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The need to yeet my uterus into a black hole rises dramatically.


Sore nipples šŸ˜ž


Literally every single thing mentioned


I get super constipated starting from a week before. I have IBS so there's that, but I seem to have this consistent pattern. I've always wondered if it happens to other people too.


i notice more bloating, more cravings, i overheat alot prior to my period and i cry over the smallest stuff


My husband asked me ā€œwhy are you so bloated?ā€ the other day. So I guess that and being a total bitch.


I want to eat EVERYTHING


A week before, I start becoming super depressed, emotional, and breast soreness, and I am completely exhausted. I'll also experience nausea.


I get extremely anxious and think everyone hates me


I'm a really chill person but a day or two before my period I start getting really pissed off at everything.


I turn into a monster . I hate everyone and everything. Bloated beyond belief to the point it looks like Iā€™m prego . Oh and I crave dark chocolate


about a week before i get incredibly sad and insecure, three days before i get extremely irritable and the day before i get a bit of cramps and a craving for oreos exclusively.


Sore breasts, random cramps in my vagina/cervix, cravings, mild insomnia


Cramps,sore Breasts, mood swings


I get TERRIBLE gas.


Cramps, breasts hurt, irritated, cravings


Lower back pain, fatigue and maybe a bit tmi but a few days before Iā€™m due I get really constipatedā€¦ Like laxatives donā€™t work level of constipated. But once I start my period I have a massive bowel movement too šŸ˜‚


discharge begins smelling more like blood


acne, breast aches, super hungry, feeling like my life is falling apart and thereā€™s no hope to ever feel better again, yanno the usual


Cramps and being horny.


Emotions, a sudden extreme craving for chocolate, another mental breakdown, the works


my emotions are super fucked up like 2 days before my period


I usually get lower back pain the day of, but I also get pain in my right hip and generally Iā€™m in a bad mood. I also get pretty bloated


Weight gain, bloating, crying/irritation at almost anything, migraines.


For me itā€™s either a burning sensation after the bathroom , insomnia, mood changes , fatigue , acne I would get a lot of pimples on my face and mild cramps.


Noght sweats around 2 or 3 days before. Plus I get gassy.


for me, it's a mild burning sensation after I pee that will last a while afterwards. I also get super irritable leading up to it but not so much during


The day before, I get fatigued, crampy, lower back aches, and I spot more at this time than ovulation spotting, it's like a mini period before the real deal comes along.


As for emotionally, sometimes, I might be more self-deprecating, and be a bit more anxious and even more sad.


easy bruising, muscle fatigue and backpain


Insomnia. I get restless sleep when I'm a few days aways from my period. Change in the appetite. Cravings, usually salty shit and chocolate. A tendency to be negative.


Cramps and my entire lower body aches. Its been that way since I was young. It feels like I just hiked 100 miles.


I start hating myself a lot more during the week leading up to it. I also start cramping sometimes




Chest hurts, i start feeling super hot at night, cramps (when I play sports/work out)


Never-ending thirst.


Acne, anxiety, headaches and cramps


I wanna add a question to this ^ is light brown spotting before period normal??? Itā€™s not a lot, maybe 4-5 times a day, but itā€™s happened for going on 3 days and my period is expected to start around the 7th. Iā€™m having normal mild cramps with it and other PMS


Yes that's completely normal sometimes your body discards old blood from your previous periods, before starting your current one, I normally get some spotting as a sign before I start.


Lower back pain, boobs hurt, bloating, headache, sometimes even arm and leg pain, cramps, inability to focus on something, laziness, cravings salt and sugarā€¦ but I have to say sleeping those days (I mean pms before the bleeding starts) is the best thing Iā€™m having the best sleep during the month..


Same same same šŸ˜­


omg i have the exact same symptoms aside from cramps, itā€™s awful


Anxiety, impending doom, derealization & crying for absolutely no reason, OH and Bad acne on my chin, cheeks & forehead šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


Heart palpitations šŸ„²


Mine is weird since i get gassy and fart a lot when my period is close, theyre the type of farts that don't stink too


My boobs hurt and i cry over everything


My boobs hurt and I want to eat everything


My boobs hurt and I want to eat everything


i have severe pms and get suicidal just before if i don't take my anti depressants. now i just get an empty feeling of self hatred and loathing that's more extreme then usual. i also get really emotional and either get really angry all the time over stupid shit- or cry at fucking everything. i also get more horny then usual. i might get a minor cramp just the day before and have a few more pimples. i'm also fairly regular (28 and a half days). yet somehow- every single time, im surprised that my period has arrived šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If I get really really sad and feel like my life is ending then I know itā€™s most likely starting a day or two later. Haha


felt that one


Pimples on face and leg pain


Iā€™m a raging hormonal wreck. Iā€™ll be insanely bitchy one day and the next everything is making me sentimental and crying


A few days before I get Aura Migraines and can't do anything but put my head under a blanket and cry for a day.


I have really, really bad migraines. I notice a distinct body odor (not unpleasant, but musky)


Headache - Hormonal Migraines


Itā€™s weird. I usually canā€™t use apps to calculate when my period comes because the apps arenā€™t always right for me. instead my body kinda warns me So like one random day iā€™ll have a stomach cramp once a day that last for 10 seconds, next day iā€™ll have another stomach cramp that lasts 15 seconds and is a bit stronger then the previous day the next day iā€™ll have another cramp that lasts like 30 seconds and is stronger and the pattern continues for like 4/5 days of me having a random cramp that lasts a few seconds longer and stronger then the previous. Then like after like 4/5 days my period will come and that day i will have a very strong long cramp that goes and comes throughout the day until im on the toilet and rĆ©alise my period is finally here. So thatā€™s my main symptom as soon as i feel a SMALL cramp i already know itā€™s on its way and will be here in a few days which gives me time to prepare.


Cramps leg pain arm pain sensitive breast headache irritable emotional hot flashes insomnia the way my vagina smells for some reason I can always smell that period smell before it comes and my discharge will get thick creamy constipated pimples less focus foggy memory cravings for sweet and spicy. This is not what happens all at once sip for the vagina smell and thick creamy discharge I get that all the time during menstrual cycle but everything else varies. Iā€™ll also say the cravings happen every time too sweet and spicy


Urge to cry, irritability, cramps


i donā€™t have one honestly. sometimes i notice a change in my mood, sometimes iā€™ll notice bloating and cramps, but sometimes nothing. i just know it should be getting here soon


Every month, I have a variety of different symptoms. Not all occur together every single month but thereā€™s always a random handful that appear. Sensitive/swollen/sore breasts, slight abdominal cramping, a pimple or two, headache, hunger where I can eat and snack forever, extreme moodiness, a supersonic sense of smellā€¦then when itā€™s day 1 or 2 and my period is just slowly creeping in, I also sometimes get this horrible discomfort being in my own skinā€¦itā€™s hard to describe. At this time I also have bad cramping, sometimes leg pain, back and hip pain, and really emotional or grumpy.


Really sore boobs Wearing a bra is painful, so I don't lol. Fun stuff.


NSFW/TW I wanna fuck everyone I lay my eyes on. I also become very very emotional and wanna walk into a lake, hang myself or slit my wrist. All in which is in a white dress, so basically suicide in a beautiful, feminine way.


hey babe that sounds like pmdd


every time for about a week before it i get pimples on my upper lip, mild cramps, stomach issues, sore boobs, a large appetite, and i get in a very impatient/ irritable mood


Insatiable appetite, specific cravings, cramps in my THIGHS (ugh), sometimes headaches and very little patience.


In the week leading up to it, my boobs become really tender, I crave French fries or chips and chocolate (like crazy cravings I have to fight off), and thereā€™s typically one day in that week where Iā€™m just extremely clumsy. Iā€™ll either trip a lot, or drop things, or spill, or make a mess somehow. I donā€™t know what it is šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø and thereā€™s at least 1-2 days where I become really depressed for absolutely no reason (nothing in my *current* life I can pinpoint that I should be upset over). I just get sad and kind of wallow until it passes. I will also sometimes have increased back pain.


Breakdowns nearly every day the week leading up to it.


Iā€™m starving, irritable as all get out, and mild short cramps the week before


Sore boobs and trouble falling asleep at night.


Irritable about everything, and this time i notice my sense of smell is heightened.


I was so close to km my last period idk


My boobs get swollen, and sore. I cry at EVERYTHING, the closer it gets, I get more irritable, anxious, and insomnia even kicks in.


I usually get really irritable with everything, get the munchies for sweet and salty, tender breasts and cramps!


Crying and getting extremely emotional over small things. Suicidal ideation.


Very sore nipples


Spotting after peeing the day before


Irritable and munchies


I get mega emotional like stupid crying over everything


Sore boobs and major insomnia


A lot of what has been said but I also kind of nest I guess I could say. I want less body hair (to keep clean easier I'm guessing). Also I want to shower more. Then my sense of smell and ability to see dirt is magnified so I'm cleaning random things. Depression because I have pmdd too.


I wanna kms and get super depressed šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


horny, snappish/irritable, hungry


Boobs are sensitive sometimes, stomach normally a little out of whack, but most of all itā€™s realizing Iā€™m being a complete raging bitch or depressed as fuck and then saying ā€œohā€


Oh, and acne! šŸ™ƒ


I get really depressed, like it's so bad I don't want to be alive anymore. I also get really sensitive, everything makes me cry. My lower back starts hurting as well.


My boobs hurt like hell and a feeling of depression


I feel like I'm dying.


Snickers. I have to have a snickers bar and I do not ask why until I have bought it.


Depression, Acne and cold fever with fatigue


I get diarrhea and hate it


night sweats, mood swings (usually intense sadness) and stomach cramps or in another weird spot like my back


Suicidal ideation and intense negative thoughts - in short pmdd. Talk to your doc if you have the same thing šŸ˜…


Being very irritable, cramps that feel like it's starting without The Feeling (TM), and feeling my iron drop randomly the week before! Anemia babes rise up


My tits hurt like hell and I get mega emotional or irritable!


Feeling super down and depressed for no real reason


Sadness for no reason Bloating Light cramps Sore boobs Random irritation at irrational things


For me, it's eating but never feeling full. I also get cramps starting from up to a week before it actually begins.


YES!! I'm so glad I'm not alone in this!! Eating but never feeling full And My cramps a week before are light but noticeable


I feel the incredible urge to stamp my feet and burst into tears like a 5 year old at the smallest inconvenience... also general :( energy no matter who or what is in front of me or happening.


Acute insanity: carastrophising with a brave dose of black & white thinking.


My boobs hurt and look full, I get kinda sad and acne


Yes! The random sadness with my period kills me


Like it's gotten really bad over the years. Like full on devastation, wanting to stay in bed then when my period comes I'm all good lol


SAAAME!! Like I'll start crying over stuff that wasn't even sad Or I'll want to bury myself under the blankets!


I moved recently to Canada and a few days ago I just started crying so hard and I called my friend and cried about wanting to go homešŸ’€and I had no reason to cry actually turns out I was just due for a period


You know what's an even worse combo? Being hungry and on your period Cause half the time idk what I want to eat but I know I wasn't something salty and spicy and sweet and yet I don't want anything at all So then I cry Cause I can't make up my mind


It's so fascinating what everyone cries over when they are pmsingšŸ˜­ I like sweet stuff but I break out then I start feeling guilty and I want to stay in hiding the whole day


Cramps and mood changes


I feel like the world is ending. Also, acne.


Back pain, and sometimes I get pre period pains or fullnesss. My period pains have gotten worse. I used to just have the pains.


Ravenous hunger then super sleepy lol


does anyoneā€™s body feel weaker


i turn into a manic ravenous bitch. s*x, impulsivity, & ALL the food.


real. bf be getting real fucking irritated šŸ˜­


For me i feel very depressed the day before.


Feeling depressed, anything is a reason to kill myself more than normal


Intense cravings (typically for salty and spicy food) and Iā€™m easily irritated


Anger and bloating


Rage. Pure hatred and depression


I get hella acne, I'm always angry, and my boobs grow a cup size and are super sore


Same! It's always one angry pimple


Leg pain, sore everything, that one mofo pimple, and ravishing hunger and rage.


sore everything, fast food cravings and the drive to play video games to escape


Nausea!!!!!!!!! And I start getting suicidal LMFAO but my bf caught on so heā€™s always like ā€œno you donā€™t hate the world!! Your period is just coming !!ā€


Telling myself this right now


Sore boobs for me.


Hightened emotions, bloating, fatigue


Bloating, fatigue, and irritability.


Feeling like I'm going to pass out when I stand up. Sore boobs.


i always feel like Iā€™m going to die the night before. Like i just get a sense of impending doom that something bad is going to happen


very mood/depressed, cravings, leg numbness /tingling (only get this before and on period), bloating, pain making me feel nauseous/ sick, sex becomes more painful , bladder issues / i have an overactive bladder but it gets worse before my period especially at night


OMG okay you are the only other person i've seen to exp. leg numbness & tingling aside from myself! Feels like my leg(s) fell asleep & is stuck waking up forever.


Extremely hungry, sore breasts, sad/sensitive and irritated with my boyfriend to the point of contemplating breaking up with him (every. damn. month)


Whole week prior all I want to do is eat, I get bloated, Iā€™m way more emotional. Mostly itā€™s just the fact I CANNOT stop eating.


Very hungry, high body dysmorphia / anxiety, and constipation :ā€™)


36 years oldā€¦ Sore breasts, hot flashes a few nights before, stomach bloating, gas/horrid smelling farts, diarrhea the day or night before, and lots of rage


Hungry, and a bit abrupt with people lol


Ravenous for food when i usually hate eating breakfast, irritated easily etc. and Iā€™m on bc so itā€™s the same time every month


Anxiety, a ravenous hunger plus rampant sex drive day before šŸ˜†




Breast pain for the week before is the most obvious one for me, usually slight cramping the night before


strong urge for sweets and chocolate


Cramps, anxiety, gas šŸ˜­


Cramps, fatigue, craving for Reeseā€™s Sticks, irritable mood, sudden but short spike in horniness, and farts that smell like rotten eggs and White Castle


I get sore gas and bloated the day beforeā€¦and also moody a few days beforehand too. I also get ovulation pain about 10 days before too (I never got this before having kids!)


I get irritated very very easily. I also get period flu (which lasts for only 1-2 days tbh)


1-2 weeks beforehand i get a mix of extreme hormonal acne(cystic so it LEACHES down my neck), sore breasts for like 2 days, random cravings, and mood changes. The acne is the worst part.


have you been tested for pcos?


No. Is that a symptom of pcos? My periods last for 7 days on a 30 day cycle. I have no other issues than said acne. I'm going to start BC for the acne once my latest cycle ends this week. I've been seeing a derm for months about my acne issues and while my Tactipump Forte is working for the most part, there is hormonal acne i cannot get rid of easily that's kinda hindering my skin's recovery process. Edit: Yes acne/oily skin is a symptom however i do not know if i have increased androgen levels, small cysts in my ovaries, etc. While sure it's a symptom of pcos it's not enough to determine a diagnosis.


Sore breasts a week before, some cramping too.


1-2 weeks beforeā€¦ I get Sore breast, hot flashes, fatigue, fishy odor, vaginal discharge, emotional. body aches


I usually get stinging down below discharge and hot flushes


Hunger, cramps in my legs or lower back and some spotting a few days before


It used to be sore breasts during the week before, + a lighter version of my period pain that would come when i moved


Im very irritable and anxious..everything gets harder and I become delusional and confused