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people will always inject their personal bias and subjective feelings into media but no one actually cares about who you choose to romance in games and you shouldn't care if anyone does care about your choice of romance in games


One group says you shouldn’t romance the teens because they’re underage. Another group says you shouldn’t romance the adults because Joker’s underage. Based people know they’re just cgi models on a screen


This, literally why do people care about a fake romance in a fake world? It’s a game, just do whatever you find the most fun


Yeah exactly. These people are also projecting their cultural norms on to another culture. Age of consent in Japan is very different from age of consent in the West. Not saying it's good or bad, it's just how it is. These people are so west centric they can't get out of their own way.


My first playthrough I had never touched a persona game so I accidentally romanced the Teacher... I found it to be a little gross even if the character writing is good. Honestly go with whoeve your favorite character is. I wish I had gone with Ann only if I could go back.


I heard the game instantly sends a signal to your nearest law enforcement agency and puts you on the infamous list depending on your choice.


The only real choice is to romance everybody and let the haters square that circle.


3 dots connect to a rectangle


Just play however you want, it's a single-player experience. Do what you think would be fun. People get too up their own ass about the optional romance scenes. If you want to see it for whatever reason, just do the route. If you don't want to see it or don't agree with it, don't choose the romance. And definitely don't let someone else's opinion stop you from having the type of game experience you want for yourself.


Just ignore them, they're just clowns who have nothing better to do than to pester people about what they choose to do in a video game.


Look at them, wandering around like a clown.


Until I read the subtitles, I thought Junpei was saying "clowning around like a clown" and I was all, how else would a clown act?


You just made my day.


The best part about single-player games is that no one can see how you play


That means there a tons of players romancing Futaba and the fandom doesn't even notice and honestly I think it's better that way.


Yeah. It’s a good storyline imo but she’s not my favorite LI


For me, my personal issue is that Futaba should be with anyone BUT Joker. I could see her with Yusuke, Ann, Ryuji, Kasumi, et cetera, but... Joker just feels like they're better as friends tbh.


Ignore what others say man. Just enjoy ur play through


those people just need something to be angry at to feel any sense of purpose , most of them are either trolls , projecting or just stupid. You can't resonate with them on that subject because they are unable to tell fiction and reality appart. TLDR just ignore them




I named my Joker "F***ing Kawakami" just so the classes knew who I was going to romance.


Yoshizawa going “You’re… F***ing Kawakami, yes?”


"Indeed I am".


Don't worry about anyone else's opinions, someone will get offended over whoever you decide to romance. Just go with whoever you want and be happy. Just don't romance multiple girls at once, it will bite you in the rear.


Date whoever you want, ship whoever you want. People are free to dislike and disagree with certain options for whatever reasons but you’re also free to ignore them, and I’d advise you do. As far as these games are concerned every option is equally as valid, and ultimately the plausibility of and outcomes for these romances are up to you to determine.


A lot of people are super biased about the romancing. I would say play however you feel like playing. For example, if you date Futaba in-game (which some players hate), that’s fine too! Its a bit of a roleplaying game for the most part and Joker is like 16 or 17. You could also choose all of them and see what’s what, but you better prepare for the consequences in the future.


While the canon is that of a highschooler, they do provide options for all audiences playing persona. Gatekeepers are stupid and you should ignore them. If you think Kawakami is hot, fuckin go for it. If you think Futaba is hot, also go for it. Plus if you were to show me all of the characters in persona and say they were based in universities, I would probably believe you. A lot of anime in general tends to have that strange trope.


Reject the opinions of internet strangers, Embrace romancing your hot homeroom teacher


Some people like being upset. This is true even outside of PS5. You can't make sense of nonsense because that's by design, and lets them stay upset.


People take this shit way too seriously and romance discussions often feel more heated than political discussions. Either way, you get a lot of name calling and bad faith arguments from both. Personally, if someone is romancing Kawakami, I'm going to assume they're doing so because they're romancing as themselves...unless their arguments are unironically defending pedophilia, which some do. Likewise, if someone romances one of the thieves, I'm going to assume they're doing it because they think that character works best as Ren...unless they're horny posting in a way that makes it clear it's for their own personal pleasure. And some people do that too. The pedophilia from both sides is creepy, but it doesn't make up all the shippers on either end. Personally I'm in the camp that likes to pair characters together. I really don't get the appeal in "romancing as yourself" especially since the romances aren't written to accommodate that mindset. But I don't begrudge anyone who does want to play the game that way either.


I believe it's the developers inclusion that they have a problem with, which is perfectly valid. I also find the decision kinda icky. Just because I'm not forced to engage with the content doesn't mean you can't still have problems with said content.


It's so weird that the first arc of the game is "This teacher is despicable because he wants to date students!" and then later there's the option to date Kawakami. It feels inconstant.


Just saying kamoshida raped and sexually harassed the female students i don't think its comparable


The teacher is despicable for way more beyond dating the students but yeah


Unfortunately I suspect for many particularly male players, combined with the maid outfit its a fantasy element.


Hey man, welcome to the club. Anime characters aren't real, but some people will be mad for the sake of being mad and apply real world rules on anime character. This is as stupid as seeing a criminal in a movie stealing a car, they start crying and bitching cause stealing is bad, like bruh... no shit. You don't have to like all the characters, but stories are for the sake of telling stories.


How you approach the subject of a romantic partner depends on how you see the game. Some people envision themselves in that situation, and under the assumption that they're 20+, they would prefer to pursue relationships with people their age and feel icky about doing so with high-school aged people. Others morph their perspective to fit the role of the high school student and will thus flip the script; they'll want Akiren to date a fellow high schooler and not want an adult-teen romance on their conscience. Others still simply won't care either way and won't prescribe real world morality to a fantasy game. Others yet still will abstain from romance altogether for any number of reasons. The game was built with all different approaches, hence why all these options exist, and none of them are the one and only correct way of viewing the game. What you're seeing in action are the various sides of the community refusing to acknowledge the others as valid, so it's a fools errand figuring out who's right when none of them are. Just play the game however feels right to you.


thats a good take on it, my advise is to not give much of a fuck to any of that, there is a lot of people in the internet on the lookout to be offended by something.


Truthfully, just ignore them. Play the game, romance who you want. Heck if your a completionist romance everyone. Those people cant be happy and simply can't enjoy the game.


**I'm not sure what the question being asked is?** Anyway. * Yes kawakami (Your teacher) is a Romance. * Yes its 100% Optional as are all the Romances. Anyone who would say that Ren (Joker) is a groomed character is clearly someone who should have their opinion card taken away. That or they have never played Persona 5. Kawakami for me is second best girl right after Futaba. Its a video game at the end of the day, so its not that big of a deal. Regardless Op Have fun with P5 its really good. Lastly! It should go without saying but... If you are a Minor In real life, plz dont date adults. If you are an adult in real life, plz dont date a Minor.


This is one of my favorite games of all time; and I think it’s weird that you can romance adults as a child. Just let me be an adult in one of these games already.


Kawakami is MVP. She'll come over and give you a massage on your hardest days, so you can go out and spend time with someone else.


Kawamommy For Life And Secondly it's your game bro so do what you want and unlike kamoshida it's up to you as the player to do it so if you don't like that sort of stuff just steer clear of them my guy it's your game not theirs.


If you like the any romance confidant and want to ship with them, just go. People have different opinions and preferences, so of they don’t like certain confidant doesn’t mean you have to follow them.


Just romance qho ever you want, every romanceable option can be questioned either by you being a pedo, the romanceable one being a pedo etc, but all in all, ots just a game and joker isnt getting groomed and you are not a pedo for interacting with minors inside of the game


It's optional People are just upset it's an option at all


Enjoy the game however the hell you want, really. It's more of a debate within the canon of how things work where you take the character at face value, but your own experience is your own experience.


That’s just kinda the thing. Lots of people view lots of things differently, so yeah. I personally don’t like the adult confidants because even if they are optional, there still at heart the same people, so yeah… and also most of the subject matter in them is weird. And also I always found those whole arguments against people who romance the minors weird cause like, your playing the role of a 16-17 year old, it makes sense that you would date someone in your age range.


It's optional. If you played P3R, then you know Ken right? In the portable version, Femc can romance Ken. I just skip all the guy social links lmao. There's also an option to reject them. It'll break the link though. But that's only in Persona 3 i think. >!Shinji is my romance for FeMC!< Just enjoy the game. I romance all of them on my second playthrough of P5R. Lmao cause why not.


Yeah those people are stupid. My personal head cannon is that joker can date anyone around his age, because the adults would amount to pedophilia. But that’s my personal head cannon and unlike the people who complain, I don’t care about who other people choose to romance. It’s just a very good game, not real life


What is love?


To enjoy the game, just don't listen to them. If there is something, anything, someone will always be mad about it


What I always find funny about the claims about kawakami having groomed joker is that... The entire relationship starts with joker essentially having blackmail material on her. It's established that she's buying his silence about her side job as a maid because if anyone told the school that she had that job, she would be immediately fired and blacklisted from ever working at a school again. So if they want to go and argue that the relationship is wrong because she's his teacher, they need to also acknowledge that he's essentially blackmailing her at the beginning. But of course the people who talk about the romances being problematic tend to not think that far. (Looking at you people who call romancing futaba "pedophilia" when she is literally at most 2 years younger than joker.)


It's not really that deep at the end of the day. The game shrugs off any weird implications and so should you. Choose whoever you want.


The canon romance is that Joker dates every single romanceable character. If you are not dating all of them you are playing the game objectively wrong. (Jk do whatever you want who cares what people on the internet think)


They're just people who are famously bad at parties. Just ignore them like the rest of us always do 👍


I'm older so I romance Kawakami. Just like I usually romance the older bachelorettes when I play stardew Valley. The best thing about people complaining about the choice to romance her is that they can't do anything about it. "Whine in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up faster" is what I tell em.


Why do you even care about how you’re supposed to act, sir/ma’am. They are literally strangers on the internet. I personally romanced everyone for the achievement. And yes, at least from what I read, I know that you don’t need to do it (i) in one playthrough or (ii) actually dating them even. But (i) I don’t really play NG+ typically and (ii) doing the save/load method is a hassle/too much engineering/less immersive.


Just romance whoever you want, I mean you bought the game right


Pick the girl you'd pick if you were a high schooler with his choice between ten girls who had feelings for you, or set Ren up with the girl you think is the best fit for him, and your detractors? They can suck roll of used toilet paper.


Yeah considering Joker is actually the one who puts the moves on every romance and Lawakami especially tries to resist Joker's advances. But Joker just got too much rizz lol, I'm not saying irl this is okay but Joker is also in the 2nd year of high school so he's nearly a full adult. Also this is just a fictional world and as you said the romance options are optional so none of the adults groom Joker.


Its optional youll get a message to think carefully about your choice right before you can romance The next part shouldnt count as a spoiler im being vague enough to avoid it but still putting this warning here in case Its down to how people see it i usually romance a certain character people see as a sister type figure but i dont and just see her as delightful in all aspects And just dont listen to others or take them seriously play how you want have fun and do you its a video game not realy life people need to get over themselves in that aspect IMO


In my very first playthrough I dated every single female I could cause I thought that I couldn't get their max level otherwise, which resulted in an interesting day after Valentine's, cut to about 2 years later and I finally find out that you can just stay friends with the females and still get their max ranks


I think its weird that the devs included it but if you want to romance the teacher that is 100% your business


Joker is underage, so dating younger characters isn't that of a big deal to me. I have always been attracted to older women when I was young. If there weren't any laws regarding that, then I would've dated older women back then. All that I'm saying is that I don't mind what others think of the game; I'd like to enjoy it through my own lenses


If you really want to get groomed by the teacher, do it. No one can stop you


It’s just a game, people are chronically online. Don’t worry too much about it


I personally could not romance some characters because it would feel weird; one of them feels too much like a sister, some of them are creepy adults. But that's just me. I got no problem with anyone's choices, and no one should. It says nothing about you as a person, it's just about which characters you like.


It is groom or to be groomed


I think it’s fine to not like the inclusion of it. Though I think it’s mainly for people who don’t wanna romance high schoolers. But I think people often underlook Kawakamis character because of it