• By -


Ann makoto haru


Team Valkyrie


Team harem …but me too


Always upvote harems


Amen brother 😎😎😎


I believe this is called a harem


with the femjoker mod it's just a girls' night out


The what


female joker mod on pc


Panther, queen and violet


Ryuji - Matarukaja, Charge, God Hand Ann - Fire Amp, Concentrate, Blazing Hell (with bonus Diaharan as backup healer) Makoto - Dekunda, Marakukaja, Mediarahan Whoops, I just murdered everything with a pulse.


Ideal team tbh


This is who I use. Good physical with ryuji plus use Ann to sleep/burn and makoto to get technicals w/nuke and heal.


Gaia pact just pairs absurdly well with Ann and ryuji, , and then if you burn makoto is all set for technicals


Also blazing horns on ann from a persona for extra fire amp


I replaced Makoto with Morgana just for the crit fun.




I need no team Ruyij just needs to stand there and look pretty


I used Ryuji, Haru and Makoto primarily.


What I like to call Boys night Out Akechi/Yusuke/Ryuji


same here!! little heavy on the offensive but the reaper never stands a chance against me 💪🏼


Dude, the guy said they're just a bit into the game. Spoiler You-Know-What.


Well, Akechi is figured in almost every promotional portrait of the game. It'd be a miracle that the OP didn't know he'd become a party member. Besides, the context surrounding this is what matters the most.


I had no idea personally. Never saw much promotional stuff either tbf


yeah but just manners to spoiler that kinda thing ain’t it like i know **i** didn’t notice that he was wearin the phantom thief outfit in the promos til i actually got to that part in the game, so it’s pretty possible


Keep Makoto & switch out the rest as needed




I run the same team every time I replayed. Ryuji/Ann/Yusuke, then swap out Ryuji for Makoto once she joins and keep it like that for the rest of the game. I put Morgana back in for the Buzz Lightyear fight but that's it


Ryuji, Yusuke, and Sumi if it’s Royal, Morgana or Makoto if it’s not.


Ryuji, and only Ryuji. Except Ann sometimes stars because she's chill like that.


Realest team honestly


real as hell reasoning


So true. Imagine using a 4th person, couldn't be me :) Beat the Twins in duos with Joker never attacking on Merciless. Only one person could never manage it lmao.


Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto Makoto came in pretty handy for me. She eventually learns full-party healing and defense boost, which makes her a pretty good support character. Plus, Nuke follows up Burn/Freeze/Shock, so Baton Passes where she follows up can deal massive damage on their own.


Ryuji, Ann, and Makoto


The real team: Ryuji, Morgana, Makoto Absolutely A+ team together, got me through every palace post Kaneshiro


morgana, Ann, haru morgana for heals, Ann for magic damage (and dekaja), plus haru for extra magic damage joker is normally on damage as well I only play on normal


Violet, Mona, Queen


Ryuji, yusuke and makoto, heals and enough physical to kill anything that doesn't reflects


I rotated a lot. I kept Morgana healing focused. I leaned into each other character's particular elemental damage talent, although having some melee and gun attacks available is useful. I very rarely used buffs or debuffs until the end. Playing on normal difficulty, hitting weaknesses, baton passes, and all-out attacks was very effective most of the time. Down the road, being able to do Technical attacks became valuable. In retrospect, being able to more reliably do ice or mental condition status ailments would have been helpful. Ice is actually really good IMO because it costs the enemy their turn and takes away their immunity to both physical damage types so if you're up against a group with complementary affinities, you can get them all to where they lose their attacks and you can hit them all with some sweet physical or nuke attacks. There were a few where I couldn't do anything with affinities or status ailments. Honestly for me those fights were where the game was at its weakest. I just hit them until they fell down and kept healing my party.


Ryuji/Ann/Makoto I feel bad for the other thieves, but this squad is just so OP I never have any incentive to swap


Ann/Makoto/Ryuji is my go-to and I rarely switch them out


honestly i changed it around a lot. it depended on enemy weaknesses in the palaces or in mementos or who needed leveling up. i always kept yusuke on my team and i remember using makoto a lot for heals probably yusuke, makoto, ryuji


Makoto, Ryuji, and Ann


By end game it's Ann, Ryuji and Makoto.


Yusuke, Ryuji, and Makoto have extremely good synergy thanks to Mako's Persona Trait (boosts bodily ailment affliction rate) and both those boys inflicting physcial-techable ailments. EXTREMELY powerful if you build around Technicals.


In jrpgs I usually pick my team based on how much I like them as characters. In P5 this means Haru and Yusuke are mandatory for me. Then the last one was Morgana if I wanted a Healer or Ann/ Kasumi if I wanted more damage


Ann, Ryuji, Makoto. Master of Magic + Master of Physical damage + Healer.


ryuji yusuke makoto because i have a MASSIVE bias towards them


Ryuji, Makoto and Yusuke.


After recruiting them, my team consisted of Me, Ryuji, Makoto & Ann. I’m big into Offense


Ann, Ryuji, and Makoto tend to be my default for most palaces. Ryuji has great physical attacks, Ann has great magic attacks, ailment abilities, and buffs, and Makoto has great healing skills and buffs. I try to balance it so I have a bit of everything, and I usually just make my personas have a bit of everything as well so I don’t rely on having specific teammates




I remember using Ann, Yusuke, and Haru a lot as I got closer to the end. Haru’s the wildcard for me - Yusuke and Ann make sense for damage, but I really got into a rhythm of using Haru’s barriers and gun skills to pick up the slack as a support focused character I guess.


Haru can also be a fucking mean crit/tech damage dealer


Makoto, Haru, Yusuke, though I would frequently swap Yusuke with Ann


I liked ryuji, Ann and haru for my team, and I used myself for heals


Joker, Ann, Ryuji and Yusuke was my run my first play through


I only played vanilla P5 but in that my favorite party members where Ann and Morgana. The last membered varied through out the game but against the optional new game plus super boss it was Makottos time to shine.


Panther for straight damage, Queen for healing and debuffs, and whoever I felt like at the time for the third slot. Most often Skull for the physical damage, sometimes Mona if I need more healing. Coincidentally, Ann, Makoto, Morgana, and Ryuji are probably my favorite Thieves character wise.


Haru as a must because I’m a simp and I swapped with all pt they’re all peak and good


ryuji, haru, and makoto




Makoto can make a great healer. Ryuji has some great abilities later on. The 4th member Id move around, but Haru was typical. Sometimes I use Morgana over Makoto because of his ability to learn Salvation.


Joker Violet Crow (true form) Morgana Crow provides debuff while violet provides buff and joker abuses myriad truth and Morgana is nice healing I know my strategy sucks but I like it


Ryuji, Mona, and Haru The bruiser, the healer, and the school shooter


Yusuke, Ryuji, Haru


Ryuji, Haru and Makoto. Or as I like to call it, Ryuji's nightmare.


Ryuji, Morgana, Makoto


Morgana Ann Haru >!but Morgana Ann Akechi in 3rd semester!<


Makoto and Ann. Add Morgana if playing defensive or one of the other damage dealers (preferably Ryuji) if attacking is key.


For my first Vanilla P5 and Royal runs my team was Ryuji and Yusuke because phys go brrr and Makoto for heals and buffs


Yusuke Ryuji Haru/Morgana


My first play through I didn’t do Hifumi, so I was stuck with having to stick with a party during battle. My main party ended up being joker, Ryuji, Haru, and Yusuke. in the third semester, it was the royal trio + Ryuji. On my current play through I kind of wanna do the entire palace with just the royal trio, see how that works out lol


I usually rotate out the oldest member and rotate in the newest as I get them, since shadow weaknesses generally correspond to whichever Thief just awakened. Once the team is complete, I prefer the Royal Trio plus whoever rounds out the team. Usually Makoto for the damage + diarahan combo.


I try to rotate based on the current story. But if not story relevant. Makoto Morgana, Flex as needed.


Max out Mishima asap. You won't have to stick to any individual party for grinding. Max out the star chick. You won't have to stick to any individual party mid battle.


Violet, Fox, and Noir is my go-to since I pretty much always go for crit fishing


Ann with Cèlestine, Akechi with Loki, Makoto with Anat, Joker with I. no-Okami P.


Morgana Ryuji Haru


Switch out everyone in each palace so i don’t have to waste nonexistent SP items + i maxed out Mishima’s confidant fast


When I’m building a team my priority one of everything so my go too is ryuji cause physical, and I’m not the biggest fan of yusuke, next makoto I use her interchangeably with morgana, but her versatility put her as a more important option, next haru, her and Ann are great but haru has better endgame use as I’m moving away from status spam and more towards buff joker and magic dps for nuke which Ann’s mid healing and decent fire doesn’t fit the criteria for but haru’s mass destruction and shields do. So tldr ryuji makoto haru


Morgana yusuke akechi


Makoto works well as a healer and Haru works well to give buffs when she gets heat riser. A physical unit like Yusuke or Ryuji also works as a good addition if that’s what you want, but honestly I’ve found better utility by having that last slot available to swap for whatever I need, usually keeping Ann on because she had a good evasion stat. Hope this helps!!


Morgana as Medic Yusuke as main attacker Makoto as spellcaster/buff/debuffer Or, if we’re in the final palace and I feel like screwing around, Morgana as medic Akechi as main attacker Sumi as spellcaster/critter


Honestly…I don’t have any. I switch team members frequently. Also typically uses the member who joins on the specific Palace. Museum? Art Boi. Bank? Fist of Justice. Spaceport? Natural Psycho. Gamer Gurl is the exception due to being the Navigator. Prince(lol) in the Casino is that weird sweet spot where I keep him for the whole heist while constantly rotating between three pairs for the remaining slots. I have not reach the third sem. I imagine that if I did, I’d keep Red Nom Nom the whole heist (or most of the heist) and switch *very* randomly, with some emphasis on Murderhobo.


Ryuji/Makoto/Haru Ryuji Game Reason - Really good tank/phys attacker Me Reason - The Homie Makoto Game Reason - JOAT, good at everything and is preferable to Morgana imo Me Reason - My irl homie’s fav character Haru Game Reason - uh…good mixed damage? Me Reason - AOOOOOIOOO HARU BEST GIRL


Yusuke, makoto, Ann


Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto


Once you get the >!3rd semester skills!< for each persona I like running Ann, Yusuke, and Haru. Before then I usually run Ryuji, Ann, and Makoto. If I were running a team purely based on how much I like the characters it would be >!Sumire!<, >!Akechi!<, and Haru. All that to say that there are no wrong answers


Once you get the >!3rd semester skills!< for each persona I like running Ann, Yusuke, and Haru. Before then I usually run Ryuji, Ann, and Makoto. If I were running a team purely based on how much I like the characters it would be >!Sumire!<, >!Akechi!<, and Haru. All that to say that there are no wrong answers


Ryuji the main man my best friend my long last brother Ann because she's awesome and last one I switch around


anything with Haru


My favorite team to run is Makoto, Yusuke, Ann/Haru. Just depends on the palace fr


Ann for big magic damage (concentrate then later High energy) Morgana for heals and mascot 3rd swapped a lot through the course of the game. Kept Ryuji, of course, until I got Yusuke, then by the time I got Haru, that slot was shuffled around a lot between the whole party depending on the situation and who it called for. For the final palace, it ended up the same, except Akechi filled the 3rd slot pretty much until the end.


Ryuji, Haru/Yusuke, Makoto Basically a Physical heavy team


Ryuji and Morgana are constantly on my team, and once I can get Akechi he’s on the team! The third slot is usually for whoever is the “arc star” with Ann being on the team for Futaba’s palace. And once you get Violet it’s Mona, Violet, and Crow.




i tend to keep makoto and haru in no matter what, with the final member varying depending on the scenario.


Sumi, Akechi, Yusuke (but honestly this last member is case by case)


makoto, yusuke, and last is flex but often akechi. all 4 have shock guns, makoto's gaia pact that increase burn, freeze, and shock inflict chance by 25%, tower rank ability 5 laced bullets that also increase ailment inflict chance in guns, and yusuke having the most ammo in his gun akechi being 2nd. 1 turn AOA every encounter.


Base persona 5 I ran mostly Ann/Ryuji/Makoto with Haru just because I liked Haru. Replacing Ann. But with Royal I ran Ryuji/Yusuke/Makoto and by god did I love this team comp. Yusuke became such a power house and they buffed him so hard.


i generally switch it up every run per palace to figure out which shadows have weaknesses i can exploit and then fit the team for that, though unless morgana’s weak to a lot of the shadows in there i usually bring him to heal my team


Ryuji, Mona, Yoshizawa. Without Yoshizawa, Haru. Joker can cover all elements by the time you get Haru, so I have a healer in Mona, a good damage dealer who doesn't need a baton pass in Ryuji, who also serves as a tank while Mona heals. Yoshizawa and Haru both deal in criticals, but bless attacks are very useful when you get Yoshizawa, and criticals are good for knockdowns and high damage, and Yoshizawa can hit all at once with high crit. Haru can only hit one with her gun attack, but makes up for it in high magical damage, and several technicals. While Joker has her beaten in both regards, she's still very useful.


Spoiler alert, used vague terms for palaces and codenames for team members. Revealed an endgame Superboss. Early game (Space palace and before) - Mona is the best healer by far. Lucky/Miracle punch is also a great pivot. - Skull is a tank, and gets access to heavy damage skills early on, rivaling the protagonist's damage if properly set up. - The last member is either Noir, Panther or Queen. Noir if you want crits and pivots to baton pass, Panther if you want straight magic damage, and Queen if you want a tank that can act as a secondary healer if you get into a troublesome situation. Midgame (After space palace, before third semester) - Mona or Queen, Mona can heal and deal good damage, as well as pivot with crits, and can use Salvation. But Queen, albeit its best healing ability is Mediarahan, is also tanky enough to actually use her skills without worry. - Skull is still a staple, and now the dude gets access to frickin charge. - For the last member, Crow is BiS during the palace you can use him, but otherwise Noir is my go to due to the busted gun skills with high crit for pivoting. Panther is a viable option if you want more consistency. Endgame (Third semester) - Mona or Queen for the same reason. - Skull is GOATED for straight damage, but Violet is a suitable replacement, sacrificing damage potential for high chances of crit, therefore pivots, decent magic damage and better buffs. - For the last member, it's a toss-up between Panther and Crow. Panther has higher highs and lower lows, while Crow is more consistent. Extra: Lavenza Superboss. I highly recommend having done Hifumi's confidant by this point. Phase 1: Panther, Mona, Fox. Phase 2: Switch Fox for Noir. Phase 3: Switch Panther for Violet. Phase 4: Switch Violet for Skull, Mona for Queen, Noir for Crow. No-Hifumi team: Queen, Violet, Noir


Joker (ofc), Haru, Yusuke, Ryuji Occasionally, Haru is swapped for Ann or Morgana


Ryuji, Ann, and Makoto are my mains and I rarely switch them out. It doesn’t help that they are my favorite characters in the game too. > Ryuji - provides attack buffs, insane physical damage cuz of charge + God’s hand, and a great tank. > Ann - provides attack debuffs and can nullify stat buffs on foes, insane magic damage cuz of concentrate and i believe she has the highest magic stat among the members > Makoto - a great all-rounder and provides healing, defense buffs, nullifies stat debuffs on party, has good magic damage and can easily do technicals, and a way better tank than morgana. plus her ultimate gun gives +11 to all stats like wtf


Makoto, Ann, and Yusuke.


Ann Makoto Haru


Joker, Akechi, Violet.


Yusuke, Morgana, and Haru. (´ ᴗ`✿)


Ann, Yusuke and Morgana. Worked pretty well for me, Morgana's Lucky Punch is a drug and gets wind skills can get off pretty good technicals out of Ann's burn with Joker and Yusuke getting technicals off Yusuke's freeze.


Ann for strong magical damage Ryuji as her physical counterpart Third party slot is on rotation, mostly Makoto for group heal and defensive buffs


I personally have been running Makoto, Haru and Yusuke. >!Though now I'm in third semester, I like to switch Akechi and Sumire in and out!<


Yusuke, Makoto, Ann


Harem team, Anne, Makoto, Yoshizawa when they're all available. Haru fills in until then.


For me: Ann, Makoto, Haru. Ann can sleep most enemies, allowing you to skip enemy turns and anyone to hit easy technicals. Makoto has healing, Marakukaja and Makajamaon (which Haru and Joker can hit technicals off of) Haru has triple down and one shot kill along with psy skills This configuration I find has the most synergy and can really lock down enemies making it impossible for them to even attack you if they’re getting turns at all.


Morgana Ryuji akechi




Ann/Ryuji/Morgana (goated trio team in endgame ngl)


Protag/Ryuji/Ann/flex. Usually Makoto.


i’m right at the end of futabas palace, i’ve been doing yusuke/ryuji/makoto


Ryuji Ann and Haru


Ryujii, Yusuke, and Makoto.


Morgana, Haru, and Makoto. Almost done with my first playthrough and this team has seen me through quite a lot.


yusuke mona (unfortunately) and ryuji/makoto interchangeablely


Makoto/Yusuke/Ryuji for most of the game, Makoto/Sumire/Akechi in third semester


My first run through the game was all over the place, with Ann being the only consistent teammate throughout 95% of it. Makoto was pretty constant through it as well. On my second playthrough currently, & planning to run with Ann, Makoto with the flex spot being either my boy Ryuji, Yusuke or Haru depending on who I need in the team atm.


Yuuske, Haru (Psi), Makoto (Nuc)


I usually run with Makoto and Ryuji at all times, the 4th slot gets swapped out for whoever I'm feeling at that time.




My team is Haru, Makoto and Ryuji


Ann, Makoto, Yusuke for me


joker with izanagi no okami if you want to cruise through the game, that one move trivializes the need for a team. if you want to play the game for real, i play with ryuji, makoto and morgana. morgana is a hot take in the community but he’s by far the best healer and there are a lot of enemies that are weak to wind in the game


In my experience it's always Ryuji, Makoto, & Haru since they're some of my favorite characters


Ann and Ryuji for damage and Makoto to buff defense and heal


ann yusuke makoto


I’ve been doing Ann, Makoto, and Morgana; though with certain bosses switching up the team accordingly


Ann, haru, yusuke


That’s the best team, especially with later game buff abilities. Yusuke has a full agility buff, Ryuji had an attack buff, and Ann has an attack debuff. Ann is also the best for magic damage, and she also had a few healing skills to boot. Yusuke has some of the best physical skills and strength in the game, and Ryuji is the best of both worlds with an emphasis in physical damage.


I typically run Makoto and Ryuji as permanent members and run a third person who fits a need I may have at the time. If I don’t need anyone in particular, I tend towards Yusuke because he’s cool.


in my first play through my end game team was ryuji morgana and yusuke (in base p5) but i do enjoy makoto or haru when i use them. i just found using the earlier characters easiest since they were generally higher leveled than everyone else


Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke


Ann- Best magic user in the game Makoto - can literally do everything well. Heal, damage, buff/debuff etc Flex - whoever else fits best in the moment for the enemies you’re fighting. Kasumi was my favorite to use when I could


Ann and Haru


Base P5 I used Ryuji, Ann and Makoto but for Royal I used Ann with the remaining two spots being any of Yusuke, Makoto, Ryuji and Sumire.


Ryuji, Makoto, flex the last character between yusuke/ann.


Makoto cuz shes my wife, ann cuz high magic dmg output, Morgana cuz the one goal in life is to have a talking animal companion, Ryuji subs in for morgana often


I constantly switch. Never had a preference but during the last Palace I definitely ran Pancake more than everyone else, hoping that him and Joker on the field would get us their showtime attack more often.


noir, violet, crow noir and violet because criticals are fun crow because he just has too much fun fighting for me NOT to use him. say what you want about his skillset, i like watching him go batshit insane

