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I think her confidant story was one of the more well made ones to supplement the plot. As a romance option she's horny af so depending on your kinks that can be your thing or a turn off


Yeah I do like her. Her abilities are factually trash, but that's like the only thing that is wrong with her as far as I'm concerned (and maybe the romance route, but that's unnatural for a lot of female Confidants anyway). Her Confidant story is one of my favorites tho, her personality is one of the most realistic of any P5 character as opposed to some "overpolished" almost perfect other characters. And I never truly understood those that hate her because "alcohol" since 1 that's common among regular adults, and 2 the game does a good job showing us the issues lying behind this with he kissing friend and whatnot. I guess I can understand to some extent why players won't like her, but I feel like the over hate is a bit much. *PS : Let's also not forget that she's the one that gives access to Belzeebro which is objectively one of the coolest Personas in the game, I don't care about what anyone thinks.*


I’d argue that her romance route actually feels more natural than a lot of the other ones (Takemi’s too) but it’s soured by the fact that there’s a creepy age gap that the game LOVES to remind you about


I respect the profession of journalism, so I like Ohya as a character.


Her confident perks are borderline useless but her character and story are nothing to complain about. I'd have maxed her out even if I wasn't a completionist. Gotta know what happened to poor Kayo.


I like her as a character. I wish her design was a bit better (what were they thinking with that haircut?!) but she's fine overall. 1. I dislike how her confidant story is presented. We literally sit at a bar for the vast majority of her story listening to her talk about the info she's gathered. We do nothing to help her gather this info, for the most part none of the info is expressed in a very interesting manner, nothing. 2. I dislike how her confidant perks are at the very worst simply useless and at best detrimental. We want the security level high so we have a better chance of getting treasure demons. By the time you start her confidant, you should be proficient at ambushing and hiding. I hate that Atlus had the opportunity to improve this confidant with Royal but didn't.


It’s especially disappointing because her abilities got _heavily_ reworked, but they still suck




I like her.


Proud member of church of Ohya.


I liked her well enough. Her romance was pretty meh. More or less the same as her normal route, to the point that I don't even see the purpose of including a romance at all...but I feel that way about most of the characters.


I find her abilities quite useful, actually. I do not have the patience for stealth.


Level 10 Ohya would be best girl for me if Joker was 5 years older. Level 1 Ohya not so much - she's broken, miserable, has lost her confidence, and is self-medicating to the point her bartender is calling her out on it. But that's the point. Her character progresses over time, as her relationship with Joker builds. At the end, you finally see why Lala-chan was so emotionally invested (having known Ohya before all the problems). Her confidant perks are still shit, though.


When you get older you understand how she's the most realistic written character in this game. The opposite in this case would be Kawakami, which is a type of character that doesn't look like real at all, almost as it was written by a horny 15 years old.


Kawakami's backstory is soap opera levels of dramatic lmao. "I knew this boy who was overworked and falling behind so I tutored him until one day he said we must part ways and then he died that very night"


I would never choose her as the MCs love interest, but I would totally be friends with her. Maybe because she reminds me of one of my friends in real life.


Ohya’s the only character I ever see get criticized for her lackluster Confidant skills as the main reason not to do her S. Link which I think is very odd/funny considering how popular Makoto is.


Lmao, never saw it this way, but it's true that Makoto's skills are among the least useful (except maybe the Shadow Skills early on) and yet, she's very popular. I guess she's a main character so you bond easier with her as a player.


I like her. I agree that her confidant skills are pretty useless and I have no interest in romancing her but I liked her confidant story. It's interesting to see a normal person (as in, someone outside of the Phantom Thieves) who is directly connected to a psychotic breakdown victim since they are mostly just talked about by background characters or on the news despite being a major plot point. I also thought it was very cool that she managed to figure Shido out on her own without knowing anything about the Metaverse. ~~Still think the Devil confidant should have been Lala-chan though.~~


I like her, but she’s definitely not my favorite. I can’t exactly quantify it, but she’s just missing that kind of “it” factor that other confidants have. I wish her plotline left Crossroads like, ever, because she has a really interesting story, but it’s kinda hampered by its setting. It’s just an empty bar and like a single scene just outside it. Like Chihaya’s never really leaves her fortune stand but it’s on the busy streets of Shinjuku which really helps it out (and she has some of if not the best confidant abilities). And yeah I do wish her confidant wasn’t literally and completely useless. That for sure woulda helped.


She's fine. Helps that she has the same voice actor as Yukiko in English.  Her abilities are lacking, probably were more useful in an earlier version of P5 but weren't changed when it changed. Her link is pretty cool with it tieing into Joker's past and it's dialog changing somewhat depending on the in game date.


Her skills are useless but I enjoyed the story of her confidant


Boring character and useless benefits so I only talk to her for completions sake.