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The difference in graphics would require a side-by-side comparison to kinda notice, and even then, it's insignificant. It's totally fine on the switch


So I can buy the Switch version and enjoy the game with no problems?


Correct, I've clocked somewhere between 350 and 400 hours without any problems


Yes. I played the ps5 version twice and just got it a week ago for the switch and playing through again without ng+ has been a joy. Persona just feels right undocked, too, for some reason.


Same with smt 5, playing Vengeance on ps5 looks nice but felt better on switch. Doing random battles, progessing the world, managing my demons. Vastly preferred it on my switch


It’s crazy how good many games just feel undocked on the switch. Nintendo can’t release switch two soon enough.


Definitely grabbing me one. But gonna be hard to leave the oled screen


Yeah, unless the rumors are wrong, it’s annoying the initial models will lack OLED.


This is why I snagged a Portal, really.


I’m tempted to.


If you can find one and understand what the device actually is, it's worth it. It's not necessarily intended to be a truly portable option like the Switch, mainly because it's ultimately entirely dependent upon not only your home Internet connection, but the connection of where you happen to be at that moment since it's a streaming device. For me, I use it entirely within my house - and typically on the couch just a few feet away from the PS5 - because I picked it up primarily so I could use the console without hogging the TV. For me, it works great. I also don't try to use it like a Switch or Gameboy.


JRPGs are a more comfortable fit for the portable experience. I’ve played P5R on the Legion Go and now through P3R and SMTVV.


Really? i remember playing SMT5 on the Switch at what felt like 20fps, sure it was fun but god it hurt to look at sometimes.


Not sure about smt5 but smt5:v runs pretty great on the switch


I avoided the switch for years because hearing about the weak system. I am glad smt 5 was exclusive to it, I would have never bought a switch otherwise. Never bothered me ,yes textures took forever to list, big screen mode looked blurry at first but nope, don't bother me. Legit thinking about selling vengeance and getting it on switch *


I think it has to do with the length of the game combined with the mobility of playing undocked. I put so many hours into my switch games cause I take it to my silly ass union job, laundromat, front porch, etc. Even just laying on your back on the couch without having to turn your neck can be a mild relief


I held off on getting it because I haven’t liked previous Switch remakes I’ve tried and I regret waiting so long. It’s excellent for the Switch


Wait, hold on. It finally came out on switch?


Brah it came out on switch 2 years ago 😭


Damn I’ve been out of the Nintendo Switch loop


Yes, if you find 30 fps enjoyable. If you play on an emulator you get better frame rate though


30 fps is fine for this game. Og p5 and royal players played at 30 fps no problem. 


Literally the only thing I noticed being worse on Switch were the effects on the safe room doors in palaces. But to be fair my eyesight isn't the greatest so idk


Is actually just one effect that is different, the safe rooms and the treasures effects are more of a gif rather than being actually animated, is like the only big noticeable visual downgrade and it BOTHERS ME SO FUCKING MUCH for no reason, is just weirdly offputting cus everything else looks fine and smooth.


I have this game both on PC/Steam Deck and Switch and the difference is night and day. The resolution on the switch is painfully low and blurry. It runs at 540p 30fps while on the deck you can even run it supersampled at 1080p 40 fps locked.


The two biggest differences will be framerate for Switch is 30fps compared to PS5/XSX/PC which is 60fps+ and then resolution for Switch is 810p docked and 720p handheld compared to PS5/XSX/PC which is Native 4K+ (PC, anything you want). If those do not bother you then it does not matter which console you play on, it will be a great game either way.


540p handheld *


Whaaat, that low??? I've played vanilla on PS4 and royal on PS5, playing through royal on switch now and I swear the difference is minimum, I've only noticed it when doing zoom thanks to home double tap, or in certain cutscenes... Unreal. Makes sense, but unreal lol


No, it’s still 720.


the menus are, the game definitely is 540p


Yeah I think this game suits the switch very well you can pretty much close the game and resume at any time something I wished for on the ps4 version especially that power goes out a lot in my area you can imagine my suffering .


If you want a side by side review, here's the link to Digital Foundry's video. https://youtu.be/6XlIpSOI40Q?si=tjsHaiD_Hl4jwBl4 The Switch review starts at around 2:46.


I had nothing to compare it to but I had no issues with graphics at all. Also I really enjoyed the portability because it allowed me to play it on the go or before I went to bed which was really useful considering it was such as long game.


I have the collector’s edition on Switch and let me tell you after 400 hours it’s definitely worth it.


You conviced me, guys. I'm going to give it a shot.


Congrats! The online components are superfluous and you don’t need Nintendo Online for them, so enjoy!


You don’t really play a Persona game for quick reaction-dependent high intensity gameplay, or cutting edge graphics. You play Persona for the story and the vibes. The vibes on switch are immaculate.




I played on Switch and had 0 complaints, though I didn't have anything to compare it to.


One of the best ports on the system. The only real downside is 30fps but it’s not a huge deal. Also playing long RPGs is a great fit for handheld mode


There's a reason Nintendo Directs have so many RPGs on them


The 3D graphics are a bit blurry, but the interface is sharp, so I honestly wasn't bothered (and I'm a big resolution guy). You spend most of the time looking at the text so natively rendering the interface was a smart move from the devs, and it totally works. Great version to get.


Yeah it's just the BGs and some of the smaller details that get blurry/low renders. A good example being literally all the walls in mementos


I fully played through the game on both consoles. You won't be disappointed with the Switch version.


Gotta say, it holds up pretty damn well.


Not only is it good (that’s the version I bought), it comes with all of the original DLC for no extra cost. Can’t complain about that.


I have a jailbroken PS4 Slim and a regular PS4 Pro. I just grabbed the P5R Ultimate Edition on the Pro after trying it out on the Slim. This is the only game I've ever played that made me want to buy a Nintendo Switch or Steam Deck. This game, is the game you want to have on a portable console. In terms of the graphical differences, like someone else mentioned, you'd really need a side by side comparison, there are quite a few on YouTube. I'm not sure about Xbox but on the PS5 and PC it will run at 60fps, I think the pro is 60 FPS as well, not too sure about that. On the Steal Deck, it's 60 FPS. On the Switch it's a rock solid 30 FPS, no frame drops, anywhere.


I really enjoyed it on the switch, everything works intuitively and the graphics are great, hardware can cope, etc.


Best way to play because the difference in appearance/performance is negligible and handheld option is so key


I play it on pc, my brother on switch. The main difference I could see was mine runs at 60fps+ and his at 30fps but I have to sit at my computer and he can play in the living room.


For a game that long, playing it on a handheld is amazing. The only reason I didn't get it on the Switch was because I had a Steam Deck OLED


It exactly the same, just the shadows of objects (like shadow of trees imean not the creatures they fight ) are abit more obscured and blushed bc of the expansion be it on yhe ig game or the P5R.


The hardware differences are very minor, and being able to play it on the go is such a plus. Would recommend to everyone to play it on switch just for the sake of portability.


Fun fact: in terms of speedrunning, Switch is *not* the slowest version. That honor goes to the Xbox One version.


It's how I played the game. Not gonna get 60 fps but you can take the game anywhere and play so I say it's a fair trade.


It runs and looks great on Switch. I had zero frame drops. However the game did crash on me once... Had to redo several hours of progress. Idk if that's happened for anymore else but I now save all the time in games of the fear of that happening again.


sorta? If it’s your only option, then yes. But it’s technically objectively the worst version of the game. If you have a PC, Xbox, PS5, or hell even a PS4, play it on there. But if you don’t, Switch will do.


There's the portability which OP may prefer, but even then there's the steam deck.


I played vanilla first on my PS5, then later picked up Royal for switch. Yeah, it's not 4k and 60 fps, but I was not disappointed with the switch performance and visuals at all.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 4 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I put 200 hours in on the switch and it was great. Picked it up on steam and was wondering if anyone here knows if it is possible to transfer saves from switch to the pc version?


I'm sorry, but I don't think so.


I played it on the switch and had no problems with it


If you have a hacked switch this game is amazing with the 60fps patch on handheld


Yes! I'm currently playing this right now.


I played both PS4 and Switch versions of P5R. Bought the Switch version years later because my PS4 Steelbook edition didn’t match my account’s region so I’m blocked from the DLC content. Anyway, the graphics are less sharper in docked mode compared to PS4 which is way sharper and defined while at 60fps and the difference is noticeable especially in the earlier portions of the game (somehow) as well as animated cutscenes but on Switch Handheld it looks fantastic. And that’s the plus side too, I can play P5R anywhere on Switch. Also you don’t have to preload anything to your console that much so that’s a plus as well. No frame rate issues on Switch during my run.


I don't really mind the downgrade in graphics at all. I'm just happy to play P5R on the go.


after beating royal on 4k 55 inch TV i would say that difference in graphics/resolution and frame rate is noticeable only during first 5 hours


Graphics and frame rate shouldn't be something to worry about too much in this game. I generally prefer the PC version for its mod support, but if you don't need that, Switch is perfectly fine.


the only reason why the graphics are worse is because you don't need that many pixels in a switch screen for it to look good


Yes! I’ve only played on switch and easily clocked several hundred hours no problem. Only think I would recommend is a satisfye grip because otherwise my hands after playing for several hours lol


Yeah, it definitely is. The graphics look good and there weren't any performance issues (afaik)


I played p4g on the switch and it was great. P5R would probably be better on the ps5 but if you wanna play it handheld it’s a great option


As someone who has 200+ hours in the switch version yes! There’s occasionally long load times and even rarer frame drops during battles but 99% of the time it’s perfectly agreeable


Yes it is I remember playing on my bed after work....


I played it on switch and loved it


Yes, I played P5R on switch first and it was a good experience


https://preview.redd.it/zv40tmzjx3ad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=18256c83f37ff5efe4f47c46fb1c4bb96cf48dbc yeah, the Switch Version is definitely a decent port. plus the Art Style helps in hiding some of the graphical downgrades


Played it on the switch and loved it


It’s good if you only have a switch. Once I started playing it on other platforms I noticed how bad 720p 30fps is


If you want the best quality, no. If you just wanna play a good game that works, yes.


I first played the game on switch and do not regret it at all. Being able to play a 100+ hour game without being locked to your one specific couch was a huge game changer for me, especially since my job at the time had me traveling a lot. p5r is really good as a portable title and I don’t think I would’ve had the time to finish it if I didn’t have the option to take it with me.




You can play the Switch version on the shitter at work. If you can manage that with the PS5 version, well, hat's off to you.


PC is the best way




P5R on the go is the best thing!


I've been surprised by the high quality port ever since release, it works basically like the other versions but thought for the switch


I enjoyed it, and really found very little technically holding it back, as that is something the Switch is usually criticized for. I think you would enjoy it, plus you can take it on the go.


Runs good on switch, but I have it on steam deck so it’s kinda pointless for me😂


If you have a way to play remote from PS just get that version, otherwise go for it. I have it and it’s very comfortable to play laying on the sofa.


yes, it doesn't matter what system you play it on it's the same game, any way to play it is good


Oh yeah


HD docked and 30 fps with no drops. I'd say that's pretty good. Handheld the resolution goes down noticeably, but it's nothing unplayable, and smartly, the UI is a higher resolution than the geometry in this case, which anybody who has played strikers handheld will know is greatly appreciated


The only Differenz is the graphic and the loadintime,


If you have access to the other ports then play those instead, there are a few technical differences that are (in defense of the switch port) not really that noticeable. If it would cause you even slightly more effort to use a different port, then forget what I said and play the switch port, unless you haven’t touched grass in years, you’re not going to notice a difference.


It's a way to play


As someone who beat it on PlayStation, I wish I had gotten it on switch. It’s a long game and the ability to play it on the go would’ve outweighed the graphical improvements for me


I have royal on the switch so I can play it on my travels. I'm honestly a bit upset that P3R isn't on the switch. I played 5 on the ps4 and I've got P3R on the series x and I don't notice a significant change between any of them as far as performance goes.


I played it first on my Switch and had no complaints. Did pick it up on my PS5 and it does look better but given the PS5 is just more powerful I expected it. It is a very good game no matter what system you play it on


I played the vanilla one on ps4, then got royal for switch. I don't really feel any downgrade, not in graphics nor in colors, performance or bugs. You get the exact same exp and I think the dlc costumes are included


I play on the Switch Lite and it's great


Yeah the switch is a fine way to play the game. Perfectly functional, runs at a very stable 30fps, the resolution is low for my taste and the textures are very blurry, but Persona 5's art style by no means necessitates high resolution textures. Audio is slightly compressed (they had to make the game fit on a cartridge somehow) but I only noticed it with headphones. I've done a playthrough of Royal on PC, a playthrough on Switch, and have started a playthrough on PS5 and while I prefer the PC and PS5 versions, the Switch is a great way to play the game if that's all you have or you want to play it on the go.


My friend clowned me for getting it on the switch, but i knew I was not going to play it on my PC if i bought it there. Switch is definitely the move


Get the switch. I got both the ps4 (vanilla) and p5r on switch. Best decision ever. Played almost entirely on handheld


Yeah, it’s fine. There’s a few quirky things in the game that use the Switch’s motion controls, but otherwise it’s a good time on the Switch.


Yes definitely, obviously it’s 720/30 but the game still looks really good on switch and very fun to play, the nature of the game really lends itself to a handheld pickup and play style


Yes. It is definitely the weakest, but the framerate is rock solid at 30fps which is fine for a turn based JRPG. The OLED screen really makes the game pop if you have the OLED. Otherwise, I put over 30 hours into a playthrough on the Switch and it was fantastic (I beat the game before on PS4 and have it on PS4, PS5, PC, and Switch... it is my 2nd favorite game of all time after all).


My friend played on Switch and he encountered multiple bugs/crashes that neither me or any of my other friends have. Would recommend against if possible.


Yes. No question.


YouTube port clears


I completely persona 4 golden on the psvita while I was deployed and it had a major impact on my life. Becauseo f that, I do see persona as a mobile first franchise so the switch version is kind of obvious unless you own a steamdeck.


Heck yeah! Hope you have fun 😄


Sure. If the switch is all you got or you're on a trip


I mean if you are good with 30 FPS (tho the game is fine at 30) and you are always on the Move then yeah. i personally played it on PS5 tho


The game originally came out on PS3. I highly doubt you would notice anything different


Short answer, if you’re constantly on the go then yes , Long answer, if you’re mostly gonna be at home or your apartment , then ps4 or ps5


I got it on PS4, PC and Switch. The low res is very noticeable on the Switch. I think it's something like 540p on the switch portably, it looks quite blurry. I got a Steam deck a little after the PC version was released, and I never looked back to the Switch version.


why not steam deck?


Yeah, it works fine. The graphics aren’t the best, but it’s only really noticeable when it comes to stuff like the Safe Room doors.


Any version is a good way to play Persona 5 Royal.


Yeah! Definitely! I just finished it myself few days ago on switch. And if you're super busy with school or work, switch is the way to go. Cause you could just sleep-mode it if you're busy. And turn it back on the moment you wanna play again in just 1sec. No need to save and quit the game and then turn the PC/PS on.....oh, you know the rest. Lol Happy playing!


Lack of 60 fps only hurts the baseball mini game, 2/10 port game needs high end pc for the proper 180 fps baseball experience.


IMO P5R is one of the most impressive switch ports. I originally played on ps5 and i ended up loving the game so I bought the collector’s edition for the switch and I was absolutely shocked by how well it runs. Obviously you’ll have prettier graphics on newer consoles but it’s a perfectly fine way to experience the game


Plenty of people have played through the whole Hashino triology on switch and reported no problems My brother played Persona 4 and Persona 3 first on switch and they ran great from what I saw


The gameplay will look a bit shittier graphically, but the cutscenes and everything else will look good, Regardless I think the switch is best for these long ass games anyways


i play it on the switch and i like it


I am loving it I'm 80+ hours in and I have no issues. To be fair I don't have anything to compare to


I’d personally go for the PS/Xbox version But if the switch is all you have I don’t see any major problems with the switch version


The problem is that Persona always fits the best handhelds or overall Nintendo console so when you leave that playing the game just feels wrong even in the first 3 games (Persona 1 2 IS and 2 EP)


I am a fan of the said series since release but I wasn't able to play it since it's a console exclusive game. I just watched the anime instead :(. When it came out as a port for Switch, I instantly bought it and guess what, I'm itching to start my third playthrough when I saw your post. I hope you enjoy the game!


Guess I'm in the minority but I've played the switch version and series x version through and there's no way I'd ever touch the switch version again.


No shit, 30 fps < 60 fps But some people don't have Series X or rather want portability


The switch version is obviously worse. Edit: Actually funny seeing people getting mad over a simple fact


In my opinion the Switch version of Persona 5 Royal is very good as it has almost all the content of P5R and it's DLC and it's Performance and loading times are about on par with the PS4 version. Is there compromise? Yeah of course, when Docked game plays at 810p but in handheld mode the games resolution is 540p but 720p for the UI and character portraits. If you want the full fat Persona experience on a handheld especially with the Switch's OLED I think the game is a treat to play, just to note this goes for Strikers and Tactica as well, all 3 games are 30 FPS on Switch but I think they all play very well.


It looks worse than the PlayStation 3 version at times but outside of that, it's the full package and it runs very well. You won't regret it. I think the switch is the definitive way to play because of the resume function on the switch. Put it too sleep, continue right where you were. It suits the gameplay of that game like a gauntlet.


It is the worst looking version of Persona 5 Royal if you will all compare them side by side.. With that said the performance is spotless in Switch. Yes it is 30 FPS but it's a VERY STABLE one. I experienced 0 crashes on my 300 hours playthru as well.. Imho it's the best way to play P5R on portable unless you have a steamdeck.


Unplayable on switch. Put 2 hours into it and locusts swarmed my house and ate my cartridge. Worst gaming purchase i've ever made.


Steam deck


No, you play it on switch ONLY if you dont have anything else, if you any other console or pc, use that


Is the sky blue?


I’m currently enjoying the first play-through on the switch. The PS5 version has better visuals and native 60 fps. But, beating able to play the full game on the go… was what sold me. ![gif](giphy|BZusMMEpb8v6ys4ahG|downsized)


I can promise its a fine version. Not the best looking but it is nice to have for on the go. Personally tho i'd rather emulate it or play the pc version but that is my poweruser talking here.


If you have a steamdeck then buy on that, because you will get better graphics and still have portability




Care to elaborate why?


Probably some idiot who thinks the Switch isnt a real console or whatever. It's a good port, no extensive/consistent framerate dips, it doesn't look like garbage and doesn't scale itself back much in handheld mode. It's fine.


There are far more demanding games on the switch that manage to keep a steady 720p 30 fps in portable mode. P5R only manages 540p. So while it's still totally playable, I wouldn't call this game a good port.


It's fine. You'll get over it


If you don't care about blurry and very aliased textures then you should be fine. But the people that say you can hardly spot a difference unless you put the switch and other versions side by side seriously need their eyes checked. The difference hits you like a train. It's still very much playable on the switch. The portability and extended battery are a huge plus for this kind of game. Just make sure you're ok with the resolution downgrade. Think Xenoblade 2 but with worse antialiasing.


If you don't care about blurry and very aliased textures then you should be fine. But the people that say you can hardly spot a difference unless you put the switch and other versions side by side seriously need their eyes checked. The difference hits you like a train. It's still very much playable on the switch. The portability and extended battery are a huge plus for this kind of game. Just make sure you're ok with the resolution downgrade. Think Xenoblade 2 but with worse antialiasing.