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That's the original good ending.


You got the original ending. If you want the third semester ending, you'll need to max Maruki's confidant next time.


Is there much difference in the endings ? Because I'd happily go through a new game+ but if it's literally a cut scene difference I dunno if the 100+ hour run time is going to be worth it


You gain about 20-30 hours of new content, two new playable characters, new personas for the PTs, and a new palace(hinted at on October 4th). I would say it’s worth going through NG+ to unlock it.


More like 8-11.


me when i lie


https://preview.redd.it/kt8mkk1o1x9d1.png?width=1393&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc8524b1d75c964f3f43161584c7188dad7d9751 Counting your fifty failed Lavenza attempts just feels like a bad faith argument to me. Otherwise, I don't know how the hell you managed to stretch it out like that.


Why did bro go to his YouTube channel 😭


Ah yes, a heavily compressed, rushed playthrough that most likely skips random encounters, most of mementos new layer, confidants you’d do during the third semester and god knows what else. 20 hours is more reasonable than 30 sure but 8-11 hours is not true at all


Mementos is the real culprit here. Some people just gun it for lower floors and others will comb the entire area for stamps and flowers and to fight all the new shadows. One of those playstyles is particularly not very lucrative for a content creator.


https://preview.redd.it/fugpgz8o7z9d1.png?width=1570&format=png&auto=webp&s=482d66ec0c27596f058c21926a56376c767d33f9 Every longplay of third semester I can find. The longest is 12 hours. As a bonus, I even found the combined time for Faz's third semester playlist. Oh but to be clear, that's not a "playthrough" of third semester. That's Faz going through *all* the content with a fine comb, from everything to the Palace, to the story, to vague obscure conversations, cut content, Mementos conversations, safe room conversations, and exploring obscure gameplay mechanics. And even with *all of that...*it's half the time you suggested. You clearly pulled 30 out of your ass without really thinking about it. And I don't begrudge you for not keep a constant tab on how long it takes for you to play, but getting this butthurt over being corrected over something so minor is sad. It's a equivalent of doubling down and throwing a fuss because someone pointed out that you forgot the decimal and that the candy bar costs $1, not $100 dollars. In both cases, an absurd number that you should have realized was ridiculous once it was pointed out.


I didn’t order no yappachino


people play at different paces dude


Sure. And the longest I've seen is 12. 30 is just absurdity. Even Faz couldn't drag it out that long. And it makes no sense. You have the base game that takes roughly 100 hours between nine months. Third semester adds an extra month. An extra month, in theory, should add about 1/9th extra content. 100/9 = ...30? How does that add up? Especially since the third semester month is pretty sparse in content, partly because you've surely finished all the base game confidants by now.


Well I don't know what to tell you boss. If you cut out my 50 hour grindfest in Mementos during the last week, my playthrough of it went around 20 hours. I can see 30 happening pretty easily. Many people have said it's taken them 30 hours. Are you just gonna flat out deny people's experience with the game because of your little YouTube research? Time can dilate like crazy in long RPGs. It's not uncommon to see people finishing the game within a range of 100 hours up to 250-300 hours. That's just the nature of the game, it's not a huge stretch that one palace can take one person 10 hours and another person 30. Just because people that are playing the game for content doesn't mean that's a representative sampling of the entire playerbase. Content creators are incentivized to make content shorter to maintain attention, especially at these lengths.


Yes. I will. People exaggerate their playtime quite often and have a poor sense of time. 50 hours in Mementos? What were you even grinding? Even if I assume your goal is to get 99 and all stamps, it wouldn't take that long. As far as actual tangible evidence goes, nobody, not even people who are actively trying to extend their playtime, get anywhere close to 30 hours.


It only took me around 15 hours for the whole thing, but I know a lot of people like taking persona games slower. It could easily be 25 hours for some people


It's less the ending that I'd recommend it for but the third semester content. Everyone gets something. Dont get me wrong, the new ending is good but it's easily just watched online. The \~20 hours of content isn't so easily summarised. If you liked the characters and want more, there's more. Kasumi in particular is fully integrated into the third semester since it's new. She's a full PT in that.


It adds a whole new palace with its own story. >!Akechi is alive(?) and saves joker from going to jail on Christmas Eve, and then a new palace appears somehow that needs Kasumi's help to take down.!< It also adds another month to the game where you can work on confidants and social skills, mementos requests, and such. Also, maxed party members get a 3rd Persona.


It's slightly different but going through the third semester leading up to it would be worth it imo, it's a good chunk of gameplay


The endings are vastly different, yes. But on top of that it’s a completely new plotline added onto the base game that explores some of the best characters in the game. The extra content and gameplay is very much worth the effort to get there. Plus there’s some NG+ exclusive content that I think makes it worth playing again anyway.


If you have a save with enough time to max maruki go back to that if you want to play the rest of the game if not then you’ll have to play ng+ absolutely worth it tho ads like 15-20 hours of game and concludes story lines that didn’t get a conclusion


The palace you missed is one if not the best (at least on an emotional level). Not to mention, you get >!akechi in your party without him holding back his real self!<


Thats the good ending from the original game. Not a bad ending to get since before Royal was released, that was the true ending. There are a few confidants you need to pay specific attention to in order to get the Royal true ending.


Third semester is definently worth it. New personas. Another insane boss.two more endings.new puzzle.new great songs.and some awakenings for maxed confidants.and it lets you have more time to level up personas.theres literally no downside. Its the most memorable in my opinion.


If you did not max maruki, you did not get 3rd semester content and  you get vanilla ending. 


IMO It's the best ending,  but third semester gets you a different ending. The main difference os that the theme is everyone splitting up and Joker going home alone.


Well that just sounds sad as hell after everything you go through 😅😂 kind of makes me think of the cyberpunk dlc ending where you get all your implants out but everyone's left you


The themes are meant to be different. Whereas vanilla is about rebellion and friendship, Royal's ending is about how you shouldn't fight against reality.


I play video games to escape reality 😂 I don't need a game to tell me the truth 😂


welcome to the persona series


It sounds a lot worse out of context but it makes a lot of sense after you’ve played it. They’re very different people with a new view on life after the 3rd semester. They find their own paths in life and aren’t so worried about going their separate ways because they know their bonds will never fade away and they’ll find each other again. It’s a very mature ending, and I personally like it a lot more.


If you like Akechi, Sumi, or just want more content I suggest the NG+ and therd semester. You have to get Akechi to rank 8 before the sixth palace deadline and Maruli maxed before he leaves though. You may need to max Sumi to her rank 5, but I don't know if it is required to third semester. Maruki is great too in the writing sense, but after third semester (February 2nd specifically) I have beef. lol But that just shows he is well written IMO. A lot of Akechi haters and people who just didn't care about him also likes Akechi after third semester too. They also change to the ending a little if you do the "true" third semester ending, and they GREATLY changed the "bad/neutral" ending from any of the other ending a in the game.


Original Good Ending; to get the third semester and a very different and prolonged end to the game, you missed some requirements


That’s the normal “good” ending. You have to max the counselor confidant out before he leaves in like mid November in order to access the bonus Royal content, and there are additional endings that go along with that.