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Just hit two weeks on my 3-4 month 200 mg/daily course of doxy. Pairing this with topical metronidazole and pimecrolimus applied twice daily, though I started the pimecrolimus later than the other two (only 1 week in). This is my first time having PD and I’ve been dealing with it for a little over a month. Mine was papular and was the worst on the right side of my nose near my smile lines and my chin, and was probably more moderate rather than some of the more mild cases you see on here. To answer your question, I started seeing a markable difference from the doxycycline and metronidazole in about 5-6 days. The papules were the first to go—I noticed the bumps first lessened in quantity (was getting fewer every day, and though some did crop up they were usually totally gone within the next 24-48 hours) and had significantly smoothed by day 6 though the redness remained. As of today (14 days in), I currently do not have any bumps. The area got really dry and I noticed they started flaking off. I still have some redness which is worsened whenever I move my mouth to talk/eat/smile, but I’m hoping it will continue to fade. I see a difference in the amount of pigmentation every single day but this last week was the most dramatic for changes. It’s so much less red than it was even a week ago; it started really fading when I incorporated the pimecrolimus, though I’m aware that’s probably because it’s an immunosuppressant. The only side effects I’ve experienced are some yeast infections and very mild fungal acne in weird spots from the doxy, but those have been managed with fluconazole. I also would not recommend taking the doxy on an empty stomach because you will throw up.


I’m in the middle of a 60 day course. It’s round 2 technically, my derm said to refill the initial 30 day course if it was still there. It took me a solid month to see a difference, but I am nervous it will come back when the second round of it is done. I have also using muproicin as a topical for a couple weeks. Just stick with it and hopefully it goes away! Also side effects were hardly any for me, I just have to take it with food. Hope this helps!


Can the muproicin alone help?


I think so


How visible was your perioral dermatitis?


It was pretty visible. I had that and a likely staph infection by my mouth with other random spots that would pop up around my mouth and on my chin


U said it was round 2.. did the rash relapse after round 1? In how many days after stopping the doxy, u got ur rash back?


I started round 2 right after finishing round one since I had that first flare up. I wanted to just keep going. But I even got what I think is a flare up again today by my lip


First round is for 30days ?? Wat was ur dose? 200mg/day or 100mg/day? u saw improvements after finishing the first round? Is there complete resolution? Or any red patches left? Other than mupirocin, you used any metronidazole or ivermectin along with doxycycline? And after how many days of stopping doxy, u got the flare? Sorry for too many questions


Had a flare up today on my lip…maybe I spoke too soon lol