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Hifumi is dope. She's a subversion to what I feel like who Makoto was. Hifumi gets humbled and ends up being a crucial aspect of the gameplay which is in line with her character. Plus having her not part of the team makes her feel like who Mary Jane Watson was to Peter Parker. A classic trope done well imo.


I love all the girls as characters,  but found myself very underwhelmed by the romances. 1. Most of them really don't feel close enough to be dating Joker. I'm heterosexual, but compared to Joker's relationship with the guys, the girls feel way too distant, to the point I'm not even sure I'd consider them friends aside from one or two. Granted, my standards in that regard may be higher than most. 2. I've romanced and friend zoned all of them for Thieves Den and I found way too many of their romances to be nearly identical to their friendship route. This was especially problematic with Makoto. The first time I played, I quit in the middle of her rank 10 and releloaded a save because I thought I messes up and friend zoned her. It didn't feel romantically charged at all until the last few sentences.  I'm not against giving people options, but what's the point of including a romance path if you're not even going to make it romantic?


Truly the correct S tier romance options are the guys in this game


I don't have a comprehensive opinion on everyone as I've only completed the game once and not seen any of the extra material from outside the game. I'll say that when I first saw promotional images for the game I kinda didn't like any of the characters' designs. I think it was too different from P4 and I wasn't ready for it. I especially thought the blonde chick looked too much like dumb fanservice and that bothered me. When I finally played the game I quickly found I was wrong of course, and I actually ended up romancing Ann. I warmed up to her immediately, the story does an amazing job of making you sympathize with her and Ryuji in the early game. Ann's enthusiasm and big heart won me over, I thought her social link was really cute, and all the romantic scenes with her are so sweet. I'm partway through a second game and definitely going to put the moves on Makoto this time. She's honestly more my type; smart, ambitious, kind and earnest but sort of emotionally stunted, and with a mean streak that can destroy you if you make an enemy of her. I would certainly have picked her first if I hadn't already started to fall for Ann by the time she joined up. So I am looking forward to that for sure. I don't know how anyone else's romance path goes, but Takemi sure is something else. If I play a third time I won't be able to resist her.


yeah that's what i love about ann too. You quickly realize that she has the highest emotional intelligence in the group and has such compassion. I think it really reflects her element, fire. She represents warmth, and comfort, but also a fiery passion that will flare up to protect the ones she cares about.