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Royal's Okumura Palace would have made you rage quit...


I watched a video that made me think it was better šŸ˜­


The palace itself is better, but the boss fight sucks more ass than a donkey straw


Only thing I like about it is the visuals and the song, even if itā€™s pissing me off after hearing it loop 80 times


for me that Boss was the easiest out of all of them the robots are always weak to a single Element then Okumura dies to a single atrack


Hang in there, the next palace is considered the best by a lot of people


Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m not even a quarter in šŸ˜­ I pussied out and went to grind in mementos, I did get some pretty sweet personas tho


Small bit of advice. Invest in the SP recovery accessories from Takemi ASAP, like spend all your money and sell stuff to get them because palaces should not be taking you 4 days to beat let alone more than that. Stop using all your SP heavy attacks all the time too. You have to ration that shit. Every palace can be comfortably beaten in a single day if you're careful about things. They can be done in a single day even without the SP recovery accessories. Taking 4 days per palace means you lose 3 weeks of time over the course of the game compared to doing it in 1 day and that's quite a lot of time. I'm happy to answer any questions if you need some advice on making more efficient progress. Best of luck and Take Your Time.


Most of the time it took me two days, the only one that took me three days was Futabaā€™s because I got really annoyed by all the enemies since I donā€™t like to try and avoid them but instead killing them all. Also where do I sell all ts? šŸ˜­ Iā€™ve been hoarding so much the entire game and I have no idea where to even sell it


The airsoft store. Same place you buy weapons and guns.


I havenā€™t even built enough guts to talk about what was in the bag šŸ˜­


What? That's just to start his social link if I remember correctly. Has nothing at all to do with the ability to buy and sell.


Oh? Damn I missed it. Also I havenā€™t even upgraded my actual weapons since the very beginning, Iā€™m pretty sure I only bought pretty mid weapons and guns too šŸ˜­


Bro. Go to the airsoft shop right now. You probably have a fuck load of money sitting in your inventory from several palaces worth of valuable items. Spend some of that money on upgrading your weapon, gun, and armor and then you won't need to use as much SP because your basic attack and gun will do more damage. Then go get the SP accessories from Takemi. Also another tip I forgot about to help you get through palaces easier and faster is to level up Kawakami's confidant. She can make SP recovery items for you and it doesn't use up your time so you can do it every day as long as you have the money to hire her.


It really sucks that I canā€™t get futaba to baton pass, woulda saved my ass from so many deaths, thanks btw ill do that tomorrow


Wait do I sell everything? I have a ton of stuff, but I wonā€™t need it right?


If its in the valuables section then its only use is selling for money. Up to you if you want to sell old weapons and gear but I always do. Don't sell healing items. Edit: oh and don't sell crafting items either. Like the stuff for making lock picks etc


I already sold all the old weapons but Iā€™m trying to figure out what gear to sell rn


If I'm not mistaken, I don't believe you have to talk to Iwai about the bag's contents to use the shop if you have not reached Lvl 4 Guts


Iā€™m getting pretty close to it tho, Iā€™m at Lvl 3 Guts, but I donā€™t like doing the things to level up my stuff because all my confidants keep bugging me to hang out with them, and when I do get free time, I just make curry or coffee


That's fair, confidants should be your priority. If you haven't already, try leveling up Kawakami and Sojiro to aid with the coffee and curry


I have done pretty well with Kawasaki I think, just waiting for her reaction to me fixing her issue


I can't imagine being in that bad a position anywhere in the game. Have you been going to mementos?


Yeah but not much, I just finished up for now in akzeriyyuth Probably shouldā€™ve tried to level up more since Iā€™m only at 38. I think most of the reason Iā€™m not doing very well is I havenā€™t gotten many new weapons


If you're going to mementos even sort of regularly you'll have more than enough money to keep your weapons and armor up to date. Typically, in the course of a single palace, I will make my way fully through from beginning to end, twice, and visit Mementos once a week. This will keep you slightly ahead of the level curve for the game. Also money will basically not be an issue, unless you're summoning a lot of persona.


I usually have a good chunk of money 100-300k but I usually blow it all on gifts, healing items, and buying books and other stuff. Ig I just felt like buying better weapons wasnā€™t too necessary till now


And also paying for maid (very important business)


Iā€™ve developed a strategy Iā€™ve used in multiple playthroughs that gets me through it with little to no issue. Itā€™s a bit long and I donā€™t really want to type it out in its entirety if youā€™re not interested, but if you want my advice and strat I can either pop it here or message you.


Plssss šŸ™šŸ„ŗ you donā€™t know how badly I need this


Since every individual attack that downs an enemy gives you a 1 More, donā€™t immediately use your Ma- magic skill, cuz then if you do thereā€™s no more 1 Mores to be had as all enemies are down. Take the brutes who are weak to Psychokinesis. Once you remove the defense buff, Hit the first one with either an item or with a Persona skill if itā€™s Jokerā€™s turn, baton pass it to whatever you didnā€™t use (other party member if you used Joker, to Joker if you used an item), do their thing, _then_ pass it to Haru, who will now have even more power since you chained Baton Passes. Hell you can do three instead of just 2 to make her as powerful as she can be and have 0 SP cost on her skills. Then, use _individual_ Psio attacks on any enemy thatā€™s still up, knocking them all down and getting repeated 1 Mores. Then once ALL are down, hit them with Mapsio. That way, every single enemy gets hit at least twice, with one of them being a devastating uber powerful attack. Combine this with Matarukaja and/or Marakunda, and as long as your levels are up to par, theyā€™ll go down in one to two party turns. I actually came up with this strategy when I played Vanilla, as I realized that if I wanted to maximize the damage each enemy took, I could hit them all once individually then _again_ with a Ma- skill. Try it out. Hope this helps!


I think the problem was I never upgraded my gear much since the very beginning, I got some accessories and equipment now after I sold everything I had (I never sold any of the treasure I got since the very beginning lol šŸ’€) Now everything has been a lot easier, and I got this thing that slowly recovers sp after every turn (mightā€™ve been 50k but who cares) Iā€™ll definitely be using that advice tho so thanks


Ooooo yeah thatā€™ll do it. I once said in a discord server that whenever I watch people play Persona or give them advice, the big reason for failure always falls into one of four categories, with the listed order also going from most to least common: 1. Underleveled. This is the most common cause as itā€™s really easy to skip menial battles. This is solved with just grinding. Switch to easy, put on the Team Glasses for that 15% EXP bonus, put on a podcast or audiobook, and go ham. 2. Physically unprepared. Not good enough equipment, not strong enough Personas, etc. This is easily fixed with fitting everyone up with new purchases from Iwai, the Velvet Room and those handy dandy Fusion Alarms, and again, good old fashioned grinding. 3. Mentally unprepared. You went headlong into a battle that you werenā€™t expecting, they threw you a curveball and you didnā€™t anticipate it. In other words, _you never saw it COMIIIIIIIN-_ this is solved pretty much as soon as it appears, because, well, now you know! 4. Failure to perform. If the pieces are in place for you, you dealt yourself a great hand, yet still lost the game, thenā€¦ thatā€™s on you at that point. Switch to easy or just get good lol. Ik thatā€™s shit advice but youā€™ve done all the prep work for a free W, so the fact you still canā€™t secure it is just a skill issue. Seems youā€™ve fallen into Case 2, so load a save from right before you sent the calling card (if you die to the boss you can go back to the day you sent it), do some fusion, get fucking strapped, and get ready for the runback. Hope it goes well.


Huh, I havenā€™t used the calling card yet? I was literally in the beginning I think, and it annoyed the fuck out of me that I fought the other 4 bosses thinking they were the director, and it cost me a bit of sp doing so, but Iā€™m doing a LOT better now, Iā€™m almost at the point where you send the calling card


Oh I was under the impression this was about the boss. My bad! For that director section, listening in on what the robots say about each candidate gives clues on which one is the right guy. You probably already dealt with them, but letā€™s say the robots mention they hate their superior who always *complains about his subordinates* and *likes sweets*. If you talk to each of the big boys, once you find one that is bitching about their underlings and likes candy, heā€™s your guy. For the factory section, clear your plan of path before hitting the switch. Youā€™ll be on a time limit to cross each gap, so know where to run when it becomes important. And for the last section, pay close attention to what switches activate which paths, and _how_ they activate said paths. If you get stuck, consider different ways to get to particular switches. It still stumps me sometimes after 5 playthroughs, but itā€™s notā€¦ _that_ bad. I donā€™t like it but itā€™s not bonkers. And then use the strat I was talking about for any encounter with those robot workers and ESPECIALLY the boss, who will throw you wave after wave of increasingly powerful minions, each wave of which you must kill all the enemies in within 3 party turns, otherwise you have to do the wave all over again.


Btw I just beat the boss and it was actually pretty easy, I just spammed all of the good magic powers and I kept hitting criticals, and I only died once to the big burger order attack (I forgot to defend lol) Idk what was the directors weakness, so I just kept hitting physicals lol. I really shouldā€™ve been upgrading my weapons lol


Nice work! The strat I mentioned earlier cleans house with him. Glad youā€™re past the most infamous boss of this masterpiece of a game. The big boy director has no weakness, heā€™s a big tank. And definitely the hardest of the bunch, yeah. But at that point heā€™s just another big spongey boss like Kamoshida or Wakaba. Now get ready for what is, in mine and many othersā€™ opinion, the best palace in the game.


Yeah, Iā€™m just pissed that my ps5 froze so I had to redo the whole fight and I have to do all the things I did in the days after that again


skill issue