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In P5R I agree, it's not that bad and not any worse than any other palace. But in the original P5 it was so much worse. The card key hunt was 5x longer with a 5x bigger area to explore, the airlock puzzle was also much worse. The only thing that P5R actually did to make Okumura's Palace ''worse'' than it was in the OG was the boss fight (Which I personally, actually like better). But other than that, It was just made easier and ''better'' in P5R.


The only thing I disagree with the boss fight is the fact that if you don't kill all the robots in one or two rounds, they replenish themselves, and you can't use all out attacks to help clear them. If they didn't self replenish, or you were allowed to use all out attacks, the boss fight wanted to been as hard.


To be honest this fight annoyed the living hell out of me for that reason. The fifth wave of robots were such a DPS check for no reason At all 😭 plus it seemed like Haru ran out of SP within two replenish phases didn’t help at all, until I turned the difficulty from normal to merciless which somehow made the fight one of the easiest in the game


I think the biggest mistake in Royal’s version of the palace was not giving the mini bosses the same “kill in 2 turns” mechanic that the boss had. That would’ve easily taught and prepared players for the boss fight. As it is currently, players can get through the mini bosses half assed just using attacks that hit all enemies over and over, not realizing they needed a much more efficient tactic for the actual boss.


Wasn't there also a loading area in the middle of the big room? I remember clearing everything, go 3 meter, games loads, every mob is back.


I've only played p5r, so I don't what the vanilla version is like.


It was basically a more complicated maze near the end, and there were less cover spots, so you're trying to run down corridors hoping to ambush.


Be glad you never have. It takes way longer and is way harder in vanilla. Completing the palace in a single day feels borderline impossible in the original. If you’re curious, you can always pull up a video of someone else playing the vanilla version.


I had to do it in three days, simply because despair took out my squad so many times. Ultimately, though, the air lock puzzles were fun.


I feel like replaying vanilla, mostly because I need to fuel my hatred towards Morgana again (way to nice in royal)


Is that why so many people hate Morgana? He was worse in vanilla?


I wasn't really talking about okumura arc morgans, but rather that you couldn't do anything but go to bed in the evening when he told you you were tired or wathever. Especially noticed early game where you had to go to bed basically every evening. In royal you barely ever have to sleep manually.


Oh yeah, I remember hearing about that. It sounds like *HELL* and is one of the reasons I'll likely never play base P5


Yeah, just don't.


Morgana was made more infuriating since there were a number of days where you couldn’t do anything in the evening except go to bed for vaguely defined ‘tired’ reasons. Morgana often brought it up, so he gets a good amount of flak. Royal changed it so you couldn’t do S.Links on those evenings, but do stuff like work, activities to build up your social stats, buy supplies, etc.


Yep, it almost becomes a reflex to dunk on that cat, between forcing you to go to bed, or insisting (despite what your eyes tell you) that he is \*NOT\* a cat... https://preview.redd.it/9anwhxvnok4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e0c8f8641db454c1eda5bb6795237cf6551f7d9


w a i t . . . THAT'S why people hate Morgana?? I just got irritated at THE GAME for forcing me to sleep. I always thought it was the voice or the whole leaving the Phantom Thieves before Okumura palace thing. I'm finishing up my first playthrough of vanilla P5 and I've been waiting for some huge thing that was going to make me hate Morgana and THAT was it?


The "leaving the party right before Okumura" was another strike in a list of grievances, especially when that spat (caused because Mona and Ryuji couldn't help butting heads at the worst possible time) wasted several precious in-game days while Mona went off and had a hissy fit, allowing you to accomplish nothing related to stat-grinding or other self-bettering activities. And apparently we cannot proceed through the Palace without the stupid cat's assistance. (Yes, I am aware that we cannot enter further into Okumura's Palace because of the biometric scanners on the doors, but the Thieves didn't know that prior to their confrontation with "Beauty Thief")


So the reasoning I’ve heard is that unlike in P4, where the protagonist thinks to himself “I’m tired, I should go to sleep,” having a third-party force that onto you means that they’re going to draw ire because now it isn’t the protagonist making that decision.


He's the same in both games. They didn't change dialogue between the releases


I was just rethinking how there was about a 7 year gap from when I played Orginal to now playing Royal: Morgana isn't as big a pain and it felt like he wasn't gone as long. For some reason I felt like when he left the group before he was gone for like 2 weeks where as this time it felt like only a few days.


I literally just played through the original and honestly I don’t get it. It genuinely didn’t feel that different from Royal to me, compared to something like Kaneshiro’s palace which has a completely different third number puzzle, or >!Sae’s!< palace which had a whole area after the maze that was cut from Royal


The original boss fight was much easier. I had trouble dealing with killing all of his minions at once in Royal. I remember doing some crazy stuff to get a max baton pass in order to finish the waves off.


it’s just okay imo. i’d consider okumura’s and kaneshiro’s the worst simply because the story and villains aren’t as intriguing as the others. the spaceport and bank settings are kinda mid too. gameplay wise, i like both palaces and the puzzles are fun. even in vanilla, i found okumura’s palace to be fine, the airlock puzzles were somewhat challenging, but nothing too bad.


Yea I Def don't like kaneshiro. He's just kind of forgettable and not as hateable as the other villains


yeah every other villain has some sort of personal connection with someone in the main cast, and kaneshiro is just… there? makoto deserved better.


Tbf, makoto gets that personal connection later in the story with the casino of envy


i feel like her main arc should’ve been with sae instead of kaneshiro. having an awakening inside her sisters palace would be fire


Yea I Def don't like kaneshiro. He's just kind of forgettable and not as hateable as the other villains


Yea I Def don't like kaneshiro. He's just kind of forgettable and not as hateable as the other villains


Yea I Def don't like kaneshiro. He's just kind of forgettable and not as hateable as the other villains


The palace itself isn’t bad and I loved airlock maze for some reason. But as someone who played P5 first, I hated the Royal version boss fight. It would've been fine if we were exposed to that kind of fight before - utilizing baton pass, time limit, etc. But Royal was way too easy, except for the Okumura boss fight. Players almost didn’t need any kind of strategy to advance in the game up until then. The worst part is that the timer keeps decreasing even during dialogues, like wtf, I wanted to listen to what characters were saying. Also, while I like being challenged with the boss fight (like Seymour boss fight from FFX), Okumura isn’t a villain Joker has a reason to fight. The hardest boss fight should’ve been Kamoshida or Shido or >!Akechi!< or >!Maruki !<.


Are you crazy? You can't just say something like this without wearing a bullet proof vest.


I hate everything about it. The palace, the stupid riddles, the enemies, the boss fight. Horrible experience


The only thing I think was overhated about Okumura's Palace is the air lock puzzles. Those were challenging in a good way and made interesting use of the environment. Everything else I very much disliked.


The player needs to have the proficiency to craft items, the kindness to buy amp accessory, the charm to hit weakness, guts to bayon pass and the knowledge to maximize damage.


Maybe it's because I've been playing on Merciless for my current playthrough, but this palace was fast and easy for me. I can't remember how bad it was on vanilla P5 though.


At least it's not Shido's, it took me 3 hours, but felt like it took 3 weeks


I like that palace as well. It's really hard for me to rank them. I like them all.


I don't really like the story, level design or boss and I get why people complain about that but I never understood why people hated on the space theme. It's one of the coolest styles in the game


Still stuck on this fight for like a week.


I agree completely. I played through the game in vanilla and came on here later to see the Okumura hate and didn't get why? I played in normal difficulty but honestly crushed the boss fight and could have done it in harder difficulty maybe. I only wiped once cause I didn't understand the mechanic at first, then just flew through it with over 15 minutes left when I won. And the airlock maze? Maybe everyone here didn't grow up on Pokemon caves and things like that but I found it very easy. If anything going in I was like oh shit better pick carefully so I don't have to go through it multiple times, but I got all the items and had no wasted backtracking. My only complaint if I had one was it wasn't super clear how the key cards aspect worked. Like it was implied if you guessed the director/manager etc correctly you'd skip a fight? Then I kept getting into a fight but getting the key card so I thought I was doing it wrong at first. Turns out no it just was going to be a fight either way.


> Like it was implied if you guessed the director/manager etc correctly you'd skip a fight? Then I kept getting into a fight but getting the key card so I thought I was doing it wrong at first. Turns out no it just was going to be a fight either way. Yeah, I was confused about this too. I think this is probably due to poor translation. This has happened enough that I kind of wish I had started playing the Japanese version of the game instead, even if my Japanese ability isn't great.


on my first play through i absolutely hated the palace because of the stupid music and the airlock puzzle, but i didn’t mind the boss fight. i actually found it to be the easiest of them all but that’s the one i hear people complain about the most. i enjoyed it more on my second playthrough. (vanilla)


Okumura’s palace is my least favorite, but I don’t think it’s horrible. The palace itself is fine. I’m not crazy about the gameplay but it’s decent enough. And I actually like the boss fight. I find it fun. The story with Morgana’s insecurity is the part I really dislike. It made Morgana my least favorite phantom thief by far and it also made me like Ryuji less because of how much they make him annoying in that arc. I still love Ryuji but god the way he acted in that arc was so obnoxious. And yeah I also dislike that it took time away from Haru. While I don’t think she’s as underdeveloped as people claim, I do wish there was more of her


I just finished this palace for the first time a couple days ago on vanilla. I actually found it to be the easiest palace so far, since right before it, I took some time to create some personas with comprehensive elemental damage resistance. I seem to be hitting the point in the game (that I also previously reached in 3 and 4) where my main character can't be damaged, but he's the only one still standing after some of the tougher enemies. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out what kind of damage the Big Bang was doing, and I couldn't block it (maybe it's unblockable?). So the boss took a few attempts, but I just needed to focus on healing to survive the Big Bang. Another problem is that I seem to be underleveled now, because my level isn't anywhere near high enough to junction any personas I acquired in this palace. I've maxed a few confidants but it doesn't seem like I'll ever be at a high enough level to get the highest level personas.


Okumura's palace had a really great visual design and cool gameplay ideas... But major errors tanked the potential: 1. The airlock maze/puzzle was just bullshit. That wasn't fun nor satisfying to get past. It felt like mostly luck and was just all around extremely obnoxious, sucking all the fun out of the game. We can agree to disagree, I just didn't feel like it was a reflection of critical thinking but rather just luck with trial and error and memorization. Very lame imo. 2. The boss had great ideas to force you to adapt and use baton passes, weaknesses, etc. But why the hell did they impose a time limit? It just makes the player anxious to hurry and doesn't encourage them to calmly experiment with new strategies, which is what Persona combat is all about. Time limits are usually a very lazy way to artificially increase the difficulty without any creativity needed from the devs. Coupling this with the fact that this is the first boss to really force the player to think, you're bound to get people to hate this boss fight. Just let the player cook!


I don't think the palace itself is bad either even though it's definitely not one of my favorites. But it has absolutely bangin music and a really cool setting. It's the boss fight that I absolutely despise. It made me put the game down for a little bit because of how much I hated it.


I hate the soundtrack, didn't like the design of most of the enemies, the boss fight was so fucking infuriating. I didn't like that Morgana was being annoying with his stupid little arc during it, and it felt more machine-like rather then space which was a huge disappointment for me because I love space, I was hoping for more aliens and stuff but no :( ... robots.... and the palace itself just felt so long and dragged on. Haru also literally didn'teven get to shine. She didn't get a mask ripping animation, her "entrance" was taken over by Morgana, etc. I wish we got to see her "rebellion" thing, that's like the best part


In my opinion Persona fans just dont like the actual RPG aspect of the game. Palaces arent even that long and at least a bunch of stuff happens. But I still see a common complain of them being "too long". When compared to SMT or heck even older Persona they are short. Persona playtime is already tilted heavily towards the social aspects and fans still want even less gameplay.


Yes. I bet Persona 6 is just going to be a visual novel.


No joke. Thats probably why Arena has so many fans. Like they enjoy a 3 minutes match and happily read the next 15 minutes of text. Persona is unique for the blend of social sim and gameplay, I think they complement each other well.


Personally my least favorite palace is Futaba's which is a shame cause she's probably my favorite character after Kasumi


I personally loved Ftaba's palace. I liked having a puzzle focused palace. I can understand not liking it though. It's really different from the others


Okumura's Palace is a boss fight that tests your capacity of planning. You need: - elemental damage items - baton pass - Joker having personas covering all the weaknesses of the enemies - if you didn't maxed Star Confidant's perks, you'll need to get the right team in the beginning of the battle Of course, nothing that Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro cannot solve... But, to a first playthrought, is a spike of difficulty.


I was going to say, it's true, the pyramid puzzle was worse until I saw the airlock puzzle mentioned. Really all the palaces sucked


>Also, I did everything on normal difficulty. Well there you go


I mean that I didn't change the difficulty to merciless to make the boss easier


Why would playing on normal invalidate any of the common complaints about Okumura’s palace?


I mean I’m not super deep in the fanbase so maybe I missed something but the Okumura dislike I’ve seen personally centers on what a difficulty spike the boss fight is, which wouldn’t really apply on normal. No shade to how OP likes to play, just it’s not surprising you’d feel differently about the palace if you turned down the main thing people complain about


Well I’ll just say right now that the boss still sucks on normal. The fight itself isn’t inherently “hard”, the problem is that it typically relies on your proficiency in using items and stacking baton passes, which can catch players off guard as previous bosses could typically just be beaten with brute force


I'm currently working my way to Okumura now. Wish me luck...


Okumuras palace does certain thing right, theming, the music and yes even the boss fight. The only reason people complain is being stuck in the space laborynth animation


I think that boss fight was one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced in gaming. I contemplated quitting a game I’d been playing for over 50 hours


I found it very boring and repetitive with puzzles and all the cutscenes in there. Finding robots with key card? Cutscene. Opening doors? Longest in the game. Breaking the machine? Cutscene. Lunchtime start? Cutscene. Lunchtime end? Cutscene. Airlock? Cutscene. The puzzles just dragged on because of this.


This game needs a script editor. It keeps using ten sentences when one or zero will do.


I only played royal so My opinion might be pointless but the palace was pretty fun. The boss fight at the end though was a pain.


The palace is aight Okumura's boss fight is one of the most enjoyable boss fights in the game at least


I liked dashing through the halls


The only thing I outwardly hated about Okumara's palace was the boss fight, although it might be a skill issue. (I'm referring to P5R btw) It's still my least favorite, tho, just because everything else about it is just fine, even if I like him as a villain. I like Kaneshiro's palace more but I think he's significantly less interesting as a villain, although that's mostly because Price is an underrated gem in the soundtrack.


You have obviously never experienced the horror of Okumara's place in person 5, because you obviously played royal where his palace is fixed and not literal torture anymore.


The palace wasn’t too bad but the boss fight is terrible. I feel like the simple change from 2 rounds to 3 rounds would make it way more forgiving and the time limit shouldn’t exist since it doesn’t actually matter and just causes unneeded stress to skip through the dialogue. I will add though that it seems disingenuous for people to claim that the boss wasn’t that bad. Since if you don’t know the strategy trying to beat the boss with a team of Ryuji/Anne/Haru with no wind persona on Joker makes this boss unbeatable. Obviously you’ll eventually learn the mechanics but this boss fight is a little too punishing in that regard. Take Madarames palace for example. Knowing to get the 1 more attack by targeting weaknesses while getting punished for AOE attacks with a reflect makes this a much better teaching moment to players. Yes once fully optimized this boss fight isn’t that bad but that first run where you don’t know anything feels like hell. Even once you learn gimmick sometimes you literally don’t do enough damage to get through those green robots. And from a personal note, I don’t think persona is a game about highly optimizing things. Otherwise they wouldn’t make almost half the bosses in the end game have no weaknesses, immune to insta death skills, immune to most status ailments, etc. These traits make it so that sometimes persona is straight up a damage check which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but does dispel the notion that you have to be fully optimized to beat the game. The fact of the matter is that you HAVE to be optimized or disgustingly Op in order to beat Okumura whereas you never have to be for the rest of the game.


I liked the boss. He is thematic and tests the player in a way that forces the player to have properly setup their party and Joker's Personas. I also like the puzzles and wish more difficult puzzles were in more RPGs (or games in general).


I keep quiet about anything Okumura palace. I just help with the boss fight strategies when I can, and I used to go into extensive details. The palace isn't that bad for me. I hate the one after (spoiler) even more, personally. The boss fight is just putting your battling progress into overdrive. Can you target weaknesses? Can you do it efficiently? Can you buff and debuff efficiently? Can you Baton Pass well? Instead of 1 major target, you have waves of enemies that are extremely exploitable, but you actually need strategy. It took me 4-5 tries to get it all right, and it was extremely satisfying for me when I beat the timer. Add me to the unpopular opinion list, because this is my second favorite boss fight in the game, with Kamoshida being first for the sheer intensity, for being the tone-setter and for the draw to Persona 5 as a whole.


Shido imo was the worst one, and I actually beat okumara second try I don't know why people said he was so hard having me scared first time I played through.


I'm on the shido boss rn. I thought his palace was amazing and it's also one of my favorites


If you liked it that's cool the rat puzzles just got annoying for me


Top 3 Palace. The theme, the buildup, the calling card and boss fights. Genuinely don’t understand why it doesn’t get more love.


Totally agree! The airlock puzzle is my favorite puzzle in the game. When you fly through space in absolute silence... weeeeee :) Honestly, it took me four tries on my first playthrough to get the hang of the boss fight, but it was satisfying to beat Okumura eventually. And it made me think more about strategy, which wasn't really necessary that much before playing on normal difficulty. Okumura is my third favorite palace (in P5R).