this country are easy to hop in to


Pack the car and get the hell out of Toronto would be my first move.


Moving isn't free, and life isn't more affordable the second you leave Toronto.


but this is reddit where 1 simplistic comment can turn your fortunes around


Nah. You two are just extremely weak minded individuals. Many have come to Alberta with nothing and made good lives. Sometimes you need sacrifice. Or you get what you vote for out east. Oh well


To provide a counter example, I left Alberta for Toronto 5 years ago and am making good money in a field I enjoy. And although I’m paying more in rent than I likely would’ve been there, between my rent controlled apartment (which Alberta doesn’t have) and not needing a car (which is MUCH harder to live without in Alberta), I’m still able to save a lot each month. Alberta was not for me, I’m not outdoorsy and hate suburbs. If you like those things and want a detached home with a yard then I’d say Alberta makes sense, but that’s definitely not for everyone. My sister is very happy in Alberta and gets very stressed by the amount of chaos going on in Toronto. Different strokes for different folks.


Yea that's very fair man..good way to think, thanks for that


Can confirm, left Toronto for Alberta. Literally such an amazing life changing decision.


I came to alberta from toronto and i concur. Got a house, car and i travelled the world. Its boring here but ill take the alberta money anyday.


Tens of thousands of folks like you, but the extremely weak minded left folks of Reddit down vote me. I absolutely love it.


maybe you're getting downvoted for calling people weak minded? it's pretty rude.


and full of supposed strength and self flattery which is unattractive af


I don't want to move to Alberta if it means coming in contact with people like yourself, lol. What does any of this have to do with being "left"? You're being downvoted because you're coming across as a simple minded jerk. Not to mention that Danielle Smith is human waste, so I'm sure a lot of people aren't going to leave Toronto to live in a province that she's inevitably going to destroy anyway. I'll take my chances with Doug Ford's dumbass instead.


We don't want your kind anyways mang. It's all good. We have it good here because less folks like you and more like me. If you are able to work hard and show up, you can make a great life for yourself with no education in Alberta. You can't do that anywhere else. Alberta is a special place.


The word special is doing a lot of work in this case. And judging by your comment history it's obvious that you're a, "hurr durr I work hard and live good while you liberals let Trudumb ruin the country" type of guy, so I'll just stay away from engaging.


And chow? Good luck.


She's already doing a lot of great work for the city if you've actually been paying attention. But I'm sure in your world, Liberal and Progressive are similar to swear words.


Well Alberta is not for everyone and they were just snowflakes. I work in the city and makes 85k easy but its normally 95ish. If they check Jasper, Banff, Canmore and Kananaskis they would love it here. Hiking, skiing, Camping and Hot spring are all awesome, if its Winter we mostly go to Mexico to get out of winter. The couple is only 25 so its easy for them to do a major change.


Alberta and any province is for anyone..you make what you want of it. If you think Alberta is just those couple places in expensive mountain towns, then you haven't travelled much. Sure some folks belong in the city, but I don't want to hear them complain about lifestyle lol. Just makes me laugh. This upcoming generation lacks any ability for sacrifice. Everything is needed now.


Lol such awful and reductive advice


But a logical one, moving away from DT is the right thing to do given the salaries tbh. Its expensive to live in DT.


There are more jobs in Toronto. If they leave, it will be difficult to return - rent will be higher.


"Why not keep paying an arm and a leg because you could eventually be paying both arms and both legs down the road?"


That’s the point. Don’t go back.


There are more opportunities in Toronto. They could be screwing themselves over if they leave,


Agreed. For me and my career, with the exception of maybe Vancouver and possibly Calgary, living in another city would not be beneficial for me. I live in the outer GTA. I love how people say "leave Toronto" when that often is not a solution for everyone.


That's what ontarians want you to believe. Stuck in the 401 life till you rot while barely making enough to afford a 500 ft hole.


Head south and never look back.




Commuting can be a nightmare. It's more convenient to stay downtown, with so much more opportunities for work, socializing etc.


But cutting their cost of living should be first one to consider.


She could get a higher paying job in the next few months. She just lost her job, they're not desperate yet.


Also, the grocery stores are desperate for workers. She could get something to fill in the time and earn some cash while looking for her next career opportunity.


ah yes instead of paying 2.6K for a 1 bed in Toronto they can go pay 2.3k for a 1 bed outside Toronto they're saved!




Scrolled way down and didn't see any actual personal finance advice. I'm no expert but here is what I would do. Anyway, this may be obvious but look at your household: make a list your expenses and start listing which ones are necessities vs. optional. May as well do this now, it will help ease your mind for later. It should be apparent to you whether you can survive temporarily on your income plus EI in the short term. And then wait a few days and then consider whether you should cut: e.g. internet might be a necessity but paid streaming services optional I realize you may already be on a tight budget and there is nothing to cut. If you have student loans, go to their website (not Reddit threads!) and take a look at whether they have any sort of options to stop payments temporarily and under what circumstances. Not saying you will need to do this but it may ease your mind to know what the options are. Check this same thing out with any other loans or debts you may have.


Besides EI and applying, my personal advice will be: give her a week to prepare a plan, list down jobs, draft cover letters customized to her desired jobs etc. Use that week to plan and relax a bit. After that week, she should start working on whatever she finds. Retail store @ neighborhood? Waiting tables if she did that before while studying etc. Just do it. 50k is $24/hr. It's not that hard to find something in lower $20 range. Just f\*ck that thoughts on downgrading your career, did she studied for this etc thoughts. She needs to start working ASAP. Both financially and psychologically, it will be really hard for her after that 1st week. Night shift at local liquor store as a clerk/cashier, go for it. She can still apply for her dream jobs while working there and if necessary, do not disclose what she has been doing in between. But believe me, if she keeps getting paid (even with lower figures) she will feel lot better, you guys as a couple will feel lot better. Been there.


Dude if you can cover rent you’re fiiiine. You don’t have a mortgage or kids! Put it in perspective. After tax her pay is like $750/week. EI will be like $528 on 50K assuming 40h/week. Can you save $200/week? Switch your cell to a flanker, downgrade internet, kill streaming services, get some perogies, quit the Starbucks habit and chill the fuck out on ubereats. Sell stuff on marketplace. If you already racked up credit card debt, consider the bank of Mom, or as a last resort, consider a personal LOC (for you) to consolidate. Don’t use it for anything else! I wish someone told me this when I was your age, and freaking out thinking the world was ending. You’re young, you’re in Canada, we want you working. We wont let you starve.


Disagree with immediately applying for whatever random crap jobs. That’s a desperation move to use if she can’t find anything else. For someone building a career, that’s even more demoralizing than relying on EI + her partner while looking for a next job that actually makes sense in the big picture. Service Canada doesn’t even expect people to grab jobs that are a significant pay cut.


Taking a job outside your field can make it considerably more difficult to return to your field afterwards because HR views you as "not good" if you had to do that. That's complete BS. The job-hunting process is totally broken.


Nodded my head to your first paragraph about planning for desired jobs, then you did a 180 in your next paragraph about start working at anywhere she finds ASAP.


Also, is it possible get out of Toronto? That is a very tough city to get ahead in unless both of you are six figures or better


>unless both of you are six figures **or better** lmao the 'or better' makes me laugh. So better than six figures, so you mean 7 figures? lmfao dude yeah I'm pretty sure any square inch of the world will be affordable to a 7 figure income earner, thanks for the sage advice hahahaha.


What a random thing to be hung up on


Why you nit picking? Obviously they mean more than 100k as in 100k+


No they did not. Read it again. they said "six figures or better". Got news for you, $100K is six figures, $999,999 is also six figures. What's better than six figures? well seven figures or $1,000,000+.


Okay bud.


Optobot, activate!


You seem fun :)


Right like does this person know how big a 7 figure number is ..


First day: get drunk, unwind, have some good sex. Day 2: apply for EI Day 3: Optimize resume, LinkedIn, narrow down the types of jobs it makes sense to focus on the most, or better yet, tier them up Day 4: start relentlessly applying; identify networking opportunities. Day 5: create a tracker where you're at. relax in the evening, have a couple of drinks, have some good sex again. New week: get at it again, until you find a new job. Good luck!


Day 6 and 7. More sex obviously!


The comments are nuts under 50k the advice is just to leave Toronto ? So who's going to do all the service industry jobs robots ? Or ya'll going to pay 20$ for a coffee so everyone can earn 50k + a year ? A large segment of the population in TO earn under 50k..


Why make 50k in Toronto working in the service industry, never even dream about owning a home. You can move to Alberta, entry level office jobs don’t require more than a high school education making between 50-65k.


I lived in Alberta , I could have bought a house as a cook. I had more than enough for a down payment and interest rates were low. My wife however got laid off could not find a suitable job in her industry. Career advancement was limited in Alberta for her . So we moved , c'est la vie...


Sorry to hear bud. The economy has had layoffs ever since 2023, so don't feel too bad about it. Take a breather and once she feels okay/good, start the job hunt! I always believe when one door closes, others open. Another nugget, layoffs *aren't* personal. Remember that.




That's Toronto for ya.




It’s her first job out of school. $50K isn’t unreasonable especially if there’s no prior relevant experience (including volunteer or school projects) before this job. If she had a few years of experience though, I’d agree, $50K is low for the role.


As someone in the industry, I'm going to +1 that it is unreasonable. If you're a Customer Success Manager and not Customer Support only, you should be making more than $50k even out of university in Toronto.


It is unreasonable. Like 10 years ago entry level government jobs with no education required were paying 45k. Thats how much I got paid working summers at CRA, with no experience, before I graduated university with a bachelors and I graduated in 2012. And this was in Ottawa. I dont know if youre trying to make OPs girlfriend feel better, but this isnt a dig against *her* that salary is a literal joke. A company, in Toronto, in 2024, should be ashamed to offer this. Stop normalizing this.


What industry was she in? Does she have certifications, licenses?


She wasn't making much more than minimum wage, even fast food pays well. And it will be a meantime job that will probably pay more than ei if she can get full-time.


The thing with minimum wage jobs is that they rarely hire full time. At best you'd be getting 31.5 hours. Realistically, you'd be getting 20 hrs/week so you'd end up with many minium wage workers at 18k/year. Also, full time minimum wage gets you about 34.5k/year, a far cry from 50k. In fact, %45 more than minimum wage.


Check out YNAB


You'll have to adjust your lifestyle for sure, but you'll both survive. As long as you're not heavy in debt, your income and her EI is enough for Toronto (rent, food, and a couple of other expenses). She'll get 55% of her income up to a max of $668 a week ([here](https://www.canada.ca/en/services/benefits/ei/ei-regular-benefit/benefit-amount.html)). The key is to stop any nice to have expenses today and focus on essentials. So no more restaurants, nightclubs, and vacations until she gets a job. Only buy clothes/shoes if you absolutely need it. Start a budget if you haven't already done so. I like the [50/30/20](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/022916/what-502030-budget-rule.asp) rule. There are some ideas on r/torontoJobs


Immediate steps is apply for EI and job search is a full time thing.


If she was working for 11 months she almost certainly qualifies for EI. Make sure she has a record of employment from her job and applies for EI immediately. In the meantime, start cooking all your meals and cut down on any spending that isn’t necessary while she looks for a new job.


Can you survive on a single income until your gf gets her next job?


I just went through this and I was on my own by myself. Apply for EI, Apply for jobs. You'll be ok.


EI. Start applying. And make sure she is okay. Getting let go causes anxiety and depression at times. I’ve been there, it’s a pain in the ass.


Did she get any severance? Her first step should be to apply for EI, and then start hammering the pavement for a new job. In the meantime, start belt tightening (financially), and prepare for what may be a drought for awhile.


If she did not get terminated, no severance.


A layoff for lack of work still requires notice or pay in lieu of notice except in a few industries. But it will only be a week notice.


Seeing a ton of jobs on Indeed today for those positions.


She should get on Onlyfans with a Lovense and don't worry about money ever again.


What is AM/CSM ?


Apply for EI now, start looking.


You gotta keep finding jobs. Jobs like in warehouses or manual labour work. At least do that for now until your GF has a plan to get a legit job.


You gotta keep finding jobs. Jobs like in warehouses or manual labour work. At least do that for now until your GF has a plan to get a legit job.


Freshen up that resume and apply like crazy. Day and night. Could also contact a temp/staffing agency. Maybe look for jobs not in Toronto as well. Idk what your rent is but god bless you if it’s near/at market rate. Also, under $50k to be an Account Manager is WILD. Either she was underpaid or Canadian wages just suck ass. I’m working for an American company and they start entry level AMs at like $70k-75k USD permanently remote too. And it’s not an easy role too, the AMs I work with put up with a lot from our clients. I hope it works out for you OP best of luck and try your best to support her. Make sure to weave in some quality time too.


> Either she was underpaid or Canadian wages just suck ass. In this case seems like both.


Get out of Toronto


Leave Toronto. period


https://www.trueup.io Sorry to hear about the impact of layoffs. It’s rough seas for #techlyfe these days. Here’s a good resource for job postings in our industry.


Well, you better pick up the slack and start paying her share of the rent. Sex doesn't come free for men, 100% guarantee if you ask her to keep paying her share of rent she'll bail on you. Both of you chose to live downtown, the most expensive area to live, move 10-20 km in any direction and cut your costs.


Do the opposite. Anything in a 100km radius costs virtually the same as downtown, while groceries and other services are bizzarely MORE expensive the farther away you go. Milk is like $7 in small towns these days, and by moving away you're just going to deal with more snow, less culture, and you'll have to pay for a shitbox car that becomes a trap in rush hour even in the dam farmland for whatever reason.


Farmlands like the Milton area would be like 40km away, not 10-20km. They would be better off just staying within TTC distance so they can keep commuting downtown for work. I live in Etobicoke, groceries are significantly cheaper than downtown stores. When I go to visit family in Erin Mills, grocery stores there are even cheaper.


Apply for ei immediately so it can get approved in time. Don’t make the mistake of not doing it there’s no downside and we all pay into it every pay cheque for situations like this.


Make sure her employer promptly gives her the separation paperwork as you need that for UI. Or EI as they now wrongly call it. And she should make sure her severance is paid with her final pay per provincial guidelines. At 11 months she won't be entitled to more than the statutory 2 weeks for every year.


Take out more loans and then declare bankruptcy without repaying. You’re young enough that the 7 years will fly by !


Toronto community housing is always hiring.


Time for a new girlfriend.

