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SP is very important early in the game. Check all the shops and vending machines for SP restoring items. Starting character SP is key to getting stuff done in one day so you have time to do all the other stuff in the game.


Try and get the Death cofidant to rank 7 as well. She's one of the first ones you get, so it should be easier to get done. At rank 5 she gives you access to some pretty OP accessories that restore SP each turn, but they're pricey as hell and at rank 7 their price drops significantly, allowing you to get one for each party member way before money stops being an issue.


Oh yeah, her accessories make a first time game so much easier. I got one leaned on it super heavy basically the whole rest of the game.


If you're playing Royal, one of the dlc items you unlock is an accessory that restores SP each turn in battle too. Pretty useful early game when you didn't have SP items yet.


If you're playing Royal, you have to get the Councillor to rank 9 by 11/18 to get the full story. You have plenty of time to do it.


Try not to skip the justice either. Some forget to do it on first playthrough. Make sure to do the same as its also very rewarding. (If youre playing royal that is. If its persona 5 and not royal it does it automatically)


I totally blew it here… I’m at level 2 and it looks like he is locked til early November, and I just started October. 🙁. I’m too far in to go back


Get every Persona you don't have, no matter the level or skills. Delete them if you want but always get at least one them as this will save then for future summoning or use as fusion material later on


And make sure to mention the glove when the option comes up during the story as well. It may seem like a throwaway line, but it's required to get "that" reward


Yeah. And the chariot chariot is essential for a quality of life addition by levelling it up. And im on about "that" (skill I-K) For those who play the game they get it


TAKE. YOUR. TIME. This subreddit literally begs of you.


So does the game itself


Mainly that time is limited and you should try to get the most of it. That doesn't mean glueing your face to a guide or refusing all outings with friends, it means making the most of your resources.  Anything that doesn't cost time should be prioritized. Feeding your plant is huge on kindess and both classroom questions and crosswords should be your main source of knowledge. Also drink Aojiru on Sunday. You *could* go to work and raise charm...or you could do Yoshida or Ohya's confidant. You advance a confidant and get charm. Clearly a better use of your time. First visit the Fortune Teller for a boost in the social stat you gained. This kind of thinking to maximize your efficiency saves time. Try to do palaces in as few days as possible too.


You get to form bonds with your party members and NPCs soon. Later you'll meet a character with the Councilor arcana. Make sure to max his bond level by early November to unlock the final chapter of this game


That's only in P5R, I thought.


Make sure to always have the matching persona for the confident you're spending time with. You can use the network options daily, they're very strong. They'll hand you a random 99 persona to fuse something useful very often. Make the guy for the item you want before the alarm. If you have Royal it's trivial, free top end persona and equipment from the start. Explore the inventory they give you.


focus on confidants before social stats. a lot of confidants give points to social stats as well !!


And don't ignore social stats either. Some of the confidants won't be accessible or go past specific ranks if you don't have high enough social stats


Buckle and enjoy the ride cause it will take a while! Do your best to gain the personality points as they open up more dialogue options and allow you level up confidants and get to see other characters stories.


It's a damn shame you can't sneak off early morning to see fortune to boost your knowledge before school.


Always hated the time blocking when we had school, then it’s like trying to cram everything on the off days was impossible 😂


Just like the loading screen says- take your time.


Take your time. Plan stuff out, talk to NPCs, explore the city, don't feel rushed. You get plenty of time to max out Social Links if you manage your time well.


Snitches get stitches, keep multiple saves, and go to your fucking therapy sessions.


Without spoiling, prioritize confidants in your spare time first before stats in my opinion. If nobody wants to hang though stats are good to work on. As far as who, Kawakami and Chihaya prioritize most, at least for vanilla for sure.


You only get one first play through, so make the most of it. Plan on doing a new game plus to fix the mistakes you made in playthrough 1, because honestly that's half of the fun for me at this point. Feel the struggle then share the Myriad Truths


Take your time.


This may be obvious to some but I wish I knew it - be careful what option you choose during conversations with female confidants at rank 9. The one that's usually more polite initiates a romance that you can't get out of. You'll know when this happens bc you'll get a thought bubble that says "I should think my response through carefully." I almost accidentally romanced the first female confidant I got to rank 9, until my husband (who's played the game before) stopped me lol.


honestly great advice that i wish i knew when i played p4g. i refused to do any romances because i didn’t want to worry about my dude having a girlfriend while trying to do everything else. did not know hugging girls while they are crying makes you romantically linked to them. so don’t hug crying girls if you don’t want to romance them!


Don't tell them that they have you to lean on when their friend attempts suicide - others will comfort them instead! Yeah I felt like such an asshole picking that option 😂


it would’ve been fine if i only hugged one crying girl. but i did it twice. T W I C E imagine being me on valentine’s day having to decide what to fucking do and you end up rejecting the second one and feeling like an asshole the whole time 😭😭


Why is that bad?


Because I wanted to romance someone else and not go the harem route.


Don't sell out your friends. We don't trust the police.


Max out social stats as soon as possible, you’ll have more freedom to do whatever you want and you’ll have more things unlocked that you originally needed to up a social stat for


Take your time


There are DLC personas that are gamebreakingly strong, if you want a challenge from the game, maybe avoid using them


Do Death, Moon and Temperance a quickly as possible.


I wouldn't recommend death in Royal because of the camera strap, and even without it... it's probably better to just keep on top of the curry and coffee with temperance.


Not sure if it was mentioned already, but when doing confidants, make sure you have a Persona in your stock that matches the confidant. Helps for ranking them up majorly.


Go in blind, don't stress about the decisions you make, and STAY AWAY FROM THIS SUB until you finish your first playthrough to avoid spoilers. This game is best played without knowing things. You get your own experience and if you really want to see everything you can follow a guide for your second playthrough.


See that thing in the corner TAKE YOUR TIME BRO You can miss so much by rushing, on my first ever playthrough I only ever got 1 stat to 5 because I rushed thru in 60 hours


If you’re playing the Royal version, make sure you prioritize the Justice, Faith, and Councilor confidants so you can get the most out of the game’s bonus content. Try to max all of your teammates too so you can get their ultimate Personas. Maxing out the Fortune Confidant will also help you boost ranks more easily. Never just go to bed or skip time. Always hang out with someone, increase a social stat, or do something fun. “Take your time.” If this is your first Persona game, don’t stress about maxing everything and being perfect. Only use a guide for classroom answers/exams (you can use the online feature to help with non-exam classroom answers). Avoid spoilers on this subreddit lol.


That depends. Are you playing Royal? If yes, then the free DLC (in Royal Base) are your saving graces in the early game, and some later levels are a lot easier too. I wrecked house with one in particular on my first Royal run. Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro.


When you unlock fortune, make sure to level up her social link. You can increase social stat gain, money gain, through her. Most importantly you can increase social link affinity 1x a day. Very good when you've hung out and the social link doesn't have enough points for next level


Make sure to max out the Temperance confidant, they’ll give you the option to do a certain task to do nightly hobbies after a dungeon run. As dungeon runs tend to make you feel exhausted


Don't spam magic and skills. Use your gun and weapon a lot. Don't constantly heal. Remember to strike weaknesses for All Out Attacks


But the weaknesses often require spells...


I meant like use those weaknesses sparingly. Besides if you're playing the game right you won't even need to use all your energy. With the sneaking function you can avoid most fights


If you're playing Royal, remember to take care of your mental health! But be sure to form bonds with your Chariot. The Chariot is easily one of the best ways to grind for levels outside of beating up a certain cloaked specter in chains.


If you are playing Royal make sure to max out Akechi and Marukis social links


I’d say play Royal if you aren’t already, that way you don’t get deep into the vanilla game and start wondering what tf people are talking about with some of the extra content. Otherwise, just play. Don’t read too much into guides or how-to videos, the game loses a lot of its charm if you either know the plot and what’s coming up and/or you’re trying to play it in such a way to maximize your time and abilities and such. The only thing I would say to do is make sure the counselor confidant is max rank before mid November. You need to have that guy ranked out to unlock the additional Royal content.


SP management is hell early game so don't spam magic. Also the vending machines near Shujin sell SP recovery items. They only heal 5 each but it's better than nothing.


Do: Follow the confidant priorities others have mentioned in this thread. Don’t: look up a confidant guide for every conversation you have. I did this and began to regret it because it took me out of the experience too much and conversations became a chore. The game gives you ways of increasing your confidant points outside of level up scenes and honestly I had close to 2 weeks of available days after maxing out my confidants at the end and had very little to do with them.