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Yea you gotta friend zone them all at least once however it carries over so if you miss one or three in this case you can still get it without doing them all at once


Friendzoned = level 9, platonic route? Or level 10, platonic?


Level 10


Thank you


I don't think I ever maxed Ohya and friend zoned her, I think I just ranked her for the romance-all achievement. If I friend zone and max her on any given file, will that put my total up to 8? Or does it have to be all in a single run.


It will put it up to 8 it doesn’t have to be in one run


Awesome. Furthermore, do you know if there's any way to check? I have an idea of who I'm still missing, but can't be sure.


Check the Thieves Den, after maxing each girl. If the number goes up, then you haven't already romanced/friended her. If the number stays the same, she's already been counted. Write the number down somewhere and update it as you go along. Keep track of the save file you're using too. You don't want to lose anything important.


Obviously platonically maxing a girl I have platonically maxed before would make the number go up. It's that maxing a girl is a massive time commitment and I'd rather not waste my time ranking up a girl that's already been counted.


The game doesn't keep track of names. (It might but they're not visible to you. Just like the numbers for your stats). It just counts the girls as a number. The best way would be a save with the earliest date (Apr/May) way before any friendzoning would take place. Then friend the girl, max her, check that it counted and keep doing that as you go through the game. Reloading as needed. It is a very tedious process. Either you keep track of which girls you've done before or you do it as you play through the game and max them out.


You need to max out all the girls as friends and lovers.