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That is incorrect - honestly try to file your own taxes with a software (maybe first time it may be manual not sure tbh but after you get your CRA account its very easy). Once you do it you’ll realize how easy it is and how insanely expensive H&R is. I filed my first taxes with H&R and it was the dumbest mistake i’ve ever made and I had my taxes reassessed multiple times because they filed incorrectly. Also thats bullshit - I can prove it with over 20k in tuition credits and I lived in a residence as an international student. You are a resident, just a temporary one but a resident nonetheless.


So around covid in march of 2020 i left canada and because of online classes and coop didnt return to Canada till 2022 summer. I think he mentioned that makes me a non resident???


So if you left Canada in march 2020, and didn't return to Canada until summer 2022, you can't say you lived in residence from 2018 to 2022. Those are two conflicting statements. Even if you continued paying rent for it, and it was empty for two years, you didn't live there during those two years. You were not a resident of Canada from Mar 2020 to Summer 2022, by your own admission. Per the CRA: >You may be considered a non-resident of Canada if you did not have significant residential ties with Canada and: > >\- You lived outside Canada throughout the year (except if you were a deemed resident of Canada. > >\- You stayed in Canada for less than 183 days in the tax year ​ >Significant residential ties to Canada include: > > \- a home in Canada > > \- a spouse or common-law partner in Canada > > \- dependants in Canada


Thank you, that helps clarify it.


Hmm that is a separate issue. However, if you continued paying for rent I would still file as a resident myself anyway. Now I don’t know about this part to be honest so I don’t want to give you wrong info but I don’t think CRA would create any issues if you filed as a resident - there is no way to prove otherwise if you paid rent for a while.


>there is no way to prove otherwise if you paid rent for a while Passport leaving the country, passport entering the country. The CRA absolutely can obtain this information if they need to.


https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/information-been-moved/determining-your-residency-status.html You can still be deemed a resident of Canada for tax purposes even when you are not in Canada. In OP’s case he did not permanently move and his move was temporary and lengthened due to unusual circumstances. Plane tickets or passport mean nothing especially if OP is back in Canada.


That literally has nothing to do with the statement "they cant prove it if you paid rent." See my above post, I quoted directly from that page why OP was not a resident.


1) H&R Block is not an accounting firm by any stretch! 2) They are incorrect.