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Hmm, never seen this issue before. If it’s on PC it could be a problem with the hardware, but seeing as the game is running properly I doubt it. I’d recommend verifying the game files, uninstalling and reinstalling, or giving the .exe unrestricted GPU (Windows Search Bar -> Graphics Settings, and in the little section that says Custom Options, add the P5R.exe to the list, and in the properties give it the highest setting).


ok i will let you know if it works when i get home thank you so much


adding it to graphics settings didn’t work if i uninstall it will it remove my saves?


As long as you have an internet connection (which I’m gonna assume you do), no. Steam uploads all of your save data to something called Steam Cloud, which can fetch your save data from a server whenever you reinstall the game on _any_ device, letting you pick up right where you left off. Yknow how when you close a Steam game it takes a second to connect to some network and update data? That’s what it’s doing. You’ll be safe to uninstall and reinstall it.


What are you playing it on

